MTL - Missy, She Always Does Not Seek To Make Progress-Chapter 469 If you are not happy, let's make a rebellion?

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  Chapter 469 If you are upset, shall we rebel?

As the Chinese New Year approached, Qin Liuxi had a lot of things to do. The disciples of alchemy and medicine made a very reasonable account with Qi Huang, dividing the profits into three parts, keeping one part for his own small private treasury, and one part for his own private treasury. It was given to Changfang's private treasury, and the other was sent to Qingping Temple.

Qingyuan received the twenty thousand taels of silver bill, smiled so much that he couldn't see his teeth, happily put the silver bill in front of the patriarch, made offerings, offered incense, and kept chanting: "Our young master If you have grown up and are promising, your main hall must be guarded by beasts, and then painted with new paint, and this incense tripod should be replaced with copper, it must be full of majesty and domineering."

  Wu Wei was helping out at the side, and accidentally raised a glance. The corners of the patriarch's mouth seemed to be raised a little, and the incense burned faster.

   This is the joke of being smashed by sesame oil money.

  Qingyuan respected the incense, weighed it carefully, and went to find Chi Yuan Laodao to talk to Qin Liuxi.

"Seeing that it will be Chinese New Year in about ten days, if it is cold today, but the farmers have no work to do in the field, most of them are at home. The disciple thought, anyway, to build the Buddhist scriptures building, and to expand it. Going down to the Taoist monastery for the believers and laymen to live in, and a two-story Taoist house, so that other people of the same way can come to place orders." Qingyuan flipped through his small notebook, looked at the records on it, and said: "If you rebuild after the new year, There are many believers coming to offer incense, so it is inconvenient, why not take advantage of the slack farming and repair it temporarily, and find a craftsman to build it?"

  Qin Liuxi is a person who only cares about the money and does not care about the details. Holding a handful of pine nuts in his hand, he chewed and said foolishly: "You can figure it out."

  Although Qingyuan is a Taoist priest, he is also equivalent to the chief manager and financial manager of a family. Such small tasks must be entrusted to him.

Seeing that the villain was not in good shape, Chi Yuan said to Qingyuan: "It's up to you, there is still some wood in the back mountain, take it all, if there is not enough, go to the surrounding villages to get some more. The farmers are free during the Chinese New Year Wrong, the wages are enough, let’s take care of the food, it’s cold enough to work this day.”

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements." Qingyuan smiled all over his face, walked two steps, turned around again, looked at Qin Liuxi and said, "There are a lot of renovations this time, and new buildings are being built, so we have to The cover is more delicate, and there is a lot of money, but our Taoist temple also has to store food for charity in the coming year, and we don’t need to spend it when we spend it, and we have to earn more sesame oil.”

  Cough cough.

A pine nut choked into Qin Liuxi's airway, causing her to cough, and stared at Qingyuan: "You have more than 20,000 silver notes in your pocket, and you tell me that the money is not spent, and you want to buy the bowls in our Taoist temple?" Can’t the plate be plated with gold? It’s not too bad to say that.”

Qingyuan sighed, and said: "Brother, you are not in charge of the family and don't know the price of firewood and rice. At the end of March next year, the saint will live 500,000 years. At present, many merchants and dignitaries have sent people to the people to find the longevity gift, and they have made a lot of money. The prices of things will rise. In addition, I also inquired about the news that after the 500,000th birthday, there may be a draft, and there will be no spring next year, and all major events are piled up together, so naturally everything is expensive."

  Qin Liuxi's face turned dark.

  The longevity of this saint is none of her business as a Taoist, but he is holding this birthday because it is expensive, and she is forced to continue to operate?

  Chi Yuan Laodao frowned: "If this is the case, just the Longevity Festival and the draft, I am afraid that many officials will search for the people's fat and anointment, and the common people may have a sad life next year."

   All these things require money, but where does the money come from? Scrape it up layer by layer.

  People may have no money, but some families may have some family heirlooms, especially auspicious ones. In order to get these things, some people will do anything.

   After all, such a thing has not happened before.

  Qin Liuxi was unhappy.

   This unhappiness lasted until I went up the mountain to dig for wine, and saw a red shadow sneaking around to play and disappear.

   "If you dare to leave, I will burn all your hair!" Qin Liuxi snapped.

  Feng Zu was about to jump away, and his hind feet were fixed in mid-air. He stepped lightly on the snow and turned around: "Look who this is, isn't it our little ancestor? This is for exercise?"

  Qin Liuxi looked under the tree where he buried the wine. Some traces of the digging had not been disposed of, so he sneered: "Take it out wisely, otherwise I will try the taste of roasted fox legs today."

"Don't be like this, whoever we are with, isn't it just a jar of wine?" Feng Yu took out the jar of wine that he had just dug out, and said with a smile: "I was thinking of going back to find you for a drink or two, but I didn't expect you Just come, hey, don't say it, we are destined!"

  Qin Liuxi squinted at him, folded a paper figurine to work, dug up the place where the wine was buried, out of ten jars of wine, there were only five jars left, his eyes gouged out to Feng Zu like a sharp knife.

  You dog fox!

  Feng Zu immediately raised his paws and swore: "I only dug two jars, and this one is ready to drink with you. If I tell half a lie, I will not do it for the rest of my life!"

  Qin Liuxi: "..."

   As expected of you!

  This oath is really self-destructive!

  Qin Liuxi glared at him angrily, asked the paper figurine to bury the wine, and walked up to the pavilion slowly.

Feng Zu followed and sat in the pavilion with her, took out two wine glasses and a jug out of thin air, just about to slap open the mud seal, after thinking about it, there was nothing to drink, he disappeared, not long after, He grabbed two gray rabbits that he dug out from nowhere, and built a shelf beside the pavilion, peeled the skins and put them on the shelf, and roasted the rabbits.

  He slapped the mud seal off the wine jar, poured it into the wine jug, filled the glasses for the two of them, and said, "This stinky face, who provoked you?"

  Qin Liuxi picked up the wine glass and drank it up, saying: "They are all poor."

  After three glasses of wine, she opened up the chatterbox and began to complain, saying: "The emperor's birthday is over, the people suffer, and I have worked hard to spend money to cultivate and do good deeds. It's really uncomfortable."

   Feng Zu's eyes sparkled, and he said, "If you're upset, let's go make trouble? How about we rebel!"

  Qin Liuxi gouged him out, idiot!

   "Isn't it possible? When the national sports move, this seat has to be replaced."

  Qin Liuxi said: "If a more stupid person sits here, the people will suffer. This cause and effect, you and I will not be able to pay for it."

  Feng Zu said awkwardly, "Then let's evacuate his treasury?"

   "It's alright, alright, don't make blind suggestions, at least the country will live in peace and the people will be safe, and if something happens, the world will not be chaotic?" Qin Liuxi said in a bad mood.

   "Didn't you say that you are not happy? If you are not happy, then people will be unhappy with you. This makes sense!"

  I thank you!

  Feng Zu turned over the rabbit, took a sip of wine, and said, "You didn't ask your old man, why do you have to force you to make meritorious deeds? You are not allowed to opportunistically, you have to work so hard to save little by little."

  Money, they want to earn a lot, it's easy.

  Qin Liuxi paused: "Why do you ask?"

   "Not curious?"

  Qin Liuxi pinched his wine glass and looked at the void in a daze: "Maybe I did something heinous before?"

  She seems to have done something, but she can't remember.

  (end of this chapter)

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