MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 145 , surrender, lift it up like a monster! Surrender it!

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Keir was also uncomfortable, and rubbed his right palm pretending to be relaxed, then fixed his eyes on the young and strong horse that was looking at him.

He raised his chin slightly, as if provocatively.

In the next instant, the horse's head slammed into Kiel's head-on.

This time Keel stretched out his hands and pressed directly on the head of the huge oncoming horse, but the strong horse was on all fours and rushed forward. And Kiel's boots also pulled two deep scratches on the floating soil on the ground.

"Kill! How's it going?"

Seeing that Keir was being pushed backwards, Blood Fang immediately asked.

"Be careful, don't be knocked down and stepped on by it, I won't pay for the treatment!!"

Firebeard shouted loudly, he was afraid that not only would he not be able to earn a bag of gold coins, but he might have to lose something. Better not.

"Oh." There was a smile on the corner of Keel's mouth, and he hadn't exerted any strength yet.

"Have you had enough trouble, calm down!"

Kiel stabilized his body with both feet, and then slammed his arms vigorously, shaking the huge horse head in front of him vigorously.

A pair of human arms issued a force much higher than that of a thick horse's neck, allowing this young horse to experience for the first time what it means to be involuntary.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". , pressed on the horse's neck, and then passed one leg around the horse's front leg, and tripped sideways.


The healthy horse, which weighed nearly a ton, fell to the ground with a bang, and fell on its back, with its hooves facing the sky.

Fortunately, the ground is all soft floating soil, and the floating soil is also elastic soil, so if it fell like this, neither Kiel nor the horse was injured.

"Law, law, law! Lulu!"

It struggled to get up, but Keel pressed its neck fiercely, grabbed its two front hooves with one hand, and lifted it up, so that the quadruped could not help it without the help of two hooves. Get up from the ground.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The heavy, warm breath sprayed from the side of the long horse's face on Kiel's thick neck, making him itchy. The proud little guy was still unconvinced and kept struggling on the ground, but was suppressed by Kiel and couldn't turn the sky.

One person and one horse stalemate for a while, and then Keel scratched the horse with the hand that suppressed its neck left and right, which made the sensitive horse extremely uncomfortable.

"Keil, come on!"

Seeing this, Firebeard threw a bag of food at Kiel. This thing was fresh vegetables, and it was specially used to please the excellent horses in his stable.

Suppression and flattery must be used together.

Keel took it with his left hand, pinched it with his fingers, opened the bag and found half a bag of juicy carrots inside.

"My horses love it, which is why I don't feed them all day long. Only when I reward them. Now is the time."

Firebeard leaned far away on the fence of the stable, kindly reminding Kiel.

Carrots are just ordinary vegetables, but after artificially creating scarcity, they can be distributed as rewards to the healthy horses raised in the stables.

Keel laughed at the thought.

With a finger, he picked up a slender carrot that was as thick as two fingers.

This is the same as the vegetables have been washed by the river water, and there is no soil on them when they are pulled out from the vegetable field. At first glance, they look ruddy and lovely, crisp, tender and delicious.

Not to mention that horses like it, people want to go up and take a bite or two after seeing it.

With a hiss, a long and slippery thing flashed behind Kiel, and Kiel turned his head to see that the young man who was pressed under Kiel was turning his head vigorously, and after opening the horse's mouth, Using his long tongue, he tried to grab the carrot that Keel held between his fingers.

"Eat each other? Hey, the carrot is here, oops, the carrot is gone again."

Kiel teased it, but unexpectedly provoked another fierce resistance from the horse.

It shook even more.


Kiel shouted loudly, the strong sound not only frightened the horses, but also several people in the stables were startled. Staring at the horse under him with scorching eyes, Keir said calmly, "Be good, there are carrots to eat."

"Moving around, not only have nothing to eat, but also have to be scratched by me, it's very embarrassing."

Although the smart little guy was full of disdain, he still kept his eyes on the carrot on Kiel's fingertips, and the whole horse calmed down in a sensible manner.

Keir let go of his right hand holding the hoof, and then hung the bag with a lot of carrots on his body, and then carefully used the carrot in his left hand to attract the opponent's attention, and then he climbed up carefully.

He then guided the strong horse to get up from the ground.

"Very good, young man. Come and be quiet, there is something to eat."

Keel threw the carrot, and it was immediately pulled into the mouth by a long and strong tongue in mid-air.


After eating the 'chip' in Kiel's hand, the horse seemed to be about to revert to its old ways. Kiel immediately took out another chip from the pouch around his waist and shook it in front of his eyes.

But this kid was not stupid, and soon his attention was focused on the bag on Kiel's waist.

It sniffed a few times, and seemed to smell more delicious smells from Keel's bag.

So it acted immediately, and the huge horse's head 'bumped' towards Kiel again. But it looked the same as before, but the purpose was actually on the food in Kiel's bag.

"Hey! Watch out!"

With a yelp, Kiel pushed the horse's head away, preventing it from doing so.

"Boy Kiel, give it some sweetness and make it obey you."

Firebeard was standing next to him. Anyway, they used various methods to grind the young horses' minds to tame the horses in their stables. Using several methods together, the young horses could be turned into rideable horses obediently.

Because prairie horses are physically strong, the method of taming them by force is not reliable, and they are easy to be thrown off by the horses, followed by accidents.

Subduing horses and taming them is a craft and a business, and it's not worth dying for.

Of course, there are young people who are confident in their horse training skills everywhere. Similarly, Huo Huzi also hears from merchants who come and go every year the news that someone in a certain village was trampled to death by his horse.

He has long been used to this.

Kiel listened to Firebeard's instructions, and immediately used the carrot in his hand as bait to attract the young man's attention. One hand was cautious at first, and then boldly rubbed and patted the horse's neck and back fur vigorously.

It seemed as if these rubbing and slapping were to slap it off the dirt it had just fallen to the ground, but in fact, through such slapping, Kiel was making it get used to his movements.

"Saddle, bit and bridle."

When Kiel opened his mouth, Firebeard's three sons immediately threw the things they had prepared to Kiel one by one.

But as soon as the saddle was put on the horse's back, it reacted immediately and spread its hooves and was about to run away.

Keir moved quickly, grabbed one of its legs and tripped in an instant, knocking the one-ton horse to the ground.

There was a rumbling sound, and the horses in other circles were taken aback. It was the second time today that the guy who was domineering and domineering was knocked down by humans in embarrassment.

"Lu Lulu!"

There were horse neighing sounds similar to ridicule, one after another, and the young horse that was turned over by Keir couldn't hold back his face.

It struggled vigorously with its four hooves, but Kiel grabbed its two hooves on the same side, one behind the other. No matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't kick Kiel, nor could it do anything to humans.

One man and one horse stalemate for a while, Keir seemed to have unlimited energy, and the young and strong horse lying on the ground also had endless physical strength, and it didn't look tired at all.


Bloodyaster leaned against the fence, fanned himself with one of Firebeard's furs, and chatted with Firebeard about his experiences during the past few days.

He talked about his previous experience of crossing the strange wind grassland, the large group of harpies that attacked the northern army, and the human army that was more terrifying than monsters.

"In the end, I heard from Keir that none of the group of harpies ran away, and they were all wiped out that afternoon."

There was a circle of people around him, all the workers in Firebeard's stable, including Firebeard's three sons of course.

"All! The strong wind that day subsided completely. I heard later that it was the most peaceful afternoon experienced by all the old caravan guards. Not only that, but the next day was also calm, and the strong wind did not bother us anymore. You guys Do you know why?"

The workers who were all villagers in the village shook their heads together. They were all horse farm workers in the village. Let alone crossing the dangerous strange wind grassland, letting them ride horses along the trade road to Caven City was not something everyone could do.

Many people spend most of their lives in the vicinity of the village, at most going to a big city to participate in one or two religious festivals on a big religious day. Otherwise, the vast majority of people will not be able to travel far from their hometown in their lifetime.

Because there is no need to take risks that don't need to be taken.

Trekking outside is dangerous no matter what.

Even if the villagers want to go out, more than a dozen people will gather together, and it will be much safer to go out together.

Of course, the safer way is to give the person who visits the village a sum of money to familiarize themselves with the caravan, and let the other party take people outside. At the same time, it is the same way when you come back.

After listening to Blood Fang's embellished description, Kiel, who was still competing with horses, was a little ashamed, and his bragging was a bit too amazing, especially the reaction of the Kendall army seemed to become more calm in Blood Fang's mouth reliable.

But everyone was panicked to death at that time, and most of the army was deafened by the monster's screams. If the two priests of the Saturnalia Church hadn't worked together to perform the battlefield healing magic, everyone probably wouldn't have counterattacked in the later stage.

They have been fighting each other in a mess for a long time, and the casualties are estimated to be much more serious.

He shook his head, suddenly an idea came to his mind. Steppe horses, harpies.

Steppe horses, harpies?

Highland horses, harpies!

Yes, Harpy!

Keir slapped his forehead and made up his mind.

When he was in a stalemate with the horse, the saddle on the horse's back was only loosely attached to it.

Kiel kicked him away, and then looked at the people around him and said: "Pay attention, I have an attention, everyone, don't be scared after a while."

Everyone around was at a loss, not knowing what Keir was going to do later.

But everyone still acted like we were waiting to see.

Xueyasite knew that Kiel looked young, but he was actually very crazy, so he prepared himself for mental construction in advance.

But Keir's move still shocked everyone, including him.

Keir actually tried to lift this strong and tall horse, which was nearly ten times heavier than ordinary people, directly?

well? Is this something humans can do?



Kiel first brewed for a long time, and put into operation all the life energy in his body, including the knight training, and the divine power of the **** of agriculture in the seeds of the **** of agriculture.

At this moment, the life energy in his body was swollen and filled, and the divine power of the **** of agriculture, which was as thick as a little finger, was also reciprocating at high speed in his body.

His face was flushed red, and his breath could bring out hot air, which was not inferior to the feeling of this horse's breath.

Creak, creak.

He moved his fingers, making the joints creak, and then stared at the horse lying on the ground with burning eyes.

It turned its head away a little carefully, not daring to look at the imposing Kiel.

"Lu Lulu—"

There was a little pleading feeling in the tone.

Keir snorted coldly: "It's late."

After finishing speaking, he flipped his hand over and forcibly turned the horse upright.

The four hooves were loosened, and the body was straightened. The strong horse subconsciously wanted to get up and escape, but unexpectedly, Kiel slid into the short body, and then a loud shout sounded under it: "Get up! !!"

A huge burst of power broke out. Kiel rested his left hand on the horse's chest, and his right hand rested deep in the abdomen in front of the hind legs, separating the left and right sides just above the horse's abdomen.

As soon as he exerted his strength, the heavy weight was poured into his feet through his whole body and legs, and the place where his feet were was directly pressed deeply.

Like a horseshoe.

"Hey! Good guy, is it true or not?"

The people around were shocked at once, there really is someone who can lift such a huge horse!

Firebeard felt that it was not detailed. He suddenly thought of something, stared at Kiel closely for a while, and then turned his head to look at Bloodyaster: "You bastard, tell me the truth, did you climb up? Your honor!"

"My lord? Who? Where?"

Blood Yaster looked bewildered.

Looking at Kiel along Firebeard's finger, he suddenly realized: "Oh, I forgot to introduce you, Kiel is not only a soldier, he is also the servant of the knight in the army I just mentioned. It is a certain The Knight Apprentice of the Master Knight! Well, I am studying."

Xueyasite stammered a little as he watched Kiel gradually exert his strength, lifting the tall horse weighing almost one ton over his head a little bit, and said in his mouth, "Uh, it should be, he is studying now." ?”

Firebeard squeezed his eyes on purpose: "You don't need to ask, you guy is finally lucky. When you trek in the dark, you will end up with lights, and when it rains, there will be a cave."

"Uh, no way, I owe someone my life."

Blood Fangste shrugged his shoulders, making excuses with a face of embarrassment, but an embarrassed smile appeared on his face.

Firebeard immediately took out a small bone wine jug from his chest, unscrewed the cork carefully, and stuffed it into Blood Yaster's hand coquettishly: "Try it, dwarves are good wine."

Blood Fangsster didn't like dwarves very much, but his curiosity overcame his disgust. After taking it, he smelled it first, but it didn't taste good, and then took a sharp sip with doubts.

"Hey, cough, cough, cough. What the hell, I feel like I've turned into a fire-breathing monster!"

He grinned and slapped his tongue, as if what he just drank was not wine, but herbal water with serious side effects.

"Hahahaha, you idiot, how can you drink so much dwarf spirits, you have to roll it with your tongue! It's like cats and dogs drinking water, licking and drinking."

Rolling his eyes, Xueyaster did as his good friend said, this time he was exposed to this concentration of spirits a little bit, and he finally won't be choked.

His face turned red quickly, and he seemed to have mustered more energy than Kiel.


On Kiel's side, he breathed heavily, raised his left and right arms, his whole body trembling, and lifted such a huge animal over his head.

"Hahahahahaha, I succeeded, I succeeded! Everyone, look at it."

Keel shouted excitedly, and many people surrounded him in amazement. Everyone was working in the stables with their mouths wide open. No one knew the weight of the horse that Keel was lifting at this time better than them.

Not to mention lifting it up, when these four-footed animals want to stay in place, they can't pull it no matter what.

Unexpectedly, today, they actually saw such an ordinary young man lifting such a strong and tall horse with their own eyes. I don't know whether it is the gods who are great, or the human beings themselves are amazing enough.

Someone fell to their knees with a plop, and quickly swiped the emblem of the God of Animal Husbandry in their hands, muttering that this was a miracle of the gods.

Some people also heard the conversation between Xueyaster and their boss, Firebeard, and knew that Kiel might be a knight lord, so they dared to talk to Kiel just now, and made fun of him, and they immediately became cautious, don’t say anything. He yelled so much that he didn't even dare to look at Kiel's face.

Of course, some people don't care about this. They marveled at the mighty power that Kiel derived from human beings, cheered and celebrated, and counted to Kiel over and over again to see how long Kiel can lift such a heavy animal. .

"Ha, I can lift it for as long as I want, I can lift it for as long as I want!"

Keir was talking hard, his whole body was hot and red, his breathing was short of breath, and the blood vessels on his forehead were pumping and bulging.

A pair of eyes are even more staring, and it seems that even the eye sockets are under a lot of pressure.

"Don't count, look, what does this guy look like? Has it taken it?"

Kyle asked with difficulty.

Only then did someone turn their attention to the young horse that Keel had lifted for no reason.


The horse looked panic-stricken.

The four hooves pedaled, but they couldn't step on anything after they were suspended in the air. This kind of feeling that has never been touched in a lifetime is still too exciting for an animal that has to deal with the earth all its life.

"Lululu Lululu!"

"Lululu Lululu!"

It neighed in fright, shook its head and tail, but it had no effect at all.

"Looks like an expression of surrender?"

It's anyone's guess.

"Who should be fooled by this matter? I think it should be okay?"

A senior groom judged the expression of the horse.

"Keil, why don't you put it down and try?"

"Okay, look at mine!"

As soon as Keir finished speaking, he exerted another sudden force and threw the healthy horse above his head forward.

Boom, as soon as the four hooves hit the ground, the whole horse's hooves gave way, and the whole horse limply shrank to the ground.

"Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh. How is it?"

Panting heavily, Keel strode to pick up the saddle he kicked Then panting heavily, he staggered to the side of the horse lying on the ground and unable to get up.


He buckled the saddle on the horse's back rudely, the horse's head shook, and just about to twist its body, but the horse, who was staring at Kiel's expression secretly, lowered his head immediately.

He neighed softly as if flattering: "Lu Lulu repeatedly~"

"Submit! It has served—"

"Ha, it's still the seed of the old overlord, haha, I'm not convinced when I meet Kiel, a strong man! Awesome!"

"Master Kiel is not a strong man, what are you talking about? He is a knight!"

Keir grinned: "Haha, I'm not a knight, I'm learning, I'm learning."

But Keir's humility, in the eyes of those around him, is nothing more than an excuse.

Immediately, Keel was offered a complete harness for the horse, and the fine horse accepted it obediently.

"By the way, what's its name? I don't know that yet?"

The owner of the stable, Firebeard, came over with a small bone jug in his hand: "Blood Licking Grass, its name is Blood Licking Grass."

"Why such a strange name?"

Keel was a little puzzled, why weren't the horses' names more commonplace?

"My father once walked around the village with a newborn baby, and accidentally stumbled into a patch of blood licking grass. It was fine, but my father's legs were all cut with blood."

"That's why it's called that."

Keel stared at the big eyes of the well-behaved horse.

He called tentatively: "Blood licking grass?"

"Lu Lulu!"

"See, it knows you call it by name."

Keel laughed.