MTL - Matrix Survival: I Get A Random Chest Every Day-Chapter 8 mysterious lantern

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"I'm going! Sister, you are a heifer on a plane. The cow is in the sky!"

There were three black iron-level blueprints before, but now you can take out silver-level power core transactions at will?

Li Zheng was amazed.

Why are there so many bigwigs in the channel you are on?

Two hours ago, I broke through Fengshan, which has ten rooms.

Now there is another Zhanzhou boat that can easily take out the silver-level power core.

"Could it be that the difficulty of the matrix game is not high?"

Li Zheng had such an idea in his heart, but he forgot that more than 30 people had died an hour ago.

"Would you like to explore the Dangerous Room?"

Li Zheng had seen it when he entered this room. Among the choices he was going to face next, there were two red dangerous rooms on the left and right, and one orange-red dangerous room above his head.

The remaining two are green and empty, and the empty one is on the ground.

"Huh? Why has the color of the room door changed?"

Li Zheng looked at several metal doors and found that the two red dangerous rooms had turned orange-red at this time.

And the orange-red danger room turned blue.

Although the word danger is still displayed, Li Zheng feels that the existence in this room should not cause much harm to himself.

"Is it because I just got a weapon, so the level of danger in the room is relatively reduced?"

Li Zheng took out the Desert Eagle and thoughtfully.

"It's a pity that this door is on the roof, otherwise you can enter and try it out."

At present, the two rooms that Li Zheng has explored are one large and one small, but the same thing is that the height is ridiculously high.

There is no climbing equipment or the player has acquired the ability to fly, otherwise even if there is an artifact in the room above his head, he can only watch it.

"You can only wait until you go to the next room. Now the most important thing is to trade the flame flower first."

At this time, Zhan Zhouzhou replied to the private message: "Change! See you on the trading floor. If there is any good thing, please contact us first."

Just like the previous transaction in the chat lobby, it was very straightforward and neat.

In comparison, a certain man surnamed Feng is much worse.

Soon, the deal was concluded, and the flame flower in Li Zheng's hand turned into a sphere the size of a baby's fist, glowing with pure white light.

[Power core type III (silver grade) material

It contains huge energy and has extremely stable performance. It can be used as a power system for various props and has a wide range of uses. ]

"Power core Get! Now there is only 200 grams of B25 grade manganese steel, and the detector upgrade is in sight. Just dismantle two more refrigerators."

I don't know if the upgraded detector can detect what is behind the metal door.

Li Zheng was full of expectations, he chose the green security door, swiped his card decisively, and said goodbye to the room he had been in for nearly two hours.

Through the film, the light suddenly dimmed, and there were still bright spots and shadows from the strong light in the previous room on Li Zheng's retina.

She closed her eyes and waited for a while, and only opened her eyes when they got used to the darkness.

The brightness in front of the eyes is equivalent to half of the first room, and the visibility is extremely poor compared to ordinary people.

"Fortunately, this is a safe room. Otherwise, even if I have a weapon with me now, I'll be in danger of being attacked."

Li Zheng was alert in his heart, the environment in each room in the matrix was different.

The first three are safe rooms, but the light and space are slightly changed.

In the future, in order to obtain more resources, you will definitely have to explore the dangerous room.

At that time, it will not be just a change of light.

Even temperature, air, and humidity may become a risk factor.

"Huh? It's not sci-fi here?"

After getting used to the brightness, Li Zheng found that the third room had a completely different style than the first two rooms, and it was actually made of large square stones.

Several oil lamps were hung on the wall, and the faint flames swayed gently with the breeze that came from nowhere.

"No wonder the brightness here is so dark, it looks a bit like a medieval castle, let's explore it first."

The third room was surprisingly large, and Li Zheng didn't see the metal door leading to the next room for the first time.

In other words, the location where he was at this time was actually inside a passage, and the end of the passage was dark, making it impossible to see clearly.

Walking down the passage, the sound of footsteps bounced off the stone wall, forming an echo.

The dim environment, the quiet atmosphere, and the echoes in his ears gave Li Zheng the illusion that someone was following him.

"Absolutely, it's obviously a safe room, but it's designed like this. If a player without a detector comes over, it's going to be very difficult just because of the nervousness..."

Li Zheng turned his head frequently, and every time he confirmed that there was no one behind him, he felt relieved.

To distract his attention, he simply looked at the oil lamp that appeared every few steps.

[Changming oil lamp, transformed by black technology, has lamp oil that can never be burned out, matrix decorations. ]

"It's a nice light..."

Li Zheng gestured for his height and found that the "Meteor Hammer" was just enough to hit.

"Hey hey hey..."

The meteor hammer reappeared, leaving a short afterimage in the air, hitting the bottom of the oil lamp.


The oil lamp did not move at all, not even a drop of the lamp oil inside.

"No way? It's so strong?"

Li Zheng didn't believe in evil, so he worked hard and continued to frantically output for five minutes. Finally, he put away the iron ingot and moved forward calmly.

"Dog matrix, against me!"

Li Zheng was indignant, why didn't the man let him smash the way he could think of based on his ability?



After letting go of the oil lamp, Li Zheng began to count the cracks in the stones: "One, two, three... Thirty-five..."

Counting the stones one by one, Li Zheng finally found a staircase going up, and there was an unremarkable lantern hanging on the wall in front of the staircase.

[Mysterious Lantern (Dark Iron)

An ordinary, unremarkable lantern, like the oil lamp transformed by black technology, is linked to an oil field, and has theoretically inexhaustible lamp oil.

It is also the key to a certain area. ]

The lantern was not hung high enough that Li Zheng could take it off with his hand.

The moment he got it in his hand, the lantern automatically turned on, illuminating an area around Li Zheng.

The brightness is even higher than the oil lamp on the wall.

Li Zheng: "...let's talk."

The five minutes when Emotion smashed the oil lamp was in vain. At the end of the passage, there was a lighting object that was better than the oil lamp.

Carrying the oil lamp, Li Zheng walked up the steps.

The stairs were not long, but after a while, a wooden door appeared in front of Li's front.

With a slight push, the wooden door was opened.

"It seems that lanterns are not used here."

Behind the wooden door, it is still in the style of a medieval castle, with two floors up and down, covering an area comparable to the previous room, connected up and down by a gorgeous wooden staircase.

At this moment, Li Zheng appeared in the hall on the first floor. There was a metal door on the ground of the hall, which was obviously the entrance to the next room. The detector showed that the space behind the door was dark red and dangerous.

Looking up, Li Zheng also found a door on the roof of the second floor. No accident, it was still hanging in the air, but the information displayed by the detector indicated that it was a blue security door.

Other than that, there are no other metal doors on the first floor wall.

"It seems that there are still three doors on the second floor, but since there are two floors here, it means that there may be some good things on the first floor."

Glancing at the hall on the first floor, there is a complete set of classical British-style furniture, cabinets, sofas, coffee tables, coat racks, a set of exquisite cups on the coffee table, and so on.

The whole reveals a sub-aristocratic temperament. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

These things made Li Zheng look hot. If it wasn't for the fact that the capsule residence was too small, and had already taken up a lot of space with materials and plants, he would definitely have to evacuate it.

"Search the first floor first, and then go to the second floor to have a look."

Li was rummaging in the hall.

When I opened the cupboard, I found that there was...

A Snickers bar...


Li Zheng almost cursed when he saw this.

Why do you always like to use a lot of space for a small thing?

"But no matter how small a mosquito's leg is, it's still meat, so let's get it."

Throwing things into the capsule residence, Li Zheng looked at the cupboard maliciously.

"By the way, this thing is used to store food, does it count as a refrigerator?"

But after seeing the overall wooden structure of the cabinet, Li Zheng shook his head with a smile: "I really want to go crazy for materials. No matter how I say it, things made of wood can't be decomposed into metal, right?"


The iron ingot appeared in Li Zheng's hands at some point, and it smashed the cabinet with just one blow.

"break down!"

Li Zheng tried to decompose, and the system ruthlessly prompted:

[Worthless items, cannot be decomposed. 】

"Ok, I understand."

Li Zheng grasped the iron ingot in his hand, and turned the first floor upside down in the form of a bandit raid.

In the end, in the mess, he took away a set of cups.

The set of cups with gray quality placed on the coffee table can be directly put into the capsule residence.

Looking at a cup that had been smashed by himself on the ground, Li Zheng felt that his heart was bleeding.

Even if it is gray quality, it is also a container!

"Damn, it's a big loss!"