MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 14 Sun Jiaxiaolang

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Outside the carriage, whether it is Pingyi or Shangshao, they are all dumbfounded, and I don’t know how long it took. Hiratsuka asked what he said: "Girl, you, when did you learn this skill?"

Chen Rong is silent.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Rong whispered, "I learned it in my dreams."

Before waiting for them to reflect, Chen Rong’s voice sank and ordered: "This matter cannot be said. If someone asks later, you will say that I am the father and brother who left to learn the piano."

Hiratsuka Monk, you look at me, I look at you.

They have stayed in the small Chen House for a lifetime, and there is no eye in the small Pingcheng. Chen Rong said that she learned in her dreams. Although they didn't believe much, they couldn't think of other reasons.

After a while, the voice of Shang Yi came, "Yes, the girl is relieved." Next to it, Ping Yi and others also swayed.

In their simple mind, at this moment, I thought about it. If I couldn’t figure it out, I wouldn’t want to, and this time the girl acted like a **** help. Maybe this piano technique is really what she learned in her dreams.

In the carriage, Chen Rong nodded and said: "If someone looks for me, then I will sleep."


At this time, the team started again.

After the two teams were mixed, the entire team stretched for nearly ten miles. The horseshoe stepped, the smoke that was rolled up was flying high, and the front and the back could not be seen.

After Chen Rongzhen had the sound of that piece of music, he quietly stayed in the carriage and did not show up again. Among them, Wang Wulang sent someone to look for her, and they were all sent by Shang Yi and Ping Yi.

Originally, the girls of Wang and Yu’s are already ready to compete with Chen Rong. Even if the piano skills are not as good as her, can they compare with her in other places? Even if you can't afford it, can you force her to draw the chess and paintings over and over again? As long as she appears, they have a way to pull back a city.

But they did not think that Chen Rong actually had a sleep, and then did not face.

At this time, the team in motion suddenly stagnate.

Chen Rongqi opened the curtain and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Shang Hao replied: "I will go."

After two quarters of an hour, Shang Hao came back. He jumped into the coward's position and said to Chen Rong: "I met a branch of Sun's family. It seems that I have encountered any bandits. The adults are dead. There is only one Xiao Langjun. The servant escaped."

The sound of Shang Yi has just fallen, and the convenience is awkward. Then, a windy carriage came to them.

The carriage black satin mahogany can be seen in the original luxury. Only at this moment, the satin is old, and there are traces of swords everywhere in the mahogany.

Sitting in the driver's seat is a fifteen or six year old boy. This young sword eyebrow star, the nose is straight, at this moment his thin lips are tight, and his face is tired.

Even so, the young man’s back was straight, and the white clothes were clean and the hair was in the end.

Next to the boy, Wang Wulang frowned and said: "Sun Xiaolang, this coward is done by the next person. If Xiaolang is willing, I will send a few servants immediately."

Sun Xiaolang shook his head and said: "No need."

After spit out these three words, there is no more words.

Wang Wulang’s brow wrinkled more tightly. He pulled his mouth and said, “This is the meaning of my family’s Qilang. Why is Xiaolang not close to human feelings?”

This time, Sun Xiaolang did not return to him with a single word.

Wang Wulang had a boring and uninterested attitude. He arched his hand toward Sun Xiaolang and drove the carriage back to the front.

After a while, the boy came to Chen Rong.

After being side by side with Chen Rong, he turned the horse's head.

The team has started again.

At this time, there was a hoarse and heavy voice in the carriage. "Shaolang, what is your identity, can you do this coward? Or the villain." Then, a struggling voice came.

Sun Xiaolang licked his lips and said, "No, no."

When he said this, the carriage was quiet.

After the team traveled for another ten miles, the sun sank into the horizon.

As the whistling sound came, the carriages stopped and the servants began to prepare for dinner.

Chen Rong walked down from the carriage, and she turned her head and looked at the boy who was still sitting straight in the coward's position. In the splendid golden light, the boy’s tender and handsome face is like a lone wolf walking in the wilderness. That kind of loneliness and loneliness, she saw countless times in the mirror when she was alive.

This kind of loneliness, in the laughter that came from time to time, seems so uneven.

Chen Rong came to Sun Xiaolang and said: "If you want to take revenge, you have to build up your strength. Only a coward, you will refuse all help and change, and you will be immersed in sadness and despair."

Her voice is low and cold.

Sun Xiaolang shouted and turned his head, staring at Chen Rong.

Chen Rong did not care for him. She turned and left, and never looked back.

Before returning to the camp, Chen Rong whispered: "After making the food, I will give Sun Xiaolang two copies."


When the last golden light sank into the sky, several meals were already prepared. This time, the wine and meat that Wang Jiahe and his family had set up formed two long dragons.

While eating a meal, Chen Rong noticed that Wang Jiahe’s family had sent meals, but after Sun Xiaolang’s cold face refused, she only accepted her.

Chen Rong saw it, smiled and shook his head.

After the two teams were united, the children of the clan family put their hearts in their stomachs. Until the middle of the moon, the laughter is still endless.

Stepping on the moonlight, Chen Rong walked to the front.

The camp was located on a hillside in front of a small river. The terrain is wide.

Under the moonlight, the quiet and flowing river exudes a radiant glow.

Walking, Chen Rong heard a string of piano sounds.

The sound of the piano is very leisurely, just a listen, Chen Rong knows that it is played by Wang Hong. Unconsciously, Chen Rong went along with the piano.

Only after a dozen steps, her footsteps are a moment. In the moonlight that sheds a thousand miles, the piano is played, but it is not Wang Hong. However, behind him, he is a beautiful girl in Chinese costume.

Looking at the girls, Chen Rong shook his head and slowly stepped back.

Just retired to the river, a developmental, rough and harsh boy sounded, "Your name is Chen Rong?"

Chen Rong nodded.

"Sun Yan, I haven't taken the word yet."

Chen Rong nodded again. She turned her head and looked at the tall, handsome young man. Under the moonlight, his side was really beautiful, and the curve was distinct, like a mountain edge.

Sun Yaning looked at the shining lake, and said again, "Wang and the people of the family are pity to me, and they want to give me. Oh! I am a man, why do you need others to pity."

He is explaining to Chen Rong why he is indifferent to the Wang family and his family.