MTL - Miss Wen, Make Your Heart Beat-Chapter 253 For the rest of my life, I will be with you!

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  Chapter 253 I will be with you for the rest of my life!

  Wen Rui has been very busy recently. After the interview that day, she carefully selected a few talents and asked them to be responsible for media public relations, exhibition execution, and work sales.

  She has set up a team. Although it is not very mature yet, it has begun to take shape, and will continue to improve in the future. There are special personnel responsible for the administration, personnel and financial work of the gallery.

   When everything is on the right track, she will slowly expand the size of the gallery and consider opening several more flagship stores.

  When I returned to Moyuan at night, it was still early, just six o'clock, Wen Rui and Xie Yanqing entered the house one after another.

   After dinner, Wen Rui came out of the bathroom, and Xie Yanqing was already leaning on the bedside to read.

   "Ruirui, come here, I'll blow your hair." Xie Yanqing put the book in his hand on the bedside table, took out the hair dryer from the drawer, and plugged it in.

   I don't know when, Xie Yanqing has taken over this job. He loves her black hair more than Wen Rui, and I don't know what is the obsession?

   It's good to have someone to serve you, Wen Rui took small steps, walked over and sat on the bedside, and let Xie Yanqing play with her.

The man's big hand shuttled back and forth between her hair, it was numb and comfortable, Wen Rui squinted her eyes, and leaned gently on Xie Yanqing's chest, her expression was very enjoyable, as cute and cute as a clingy kitten .

   Within a few minutes, the hair was dried and draped over Wen Rui's shoulders smoothly like a waterfall. Xie Yanqing twisted a strand of hair with one hand, sniffed it calmly, and then kissed it lightly.

   There was only one lamp left in the room, and the warm yellow light filled the whole room, giving off a sense of warmth.

The two were lying in the soft quilt, Xie Yanqing stretched out his hand to hold Wen Rui into his arms, kissed her thin eyelids affectionately, then squeezed her little hand, and said resentfully: "Ruirui, say it yourself, How many days have you been ignoring me during this time?"

  Wen Rui rubbed her nose guilty, leaned over and kissed Xie Yanqing on the face, and said in an extremely flattering tone: "Second brother, haven't you been busy recently? It will be fine in a few days."

   "It will be New Year's Day in a few days." Xie Yanqing snorted dissatisfied.

   "I know it's New Year's Day, so I have time to spend with you." Wen Rui blurted out without feeling that there was anything wrong with what she said.

   "Oh, but New Year's Day, you don't have time to spend with me? Is work more important than me?"

  Wen Rui couldn't help laughing at this resentful and pan-acid tone, and almost got his breath stuck in his throat. Why is this line so wrong?

  She shook Xie Yanqing's arm, her voice was soft and sweet, and she said softly and coquettishly: "Okay, work is not as important as you, in my heart you are the most important."

  Xie Yanqing's expression didn't change, but the corners of his lips seemed to be curved. Anyone who saw him would think that he was in a good mood.

   "Ruirui, this is our first New Year together. I will take you to a famous town in Jingcheng to celebrate the New Year. You will like it there."

   "Second brother, is there a surprise?" Wen Rui's eyes lit up, and she looked at Xie Yanqing expectantly.

  Since she came to Kyoto, the two of them seem to have only been to the racecourse together, and they are busy with each other at other times, so they have no free time.

  Xie Yanqing shaved Wen Rui's nose, a slight smile hung on Jun's face, and his thin lips moved: "You said it was a surprise, so naturally you have to keep it secret."

   After finishing speaking, he patted her on the back and said softly, "You've been tired all day, go to sleep!"

  He stretched out his big hand and turned off the light, and the room was plunged into darkness.


In the past, the four of their brothers were together during the New Year's Eve. Usually it was Li Yan or Chi Jiayan. Naturally, she had to stay in Jiangcheng to take care of her. Her belly was getting bigger and the journey was far away, so it was not suitable for traveling.

  So only the group of them drove to Jingcheng, and Tang Man still had a little work to finish, so she told Xie Yanqing to come back one day later.

The town was preserved in the early years. It is quaint and has many scenic spots. Although some places are damaged, after Xie Weimao came to power, the government allocated funds and sent special personnel to repair it. In recent years, tourism has developed. Whether it is off-season or peak season, There are many tourists who come here admiringly.

  Xie Yanqing wanted to take Wen Rui to visit the scenic spots, so they arrived in Jingcheng on the afternoon of the 26th.

  Xie Weimao knew they were coming, but he couldn't find time, so he asked Xie Jinghui to take them home. He made the decision to let the whole group stay at home tonight.

  He has always been in power with two sleeves, and he is sincerely serving the people, and everyone supports him.

  So when she saw that the villa in front of her was quite satisfactory, Wen Rui wasn't surprised at all.

  Jingcheng is located further north than Kyoto, and the sky darkened early.

  He Ya ordered his servants to cook a large table of sumptuous dishes early in the morning, and specially came to entertain them.

  When Xie Weimao came back from get off work, they officially had dinner.

   "Second brother, stay here for a few more days when you come. There are lights and festoons these days, take my younger brother...Ruirui to go shopping more."

Wen Rui was only two or three years older than his son. Xie Weimao felt awkward calling his younger siblings. After much deliberation, he thought it would be better to call them by their first names. He had lived most of his life and never thought that Xie Yanqing would actually find him a Such a young daughter-in-law.

   "Yes, Ruirui, you are welcome, we are a family, we will have fun when we come here, and treat this as our own home." He Ya echoed with a smile.

  Wen Rui nodded gracefully to her and thanked her with a smile.

He Ya knew that the group of them was going to visit the small town tomorrow, so she turned around and patted Xie Jinghui who was looking down at his phone, and said softly: "It's finally a holiday, don't just stay at home, you will follow your second uncle tomorrow They go out to play for a few days, young people always have something in common.”

   Have a common topic of God?

  In this group of people, only Wen Rui is about the same age as him, but how dare he say a few more words to Wen Rui, his second uncle's eyes can't kill him?

  The old man is very jealous, he should stay as far away as he can!

  Xie Jinghui laughed dryly: "Mom, I won't go, it's not good to be a bright light bulb, is it?"

   "You also know that you are a light bulb. If you stay at home and don't go out, you will always be a light bulb!"

  Chi Jiayan covered his mouth to hold back his laughter, coughed and said, "Jing Hui, let's go together, maybe we can meet a girlfriend and come back."

   As for the light bulb? Xie Er is eager to show his affection in front of them, so why not feed them dog food? There will be no shame at all.

  After dinner, several people returned to the guest room arranged by He Ya.

  Wen Rui crossed her arms, with her black hair scattered, standing in front of the window, watching the feasting lights outside, meditating quietly, and after a while, she looked up at the bright stars twinkling in the night sky.

  Suddenly, a pair of big wrists behind her were around her slender waist, Xie Yanqing rested her chin on Wen Rui's shoulder, pressed her thin lips against her ear and asked, "Ruirui, what are you thinking?"

   "I'm thinking about my parents." Wen Rui's voice was clear and elegant, with a touch of sadness.

There was a moment of silence in the air. After a long time, Xie Yanqing turned Wen Rui around. His eyes were as black as ink, as if they were filled with thousands of stars. , I will always be with you."

  Wen Rui nodded, her eyes were red, and she threw herself into his arms.

  【Treasures, you can guess, what is the surprise? 】

   Thank you guys who supported me today, I love you guys, okay~



  (end of this chapter)

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