MTL - Missy, She Always Does Not Seek To Make Progress-Chapter 420 There is a way to play tricks

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  Chapter 420 There is a way of playing tricks

   Knowing that the so-called fetishes enshrined in the Nuwa Temple are all evil things that harm people, Deng Fucai and the others felt chills in their hearts, because the incense in the Nuwa Temple is really not bad.

"It's hard to say how many people you know. Some people won't spread the word even if they ask for it, for fear of being known that they can't give birth." Deng Cheng said with a wry smile, "But the incense in the Nuwa Temple is quite good. I have also heard that some people really begged for a son, and it is precisely because of this that incense is flourishing."

Seeing that Qin Liuxi's face was ugly, she said: "Master is a monk. I'm afraid it's hard to imagine how difficult it is for a woman to live without children. Her husband's family doesn't want to see her, and there are many people who can't even look up to her mother's family. Because of this, Those who have had no children for a long time, or those who only gave birth to a girl, can only do everything possible, or go to the gods to ask for a child, or ask the gods and aunts to do the magic, in short, as long as they can have a son."

As Deng Chengshi spoke, it was inevitable that he felt a bit bitter and embarrassed. He glanced at his man and said, "I belong to the very lucky one. I have given birth to several sons one after another. Others hope for children, and we hope for daughters. Old mussels give birth to pearls." I just hoped that such a pearl would come, and it is not too much to treat it like an eyeball. It is also because of this that she is anxious when something happens."

   "Yes. Master, since you took that thing down, my girl is okay." Deng Fucai looked at his daughter who looked peaceful on the bed.

Qin Liuxi walked over, took her hand, felt her veins and then put it down, saying: "Although the little devil sucked in the energy, he didn't really absorb all of it. He lost the energy and needs to be nourished. She is young , now it’s cold in winter, and after all, she’s been in the same room with the evil spirits for many days, so she needs to bask in the sun to get rid of the yin energy. In addition, I’ll draw a talisman for her to exorcise evil spirits, melt it and drink it, and then Drink some soothing soup."

   Both Deng Fucai and his wife breathed a sigh of relief.

  In order not to worry them, Qin Liuxi put aside the matter of the clay doll, took a talisman pen and a yellow table paper made of potion, drew a talisman, and asked Deng Chengshi to feed her to drink.

   Then she drew another talisman to eliminate evil and put it on the little girl's bedside.

  The little girl drank the talisman water, her expression became more peaceful, her breathing was long, as if she had fallen asleep.

   "I'll wake up soon, don't worry."

Hearing this, Deng Chengshi showed gratitude, and quickly saluted Qin Liuxi, saying: "It's not early, and it's inconvenient to go back to Licheng. Master, please rest at our house. I'll let my servant prepare the guest room." And prepare the banquet."

  Qin Liuxi also wanted to find out about the Nuwa Temple, so he didn't refuse, and walked out with Deng Fucai.

"I suddenly remembered that the daughter-in-law of the Liu family in Dongtou also seemed to have gone to the Nuwa Temple to ask for a child. I heard that she was pregnant with three children, all of whom were daughters, and none of them were left behind." Deng Cheng said: "This last one, It was still a difficult labor, and both the mother and daughter died. It was around the Qingming Festival this year, and now the Liu family has all married wives."

  Qin Liuxi frowned, and his face became even uglier.

   Another baby girl.

  Female is yin, even if it is a baby, it is more yin than male, what is the person behind it trying to do? Could it be that all he wants are female ghost babies?

Deng Fucai walked out with Qin Liuxi, came back to the flower hall to sit down, and said: "Our Zaozizhuang is not far from Ling County, but it is still a bit of a distance. The Nuwa Temple is in Ling County, so I went to that temple There are probably no more people seeking children in Li than in Ling County."

  Qin Liuxi nodded, and said: "Then Yuan Er's family, can Deng Yuanwai take us there to have a look?"

  Deng Fucai immediately said: "Of course."

Seeing that it was still dark, Qin Liuxi took Teng Zhao out of the house with him, and walked to Yuan Er's house while talking, seeing that everyone he passed by greeted him and said, "Deng Zhao The staff are very popular.”

Deng Fucai laughed loudly: "Our Deng family has weaved and farmed for generations. Since our great-grandfather, we have earned a little bit of family business, and we have not forgotten to do good deeds. After a generation of accumulation, 80% of the land in Zaozizhuang belongs to our Deng family. Here There are also quite a few tenants, and the rent I receive is only 40%, the only thing is that if there is a disaster or famine, there are some rent-free donations. The hearts of the masters can be regarded as bought with money."

   "Being kind to others is a great kindness. Many rich men like you are iron roosters. You have won the hearts of the people, and there are people in Zaozizhuang who are united. If you encounter any foreign enemies, you will be united." Qin Liuxi said.

  Deng Fucai nodded with a smile: "That's the reason. We only have the spare energy to express our kindness. If we don't have spare energy, we will be powerless."

   "You will have good news."

   While talking, the two of them arrived in front of a slightly dilapidated house. The yard was surrounded by a low earth wall, and they could see the movement in the yard by standing on tiptoe.

  The wooden door in the yard was ajar. Before the two called for help, someone came out of the house cursing. It was a short, gray-haired old woman. The dirty words came out of her mouth, very ugly.

   "This is Yuan Er's mother." Deng Fucai said: "He is more caring and likes to take advantage of small things. He is a bit mean. If you treat him slowly, master, please don't take offense. They are all poor."

   "It's not just about being poor, it's about her heart. She has a mean face and a murderous body, so she won't live long." Qin Liuxi said indifferently.

  Deng Fucai's heart skipped a beat, and his face was solemn.

   "Who is sneaking around there?" Yuan Pozi noticed Qin Liuxi and the others, and raised her voice.

   "Mrs. Yuan, it's me." Deng Fucai replied, and led Qin Liuxi to the gate of the courtyard.

  Grandma Yuan quickly threw away the plate in her hand, wiped her hands on the dusty apron, and greeted her with a shy smile: "Hey, it's Mr. Good Man. What's your business here?"

  Deng Fucai hadn't spoken yet, Qin Liuxi coughed, and said with his hands behind his back: "There is an evil spirit haunting your family, and the dark air will not dissipate. If you pass by on a poor road, if you count your fingers, you will surely suffer a **** disaster."

  Deng Fucai: "?"

  Qin Liuxi tilted his face slightly, gave him a look, and said to Mrs. Yuan: "Dare to ask Mrs., but your house just lost a girl."

  Whatever the Yuan family believes in, then she will do it. Don't they believe in Songzi Niangniang, are they willing to worship evil things for children?

   "Nonsense..." Yuan Pozi wanted to curse when she heard it, and she cursed people when she came in, but Qin Liuxi said that there was no girl, and her words stuck in her throat.

   That's right, the little girl who was just born a few days ago, didn't die, that's also a girl.

   Pozi Yuan's pupils shrank.

  Qin Liu pinched his knuckles pretending to be in a suit, and muttered something in his mouth, "No, it's not just the past few days, there's even one new year. Losing two daughters and grandchildren a year is not good, it's not good!"

  Deng Fucai looked at Teng Zhao subconsciously, your master, are you always playing tricks like this?

  Teng Zhao closed his eyelids: No, she is pretending!

  Pretends quite like it!

  (end of this chapter)