MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 90 Everything for tickets

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The noisy surroundings made Gu Xizhou wake up like a dream. He was forced to form a team.


Hearing Mudge taking a sigh of cold air, Gu Xizhou looked down his line of sight, and it wasn't people but the ghosts that caught his eyes, and those ghosts walked towards the gate of the playground with a pair of expressions.

Mudge's palms were cold and sweaty, and his throat was throbbing.

"Fuck, what's going on in this mission world?" Mudge singled up the collar of the woman who brought them in.

He was an anti-drug policeman and was accustomed to the fierce methods of death, gunfights, and gangster killings, but at this moment his heart appeared for a long time without emotions-fear.

Yes, he was afraid.

At this moment they were among the ghosts.

The woman held Mudge's nervous and shaking hands with her hands, which seemed to mean to relieve Mudge. "Calm down, just some ghosts. Besides, they are not actively attacking people. What are you afraid of?"

Mudge: "..."

Gu Xizhou also patted Mudge's shoulder, everything was in silence. Now that it's here, it doesn't make sense to rip a face with a woman now, it's better to figure out what the world is like before talking about it.

Gu Xizhou was forced into a team by a woman, but his stomach was also hot, but compared to this worst, Mudge, if Mudge didn't help himself, he wouldn't have had to follow up.

"Hmm ..." March was not an impulsive person. After calming down his emotions, he let go of the woman's placket and rubbed his eyebrows. He looked displeased and was about to speak. The woman in front of him spoke.

"My name is Ye Yan."

The three of them stood in the middle of the ghosts, Ye Yan turned a blind eye to the surroundings, and calmly said to Gu Xizhou, "I'm sorry to team up with you in this way, but I have no other way."

Gu Xizhou asked with a calm face, "I didn't feel your apology. How did you know that I was the tasker in the task world?"

"Actually, before I knew your name, I didn't know that you were the same as me." Ye Yan said, "When I first saw you, I only regarded you as an ordinary policeman."

Gu Xizhou raised her eyebrows slightly. Ye Ye did not explain too much. She took out a note from her pocket and handed it to Gu Xizhou. "Open it."

Gu Xizhou unfolded the crumpled note. The words on it were very strange. Unlike the words written by normal people, the words were very large. There were strange wave folds on each stroke and stroke. There were only three words on the note— — Gu Xizhou.

"What's the special meaning of the note?" Gu Xizhou's face was sinking in water.

Ye Zheng bit her lower lip, only to hear her softly: "This is what I got before leaving the last world."

"I've never heard of such a hint in the mission world."

"No, this note wasn't given to me by the mission world." Ye Xun knew that he could not deceive Gu Xizhou, and nodded generously, "I don't know if you have heard of some special props in the mission world?"

"Yes, you go on." Gu Xizhou said lightly.

"I have a prop ..." Having said that, Ye Ye glanced at the two men alertly. She didn't say what the props were, but noticed that neither of them showed a greedy look, and she spoke with a long breath.

"The props I get are special, they can make vague hints and predictions.

"This item can only be used in the quest world, so I'm used to predicting the life of the next quest world every time I leave the quest world.

"In the past, it gave me some hints on the rules. Although vague, but with this hint and my cooperation with team people, as you can see, I can leave the mission world alive and without risk."

Ye Yan said poorly, "But this time it's different. It didn't give me the rules, but wrote your name."

"This is the first time I have encountered such a situation."

Gu Xizhou glanced at her and said, "Bixian, right?"

"Huh?" Ma Qi looked at Gu Xizhou and didn't know what Gu Xizhou was talking about, but Ye Yan turned pale and nodded under Gu Xizhou's eyes.

"What pen fairy?" Asked March.

Gu Xizhou didn't answer his question. He estimated that there were pen immortals in the world where Ye Ye obtained the props.

The vague prediction and the note with his name are not difficult to guess. The prop in Ye Ye's hand should be a pencil.

However, he guessed that the pencil in Ye Yan's hand could not be used indefinitely, and each use would consume the prop itself, but even so, the prop was very upset.

After a while, Gu Xizhou said: "It is OK to team with you, but I have one condition."

Ye Zheng: "You said."

"Before leaving this world, if you don't use your props, I want to use your props once." Gu Xizhou put forward the conditions. If the effect of the pen is exactly as Ye Ye said, then this pen may help him answer him Doubts.

About his resurrection!

Ye Xi listened to Gu Xizhou's words, nodded his teeth and said, "Okay, that's all!"

The two reached a deal, and the only unlucky one was Mudge. Gu Xizhou Anyway also reached an agreement with Ye Meng. The pen can be used to predict, but Mudge has nothing.

"I want to use it too!"

Ye Xiubai glanced at him: "You came up with it yourself. Besides, I said before that this prop can only be used once per world. Do you want to team with me to go to the next world?"

Ma Qi gave Ye Yan an angry look, but when he looked at the ghosts around him, he suddenly lost his temper, and he really did not want to team up with Ye Yan.

The three walked to the gate of the amusement park together. At this time, three or two people had gathered at the gate of the amusement park. It was easy to tell whether their people were the living ones or their companions.

Gu Xizhou three came over, and the people at the door nodded slightly to Gu Xizhou.

Mudge glanced around for the first time, and now there are about thirty people here. After he noticed the number of people, he took a sigh of air conditioning. Is this difficult to nightmare?

After a brief self-introduction, one of the girls named Ak was briefly introduced to the three of them.

"You touch your pockets."

When Gu Xizhou heard the words, he touched his pocket subconsciously. Gu Xizhou found that he only had a hundred-dollar bill in his wallet, and the other money was gone. The other two were just like him. Only one hundred yuan.

Akko said: "The only thing we can be sure of now is that I must enter the amusement park. Each of us has only one hundred in our wallet, but the entrance ticket to the amusement park is one hundred and twenty."

Gu Xizhou heard the words and raised an eyebrow: "Not enough money to buy a ticket?"

"Yes," Ake nodded, "Lu Ge, they are queuing for tickets at the window, they won't know until they come back."

Gu Xizhou glanced into the distance and nodded. Ak also only arrived a little earlier than Gu Xizhou and didn't know much.

Everyone whispered, but Gu Xizhou noticed that the emotions of these people were calm. Obviously, these people were very good in mind and friendly to the three of Gu Xizhou. Such friendship made Gu Xizhou feel subtle.

After a while, they discussed the few people who went to the ticket office.

Looking for someone among a group of ghosts is naturally easy to find. Lu An came out first, while Gu Xizhou noticed that Lu An had a ticket in his hand.

Akko froze and asked, "Lu Ge, did you buy a ticket?"

Lu An nodded and said, "Single tickets are for one hundred and two, and two hundred are for two. This mission world must be a team of two."

As soon as his voice fell, a few people who came with them from Gu Xizhou began to find each other to form a good-looking person, and at this time the sound system of the amusement park sounded:

"Welcome everyone to the death amusement park, carousel, haunted house escape and other entertainment facilities are all open, I hope everyone have fun."

"At the same time, remind tourists to buy tickets in time to enter the park, the ticket office is selling 12 tickets left, those who did not enter the park died at four o'clock."

This, this broadcast ...

Fuck, what the **** is going on? Those who were still picky about the team members all turned sharply and flocked to the ticket gate.

Two of his teammates jumped in directly to try to grab the ticket, but the ghosts in line in front turned silently and looked at them.

"You want to cut in line?"

"No, it's not me not ..."

The ghost said coldly, "You have."

"Do you know how long we have been in line? I have been in line for a long time, how can you cut the line! Ah ah! How can you cut the line!"

Gu Xizhou heard only a few screams. After a while, the two men disappeared, leaving a pool of blood on the ground, but the two men disappeared.

"What shall we do now?" Ak asked with a pale expression, clutching Lu An's hand.

Luan pretended not to hear, and turned to talk to the other three people who bought the ticket behind him. Two of them were blocked by balloons and couldn't see his face. Gu Xizhou stood in the distance and didn't care.

Ye Xuan patted A Ke's shoulder, relieved: "Little girl save herself, please do not ask for oneself, there must be tickets in other places besides the ticket office."

Gu Xizhou nodded slightly, "Yes, the mission world cannot let us die directly at the door, there must be other ways to get tickets."

As soon as his voice fell, when he was about to find another way with Mudge and Ye Ye, a familiar voice came from behind him. The man's tone seemed a little uncertain, and he called out a name.

"Gu Ran?"

Gu Xizhou turned back and saw a familiar face just appeared in the crowd.

"Xiao Yaoxing ?!" Ma Qi froze, shouting the other's name regardless of Xizhou.

Gu Xizhou never expected that he would meet Si Yu in this world. He hesitated, and the opposite person also hesitated. The most embarrassing thing in life is that you have agreed to team together into the mission world, but the time has not come. Encounter in the mission world ...

what's going on? Gu Xizhou frowned and looked at Si Yu with a stiff voice: "How are you here? Who do you team with?"

As one of the four people with votes, Si Yu frowned slightly, "I'll explain to you later, you wait."

Si Yu said to others who did not have a ticket, "Who can give me the money, my vote belongs to you."

"I, I, I!"

In the fierce competition, one of the tall and burly men snatched the ticket from Si Yu, Si Yu got the money, grabbed Gu Xizhou's wrists with his hands, and pulled them to the corner, and Si Yu frowned slightly. And asked, "Why are you here?"

Gu Xizhou did not answer Si Yu's question, but asked, "How about you? Why are you here? Before the time has come, who did you team with?"

Gu Xizhou feels mad, who said that the big guy who teamed up together was gone! He's going to be stingy!

Si Yu pointed at himself, Shen said, "I came in alone, my time is up."

"What do you mean?" Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow. "Your time is up?"

"I don't know what's wrong, and the time for each reward is decreasing, so I sometimes enter the mission world by myself." Si Yu explained.

Gu Xizhou froze for a while, but thought in his mind whether it was because of him? But isn't the time of the previous rewards already normal?

"Why don't you call me together?"

Si Yu glanced at him and said, "Did not you have been investigating the **** of the third deceased in the chest-cutting case for the past few days? The raper? I know you have been tired recently, and ... have you and Fang been there? Yes, it's the same. "

Gu Xizhou saw Si Yu's underplaying expression of ‘I do n’t need you two mortals’, and could not help but black face.

Oh, my head is so amazing!

"How about you? Why did you come in?" Si Yu asked.

After hearing Si Yu's questioning, Gu Xizhou pouted and pointed at Ye Yan in the red dress, "She forced me to come in."

"Forcing a team?" Si Yu raised an eyebrow slightly.

Gu Xizhou nodded and told all of the things that Ye Ye had told him one by one. After listening to the words of Gu Xizhou, Si Yu took a deep look at Ye Ye and touched his chin.

"This prop is a bit useful."

Gu Xizhou glanced at him and lowered his voice. "I actually suspect that she can tell whether it is true or not. Is there such an item?"

Si Yu's dark eyes looked down at Gu Xizhou, "It's true."

"How are you sure?"


Gu Xizhou glanced suspiciously at Si Yu. He looked at the four people who had entered the amusement park through the ticket gate, and asked with a slight brow: "Is this how you gave him your ticket?"

"It's not because of you," Si Yu glanced at him, then pointed to the time on the digital clock in the distance, unhappy: "There are twenty-eight minutes to four o'clock," we hurry up to find other tickets. "

In addition to the four who have left, the two who were cut to death by ghosts, and 30 people have no tickets. Each person has only one hundred yuan. They can only enter by buying a package with two people.

But now there are no packages at the ticket office, only single tickets.

Gu Xizhou found that the rest of the people were calm, and everyone was thinking of ways to make judgments and observations on the surrounding situation.

Gu Xizhou subconsciously felt that these people are completely different from the new people they met in the previous world. They are real veterans and relatively calm. Even if they are given less than twenty-three minutes, these people do not mess with themselves, and Is to find a separate ticket source.

At this moment, he naturally stood beside Si Yu, and he asked casually, "Anything found?"

Si Yu pointed to the digital clock on the gate of the amusement park, "Where to look."

"The digital clock ..." Gu Xizhou replied, but the helpless expression on Si Yu's face made him particularly concerned, and he took a closer look.

"Today's date is 2.14 Valentine's Day." Gu Xizhou said.

Si Yu nodded, then said to Gu Xizhou: "Look at those ghosts in pairs, what are they holding?"

After listening to Si Yu's words, Gu Xizhou looked at the ghosts around him. He noticed that the pair of ghosts came out of a red house, and they were holding tickets.

"Red house?"

Secretary Yu nodded affirmatively.

As soon as Gu Xizhou was about to call others, he saw Ye Xun in three steps and ran from the red house to them in two steps. He pointed at the red house and said to Gu Xizhou and Si Yu: "Come with me, there are tickets inside!"

Mudge had just joined Ye Ye, and Mudge also said, "Go! Hurry up, there aren't many tickets!"

Gu Xizhou frowned, looked at Mudge and pointed to his mouth. "Why is there a lipstick mark on your mouth?"

"You ... you knew it in the past." March touched his mouth, and stopped talking ... Just now he had confessed to his wife in his heart!

Gu Xizhou stood in front of the red house and glanced at Si Yu.

A Valentine's Day event is being held in the Red House, where a pair of ghost couples are kissing. After the judge sitting at the judges' seat, Gu Xizhou saw the ghost with a hat from the judges giving them a free package.

When he entered, a ghost still gave him and Si Yu a leaflet--

Valentine's Day Event-

Do you remember the feeling you had in love with him / her? 214 Let us get back the love that once was.

A special Valentine's Day event, a three-minute kiss will give away a couple of death amusement park tickets, I wish you early death and birth.

Gu Xizhou glanced at the flyer, ‘Early Death, Early Survival’, or something.

He looked suspiciously at Mudge and made a kiss gesture with his hand: "Brother, you and Ye Ye just ..."

March wanted to deny it, but the free package in his hand made him irrefutable. He interrupted Gu Xizhou: "The situation is better than people. Compared to having no tickets and dying outside the amusement park, kissing is nothing."

Like them, there are several other companions here, some of whom are already lining up in front of Gu Xizhou, ready to kiss in front of many ghosts and receive early death and early birth tickets.

Gu Xizhou stood behind Si Yu. When they arrived, the ghost wearing a hat showed a gaze.

Gu Xizhou saw that he took off his eyes and washed them with water, and then stuffed them into his eye sockets, squinting his eyes, "You two men are also required to receive the premature death package?"

For a moment there was no sound in the red house. The windows on the four sides of the room were blocked by blackout cloths, so when it asked, it looked overcast.

"You discriminate against homosexuality?" Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow at it.

He shook his head and denied: "No."

Si Yu looked at Gu Xizhou. He didn't take any action, but just stood still. It seemed a little difficult.

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows and whispered in Si Yu's ear, "General Manager, everything is for tickets!"

The two mouths were next to each other, and Gu Xizhou felt Si Yu's body stiff. He blinked at Si Yu, meaning: I can't do anything. For the vote, you are wronged.

The beloved Si Yu froze and closed his eyes to look away.

Gu Xizhou thought that Si Yu might be embarrassed, but just kiss it, the problem is not big!

Gu Xizhou meditated on the time. After counting to 180 seconds, he released Si Yu and reached out to the ghost to ask for a ticket.

It glanced at him and didn't give the ticket. Instead, it pulled out the leaflet in the drawer, pointed at the two words, and raised its chin. "Is it literate?

Gu Xizhou: "..." I don't really understand.

Gu Xizhou received contempt from ghosts.

Si Yu raised an eyebrow, walked slowly to Gu Xizhou, reached out and held his head.

For a moment, the hot breath blew towards his face, and the hot lips were close to Gu Xizhou's lips.

Si Yu's eyes were drooping, and he stared straight at him. The hand on his waist was so hot that it touched Gu Xizhou's lips.

He was taken breath, Gu Xizhou's eyes were aggressive, and he closed his jaws.

"Open your mouth." A pair of dark eyes were as deep as drawing people in, and his voice was low, but his voice caught Gu Xizhou's thoughts. "Do you want a ticket?"

After hearing Xi Yu's words, Gu Xizhou opened his teeth in shame.

The author has something to say: Guess why the hints Ye Ye got are not rules, but Gu Xizhou's name ~~ 2k novel reading network