MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 84 You look so good

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Chapter 84 You Are So Beautiful

When she put on his shirt, her black hair spread over her narrow shoulders, and her two long slender legs caught the eye.

Li Shaoling's eyes turned red, sending a red flag to arrest his prey.

Ji Weixi thought it was the new nightdress she had bought one day, and dragged it down before shouting out the door: "I changed it."

Li Shaoling opened the door and pretentiously made footsteps, and then came to her.

"very nice."

Good-looking, he wanted to throw.

No man does not like his women to wear their own clothes.

But when Ji Weixi listened to his praise, how could he not be happy, and even felt a little weird.

But no wonder, she couldn't tell.

Li Shaoling asked Jiang to come over and send the freshly prepared crayfish.

Seeing Ji Weixi's face worried, he explained; "Relax, it doesn't matter if you eat it once in a while."

The little milk bag is covered with gloves, "Mum, baby peels the crayfish for you, you can eat it!"

Li Shaoling's knife-like sharp eyes cast in, and Xiaomi Bao immediately changed his mouth: "Baby eats by himself, let Daddy wait for you, Mommy."

Ji Weixi wanted to open his eyes, but every time he opened, he still shed tears.

Li Shaoling said lightly, "Open your mouth."

Ji Weixi opened his mouth hesitantly, and there was a hint of spicy smell in her mouth.

"Is it delicious?"

Ji Weixi bit his lip and nodded: "Well, it's delicious."

For the first time she was fed to eat ...

She closed her eyes tightly, redness around her eyes, and tears on her face, which had dried up.

Li Shaoling was very close to her, and his gaze gazed at her without any concealment.

However, Ji Weixi didn't know it at all, he was so spicy, his lips were a little swollen, and he was red and red. He really wanted to kiss him.

Li Shaoling looked at it for a while, his eyes were deep, his head was slightly sideways, and his thin lips gradually got up.

Under the light, the lips of the two men were approaching, and the **** lines were drawn.

Li Shaoling stopped suddenly, and he kissed silently from the air of her lips.

He took it back and peeled her back again.

Looking at the small milk bag that was busy eating melon, I was not happy.

Daddy is really a seducer, and dare not kiss, when will mommy have sister duck!

Ji Weixi's eyes did not dare open until he slept at night.

She didn't hear the sound of the small breast bag, and was a little worried: "What about the son?"

Li Shaoling gave a look to the small **** that were about to leave.

The little milk bag immediately yawned, and said tiredly in Ji Weixi's ear: "Mum, my baby is so sleepy, I want to sleep, don't talk to my baby."

Ji Weixi breathed a sigh of relief and touched his little head: "Sleep."

Turning off the light, the little milkbag pushed the door and walked away.

Daddy said, if your sister is not ugly, don't disturb him and mommy!

Li Shaoling's hot fingers rubbed her eyes: "Does it still hurt?"

Ji Weixi thought for a moment: "It doesn't seem to hurt so much."

Li Shaoling kissed her eyes softly, and said, "Sleep."


That night, it was not quiet.

Ji Weixi had a nightmare.

When she dreamed of having a baby four years ago, she dreamed of having difficulty giving birth.

When she was born, her body was covered with blood. She was so painful that she was going to die, and her nails were embedded in her palms.

The nurse breathed a sigh of relief: "It's born, the baby is out!"

Ji Weixi was relieved, watching the midwife holding a baby in front of her eyes and smiling: "Look, this child looks like you."

When Ji Weixi saw the baby in her arms, her spine chilled.

When the baby was covered with blood, she smiled at her, making her scalp numb with laughter, Ji Weixi backed in horror, and the nurse passed the baby into her arms.

Ji Weixi felt that there was blood in her arms, and she watched the baby tear the meat on her body.

Every heart hurts.

She screamed like crazy, and the baby suddenly said in a murky mood: "Ji Weixi, have you forgotten who made you pregnant and who made you suffer from insults and white eyes!"

Ji Weixi suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from the nightmare.

Her heart beat short of breath, her eyes hurt, but she opened her eyes.

The man beside him fell asleep and didn't seem to find her awake.

Ji Weixi swallowed and sat up, only to find that he was wearing a men's shirt.

She stared angrily at Li Shaoling, turning her head to find that there was no small milk bag around her.

She got out of bed barefoot and pushed out the door.

In the other house, the little milkbag lay on the bed by herself and slept soundly.

Ji Weixi closed the door silently, went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water.

I wiped my sweat again.

She looked at the dazzling moonlight, her heart faintly hurt.

It seems that she can't stay Li Shaoling any more.