MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-Chapter 34 Unfinished

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The evil spirit is torturing that man.

When a person is in pain, the negative emotions of fear, anger, resentment, etc. will be magnified infinitely.

Such a person is highly likely to degenerate into a ghost after death.

Using parts of such corpses to form your own body, the power of evil spirits will be fully improved.

It's not human.

It came to earth just to kill.

When Lu Fan pushed open the door, the air suddenly became condensed, as if stuck, the picture stopped vibrating, and the sound disappeared into his ear.

A ghost in the darkness is slowly turning around.

It has no head, but Lu Fan seems to see his eyes staring at himself with malice and integrity.

Intent to kill.

Burst in an instant.

Lu Fan immediately clicked the skill button. As the evil spirit approached, a golden spell appeared in the air.

The puppet power dispersed at this moment, and the whole room was filled with thick darkness.

Jin Jinguang is like a lighthouse in the storm, bringing a light, but the dark clouds are coming down, and the light is about to dissipate.

When the evil spirits struck, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of the tortured man.

Lu Fan knows that his skills can't directly eliminate evil spirits, he just wants to delay time.

Now the boy appears, and his guess is confirmed.

Xiao Xiaohei is chaotic and neutral. The current situation is in his favor. He has to show up and take the man away.

Seeing his figure disappear again, Lu Fan hurriedly exited the door.

Then click on the skill again to let the new spell stay here for a while.

He turned and prepared to leave, and the young man appeared.

"I actually looked away."

Man: "Who are you?"

The man's expression was skeptical.

This is in line with the setting of the official background of the character.

Xiao Juan: "It doesn't matter. If you want to leave here, follow me first."

Lu Fan followed him directly.

On the way, they rescued the middle-aged fat man by the way.

At this time, all six were alive.

Although the man was seriously injured and dying at first, the mission was successful even if his limbs were not taken away by the evil spirits.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh has-

The weird shout appeared at this moment, and black sticky ink began to seep through the walls of the passage.

Once contaminated, the body will become weak.

A few people quickened their pace, and the man behind the palace used his blood to delay the invasion of black ink for a while.

I soon.

熟悉 The familiar room appeared in sight.


They ran in in sequence, and then suddenly closed the door.

The young man and Lu Fan were extremely tacit, without any pause, and quickly pushed the box against the iron door.

见 Middle-aged people saw this, with anger in their fear, "Where is this? We haven't left! What are you two doing?"

He said, he was going to open the wooden box and open the door.

少年 At this moment, the boy came to his back and stunned him with a knife.

The girl cried, "What shall we do?"

Wounded youth: "Woohoo ..."

不要 Don't talk too much if you have injuries.

Man: "What plans do you have?"

Boy: "Here is the key to solving ghosts. We have to come here. These ordinary people are useless. Put them in the corner and don't be taken away by ghosts. There are only three solutions to solve monsters ... "

Wu Qingneng said that the content was consistent with the experience of the previous game, and Lu Fan did not pay much attention.

What he cares about now is the specific strength of the ghost, and whether there are any suture monsters after the ghost's death.

After all, in this layer, there are incomplete corpses.

After the teenager finished the plan, the man nodded in agreement.

【I'm OK. 】

Then the three were ready again, ready to destroy the ghost in one fell swoop.

After ten seconds.

The thick ink ran through the cracks in the iron gate.

"is blood!"

The man said a word, then cut through his right arm, the red blood shed, forming a sharp contrast with the black on the ground.

Lu Fan was surprised to see this ability again.

This self-harm skill, I'm afraid it's not a pervert.

Doesn't the official care? After all, there is something wrong with how to look.

Or is the official tolerance high? As long as you can solve the monster?

I can even guess that the official lacks manpower, so it is not forbidden for any ability.

With so many thoughts in mind, Lu Fan felt that it was a pity not to write novels.

也许 "Maybe ... you can try it as a web writer, after all, work is gone."

Just finished muttering, and there was a new movement outside the door.


Stitch strange!

They still appear.

Lu Fan knows that with so many limbs here, it is impossible to have only one evil boss.

Bang bang bang bang!

The violent impact made the iron gate crumbling.

The black ink eroded the iron gate. This time, unlike the previous round, the stitching monster couldn't recede.

Boom ... Dang ...

There was a loud noise.

The iron gate was hit by a fly and hit the ground with a bang.

Lu Fan looked out of the door, three suture monsters appeared in front of his eyes, his teeth grinned, black liquid flowing in his mouth, and he looked at the house viciously.

One of the skulls he has seen, the one in the initial room of the game.

I glanced carefully, and Lu Fan found a slight difference.

The bodies of these suture monsters are more broken, and the carrion continues to fall from their flesh, revealing the sensational bones, and the flexibility is reduced by several layers, so they ca n’t jump on the wall at all ~ ~ because they have no dead people It's unexpectedly good news to provide fresh corpses that are less powerful than evil.

The Stitcher snarled twice, and his limbs leaped sharply and hurled at them.

One pounced on the boy, but the other stepped back, hiding directly into the shadows, and then appeared when the suture monster's body lost control.

The man did not retreat, and his left knee flexed slightly, taking a step forward and posing in an attacking posture.

The waist twisted, and the power passed from the ground to the right leg, until the blood was dyed into a bright red fist.

The fist shadow flashed, red light suddenly appeared.


He knocked down and hit his head with a fist.

The rotten bone was cracked instantly, and a huge crack opened its head directly, and the thick black blood splashed to the ground.

The two of them were fierce and abnormal. Lu Fan couldn't help looking at his eyes for two more times. When he reacted, he saw the picture. Finally, he stitched the strange monsters towards him.

Zan Na's huge mouth occupied the entire screen. The stench seemed to reach the reality through the screen. Lu Fan clicked the dodge button in a panic.

The character squatted for a moment, then rushed to the side, so he wasn't embarrassed.

Escaped the crisis, the man also reshaped, turned around to help him solve this stitched monster.


With a fist falling, the monster's spine was directly smashed into two segments, and its body was distorted and deformed.

Within a few seconds, everything was calm again.

Things are not over yet. If you play a mob, the boss will be officially released.

Lu Fan now controlled the character to run behind the two of them, ready to press the switch of the trowel at any time.

After dying.

Darkness is coming.

Here comes the miser.