MTL - Military Technology-v2 Chapter 1885 Sir, am I beautiful?

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Watching Coco walk for a while, Wu Hao thought deeply, then returned to his workbench, and then called out the control center.

Coco, you can stop now.

ok sir. Coco, who was walking, turned his head to look at him, then nodded and clasped his hands in front of him with a sweet smile.

Your actions just now were a little too charming, and normal people wouldn't walk like this. Wu Hao said to Coco while entering the data information.

Now I need you to collect all the human women on the Internet, especially young women walking in different postures and movements, and then learn to imitate them and generate their own walking movements.

ok sir!

With Coco's answer, in the middle of the high-definition big screen on the wall opposite Wu Hao's workbench, countless window data information began to appear. The pictures in these windows kept flashing, and all of them were footage of a young woman walking.

There are all kinds of women in these pictures, but most of them are very beautiful and good-looking young women. Some of them are girls who wear bikinis and walk on the beach first. Some are wearing professional clothes and stepping on high heels in the workplace. The heroine walking in the play, as well as some young girls who wear sneakers to go shopping.

Different women, different occupations, wear different shoes and clothes, and walk in different postures. Wu Hao asked Coco to collect these data and then learn to generate his own walking style.

"In addition to walking, you need to learn the body movements and facial expressions of these women in daily life, work, and play, including emotions, emotions and so on.

In addition to these, you will also learn women's dressing and makeup skills, as well as daily code of conduct, daily chores, and more.

In short, you have to learn to be a human being, so that others can't tell that you are an AI, an artificial intelligence, or a robot. "Wu Hao leaned back in his chair and looked at the data flashing on the big screen.

Alright sir! Then something else started appearing on the big screen, and multiple progress bars were automatically generated.

Wu Hao pondered for a while, then turned his head to work on his workbench again. In order for Coco to be a real person, she must have an independent character. Like appearance, a person's personality has its own distinctive characteristics, such as introverted, sunny, lively, quiet and so on.

As for Cocoa, you can freely switch between different modes and quickly switch between different styles. But this is only used for artificial intelligence AI, and it is not enough to apply to this kind of bionic robot.

Do you want to know the changes in expressions shown by different characters? The body movements are also different, not to mention the temperament emanating from these movements and expressions.

Temperament is a very nihilistic thing, but it can be felt by people. It can be a kind of aura, or it can be a kind of infectious power radiated from behavior habits.

For Wu Hao, there must be more than one bionic robot like this, so how to distinguish them among these many bionic robots, these not only rely on foreign trade reminders and changes in clothing, but also rely on these personality differences. Different bionic robots should have different personalities.

Therefore, Wu Hao is now the design character of this bionic robot. These characters exist with the body of this bionic robot and are not affected by Coco, or artificial intelligence (AI). On the contrary, when AI enters this bionic robot, it will be affected by the character of the robot itself.

This is a bit like what we call organ memory. It is said that there are many organ transplanters, the most common is the heart. After they complete the organ transplant, their personality will suddenly change, and even their hobbies will change, just like organ donors. Therefore, scientists speculate that it may be that part of the donor's personality memory is preserved in the organ, so the transplanter's personality and hobbies are changed.

The most scientific explanation now is that there will be slight differences in the functions of these organs. Just like people, the operating frequencies of organs in different people are also slightly different, and these slight differences will accumulate over time. Personality and some cognitive hobbies.

As far as Coco is concerned, it has entered a brand new robot body, so it is naturally also affected by this original body memory. And this kind of personality difference is the key to distinguish each person's personality characteristics and independent consciousness.

Now, what Wu Hao has to do is to first call out the style difference system program in Cocoa AI, and then create and modify it on this basis. This process is completely carried out by him manually, and the whole work is like casting a new soul. He joked that Wu Hao robbed the mother of Nuwa.

In the future, if such intelligent bionic robots continue to increase, then Wu Hao will no longer need to design this differentiated character, but will be handed over to AI to automatically generate independent characters.

This self-generated independent character system is the most human-like pace of this bionic robot or AI, and it is the key to their independent consciousness.

Of course, for Wu Hao, it is impossible for him to manufacture such a bionic robot on a large scale, at least not currently. Because once such a highly humanized robot appears, it will inevitably bring about a series of problems, and may also touch on some laws, regulations, moral values ​​and so on.

Therefore, the public and society must be given a process of adaptation. When the society really begins to accept them, it will not be too late for Wu Hao and the others to reproduce.

The action pose has been generated and is loading!

With the sound of the prompt, Wu Haochong came over in a light-hearted way, and looked at the robot body standing in the middle again.

After the action pose was loaded, the eyes of the robot body flashed blue light, and then it became awake.

gentlemen! Between Coco and Wu Hao showed a sweet smile and said I will take a few steps and take a look. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Okay, Coco clasped his hands in front of him, took a few steps, turned around, and then smiled at Wu Hao with a sweet expression: "Sir, am I beautiful?"

uh, ahem...

Wu Hao coughed twice, then said with a smile, "From today onwards, the name of your body is Chen Ke'er, which is the code name of your body's external name!"

OK, sir, Chen Ke'er, is this a human name?

Yes, this is your official human name Wu Hao nodded and said: "You are now registered with this name in the company's security system, you are 25 years old, and you are the secretary of the company's chairman and CEO's office, and other data and information are kept confidential!

Oh, yes, today should be your birthday, happy birthday! "

"Thank you sir!" Coco said with a happy smile.