MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 130 Back to Jiankang

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In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

On this road, there are a few waves of whistle exploring the road, and the fine five hundred guards are enough to scare off the small thieves. As a result, the group walked without any fuss, and in a blink of an eye, Jiankang was looking forward to it.

This step was built into the scope of Kangcheng, and the whole atmosphere was quite different in the past.

A team of fresh clothes and angry horses of the Chinese costumes came to the horse, whether in the mountains or in the fields, you can always hear high voices.

After a moment, Chen Rong can already hear the laughter and the sound of music coming from the city.

Just as she looked around, a group of fresh clothes and robbed horses rushed to the robes, and they snorted and waved their long whip. The long whip hit the air and it creaked.

More than a dozen Huafu children rushed from the ramp to the side of the team.

Just then, a beautiful teenager screamed: "Stop and stop."

This sound?

Chen Rong turned to look at it, and sure enough, this young girl's eyebrows, white skin, no knot in the throat, where is a beautiful boy? It is clearly what the girl is dressed up.

Looking at it again, Chen Rong actually discovered that the five or six people around the pseudo-juvenile were actually girls dressed as teenagers.

The headed girl, after drinking the stalled horse, looked at the crowd and looked at the crowd.

When she came over, she suddenly whiped and yelled at a guard: "You, turn your head!"

The guard heard the words, frowned, and stared at her.

The girl glanced at him, her face showing a disappointing look, the long whip in her hand slammed into the air, and when she made a squeaking noise, she cried sullenly: "Hundreds of husbands, I am very angry, but I don’t have a beautiful boy. Hey, since it’s not beautiful, what kind of pride are you?”

The girl’s voice fell, and the girls behind her smiled at the same time. They covered their mouths with wide sleeves, smiled and screamed and shouted, “Well, it’s what we lost.”

"Hey, the man, if you apply the powder, it is still unsatisfactory." The girl's whip is referring to a brown-brown, ruthless guard.

"But I don't know if there is a beautiful boy in the carriage?"

I don't know who said this sentence. The current reminder of the girl headed, she drove the horse and rushed to Wang Hong's carriage.

Chen Rong has been looking at this scene through the curtain of the car. This Jiankang City, she has been here before, but she was already a witty wife, even if she came, she was in a hurry and had no leisure time. Where did she see such a bold girl? Yes, she has heard that Jiankang folk style is luxurious and temperamental. In addition, some people in the palace have taken the lead. Many of the family girls who have a bad family style have raised their guests. This is always the case in the world. All the rules and regulations, the blame and the right and wrong, are all ordinary people who do not show their identity.

In a blink of an eye, the girl took the girls and boys, and rushed to Wang Hong’s carriage.

Chen Rong regained her gaze and she sneaked to Wang Hong.

At this moment, Wang Hong, whose eyes have been on the script, has opened his mouth. His voice is clear and elegant. "You can put it on."

When Chen Rongzhen was puzzled, a guard said: "Yes."

In a blink of an eye, the scream of the guard came out, "Put the badge."

As soon as the words spit out, the guards screamed and turned around, and in a blink of an eye, the signs and flags that belonged to Wang Wang’s unique appearance appeared in every corner.

When the guards opened their mouths, the girls were still laughing and laughing, and this must be a **** to see them stay.

In the stagnation of the chicken, the headed girl turned over and she gracefully and respectfully turned to Wang Hong’s carriage, and shouted: "Nothing, Lang Jun, don't blame!"

The girl’s voice awoke everyone. At the moment, more than a dozen teenagers and men turned over at the same time. For a time, the woman’s sorrowful man’s work, shouting in awe and screaming: “I’m waiting for nothing, Lang Jun’s blame. "

The answer to them is the sound of the carriage rolling. In a blink of an eye, the team will pass by, leaving only the sky and smoke.

Chen Rong looked back and looked at the young girl who kept her head down, extremely elegant and extremely standard, and then turned to look at Wang Hong.

At this time, Wang Hong, his mouth was slightly raised, and his clear eyes focused on the script, which seemed to be just a scene. He really experienced too much.

Chen Rong’s mouth twitched and slowly smiled. She turned to look at the tall and beautiful city gate, and the clear river water flowing on both sides of the city gate. The tall city gate said low: "Lang Jun, please allow me to return. Go to your own carriage."

Wang Hong slowly put down his handwriting and stunned Chen Rong. He raised his mouth and said, "Go on."


The carriage stopped and Chen Rong ran back to his carriage.

As soon as she got into the carriage, Pingyi quickly rushed forward to wipe out the dust that did not exist for her. From time to time, I glanced at the door that was getting closer and closer, and cried cheerfully: "Girl, this is Jiankang, we returned to Jiankang!"

The flat face was smiling and the small eyes were smashed into a line. She said happily: "Girl, your father and brother are building Kangcheng. After a few years, I don't know if they are safe now?"

Chen Rong looked up and looked at Pingyi, looking at the old face and laughing at her, Chen Rong’s lips moved, and finally did not say anything.

At this time, the team began to enter the city.

No matter whether it is Pingyi or Chen Rong, they stop talking and start to look at the city intently.

Not only are they, almost at the moment when they took out the badge, the momentum of the royal family guards suddenly changed. At this time, each of them had a gentle and alienated smile on their faces. They had a straight back, and the hand holding the whip, the posture of the horse across the horse, became standard and unified. It is elegant.

At this moment, all the guards have a kind of pride from the bones, and the elegance that has been cultivated after years of training. At this moment, five hundred guards, everyone has a Confucian style.

Looking at them, Ping’s head shrank and shrank, and enviously muttered to himself: "The world has said that it is the servant of the king, not the emperor. This is what the servant of the king said." She used Unfamiliar, awe-inspiring eyes on these royal guards, it seems that at this moment, those who have worked with her for more than a month, have been gentle and casual, are actually so extraordinary.

As the guards drove into Jiankang City, almost suddenly, a burst of ecstasy screamed and laughter came. These voices were heard by the girls. The more they came out, they flooded Wang Hong’s carriage like a flood, cheering and screaming. "Seven Lang and Lang, ah, is the return of the seven Lang."

"Seven lang is so boring, it’s been so long."

"Skiro, you are not there, the winter is cold and boneless, and the spring shadow is gone."

"Jilang Qilang, why don't you show your face?"

In these cheers and shouts, ten Wangjia guards turned over and fell off the horse's carriage outside Wang Hong's carriage.