MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-Chapter 57 Dream and Dream

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Lieyang City, Gu family.

Regarding the generation of Gu Yanjun, he originally had two brothers, but one left Xia Kingdom when he was young and went to the White Eagle Kingdom so far.

At that time, the connection was broken, and no news of the other party was available.

Another one stayed in his hometown and died the year before.

The entire Gu family, only Gu Yanjun is left in this generation.

He has a son, but Ying Nian died early and had an accident with his daughter-in-law, leaving only one daughter.

He should have been concerned about this granddaughter, but he was caught in business. Even if his son had an accident, he didn't get the news immediately.

Now that he is old, he doesn't want to continue like this.

意外 This time the Zhang family had an accident. Maybe it was the last time he played against this old opponent in the mall.

Granddaughter's body must also be treated as soon as possible, otherwise the entire Gu family will really be left alone.

He has sent people to find strangers and strangers in various places. Officials have also taken the initiative to check the body of his granddaughter because he is worried about anomalous events.

巨 The world has changed dramatically.

Suddenly, everything is different.

There is a gambler's mind in Gu Yanjun's bones. He used his life as a bet and eventually supported the family.

Now he is going to use the result of his life-long struggle as a bet, and bet to survive in this world.

Bet on a chance for a granddaughter to survive.

Saving money is perhaps the least important thing of this age.

I asked the driver to drive home and Gu Yanjun glanced at the second floor.

"Is the room cleaned one by one?"

The babysitter put her hands and palms in front of her belly and said respectfully, "Master, we clean every day."

"Make some dolls according to the magic cat in the fairy tale book, she will like it when she returns."


Briefly explained, Gu Yanjun returned to the study and took out a document from the safe inside.

The steward was standing aside, looking at the contents of the document, his eyes inevitably revealed nostalgia.

I do not know where I will go in the struggle of my life.

Gu Yanwu stared blankly for a long time holding the file, then reached out and handed it to the housekeeper, saying, "Go and prepare."


内 Inside the study.

Under the warm light, Gu Yanjun sat quietly in a chair for a long time, and finally disappeared into a long sigh.


Uh ...

Inside the Lieyang City Heterogeneous Bureau.

事件 The incident that happened last night has begun to spread. All departments are investigating the information to prevent the disaster from happening again.

"Yan, things have progressed!"

The door of the office of the uncle was suddenly pushed away by the assistant. Yan Hai looked away from the files on the desktop, looked at the rushing hand, glanced at his neck, and asked, "What is it?"

"Cause of the Dragon Corpse Riot."

"Zhang Dong found?"

没 "No, it was the clue that hypnotized Li Yuan."

Xi Yanhai heard the name and thought about this person in her head.

Li Yuan's family also has some money. He went out with the Zhang family boy yesterday, then angered the dragon corpse, and finally caused damage to an area, threatening the safety of hundreds of thousands of people.

This sin cannot escape.

They quickly found the source of the angered dragon corpse, and only Li Yuan escaped from the group, but how can a few ordinary people anger the demon with a level close to fierce? This is what they need to investigate.

In the previous questioning, Li Yuan kept saying that he didn't know, forgot some memories, and now after deep hypnosis, he finally got the corresponding information.

The assistant put the record in front of Yan Hai: "That's it, Li Yuan's memory has been partially deleted, so he keeps saying that amnesia is not what we think is a delay. Through hypnosis, we find that Zhang Dong in his memory has some problem."

"We went to ask people who had contact with Zhang Dong before yesterday, and we got a message that Zhang Dong often had nightmares a few days before going to the place where the dragon corpse was located."

"Then yesterday, his mood was a little bit wrong, and sometimes he became very cold and gloomy. According to his friends, it was like seeing a stranger, but this happened only a few times, and Each lasted less than five seconds, so they didn't pay attention. "

Assistant Qi explained that Yanhai also took the information and checked it. The above records are detailed, but they lack the key content.

"What dream do they know? It is not easy for an ordinary person to affect a big demon."

"It's just a nightmare, endless nights and the like, and there is no specific content."

也就是说 "In other words, this dream may be an abnormal event?"

Assistant Ai nodded and said, "There is only this guess now."

Wu Yanhai frowned, and a clue was flashing in her head, but she couldn't catch it.

"Swallow team. What's wrong?" The assistant asked this and took the initiative.

梦 "Dream?" Yan Hai murmured, "Have we ever received a similar case before?"

"Are you there?" The assistant wondered.

Tong Yanhai put down the information, opened the heterogeneous bureau's database on the computer, and started searching.

Keywords: dream.

For a moment, hundreds of messages appeared on the screen.

One month since the anomaly appeared, the number of anomalous events in the world has only exceeded 30,000.

From an average of 1,000 a day.

Divided into various countries and regions, basically every country has about five abnormal events every day.

Due to the size of the country and the huge population of the Xia Kingdom of China ~ ~, the anomaly far exceeds the average number. At most, nearly a hundred anomalies occur in a day.

大部分 Most of these are simple disasters, one or two anomalies, which are difficult to cause large-scale impacts. The number of affected people is basically about a dozen.

However, once a high-level abnormal disaster occurs, the number of affected people will increase by dozens or hundreds of times instantly.

After the appearance of the dragon corpse, Lieyang City attached great importance to this anomaly, and it must not affect the urban area, otherwise the disaster caused could not be imagined.

There was a clue in Wu Yanhai's head, and he had to know what it was.

十七 Seventeen of the hundreds of information about "dreams" on the screen occurred in China.

七 Seven of them were identified as abnormal, and one was not resolved, but it was judged to be harmless.

"Lieyang City, Gu family, Gu Yiyi, dreaming, weak health, increased sleep time, and finally continue to become vegetative or die."

"Drowsiness caused by anomalies and constantly erodes the consciousness of the target."

"Hazard level: No harm."

"Archive classification: five types of archives."

"Processor: Sunny."

Browsing this information, after Yan Hai noticed the handler, no wonder he didn't remember well,

和 Because He Qingshi is the two departments, the two sides usually exchange cases during the meeting, and this incident did not cause disaster, so he did not pay special attention.

Qi Yanhai looked up and asked her assistant, "Are you in the bureau when it is sunny?"

"She went out on a mission and she will come back at night."

"I'll contact her directly."

"Swallow team, did you find a clue?"

"Yes." Yanhai turned the computer. "This, you go to the archives and get the paper file of this matter."

Assistant nodded: "Okay."