MTL - Medical Master-v8 Chapter 498 Constantly fried!

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Such a humble base really echoes the style of Nirvana organization.


What is the purpose of the Nirvana organization to store a lot of energy jade in this place?

Is there anything special about this place?

With full of doubts.

Fang Qiu scrutinized it carefully with consciousness.

It was found that this place was normal, there was no abnormal situation, and there was no energy jade mine.

From this point of view.

The Nirvana organization is purely treating this place as a storage warehouse.

Although many people are guarded here, this is not the core stronghold of the Nirvana organization.

Same as before.

Fang Qiu remained calm.

After observation, Fang Qiu found that these big trucks did not unload the energy jade for transportation, and it seems that this place is just a post station.

Moreover, empty trucks are constantly loading from this place.

It seems that the destination is still next.

Fang Qiu returned to the big truck he had previously hidden.

While using the energy jade loaded on the truck to cultivate, continue to use the hiding of the large truck to go to the next target of Nirvana in Australia.

After a short break.

The big truck full of energy jade moved again.

A few hours later, Fang Qiu came to the second place, and judging from the coordinate points displayed on the map, this place exactly matched the second coordinate point of the three coordinate points sent by Chihiro.

Perhaps because of entering the inland areas, the guards in this place are obviously much stricter than in the previous place.

Explore around.

Fang Qiu found that the energy jade reserves in this place are more than in the previous place.

the strange thing is.

These big trucks full of energy jade, after arriving at this place, still have no plans to unload, it seems to be ready to rush to the next place.

Fang Qiu was not anxious.

Anyway, his purpose is to take this opportunity to carefully explore how much Nirvana's power in Australia.

Such a method that can reach Nirvana's various strongholds without much effort, of course, Fang Qiu was unwilling to easily destroy it.

Rested for less than half an hour.

The big truck started again.

This time the journey is much longer than before.

The entire journey took about an hour to reach the third place.

This coordinate point is exactly the same as the one sent by Chilose.

The same as before.

The big trucks that did not unload at the first two destinations came to this place without any hesitation.

Fang Qiu found a neutral gear, slipped off the truck, and hid in the forest.

Explore it carefully.

Fang Qiu found that this stronghold is indeed much larger than the previous two strongholds. Not only is there a large reserve of energy jade, but also a lot of guards. There are even accommodation areas that are not found in the previous two strongholds.

"It looks like this is the old nest of Nirvana in Australia."

Fang Qiu can be sure.

This place must be unusual for Nirvana.

the reason is simple.

Nirvana organizations have a strong military force. Whether in Africa, or South Milwaukee and Australia, each of their ordinary strongholds is simple, and some strongholds even have a simple wooden house or even a tree house.

Among the strongholds of the Nirvana group destroyed by Fangqiu, only the core strongholds of the Nirvana organization will be

A little different.

For example, villas on the African savannah.

at the moment.

The architectural style of this place is obviously not the style of an ordinary stronghold.

Although Fang Qiu didn't notice the existence of a strong breath of energy under the investigation of the Divine Consciousness, but even this can't change the fact that this stronghold is the core stronghold of Nirvana.

Take a closer look.

Make sure all the big trucks come here and unload all the energy jade. It is certain that after Nirvana has no other base in Australia, Fang Qiu is finally ready to start!

"These energy jade ..."

In the distant mountains and forests, Fang Qiu stared at the warehouse in Nirvana stronghold that stored a lot of energy jade.

There are a lot of nirvana in these three bases, and the reserve energy jade is also scary!

If all these energy jade can be snatched up and sent to the source of gas, it will definitely be a great help to the world coalition forces.

However, these energy jade is too much.

Once you grab it.

The people of the Nirvana organization will inevitably fight hard, even leading to the various masters in Nirvana.

of course.

Fang Qiu was not afraid of war.

I just feel that once the battle starts, it is obviously impossible to get rid of these energy jade.

Nirvana will never make people easily steal their energy jade!

"Although there has been no difference along the way, the news of the Nirvana organization has always been very accurate and rapid. Perhaps the Nirvana organization has noticed my movement?"

Fang Qiu secretly thought.

he knows.

The reason Nirvana is digging energy jade mines around the world is definitely knowing that he is digging jade mines on the Antarctic continent, so he will actively compete for energy jade mines around the world.

Since Nirvana knows that it is digging energy jade mines on the Antarctic continent, it means that the Nirvana organization has a unique information channel, and it is possible to catch up with its own movement.

"Perhaps the Nirvana organization thinks that I will rob these energy jade mines?"

Fang Qiu squinted.

Although not particularly clear, he felt the possibility in his heart.

After all, he has already played against Nirvana Six many times.

The insidiousness of the other party cannot be speculated with common sense at all.

"If you can't take it, destroy it!"

Fang Qiu hummed.

As soon as he moved, he rushed towards the first stronghold of the Nirvana organization.

There are too many people guarding the third stronghold. Although it is not impossible to destroy the whole stronghold, it is still a little troublesome.

According to Fang Qiu's plan, it is most appropriate to choose the first and weakest defense base to take the lead.

Because the defense of the first base is relatively weak, it is easier for Fang Qiu to get started. While destroying the first base, he can also attract some people from the second and third bases to support him in the past. Weaken the defense of the second and third bases, so that the whole plan can be implemented more smoothly.

Back to the first stronghold.

With the breath completely hidden, Fang Qiu quietly lurked and came to the periphery of the energy jade storage warehouse of the first stronghold.

It is easy to destroy the stronghold of the other side.

In the case of destroying with the energy jade, Fang Qiu did not have to make any preparations at all. As long as the energy jade is directly detonated, the entire stronghold can easily be completely destroyed!


When all the Nirvana people were unprepared, the explosion of the sky suddenly came.

A large amount of energy jade was detonated in an instant.

The horrific energy burst out directly formed a huge energy tornado, covering the entire stronghold.

In an instant.

The vegetation is flying across, and the ground is cracking.

The nirvana stronghold originally hidden in the mountain forest will turn into a piece of scorched earth in this short breath.

Most of the Nirvana people lost their lives without knowing what happened.

Over here.

Fang Qiu, who detonated the first stronghold, had no intention of staying at all, but rushed towards the second stronghold as soon as he detonated.

Because the two places are not far away.

When the first stronghold exploded inexplicably, the Nirvana in the second stronghold immediately rushed to the first stronghold and wanted to see what happened.

However, just as the Nirvana at the second base was dispatched, Fang Qiu had come to the periphery of the reserve warehouse at the second base.


Accompanying by a loud explosion sound.

The second stronghold was also caught in an endless storm of energy without anyone being aware of it.

All the Nirvana guarding the stronghold were killed at the moment of the explosion, none left!

Outside the stronghold.

Those who rushed out of the stronghold and went to the first stronghold to see the big explosion from the second stronghold were immediately shocked.

Many people are secretly rejoicing.

If they hadn't left early, they would have died somehow in this explosion.

The exploding Yu Wei gradually dispersed.

The second Nirvana stronghold also turned into a piece of scorched earth.

And at this time.

Fang Qiu is already on his way to the third stronghold, which is Nirvana's old nest in Australia.


some where.


A man in a black robe rushed into the room and half-knelt down towards the six lords in the room. The meeting reported: "There have been inexplicable explosions in the first and second strongholds in Australia. Guards died in both explosions. "


Upon hearing this report, the six enlightened eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth immediately evoked a smile of coldness, saying, "Unknown, you really can't escape my plan for you. If you let you know, you What would you look like if all of your actions were within my expectations? "

"However, the next step is the last step. If you make a mistake, you lose."

"It's wonderful to watch you step by step into the trap I dug for you."

"Unfortunately, it's almost over."

"Haha ..."

As if they were seeing what was about to happen, the six deities suddenly burst into laughter while they kept talking to themselves.



The third stronghold of Nirvana.

When Fang Qiu arrived, the number of guards at the third stronghold was significantly less than when he arrived.

However, Fang Qiu did not take it seriously.

His purpose is just to detonate all the energy jade and completely destroy the entire stronghold. As for the other, he does not need to worry at all.

With the guards diminishing, Fang Qiu quickly came to the outside of the energy jade storage warehouse at the third stronghold.

Did not go in.

Fang Qiu only slightly sensed and explored the situation around him. After making sure that there were no problems, he immediately detonated!