MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-Chapter 36 Boom! Huh!

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The sky is dim.

Lu Fan exhaled a long breath, opened his eyes, and saw the night that was about to fall.

He moved a bit, raised his hand and stretched a big lazy waist, humming comfortably.

呼吸 This breathing method does not directly increase strength, but when you meditate for a while, you are relaxed and comfortable, and your spirit is gradually full.

Should be considered a recovery skill.

The game has no customs clearance, but the rewards are pretty good.

He touched his belly and was a bit hungry. He planned to fix dinner first, and then came up with a way to complete the game.

The kitchen.

"Hmm ... this level should also be related to actual events, and I don't know if I can find relevant information online."

Uh ...


Anomaly Investigation Bureau.

It's getting dark outside, and night time is coming.

The city lights up with bright lights, illuminating this dim world.

He is just in the shadow, there is always a place where the light never shines.


In a training room, two teams of ten people are staying here.

In the middle of the house, Zhang Yunfeng, wearing a formal uniform, sat quietly in the house, waiting for the evil spirits to come.

He got the courier mail from the evil spirit. Although he didn't understand how to select the object, he targeted him. With so many people here, he can leave the ghost.

"Yunfeng, it's time."


我们 "Let ’s pay attention, ghosts are not necessarily powerful, but there are many ways to avoid accidents."

Ghosts are difficult to entangle, they are hard to find and are good at hiding.

There is even a non-physical world in the ghost realm, which makes people indefensible.

Ghosts and humans may have the same strength, but weird means increase the difficulty of the task, so often two or three people deal with a ghost together to solve it successfully.

A person, unless he is superior in strength and has special means, otherwise it is difficult to solve the problem with ghosts.

Twenty-one people are here. This is already the largest number of people who can be transferred by Lieyang City's Heterogeneous Bureau to solve this ghost.

The whole city cannot have only this one anomaly. Many people must be busy elsewhere and cannot be separated.

Not to mention the current focus of Lieyang City, only another demon, a lot of power was dispatched there.

The people in the two squads concentrated, and they were fully prepared for the ghosts.

Zhang Yunfeng sat on the chair and suddenly frowned.

He reached into his pocket and took out a black card.

After seeing what it was, he looked all over his eyes, and his eyes were unbelievable.

Teammates saw his movement and were surprised: "Isn't this card in the lab? How is it on you?"

Zhang Yunfeng shook his head: "I don't know, it may be here."

As soon as the utterances came down, everyone immediately raised their twelve minutes of spirit, released their perception, and watched the wind and grass move around.

The chandelier light illuminates every corner of the room, and the darkness has nowhere to hide.

Zhang Yunfeng looked at the black card. Suddenly weird, he looked up to the door.

"咚! 咚咚!"

Dull knocking sounded at this moment.

He froze with his eyes stagnant and his hair exploded.

In the blink of an eye, the teammates next to him disappeared out of thin air, everything around them began to decay, the white wall paint on the wall gradually fell off, and the lights overhead kept blinking.

There were two clicks, the lamp burst and the light dissipated.

In the field of vision, time is dark.

He lifted up his strength, facing right with his right hand.

"You see my left leg?"

At this time, a faint voice came, as if the devil was whispering, and whispered in his ear.

He turned violently, his eyes still hadn't seen anything, his head was in a flash, it seemed to be run over by a huge truck, his brain was stinging, and his consciousness disappeared instantly.

The darkness disappeared.

The people in the two teams stared blankly at Zhang Yunfeng's position, where the chairs were shaking and they were empty.

I just wondered where the card came from, and they could not retrieve it in the future. Zhang Yunfeng suddenly pinched his finger and shattered the card. A black gas enveloped his body instantly.

之间 In an instant, Zhang Yunfeng disappeared directly in front of everyone.

"Hurry up! Check the surroundings!"

Everyone reacted and hurriedly investigated what happened.

I used all means to find no trace.

"Damn, what's going on?"

He held the instrument: "The person disappeared, and his signal could not be found."

继续 "Continue to investigate, the ghost must not have gone far."

Twenty people thought that this task could be easily solved, but did not expect that this method was still weird than imagined.

Uh ...

Wucheng North, University Town.

新 A new campus of a normal university.

The night has come and the campus is brightly lit.

Girls' dormitory, the four are maintaining their skin and listening to drama.

女生 A girl sitting on a chair and watching with interest her idol performance on the computer screen.

On the stage, he beat his body.

外 Outside the dormitory, a knock suddenly sounded.

"咚! 咚咚!"

When she heard the voice, she kept staring at the screen and said, "Who can open it, I can't walk away."

No one responded.

After a few seconds.

The screen suddenly went black, and the lights in the dormitory began to flash.

"What happened? Is there a power outage?" She stood up in confusion: "You--"

Voice stopped abruptly.

只有 In the dormitory, she is the only one.

"咚! 咚咚!"

Knocking on the door continued, with inexplicable rules, constantly echoing in this quiet dormitory.

"Li Jie, is it you?"

She walked to the door with a puzzled expression, reached out her hand, hesitated, and twisted the door handle.

The door opened slowly, and it was dark outside.

内 Inside the dormitory.

The other three girls listened to the sound of music uploaded from the computer, as if someone failed to qualify.

The host is reporting results, not optimistic ~ ~ Zhang Wen, your idol challenge failed, why did you not react at all today? "

I was usually shocked at first, and today is quietly abnormal.

婕 Li Jie turned around on the bed, stretched his head and looked down at the table.

"Huh?" For a while, she only saw the empty seat, "Did Zhang Wen go to the toilet?"

"No, she doesn't look there anymore-eh? What about people?"

"Where are you? Go out? Why didn't you hear anything?"

"The phone is still there. I guess I went out there."

"So too."

A few people didn't care what could happen in the dormitory.

Uh ...

A high-end community.

中 A middle-aged man is shaking the wine glass in his hand, enjoying the charm of money.

"咚! 咚咚!"

At this moment, there was a knock at the door.

Uh ...


A group of young people were singing and drinking inside, and their voices were very noisy. Everyone was screaming and venting their emotions.

A young man poured a glass of beer into his stomach again. He couldn't help but took a long nap and patted his brother beside him.

"I'll go to the toilet and wait for 100 rounds when I come back."

He stood up and staggered to the bathroom, ghosts appeared in his vision.


As soon as she unfastened the belt, a knock came from behind her.

"咚! 咚咚!"

He shouted impatiently: "Someone!"

"咚! 咚咚!"

People outside didn't seem to hear, and continued to beat.

"I said someone!"

打开 He opened the bathroom door anxiously. As soon as he looked outside, his consciousness was instantly clear.