MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 165 Gradually scenery

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It turned out overnight.

The day is still not bright, Chen Rong has collapsed: Today, it is her day when she was a doctor.

However, she did not have a suit, and there were no horse-drawn shoes and hats that matched this position. It seems that most of the time, I know that it is just a joke to seal her position, and it is not necessary to be true.

This is so, this matter must not be ignored. Against the bronze mirror, Chen Rong finally put on this dark gray man's costume after changing a few sets of costumes. She was too late to order her clothes, and Sun Yan sent them. Not only these sets, but the whole carriage that he sent was a variety of costumes, including men’s robes and women’s wear. I don't know how the kid looked at it, but it fits her body.

Put on this dark gray, both closed and dignified and serious, and then tighten the long hair, revealing a slender long neck, a long sword at the waist, in a blink of an eye, the person in the bronze mirror, by Leng Yan turned to be cold, especially in this cold, but there is still a bright color that she can't erase. The whole person is like a cold boy like a virgin.

Facing himself in the bronze mirror, Chen Rong smashed his eyebrows.

Hiratsuka is also wide-eyed, looking at her in the bronze mirror. For a while, she said in a hurry: "The girl looks like this, like a child in the middle of the world."

She said that the child of the glory of the DPRK is popular in Jiankang City. Only the superior aristocrats are eligible to enjoy it, and they are cited as fashionable children! The deaf children at this time are slightly different from the deaf children who have been everywhere in the past ten years. They usually have excellent literary talents in addition to excellent looks, or do good articles, or are good at vocabulary, or export into Poetry, quick thinking, or extraordinary martial arts, can block four or five assassins when the owner travels. These people are advancing and retreating, but also elegant and not vulgar.

In this era of ‘top grades without a cold man, the next best one, it’s too hard and hard for those who are cold-headed to rely on the true nature. In desperation, if they are superior in appearance, they will adopt this method of becoming a privileged account.

In this way, they follow the right side of the privilege, join them in the same way, learn the etiquette style of the upper class, and know that they are extremely difficult to read. In these few years, they are likely to be held high by their lover, and they will jump from the crowd. They have not been allowed to be high, and the money and knowledge they earned in these years can also make them seek a small job.

Because the requirements are too high, compared with ten years later, there are not many such deaf children, and the nobles who own them are also innocent. Things are rare, and because of this, deaf children are attracted to fashion in the upper class and are fascinating.

Speaking of it, Wang Hong Sun Yan is also a beautiful boy, but no matter how they wear it, no one doubts that they are deaf children. The most important of these is this. They have been in the home of the princely princes of hundreds of years. The self-confidence has been carved into the blood and carved into the blood. No matter what the action is, they can see the transcendent Gaohua when they do it. This is different from Chen Rong and other cold and gentlemen.

Their origins are doomed to their vision. Chen Rong, who is so engraved in the bronze mirror, can see the sharpness and the coldness in his eyes, but he can't see the grace and grace that is reflected by the big breath and the big freedom.

We must know that in today's world, it is the most ruthless aristocratic aristocrats. When they pick up people, they will be left with nothing to worry about.

This point may not be distinguished by ordinary people, but those who are famous for their elders can be distinguished at a glance.

Of course, among the scholars of the Han Dynasty, the talented people who are particularly outstanding, after a certain degree, will have the secrets because of their poetry and poetry. Such people, usually when they are in the limelight, are noticed by celebrities and elders and recommend the official position.

However, Chen Rong, who looks like a man, does not have the kind of aristocratic grace, but has a detachment because of his contempt for life and death. This kind of detachment, coupled with her extremely cold and lonely, is like the rose on the snow, cold and glaring, gorgeous and dazzling.

In this world, such as Chen Rong, this temperament is also unique.

Hiratsuka was half-hearted and couldn't help but persuade: "Girl, don't you change your clothes?"

Chen Rong coveted for a while, slowly smiled and said: "Do not change." She looked back at Pingyi and said faintly: "When people like beautiful teenagers, I will go down like this, which will reduce the hostility of many people." In the times, the manners and manners are more noticed by the higher authorities than the talents. In the imperial court, because of the good looks and high positions, there are a lot of talented people who are degraded in their homes because of their poor looks.

Because the whole country is up and down, they all pay attention to tolerance. Therefore, in Jiankang City, men apply powder, wear sachets, Meihua clothes, and dress up for a long time.

After some arrangements, Chen Rong made a Taoist view.

The carriage stepped on Chen Hui and headed for the palace.

It is still early, there are few pedestrians in Jiankang City. When Chen Rong came along, he did not meet a few colleagues. He had been outside the palace and had not even encountered a few cars.

Slowly, Chen Rong came outside the palace gate.

The palace gate did not open.

When the carriage was swaying, the coward sent by Wang Hong called: "Xiang Gu, how is it?"

Chen Rong leaned back and replied: "Wait."


This time is two quarters of an hour.

The sound of the carriage sounded.

One person put his head out and changed his voice toward the palace gate. "Open the door." The guardian Xiaolu immediately sighed and nodded and smiled and said: "How can you be willing to go early in the morning?" Play, talk about not being practical, and be cited as a trend. Many people think that life is alive, when it is unrestrained, how to be happy. Only stupid and stubborn people will work hard, and the rules and regulations will go up and down, and one mind will be placed on this vulgar thing. Therefore, people in the carriage heard this little swearing, and did not feel ridiculed.

The man’s mouth was pulled, and it was a smile, looking at Chen Rong’s carriage.

He only glanced at it, and the little man immediately understood it. He laughed at the moment: "The man has come, not the door, just waiting there."

The man snorted and drove the coward to stop.

Just as his carriage stopped, four or five batches of courtiers arrived.

After the man stopped the carriage, he turned to Chen Rong’s carriage and saw that her coward began to drive. He took a deep sigh and called: "Xietai, and wait." He looked at Chen Rong’s carriage. Surprisingly said: "With the younger brother's eyes, I really can't see who is Xiongtai?"

His words caused the attention of the four or five groups of courtiers. For a time, everyone looked at the carriage.

Just then, another carriage caught up. The owner of the carriage was a young nobleman. He came to Chen Rong's carriage, and his eyes brightened. He laughed and said, "I know who this is." He hahad, "This one in the carriage must be sealed yesterday. Dr. Guanglu? I heard that it is still a beautiful girl."

When this was said, everyone’s attention turned to this side, and several people shouted at the same time: "Arid, absurd!"

At this time, Chen Rong is no longer able to go.

She also does not want to go, this scene, she has long been aware of it.

The hand stretched out to the curtain of the car, and the face of Chen Rong appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as she saw her cold and gorgeous face, she snorted.

Chen Rong walked slowly off the carriage.

When she came to the carriage, she said to the crowd, "I have seen you." She did not call herself Chen Arong, nor did she call her Hongyunzi, nor did she call everyone a colleague. Only such a drop in the generosity, a cold indifference.

At this time, everyone is still looking at her. Since the Three Kingdoms, the famous wise men have looked at people through the appearance of a person's facial features, temperament, and words. It is also for the imperial court to raise talents. At this moment, Chen Rong took out the carriage, and those who had a prejudice against her heart were a glimpse: Where is this fox? Wind flow aunt?

Chen Rongyi looked down and said with a blank expression: "In the past, when the Hu people were besieging Nanyang, I took the lead and killed many slaves in my hands. If this is not a woman, it is also a doctor." A post."

Her words, "This is not a woman," came out, but it was a sigh of relief. Some eyes were beaming, and she was so eager to look at the power she was eager to look at. She suddenly drank a cold drink in the winter, and regretted that the words could not describe their loss.

Chen Rong did not pay attention to these voices. She looked up and looked at the crowd brightly. She smiled lightly. After arousing another cry of sorrow, she said softly: "There are so-called sins that can not be humiliated, and the kings can blame. Don't be humiliated."

Having said that, she licked her sleeves and strode into the carriage and said, "Let's go."

The coward was stunned and drove the carriage to the inside.

As soon as her carriage left, everyone quickly followed. Rao was sitting in the carriage. Chen Rong also heard that someone was feeling behind him. "So, how can a woman be a woman?" He rubbed his chest and screamed, "How can it be a woman? This is called me." How is it?"

The man apparently couldn't help himself. He even told the commander to speed up. He just surpassed Chen Rong, but he turned back and looked at the carriage with reluctance. The more she looked at her, the more she looked, the more she loved her face.

Chen Rong and the ministers came to the outside of the hall.

She had just stepped off the carriage, and a middle-aged minister came to her. He went deep into Chen Rong and said, "This is awkward, and Xie Qing is a **** soldier!"

He stood upright and stared at Chen Rong with a double eye. He sighed: "Ran, the temple is a sacred place, and a woman, please leave!"

After all, his right hand is rising backwards.

Chen Rong looked at him and looked behind him.

Behind this minister, although some people are staring at her, there is not much whisper, and those who are Confucianists are glaring at her with anger.

Chen Rong knows that these people are not her, but the absurd order of her majesty.

Chen Rong stopped.

She stood up straight and looked at the middle-aged minister, but it was a sun. This smile was particularly splendid. There was still a group in the splendor. "The public has been concerned."

After spitting out these four words, Chen Rong held his hands and looked at the morning light, which represented the supreme position of the imperial power Tianjia. He said slowly: "The imperial power is located, the vast home of the vast family, I am a woman, I dare not Come."

She turned to everyone, and her teeth were bright and her smiles were bright and clear. "Right, I have been dreaming about this place for a long time. Under Best, I am still coming."

Having said that, she wore a robe and slowly kneeled down on one knee.

After kneeling down, Chen Rong looked up at it with enthusiasm and looked at it with ecstasy. Gradually, her eyes turned ruddy. She quickly lowered her head and kneeled down on her knees, praying carefully and prudently toward it.

Deeply worship, Chen Rong is not saying a word. She knows that this time is to say more and more mistakes.

As soon as he came up, Chen Rong no longer looked at anyone. She slowly retired. After five steps, she squatted and squatted straight, and then left.

When the ministers were still staring at her in different faces, Chen Rong’s carriage had already gone, slowly, and a glimpse of the sound of the piano came from the carriage. This time the sound of the piano, the magnificent Hao Hao. Like a person, looking up at the heavenly home in the morning light, it seems that all the languages ​​can't describe her awe, admiration, and obsession with this place.

The carriage is getting farther away.

The vast, flamboyant and complex sound of the piano gradually faded away.

After a long while, the young aristocrat who looked at Chen Rong rushed out. He looked at the direction of Chen Rong’s carriage and sighed: "It’s a wonderful person, it’s a wonderful person." I am so drunk.

Behind him, the ministers have already entered the temple.

Although they did not say anything, at this moment, Chen Rong’s cold and beautiful face still left a deep impression on them.

For Confucian scholars, Chen Rong, a woman, although there are all kinds of things, but her awe and loyalty to the heavenly family is still worthy of recognition. For those famous people, Chen Rong, a woman in public, said that she would leave and walk in the carriage.

In view of this kind of psychology, these ministers, while confronting the young emperor, accused him of being ridiculous, but Chen Rong himself did not have any vicious words.

Chen Rong’s carriage slowly withdrew from the palace gate.

As soon as he came out of the palace gate, Chen Rong had a straight waist and it softened. A gust of wind blew, and the back was chilling, and she found herself in a cold sweat.

Relying on the collapse, Chen Rong smiled.

This laugh is quite relaxed and quite brilliant.

... This time the debut, really met her requirements. With such a song, the entire Jiankang City, regardless of the power of the hermit, will know themselves? Moreover, in their evaluation, they are not the clowns and obscene women accompanying the absurd emperor?

I don't know how long it took, her carriage was slow.

The curtain opened and a beautiful face screamed into her carriage.

This person is Sun Yan. His eyes were a little puffy. When he saw Chen Rong, he sighed and took a sip of white teeth and smiled. "Is things going smoothly?"

Chen Rong nodded. She sat up straight and smiled. She looked at him quite smugly. She said, "This time, I was recognized by Jiankang." She lifted her chin, her eyes glowed, and she said to her. : "Give me two more opportunities. By that time, I will not be humble."

At that time, even if she is not respected, she must not dare to scorn, and will not arbitrarily tease and insult. As Sun Yan said, when the recognition of the great Confucian and the famous scholars, the time will allow her to have a pride! Whether you are born or dead, you can be proud!

Sun Yan looked at the smug smile on Chen Rong's face and shook his head. He smiled and said, "Look at the look of your little man!"

Having said that, he grinned again, and the beautiful scorpion was bright and sharp. "You, this woman, will catch it as long as there is a chance, and I am not as good as this."

Chen Rong smiled.

At this moment, Chen Yan said: "Think carefully, Wang Hong is also worthy of sympathy."

When this was said, Chen Rong came to him.

In the face of her glare, Sun Yan smiled and said with a big sigh: "It is really worthy of sympathy. He can't think of it, he will like you so a woman, let him put it down, can't get it, can't get it, choose Between, it can make him break his heart!"

At this time, the screams outside, the screams are louder. In a twinkling of an eye, there were still a few wild flowers passing through the curtain, and they reached Chen Rong’s face and eyes.

Chen Rong reached out and blinked and shouted to Sun Yan: "Get out and go out, don't let the women take me apart."

Sun Yan once again grinned. He looked up and down Chen Rong and said: "If you let them see it, I don't think you want to go home today."

As he said, he laughed and quit.

Chen Rong’s carriage continued to drive forward.

Can not walk a few steps, the carriage is a slow, Chen Rongtou did not lift said: "How come again?" Although it is a question, in the tone, more or less have joy and relaxation.

The curtain of the car swayed. When Chen Rong frowned, a woman’s voice came. "There is a Hongyunzi in the carriage? My host has a request."

Since the establishment of the Jiankang Wangfu, Chen Rong was chilling as soon as he heard ‘My home owner’s please.’ She said with a cold face: "I don't see."

Speaking in a word, Chen Rong shouted to the coward: "Go."

The coward was in a hurry and drove away in a hurry.

Looking at the carriage that was far away, the woman in her thirties walked down to a carriage and said softly to the inside: "She can't say it." Suddenly, the woman said with a bit of annoyance: "Language Extremely disrespectful."

The man in the carriage was silent for a while before he whispered back: "The seven brothers are extremely obsessed with this woman. According to people, this woman is also unusual. I will see it again next time."

This voice, with a little childishness in gentle elegance.

The woman said: "I heard that when the lord saw her, she also asked her to be the noble of Qilang, but she refused? Why is this girl who is not ignorant?"

The female voice in the carriage smiled and smiled. She lowered her voice and said quietly: "I don't understand this. The seven brothers in my family should suffer this kind of torture!"

Speaking of this, this childish and soft female voice laughed again.

Smiling and laughing, the girl asked, "Hey, why don't you talk?"

For a long while, the woman’s talents whispered back and said: "Seven, seven Lang, are you here?"

When the words came out, the curtains immediately opened, and a pretty smiling face appeared in front of everyone. When the girl turned her eyes, she saw that her seven brothers were behind her hands and were quietly looking at the direction in which the carriage left. Looking at his eyes, I don’t know why, the girl’s heart is soft and she can’t smile again.