MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-Chapter 21 Noodles by heart

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那么 "So what should be used to solve this evil of security?"

Lu Fan looked at the mop in the inventory, shook his head, and shook off this strange idea.

In the mirror, the peeper kept hiding in the distance.

Once Lu Fan turned around, that person would disappear immediately.

Then Lu Fan experimented in different positions.

As long as there is a certain space behind and an obstruction, the person will hide behind the object and appear in the mirror.

In addition to peeping, the man did not cause any extra movement.

Lu Fan did not think of a solution for the time being, he could only let him follow.

Now he's going upstairs to find the two who are doing good things.

Enter the elevator and go upstairs.

Uh ...

26th floor.

A company that doesn't know what to do.

Lu Fan has never been to this floor before. I only heard my colleagues say it before, but I forgot it in a flash and didn't pay attention.

Had it not been for the mini-game to tell them their evils through the introduction background, he would have never expected such a big gossip would appear here.

The elevator came out, and the sides were originally green potted plants, but in the world of games, the low trees were dry and wrinkled.

The glass door in front of her eyes closed tightly.

I looked inward, and a faint light came from the office near the outer wall.

They are really here!

"Just how to get in? What is the good to solve this evil?"

Lu Fan stayed outside the door and looked inside from every angle.

But the office closed the curtains and could see nothing but the light.




Lu Fan stunned.

He held the phone and thought he heard it wrong.

I'm so lucky at home!

If I was outside, a woman's pleasant voice suddenly sounded, I was afraid that it would not be seen as a pervert by those around me.

Clinging to the glass, the subtle sound of applause for love kept coming.

"This is a game-breaker, is it so new?"

Lu Fan just thought about it.

来源 No source can be found for this game, it is definitely unlimited.

The sound continued intermittently for over ten minutes, and through the curtains, a faint and thin figure stood up.

Dressed neatly, the office door opened outwards.

Lu Fan saw this, ran to the corner in one operation, and learned the man who had been peeping at him, observing the two in secret.

Step on ...

The footsteps echoed inside.

The two walked to a desk, stopped, and started talking.

The uncle's voice was sharp and flattering. Lu Fan saw the shadow on the ground and said, "Boss--"

"Call my name when no one is."

"Well, what about that photo, what should we do?"

"Have you found the other person?"

"No, he didn't promise to meet in person."

"Then call the police."

但是 "But he said he would send the photo to your husband if he didn't give money."

"But what? You thought the man would give us the photo if he gave the money, and now he has constituted blackmail, enough to let him in, and finally told him that we must get the photo before the end of tomorrow, otherwise it will be all over. "


The sound stopped.

Lu Fan moved his position and looked into the office.

In the dim light, the appearance of the two appeared in front of them.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, it's really startling.

He saw a thin, emaciated male bowing his waist, and looked at each other face to face.

The eyes are sharp, the nose is raised high, and the mouth is like a clown.

The whole person looks like a traitor.

And that female boss.

He was full of fat, his features were squeezed together, and his eyes showed ruthlessness.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Fan was surprised at the appearance of the two men.

He is so distinctive. If he had heard of this person before going to work, he would never forget.

But the fact is that he didn't have much impression of the two.

"Is it an evil image?"

The female white-collar workers before her were also different from before, her image changed greatly, and she was full of malice.

The two in front of me should be the same.

People usually only see the appearance of others, but who knows what is true in their hearts?

I looked a little sick.

Villain plus vicious person.

This cooperation, no wonder they will mix together.

Step on ... Step on ...

During the conversation, the two left the office side by side and left here by elevator.

Looking at the elevator layer by layer, Lu Fan didn't chase after him, after all, he didn't have anything to solve them now.

He just heard the conversation between the two just now. The game will not add this story for no reason, there must be a reason.


I only talked about this in the conversation.

who's that person?

照片 What kind of pictures did he have?

In the discourse, they seemed to be threatened.

Don't they be photographed doing that?

帆 Lu Fan, who was baptized in countless TV series, thought of a lot.

I ’m pretty bloody, right?

Scrutinizing the elevator completely down to the ground floor, Lu Fan left the hiding place and came to the office door.

"Unable to open."

The door was locked and inaccessible without tools.

I glanced around. There was no useful tool in the dim building.

"Do you want me to find a photo?"

When I was wondering.

Suddenly there was a slight movement behind him.

Lu Fan turned to look behind him, his expression was stunned, and the elevator was actually rising.

"15th floor."

"18th floor."

How come so fast?

Is anyone on the 15th floor? How many floors are you going to?

Lu Fan didn't hesitate, and hurried to his previous position again.

a while.


The elevator door opens slowly.

Lu Fan gazed into the sky ~ ~ I saw an object floating in the air flying out of the light of the elevator.

相机 "Camera?"

A camera that looks expensive.

The camera looks like a person's head, looks out of the elevator, and looks left and right, as if it is certain that no one is floating to the office.

I saw it coming to the door, and the locked door clicked and opened directly.

So the camera floated into it.

The dimly lit office has no obstacle to it.

The goal was clear, and he floated directly to the innermost office.

Lu Fan's research was close to the screen of the mobile phone, and he just saw it pulled a small thing from the wall.

I do n’t know how a camera does this.

After picking up something, it left the office.

Lu Fan watched it take the elevator back to the 15th floor, and then hurried down the stairs.

"Sneak shot?"

As he moved, he guessed what it was holding.

"Are you so bold? Have you broken the law?"

I was really malicious.

Uh ...

15th floor.

This is still a place that Lu Fan is not familiar with.

As soon as I stepped out of the stairwell, the picture in front of me suddenly changed.

The light above the head was exuding a dark red light.

The place where my vision can see is flushed with red.


"The 15th floor seems to be a company with photography."

I was surprised at the same time.

Lu Fan also saw the camera floating not far ahead.

It seemed to hear movement, and the camera turned to Lu Fan in an instant.


The picture freezes.