MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 120 Dr. Jiang, why are you here?

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Chapter 120 Doctor Jiang, why are you here?

Lu Xiao was pale, swallowed hard, and nodded tremblingly.

Ji Weixi looked up and looked at a man like a god's house, but he was a little adored.

He just ... well man.

She really drank too much to have this idea.

At the time of her death, Li Shaoling had already carried her horizontally and hung out.

"Ah! Let me down!" So many people looked at it.

Ji Weixi was struggling with Li Shaoling, and his sobbing appearance was pity, but Li Shaoling's face was terrifying, a bit like a kidnapper.

The doorman guarded at the door and saw this scene, and hurriedly stopped: "Bold madman! How dare to abduct a girl under the light of night!"


Scarlet in Li Shaoling's eyes: "My wife."

The doorman expressed disbelief.

"What? Do you need a marriage certificate?"

It depends.

Shocked by his terrible complexion, the doorman shrank, retreated, and made way.

Tian Miaomiao watched Li Shaoling rudely push Ji Weixi into the car, and he was a little worried, and he said, "That general Li ... you be gentle with Xixi, don't hurt her."

This opening is good, Li Shaoling pointed her directly at her, and could not help but coldly reprimand: "How do you act as an assistant! I wonder if she can't drink?"

"I ... I persuaded her, but she was allowed to drink at that time, and Xixi couldn't help it, and I couldn't stop it ..."

"I don't know what the assistant is?" Li Shaoling's voice had no emotion and was extremely cold. "The company never keeps people waiting for death. If there is another time, get out of my sight!"

Tian Miaomiao originally thought that she had been single for too long, and she had acquired the iron bell shirt of the Admiralty.

But she didn't hold back. She flattened her mouth, her arms blocked her eyes, and "wow" cried.

"I ... I'm sorry, Mr. Li ... I'm sorry!"

Li is so fierce and scared her.

Li Shaoling's brow tightened, and a woman crying was troublesome and annoying!

Ji Weixi wants to get out of the car: "Li Shaoling, what are you and your fierce seedlings doing!"

Li Shaoling slammed the door, took the driver's seat, stepped on the gas pedal to the end, the car flew away, and Tian Miaomiao, who was crying and aggrieved, shed.

Tian Miaomiao wiped her tears and hugged herself aggrieved, feeling more and more sad.

She was going to take a taxi and go back, but at this time it seemed that there were fewer and fewer cars.

Tian Miaomiao walked about two streets. There were very few people here. The street lights were aging and the lights were flickering. Three or two stalls were burning and roasting.

Tian Miaomiao looked at him, and she happened to be staring at the stall owner. The encounter at the bar that night was already shadowed.

She hurried forward, for fear of him catching up.

Suddenly, she saw a vaguely familiar person.

Under the dim light, the man was lowering his head, his arms resting on the table, holding a skewer in his left hand, and sending it to his teeth to bite hard, chewing indifferently.

After swallowing, he took the cup and took a few sips of wine. The eyes under the gold-framed lenses were drooping, and the feminine features were lonely.

He was wearing casual clothes, a plaid shirt he had seen during the day, black trousers, and black-and-white canvas shoes.

The simple match made this man shrouded in the coldness of the expensive and uninvited.

Tian Miaomiao stepped forward in surprise: "Doctor Jiang?"

Jiang glanced up and looked up.

Short hair and ears, a few broken down on the forehead, big eyes surprised and confused, facial features.

Simple white short-sleeved bib, sports shoes, small fresh dress.

"Yo, why are you here?" Jiang Yigu forced a smile.

Tian Miaomiao sat opposite him, sucking his nose, taking a glass and pouring down the wine in the bottle. "The company has dinner, so it's a bit late."

"No one sent you?"

"Why should anyone send me." Tian Miaomiao pouted, wanting to drink the wine.

Jiang Yigu reached out and clasped his glass. "Girls drink less."

Tian Miaomiao was quite dissatisfied with this title, and corrected: "I'm not a girl!"

Jiang Yigu raised an eyebrow: "You ... aren't you?"

"What's wrong?" Tian Miaomiao's head was blank and she didn't understand.

Until Jiang Yi's bottom-up look and ambiguous smile, she blushed: "I ... I mean I'm not a child ... I'm an adult!"

"Drink less, especially with others." After a pause, Jiang Yigu brought the glass to his mouth and asked, "How is your alcohol?"

Tian Miaomiao shook her head: "It's bad, it's bad to die."

"Pour a cup?"

Tian Miaomiao nodded, and Jiang Yigu handed the cup to her mouth. "Drink."

Tian Miaomiao frowned: "What are you doing?"

She was not allowed to drink just now, but she is now allowed to drink again.

No brain disease.

Jiang Yi smiled badly: "Drink, you are drunk, you can mess with me after drinking, I don't have to be responsible anyway."

"You ..." Tian Miaomiao flushed, and immediately slaps at the table, roaring: "Jiang Yigu, you dead man, explode in place!"

This time, the stall owners were surprised to see the lively.

"Ah, ah!" Jiang Yigu Li Mara sat down with her, and took a serious look. "Why don't you speak quietly, I heard someone else, how can I mix in the future?"

Tian Miaomiao shook him off, sneer: "You are a big dregs man, are you afraid of being said?"

Jiang Yi silently gave her a glance, forefinger and **** close together, nodded her forehead, "What do you want, I just told you in the act, do not drink with others casually, otherwise what happens, others will not Admit it, do you understand the disadvantage? Little fool? "

Tian Miaomiao's head shook backwards as he nodded, she froze and looked at him with cyanosis.

Jiang Yigu looked serious ... not too cheap, I don't know what words to use to describe it.

Little fool ...

The first time someone called her that way and the first time she nodded her forehead.

She ... rejoiced.

"What's wrong? Uncomfortable?" Jiang Yigu frowned. "Want to touch porcelain?"

"No ... it's okay." Tian Miaomiao lowered her head with the eyes of his inspection, afraid to look directly, and her heart thumped.

The place he had just ordered was still hot.

"Oh." Jiang Yigu continued to eat skewers, "Do you eat?"

Tian Miaomiao shook her head and rubbed her hands on her knees a few times. She apologized and said, "That ... I'm sorry for the daytime ... I've misidentified someone ..."

As soon as Jiang moved, he lowered his eyes with a trace of emotion, and said calmly, "Oh, it's all right, you're blind."

Tian Miaomiao glared at him angrily: "Are you looking for death ?!"

The woman was holding her fist, and the urge to wave at any time made her eyes terrible.

As soon as Jiang Gu spurred, he raised the skewers to surrender: "Aunt Aunt, I was wrong, and I will never dare."

He grinned at her with a grin, and he looked very out of place with his inherent temperament.

Tian Miaomiao didn't know why.

She stood up and went forward without looking back: "Goodbye!"

Obviously a male god's face has grown, but why is his temper a bit silky?