MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 42

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Collins' action exceeded Boyce's expectations.

In the afternoon of the same day, Boyce heard rumors that Collins advised Professor Cyril to stop the z-III progress.

I heard that it ended with Collins rushing out in anger.

After this incident, Boyce heard many people laughing at Collins behind his back as "a copper-smelling businessman".

The discussion behind it also reached Collins himself.

But he didn't seem to care much.

"I will take over the family in the future."

"I would have been a businessman."

Collins told Boyce that, since he was an adult, his grandfather, father and younger uncle had told him so.

Collins has no doubts about that.

Collins was more concerned with convincing Professor Cyril than what others at the institute thought of him.

Previously, Professor Cyril used Laurie himself as the reason for wanting No. 2 Pharmacy, and at the same time tried to convince him that z-III might have a better effect than the one that was sent out with the supplementary medicament.

But Collins also refuted that the side effects of z-III were too obvious and prone to problems. However, it was obvious that Collins did not persuade Professor Cyril.

"And the adjuvant has not been researched yet."

"In addition..." Collins remembered the news he accidentally heard while mixing with Boyce and his group from time to time.

"The research on auxiliary agents is not as easy as you say, right?"

He frowned, as if it was incomprehensible, why Professor Cyril continued even so.

Boyce guessed that Professor Cyril was for his daughter. He heard that her disease had worsened again. When the medical conditions outside could not cure her, Professor Cyril placed his last hope on Z-III. .

Boyce only vaguely reacted later, and Professor Cyril deliberately disclosed the formula of Z-III to Aurier before, probably for one reason.

Professor Cyril was lenient at the Institute,

Using drugs with unknown risks on the human body is not in line with his usual style of doing things, but Aurier is different. Everyone knows that he is almost unscrupulous in order to compete for power.

Boyce suddenly recalled Professor Cyril's expression on the day when Oriel sent the medicine to him when he heard that something was different on Laurie.

Professor Cyril's expression at that time was very complicated,

Excited, happy, and there seems to be a faint hint of disappointment.

Boyce realized with hindsight that he seemed to prefer that the batch of problematic medicines be sent out.

Collins was still following Boyce, telling him that he wanted to find Laurie and let him go with him to persuade Professor Cyril.

However, he had a bad nose with Laurie some time ago, so he doesn't really want to go to him now.

Speaking of Laurie…

He seemed to be a little uncertain during this time, and Boyce and his experimental group were almost accidentally injured by him several times.

After being stopped, he seemed to have just recovered and apologized in a good voice.

Boyce vaguely felt that the apologetic Laurie seemed to have overlapped with the previous appearance at a certain moment.

Collins was still complaining.

Professor Cyril's words were more or less heard in his ears. Although Boyce did not reply, Collins still spoke to himself.

"Perhaps, Professor Cyril is right..." Collins hesitated a little. In order to convince him, Professor Cyril showed him Laurie's original photo. "The changes on Laurie's body are indeed great..."


Boyce paused in his footsteps.

They were more focused on the changes in Laurie's body before, and the changes in Laurie's personality were considered normal changes after so much by the rest of the institute...

Is the change in Laurie's personality really normal?

"I often hear you mention your grandpa." Boyce looked at Collins.

"I heard that he is ill, have you seen him before?"

Collins nodded: "My father said that grandpa was in bad health and was training, but I went to see him before coming here."

"Then has he changed?"

"Change?" A hint of doubt flashed in Collins' eyes, and then he seemed to remember something, "He seemed to be allergic when I went that day, and his neck was red..."

Speaking of this, Collins was a little dissatisfied with his father: "I don't know where he got the nurse, but he didn't even notice that grandpa was allergic. It was the doctor I called..."

"Has there been no change in his character?" Boyce asked him.

Collins shook his head. The last time he went, his grandfather was as loving as before, but he was a little dissatisfied when he mentioned his father.

Boyce lowered his eyes and put his hands back into his pockets.

Probably guessed wrong...

The changes in Laurie's character are not necessarily related to Z-III...

He glanced at Collins, who was still about to follow him, and stopped: "I'm going to feed the fish." Boyce gestured to him, are you still leaving?

During this period of time, Collins, who heard that the s-37's temper was much better than before, brightened his eyes.

"Can I go with you?"

He was still interested in mermaids.

When Boyce was about to refuse, he suddenly remembered something, and the words of refusal came to his throat: "Yes."

Hearing this, Collins happily followed Boyce: "Then let's hurry up."

"But it's inconvenient today, is it okay tomorrow?" Boyce added, looking at him inquiringly.

When Boyce entered the breeding room, Garcia smelled Collins from him again.

Although as time went on, he was more and more able to distinguish the difference between the two auras, but he was still a little unhappy because Boyce had someone else's breath on his body.

Boyce comforted Garcia skillfully, and then asked him again, "Is there any difference in Collins?"

"He's the sofia of another merman." Garcia didn't hide it.

"Whose?" Boyce remembered the strangeness of s-24 during this time, could it be him

"I don't know." Garcia shook his head. He only knew that Collins was the partner of a certain mermaid, but he didn't know who the mermaid was.

"How did you know about Beard?" Boyce was curious. Garcia always knew about Beard's relationship with s-19. Why did he now know that Collins was the partner of a certain mermaid?

But I don't know the identity of the mermaid.

"They're different."

"What's the difference?" Boyce was curious.

"That human has the scent of his partner," Garcia explained, and "that human" refers to Beard.

The mermaid's tail brushed his ankle, and the language contained a hint of meaning: "After you have **** with me, you will also have my breath on you." Garcia is no longer satisfied with simple contact, Breeding season is just two months away, but he's already desperate to do something with Boyce that only a mate can do.

Boyce's face was a little hot because of the mermaid's straightforward words, and he didn't leave because he still had serious business to ask Garcia this time.

Boyce breathed a sigh of relief when Garcia said that Collins was a merman's mate. Garcia told him that the merman would not do anything to the merman's mate.

After confirming that Garcia would not do anything to Collins, Boyce was relieved and began to warn Garcia.

"I'll bring someone over tomorrow."

"Who is it?" There was a hint of vigilance on the mermaid's face.

"Collins." Hearing that it was him, Garcia looked better.

Boyce continued to reassure him: "The one who told you before is him."

Boyce took him and warned him carefully, in case Garcia would suddenly hurt someone tomorrow.

Garcia frowned and blocked his words: "You want me to please him?"

"It's not to please." Boyce didn't want him to please anyone, he just worried that the mermaid would not help hurting people tomorrow.

"Don't hurt him." Boyce's emphasis here.

He added: "You can ignore him."

The mermaid nodded reluctantly under Boyce's gaze.

Boyce breathed a sigh of relief, watching him explain one more sentence: "I'm here for your own good."

The mermaid looked at him suspiciously, Boyce's expression was serious, and it didn't seem like he was lying.

"I'll let you out of here," Boyce said.

"Will you come with me?" Garcia looked at him, as if he would give up and leave if Boyce said "no".

"Yes." Boyce controlled himself not to look at him and nodded.

Garcia looked very happy: "I can leave with you now."

Boyce looked at the excited mermaid with a headache, and he seemed to be really ready to take Boyce out just like that.

"I have a safer way," Boyce said, "but it will take some time, and you will need to cooperate with me."

Hearing that Boyce said it would take a while, Garcia was a little dissatisfied, but when he thought that Boyce was willing to leave with him, pleasure prevailed, saying that he would obey Boyce's arrangement.

Boyce was relieved to see that Garcia was willing to cooperate a little.

As for his promise to leave with him, Boyce didn't pay much attention to it, and it was only to coax Garcia to leave.

He just wants to send him out before the merman's breeding season comes, otherwise he doesn't know if he will compromise with the merman at that time.

Their relationship is now a little too close.

Boyce thought he was going to get rid of the source of it all before it could stop.

Garcia returned to the deep sea, and he still stayed in the institute, which was the best result.

The author has something to say: Bo Bo: Find a way to throw the fish out

fish: can you throw it away when you see it

I forgot to mention in the previous chapter that the receptors are actually somewhat similar to the abo glands.

So the fish is actually inducing Bai Bai to be a hooligan hahaha Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-12-2923:32:25~2020-12-3022:34:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: not one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of looking back and a smile; 1 bottle of non-white;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!