MTL - Military Technology-v2 Chapter 1888 Actually eating the vinegar of a robot

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Hearing this, Lin Wei looked at Chen Ke'er, who had a proud and excellent figure, and couldn't help but taste a little: "Why do you make it so beautiful!"

Sure enough, the worst thing a woman can see is that someone is more beautiful than her, even if it is just a robot, she is still a little hard to let go, especially in front of her own man.

Hehe, the image and body data of this robot are all independently produced by Coco based on the massive portrait and body data information. It is not that I deliberately designed it so beautiful. Wu Hao felt a little guilty.

Lin Wei rolled her eyes at Wu Hao when she heard the words, the meaning in her eyes was very clear, the old lady still doesn't know you.

Wu Hao laughed and didn't explain anything.

Lin Wei didn't say more, but watched around Chen Keer for a while, and then said to Wu Hao: "When she first came out, her movements were so real, and she looked so ladylike, she didn't look like a robot at all. "

"Hehe, what does a robot look like? Does it have to go like a mechanical dance?" Wu Hao asked Lin Wei, and then said with a smile: "Actually, the image of this kind of humanoid robot in our impression and perception. Most of them come from science fiction film and television works, so we have formed a stereotype that this kind of robot should be like that.

It's like the big movies and TV dramas that we have seen since childhood, such as "Journey to the West". After watching too much, everyone thinks that the four masters and apprentices of Monkey King and Tang Seng are like that, and even many people will use this as a standard to measure Does the Monkey King in other movies and TV series look like him?

This research work is also the same. Since it is a bionic humanoid robot, the goal of our efforts is to make it more human-like. This kind of image is not only the appearance, but also the words, deeds, and expressions with it.

Therefore, we are using the AI ​​system to start it to learn human body movements, facial expressions, including some verbal logic, etc. found on the Internet. Then, based on these data, it can generate action expressions and language logic habits with its own characteristics.

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That's why, you see, she looks so real. "

She, will she cry? Shen Ning stared at Chen Ke'er for a long time, and then such a question popped up.

Wu Hao heard the words and looked at Shen Ning and nodded with a smile: "Of course, crying is also a kind of expression, and in order to be as real as possible, I have artificial tears stored in the left and right corners of its eyes, and it is crying and crying. When you're sad, you cry."

You, you... Hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning and Lin Wei opened their mouths and rolled their eyes at him for a long time.

My scalp is numb now, what are you doing with being so real? Is it necessary to be so real? Lin Wei looked at Wu Hao a little puzzled.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "This is a prototype. The purpose of developing it is to know how far I can make it. And it is really a goal. My goal is to let it go outside. It won't be noticed that it's a robot."


Hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning and Lin Wei were speechless, and then looked at this Chen Keren.

Wu Hao looked at Chen Ke'er who was still naked and couldn't help but smile and said, "Coco, go and put on the clothes that Shen Ning bought for you!"

ok sir. Chen Keren responded, then turned to look at Shen Ning: "Thank you, Secretary Shen!"

No, you're welcome. Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, then stammered.

Seeing this, Lin Wei burst out laughing, then watched Chen Ke'er open the bag that Lin Wei and Shen Ning were carrying, and took out the clothes inside.

Shen Ning bought a lot of clothes according to Wu Hao's request. There are many styles, all of them are famous brands of specialty stores. At this time in the morning, it was really embarrassing for Shen Ning to buy so many clothes from these specialty stores.

Chen Keren stared at these clothes for a while, and then changed into a set of black underwear. Shen Ning and Lin Wei were really stunned by the skillful action of tying the back button with his back.

This is also its own online learning?

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Of course, it has learned the dressing style of young girls in the video photos extracted from the Internet, as well as tutorials on related dressing methods, etc., so it will not only choose the dress collocation independently. , and will dress and pack independently, and make up on her own!"

While talking, Shen Ning put on a women's bottoming shirt, and then found a pair of slim jeans and put them on, and found a women's belt to fasten them. Immediately, it glanced in front of several pairs of shoes, jumped on a pair of high heels for itself, put on a pair of thin stockings and put on high heels and stood up.

Although it wobbled a little when I first put on the high heels, after a little adjustment, it stood up very smoothly.

This made Ang Chenning and Lin Wei widen their eyes. They had a deep understanding of wearing stiletto high heels of seven or eight centimeters. At the beginning, it took a long time to get used to it before they could stand firm, let alone walk.

As for the robot in front of you, after getting used to it a few times, you can walk on high heels with While the two were jealous, Chen Ke'er danced for herself. She put on the lady's shirt, and then found herself a woolen coat, but didn't put it on.

Immediately after Lin Wei and Shen Ning were surprised, it began to play with its own hair. It first tied its hair up like a woman, then picked up the makeup box that Shen Ning bought, and began to draw eyebrows and apply foundation and blush. , and put on lipstick.

After putting on makeup, Chen Ke'er pulled the rubber band off her hair, then shook her head, and her long black hair fell.

Looking at this beautiful sign in front of him, Chen Keren with a proud figure, Shen Ning couldn't help but lowered his head and looked in front of him, and then showed a hint of shame.

Is the old lady better than a robot?

Sir, I'm done with my makeup! Chen Keren walked up to Wu Hao and smiled.

Lin Wei, who was still in a daze, finally came to her senses, and then looked at Chen Ke'er's beautiful face, and there was such a little jealousy in her heart. Especially seeing Chen Keer looking at Wu Hao with a smile, she felt even more delicious in her heart.

But the only reason she had left told her that she shouldn't eat the vinegar of a robot, but she couldn't help it. Whoever made this robot look so beautiful, Wu Hao, this bastard, definitely did it on purpose.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking at Wu Hao and asked: "Coco's voice is also different from before, more gentle and more human."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "In the process of design and development, I have designed an inherent independent character for each such bionic robot. So when Coco enters the body of these robots, it will inevitably be affected by these body characters. , these independent personalities are also the key points to differentiate between different robots."