MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 108 Getting along this time

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冉闵The right hand patted a few faces and laughed loudly.

He smiled, and his tears came out with a smile, and he stopped slowly.

Over the head, let the hair shine like silk, and spread it on his handsome three-dimensional face, letting a mischievous shredded hair, blocking his eyes.

He smiled and looked at Chen Rong and said: "The little cousin is so courageous, "Slowly, he added another sentence, "Good heart!"

Chen Rong did not answer, she just lowered her head, the small mouth smashed into a line, tears in the eyelashes.

Looking at her like this, she was laughing again. "Hey, such a hot calculation of others, but also a grievance, Xiaoguzi really makes you look at it."

Chen Rong still didn't look up, but his face was paler.

He picked up the glass and sipped his head. He put the glass on the table and said, "Okay."

Until then, Chen Rongcai lifted his head and looked at him. There was protest and grievance in the eyes, and it seemed that he had not said that she should not say her ‘good heart’.

In a blink of an eye, she lowered her head again, and after she was blessed, she stepped back to the couch and sat down slowly.

At this time, I joined the palm of my hand and said: "Come in."


An aide came into being.

He turned to Chen Rong and ordered: "Tell that line."


Chen Rong stood up and blessed him again. In the curse of Shasha, she said the line in detail.

That line, although it is the memory of the past life, but she came here, thought and thought again, remembered and remembered, and has repeatedly portrayed in the heart to prove countless times. Therefore, at this moment, it is very clear and clear.

After a while, the curtain closed the book and said to him: "Yes."

He nodded and waved to let him back.

At this moment, a footstep came from outside.

After a while, a soldier shouted outside: "General, the time has come."

Chen Rong in the room listened, and now he was blessed and retired.

When Chen Rong left, an insider entered, and he looked at him and smiled. "A great opportunity, how can the general not be warm with the younger sister?"

He stood up and wore armor under the service of the soldiers. At this time, he was so cold and depressed for a while before he said, "This little girl saw me this time, and her manners were too normal." Several people in the account laughed. He didn't smile. He turned his head thoughtfully and looked at Chen Rong's direction. He said, "This little girl, the temperament is like me."

The scene laughed and laughed: "The temperament is like a general. You can't do it. It's hard." Now the children of the sects are all temperate, and they look at the mighty, murderous, thinking of him. Saying that a gentleman is like him, the more he wants to be, the more funny he is.

When Chen Rong walked out of the camp, Ping was waiting outside. Originally, she has been following Chen Rong, but when Chen Rong talked with her, she was waved out, and Chen Rong, because of the invisible light that harmed the family elders, did not stop.

She greeted Chen Rong with a few steps and carefully glared at her. She couldn't help but ask: "Girl, how is it?" The eyes are full of hopes.

Chen Rong looked at her and smiled and said, "Very good."

He was overjoyed and lowered his voice and said, "Well, can he mention marriage?"


Chen Rong shook her head, and she looked at the tent in front of her, a little lost. Just now, when she said those words, she still thought that she would be disappointed with her so hot and selfish, and she would never like it again - she would never like it again, she would not care, she must also Revenge back!

But she did not expect that he would agree, and he laughed so loudly. When she was alive, she tried to show the best side in front of him, but she was always spurned by him. Why did she not care about this time, she presented her real, but got his appreciation?

Chen Rong can't figure this out, but she doesn't care now. With a hoe, Chen Rong strode forward.

Ping Shan followed closely, and after a few steps, she couldn’t help but ask: "Girl, the general, he, can he talk about something else? If the lord confessed, and if the girl told him Now, in the family, don't you object to marry him?"

Chen Rongtou did not return, faintly said: "I will care about the family's thoughts."

A flattery.

Chen Rong has already walked to his own camp, and she has a cat on her waist and flashed in.

In a blink of an eye, four days passed.

At noon this day, Pingyi saw Chen Rong coming out and quickly stepped forward to meet and called: "Girl." She glanced at the account behind her and whispered, "What did the general say?"

Just now, he once again called Chen Rong to the camp, and he also made it out.

Once again, Chen Rong shook her head and she whispered: "He didn't talk to me."

"Ah? Why?"

Chen Rong smiled and said: "He is too busy." This point, Ping Yi also saw, she asked strangely: "The general called the girl to come, what do you want to do?"

Chen Rong shook his head again.

Just now, she just sat on his side and watched him talk to the aides and watched him give orders. From beginning to end, he did not have time to pay attention to her.

It’s strange that you call yourself to his camp. Is it to let yourself see how he is doing?

In Chen Rong’s incomprehensible, in the evening, she was again called to the camp’s camp.

Sitting honestly in the corner, Chen Rong looked at the curtain floating in front of her. She remembered good things, but at noon, but there is no such thing.

Chen Rong smashed it for a while, and when he saw the last aide, he also withdrew. There was only one person in the camp, and he could not help but whisper: "General."

He is looking through the script, and he doesn't lift his head. "Speak the key."

Chen Rong, who knew his character, immediately said in a clear voice: "Arong does not know, why did the general call me to come in front of Arong, and hang this curtain?"

He still doesn't lift his head. He said in a natural tone: "I always have people coming in and out of this camp. I don't want them to distract when I hang up the curtain."

Chen Rong bit her lip and passed it for a while. She asked me, "The general, called me, but something?"

He threw the brush aside and leaned back, reaching out to his eyebrows and said with exhaustion: "I can't call you if nothing happens?"


Chen Rong opened his mouth and thought to himself: Nothing, of course, can't call me. However, she understands that when he is tired, he will be very annoyed and will not ask.

At this moment, under the greet of two soldiers, a young man in his 30s and 40s came in.

The scholar was sweating and had dust on his face, and his lips were dry.

As soon as he sat down, he put his hands in front of his abdomen, and his eyes looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

He looked up.

He glanced at the glass in front of the scholar, then lowered his head and continued to write something on the slate.

The Nass saw him not open, a little scared, the sweat on his forehead was more fierce, and he licked his cracked lips, still moving and not moving.

At the time, he was busy with a paragraph. He put down the brush and looked up.

Just a glance, his thick eyebrows are a wrinkle, and his face is gloomy.

The Nass saw it, the cold sweat was like oil, and it trembled into a ball. He hurriedly pushed a few and wanted to kneel down.

At this moment, Chen Rongqing’s voice rang in the camp. "This gentleman, since the mouth is dry, why not drink a drink? Since the face is sweaty, why not pick up the towel hanging aside and wipe the face off? Sweat?"

The Nassman glanced at him and he understood it. He was annoying himself. At the moment, he hurriedly picked up the glass and drank it. After drinking it, he wiped the sweat with a towel and then sat back on the couch.

Chen Rong shook his head and said again: "If a gentleman has something to say, the general is busy, and he will not be able to ask for everything."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The Nass finally understood why the general would get angry every time he came.

At the moment, he stood up and bowed his hands to his hand. He said loudly: "The generals, this time we sold the Nanyang Wang 20 car grain millet, and we have to wait for a hundred cars. The bill is here." Then he took out his bill from his arms.

I didn’t pick it up, waved backwards, "Give her."

The Nass people should be busy, and they will come to Chen Rong.

And Chen Rong, then he was too sleepy to say anything. For a while, she only smiled bitterly, and reached for the book that the scholar had handed over, and read it over it.

After reading it, he waved and let the Nassman retreat.

In a blink of an eye, there are only two people in the camp.

Shasha’s pen movement was almost sudden, and he asked, “Little girl, now know why I called you?”

Chen Rongyan looked at him with his big eyes.

For a moment, she murmured: "Know it."

He was obviously in a good mood. He smiled softly and said softly: "None of the people I met in my life, I have never known one, such as Xiaoguzi."

When Chen Rong heard this, she jumped up in her heart. Unconsciously, under her wide sleeves, her hands were twisted into a ball: he suddenly said this, would he re-raise his marriage? If he mentions, should I agree?

Just when she was in a heart, when she was in a mess, for a long time, she didn’t come out.

He is still at the desk.

After writing for a while, Shantou did not raise the order and said: "If you are idle, you will sort out the books and military orders."


Chen Rong exclaimed.

She looked at it from the left and right, and smiled bitterly. In this camp, only he and her, this is not for her, but for whom?

Well, maybe she has to work with him in this life, and I will please him.

Thinking of this, Chen Rong finally stood up and walked toward the donkey. She bent down and moved the scripts and military orders to her couch, and took another four treasures of the study.

After a while, a master made a big step. He took a stack of books from his arms and said, "The general, things went smoothly. We successfully stopped a grain team going to Nanyang City." He snorted twice, proud. Said: "The grain is really quite a lot, there are forty cars! After interrogation, the grain team is indeed the goods that Nanyang's family and Chen Yuan privately transferred. Hey, that line, they are transporting money. The main team has been captured by all of us. As for those in Nanyang City, they will know that they have lost their food after ten days. According to our arrangement, they will think that it is because they met Hu in the city of Yangyang. As a result of the people, as for the route, they will not know that they have been exposed and will continue to transfer the goods."

The curtain said that it was laughing, "General, this time we made a fortune."

In the big laughter of the staff, he smiled. He seemed to know that Chen Rong was restless, and waved his hand at the moment, so that it was the excitement of the aides who shut up and quit.

So, this time, when Chen Rong came out, it was already the moon.

Pingyi greeted a few steps. She saw Chen Rong holding his arms and looking tired. He couldn’t help but whisper: "Girl, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Rong glanced at her and said with exhaustion: "I didn't think that he had so many things. After finishing an hour, he finished one tenth."

Ping Yu Zhang mouth, she said slyly: "What does the girl say?"

Chen Rong replied impatiently: "Nothing is to help him sort out an hourly instrument. If he has an aide to come to the scene, remind those people, lest they be too tempered, so that they can get angry." "

what? This is a dumbfounded.

She stayed in the same place, and went straight for a while before she woke up. When she saw that Chen Rong had gone far, she quickly followed three steps and followed her two steps, and said in a hurry: "Girl, have you asked the general? The amount of money in the grain is still waiting for the answer."

In the eyes of Ping An’s expectation, Chen Rong shook his head inadvertently.

This time, Pingyi will cry. She choked and muttered, "How can this be good? How can this be good? The day after the delay, what is the festival?"

Chen Rong did not look back, just strode forward. She didn't have any famous festivals. Besides, now that she is returning to Nanyang City, she is really worried that Chen Yuan and Yu have not seen the food, killing her in an angry manner, or sending her to anyone regardless of her.

Chen Rong, now, can't see the road ahead of him. He doesn't know how to go. Hey, wait, wait, maybe a few days, there is a turnaround...

Early the next morning, Chen Rong was awakened in a noise.

She rolled over and fell, listening to the sound of the horses outside, the voice of the human voice, still humming things. A variety of voices filled the entire camp.

At this time, Hiratsuka’s voice with drowsiness came, "What happened, is it so noisy?"

Chen Rong did not answer, she just turned over and asked, outside the camp asked: "What happened?"

Immediately, a soldier replied loudly outside: "Opened."

what? Opened up?

Chen Rongqi stepped forward and just arrived at the camp. He thought that he had not washed himself. He called to Pingyi: "Hurry, help me wash."

"Yes, yes." Hiratsuka also panicked and quickly stepped forward.

After a busy conversation, Chen Rong, who had cleaned up, hurriedly put on a silk hat and walked to the camp where he was.

When she arrived, she stood outside the camp and stood for thirty or forty generals. The generals stood in two rows and were listening to him.

Seeing this situation, Chen Rong can only stop and wait for him. ,

After a while, the public will take the lead and leave.

Chen Rong saw that he turned and walked in, and quickly kept up.

When she rushed in, she was wearing armor with the help of the soldiers. The heavy armor of the black one is draped over him, and the rust of the golden iron is screaming.

Chen Rong took a few steps and came to the front of the donkey. Just a glance, she bowed her head. At this time, he had already put on his helmet. He was originally majestic and imposing. The helmet was worn, and the kind of blood-killing gas came straight, which was really chilling. .

Chen Rong bit her lip and blinked. She looked up and yelled at her eyes. "What do you mean by the general? The army is going to open up, why don't you know me?" To let him see his anger She also took off the hat.

He lifted his chin and let the soldiers pull out the knots under his knees. When he heard Chen Rong’s accusation, he glanced at Chen Rong and lazily replied: "What do you know?"

Chen Rong was forced to be a little scared by his momentum. When he heard this, the nameless fire rushed straight. She bit her teeth and took a deep breath. She still screamed: "General, you have to forget, the army. In addition to your soldiers, there is such a little girl who is a guest!"

Her screams came out, but she bent her thin lips and laughed.

His laughter is clear and sweet.

In the laughter, he stared quietly at Chen Rong, seeing her little face getting red and red, her eyes raging and rising, only to put up a smile, said: "Nanyang City is a land of right and wrong, you have offended the family, What are you going to do?"

He didn't say it was okay. When he said that Chen Rong was even more angry, she cried, "This is my business!"

He was laughing again, and he turned his back and opened his arms, letting the soldiers begin to wear a carapace and put on a cloak.

After a while, Chen Rong did not wait until he spoke again.

She slammed into a circle and rushed to the front of him again, glaring at him. Chen Rong whispered: "General, you haven't answered me yet."

Lazily glanced at her and saw her staring at herself, laughing and laughing.

After a while, he was dressed and turned and walked outside.

He still didn't speak.

Chen Rong hurriedly followed.

Seeing a pro-guard holding a fire dragon horse, stepping up, Chen Rong was anxious, she rushed out and shouted, "Surname is stunned!" Only three words were called, and suddenly, a bend With her right hand stretched out, lift her elbow and put her gently in front of her horse!

At the lightning speed, he placed the cockroach's Chen Rong in a raised position, and his left hand stretched out, holding her thin waist.

Then, he smiled and said: "This time the little prince disregarded the criticism of the world. I came to see and see for a long time. Isn't it just with me? If so, what about going back to Nanyang?"

As soon as he kicked his horse, he galloped.

As the horse walked together, his hard armor rubbed her delicate skin with a sting.

He didn't feel it. He tightened his left arm and pressed Chen Rong to his chest. He lowered his head, leaned closer to her ear, spit out the breath, and sang her eardrum. "As for the festival, you don't have to Worried, the time is up, I will officially marry you to get started. Oh, the old Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru elope, the world is a beautiful talk, it is a while ago, you Arong is not for the sake of 'enyi' also run away? You Just now we are elopement."

He said here, seeing Chen Rong stiff, motionless, the moment haha ​​smiled, kicked on the toes, instantaneously, the dragons under the fire leaped up, rushing forward, screaming on both sides of the cold wind, shocked Ear mask pain!

The hard breastplate is still rubbing against Chen Rong’s back, and every friction is a pain.

Can Chen Rong, has been head down.

She closed her eyes tightly.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Rong said with a dumb voice: "General General, Arong, although his father and brother are not around, but also a sect girl. Please put me down, let me sit in the carriage and accompany it." 'Several words, really hard.


In a blink of an eye, he smiled lowly: "Is the little girl agreeing to marry me?"

Only when he laughed here, he smiled in a self-talking tone: "Yes, you can only marry me now. Those who are cumbersome and ruthless will not marry you."

Chen Rong heard a stiff smile and murmured: "It was before, no scholars would be willing to marry me." ... As for the god-like Wang Qilang, he will never marry her.

Forced to close his eyes, tearing away the teardrops in the corner of his eyes, Chen Rong biting his lip, seriously, said seriously: "General general, please let me down, please allow Arong to follow in the carriage!"

In her tone, she has an incomparable insistence.

Listening to her unusual seriousness, laughing and laughing, the reins are a leap, and the speed of running slows down. Then, he took Chen Rong and put her down on the horse.

After letting go of her, she kept her bent position, and her eyes stared at her in an instant. Suddenly she asked, "Chen Arong, do you really like the Wang Qilang?"

Awkwardly, Chen Rong looked up at him.

When she looked at him, she was hesitant, struggling, and hesitant in her bright eyes...

Finally, she pointed at his eyes, but said seriously: "Yes."

When she said the word, she didn't blink, she stared at his face for a moment, staring at his expression.

Almost fast, handsome, flying smiles froze.

He sipped for a long time and stopped the fire horse to stand up.

Then he set off.

Bowing his head, staring at Chen Rong for a moment, he suddenly extended his right hand and severely cursed Chen Rong's chin. The dark, sullen, like the flames of the dark night, flowing with the flame of anger.

His lips were tight and his voice was cold. "What time?"

A touch of murderousness passed through his handsome face, and he sighed and said: "Tell me, when is it!"

Originally, when Chen Rong said the word 'yes', his heart was not remorseful. She hated how so stupid she was. How could he give him such an answer? She hates how she will squander her future. Since she is ready to marry him, everything about Wang Hong should be buried and buried until she is in the coffin!

However, she also knows that the former world’s hate is too deep and too thick, and it has been hidden. Therefore, when she sees such arrogance and self-righteousness, she will suddenly want to All this is shattered by the desire! She was impulsive, preferring to ruin the happiness of her life, and would like to see his expression at the moment.