MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 122 The consequences of getting drunk are serious!

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Chapter 122 The consequences of getting drunk are serious!

Ji Weixi felt that his head was getting heavier and he was hot all over, and he wanted to vomit.

At this moment, the car suddenly made a sudden brake, and her entire body bumped forward due to inertia, and the seat belt pulled her back instantly.

In the end, Ji Weixi felt that the contents of his stomach were rushing up the river and was about to overflow from his throat.

She opened the door indiscriminately, but locked, she patted the window with great anxiety: "Let me out!"

In that scene, I can't wait to play a "tears behind bars".

"Click-" Unlocked.

Ji Weixi couldn't wait to push the door and got out of the car, holding up a tree and throwing up.

But she couldn't vomit anything, she could only retched, and the tears of her disgusting came out.

When she straightened up, she was almost top-heavy, dark, and burning in her stomach.

What kind of wine is that?

Ji Weixi weakly planted on the ground, her arms were taken into her arms in time.

The familiar taste made Ji Weixi look up.

Li Shaoling had a coffin face, and her eyes were cold.

Ji Weixi couldn't control it, and the laughing flower branch trembled: "Li Shaoling, you are as dead as I owe you money ..."

Li Shaoling's face sank.

"Hahaha ... what are you looking at, what's so beautiful about me, you still can't get it ..."

Li Shaoling's face sank again.

Ji Weixi can't say these words.

But she was drunk. Even if she was still rational, she could not control herself under the influence of alcohol.

Ji Weixi lost control of Li Shaoling's face and smiled charmingly: "Look at you, and say that Su Shi is a small white face, are you better than anyone who has a small white face, OK, you, you! Do you have many women? ! "

"Don't talk, do you pretend to be dumb!" Ji Weixi's eyes frightened him severely: "If you don't talk anymore, believe it or not, I got on you! The kind that keeps you from getting to bed!"

Li Shaoling, who had been silent for a long time, looked cold and smiled at the words, "Okay."

He was anxious.

Ji Weixi leaned softly against him, muttering: "Li Shaoling, you hate it!"

Li Shaoling bit her little ear: "Go to the car, or my house?"

Ji Weixi refused inwardly!

But she couldn't help but said, "Of course it's your home."

Li Shaoling's eyes continued to smile, kissed her, and coaxed with a child's tone: "Weixi is so good, then would you take the initiative?"

Ji Weixi stared at his face, and nodded guilty: "Okay ... okay."

"Don't regret it." Li Shaoling smiled like a fox who has always been shrewd.

Ji Weixi nodded very cleverly, his pupils cut off the water and made him feel loving, so Li Shaoling could not wait to solve her.

She was picked up in the car, slightly bumpy along the way, and hugged again when she was about to fall asleep.

Ji Weixi rubbed her eyes, and the room was dark and quiet, and she pouted dissatisfied: "Why don't you turn on the lights ... The dignified president doesn't turn on the lights to save electricity, Li Shaoling, you can really pick the door."

Li Shaoling: "..."

He patiently coaxed: "Good, I'm afraid to open, your eyes hurt."

"Oh ..." Ji Weixi's head clenched his chest and said, "You're so sweet."

Li Shaoling's body was tense, his eyes were red looking at the little woman in his arms, and his steps upstairs accelerated.

But really a little goblin.

Fortunately, she was never seen before.

Otherwise, he will absolutely kill.

Ji Weixi was particularly proactive. After a meal of socialist core values, Li Shaoling stopped at the last step and got up.

The woman on the bed rolled over and fell asleep under the quilt.

She fell asleep, like a little girl, with her thorns removed.

After Li Shaoling put her exposed feet into the quilt, she went to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

He never took advantage of people, although he did not know how it happened four years ago.

He won't choose possession until Ji Weixi is completely willing to give himself to him.

Otherwise, she wakes up tomorrow morning and finds out that she is bound to take him away from him.

It doesn't matter where the son goes, what matters is her.

He wouldn't let her run away like she did four years ago, and she would suffer alone.

After taking a bath, Li Shaoling lay beside her.

Ji Weixi in her sleep felt that she was wrapped in a piece of ice, and she pushed instinctively.

But it ca n’t be pushed away, but it gets tighter and tighter.


The next day.

When Ji Weixi woke up, the goal was a blue screen.

And found that the quilt on the body was white, not the pink color of his own house.

It must have been awake and dreaming.

She closed her eyes and opened them again, and the scene was still the same.

She rolled over and suddenly fell into a warm embrace.

Looking up, he ran into a pair of smiling eyes.

Li Shaoling's soft black hair was reflected in some light, he held his head and tilted his head to look at her.

Lazy and tired, the eyes that are as dark as jade are deeply intriguing,

The thin lips are faintly curved, and the smiles charm all beings.

The voice was hoarse and sexy: "You're awake."

Ji Weixi took a hard breath, looked at him, and looked down at himself.

Wearing his white shirt ... and then ... nothing.


She screamed and sat up and wrapped herself in a quilt. "You, you, Li Shaoling, you bastard!"

How could he take advantage of her, it was awful!

Big pig hoof! Asshole! rogue! Demon!

Li Shaoling sat up casually, held her in his arms, and smiled: "Baby, I will be responsible for you."

"Get off!" Ji Weixi pushed him angrily: "Li Shaoling, you are a hypocrite! You dare ... dare me! You are too human ..."

Thinking of such a scene, I felt more and more aggrieved, Ji Weixi was ashamed and angry, tears could not stop falling, crying.

This cry, Li Shaoling was panicking, he wiped her tears, his face turned, softened his tone: "Okay, okay, I am teasing you, I did not touch you."

"Nonsense!" Ji Weixi blushed and said angrily, "I ... I have a backache ..."

"I didn't touch you back pain."

"You ..." Ji Weixi was so angry that he tore off his shirt: "You haven't touched it, why are you taking off my clothes ?!"

The ghost knows what he experienced last night.

I thought I could hug her until dawn, and for a while, the woman got up and vomited.

He, a serious cleansing man, put up an anger to clean up the filth she vomited in the middle of the night, and had to bathe her.

Well, I won't tell her about tofu.

Li Shaoling helplessly: "You vomited last night, did you let me sleep while holding you?"

Seems like ... a bit reasonable.

"Then don't you ... see it all ?!"

"It's not like I haven't seen it."

"Asshole!" Ji Weixi picked up a pillow and smashed it.

Li Shaoling caught his eyes quickly, threw it on the ground, and held her in his arms, softly coaxing: "Good, I don't touch if you don't want to."

Ji Weixi was dubious: "Really?"