MTL - Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day-Chapter 13 He is my male god

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  Chapter 13 He is my male god

  After a simple conversation, Ruan Qi learned the man’s name, Shen Wenqian.

  Shen Wenqian originally planned to leave. After all, he was a big man staying at a strange girl's house, and he didn't look very good.

  But Ruan Qi took the initiative to keep him.

   "After receiving your consultation fee, you will be responsible to the end. After eating a meal, you will have to give a needle, and then leave after the piercing."

  After speaking, she turned and walked into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast.

   "..." Shen Wenqian opened his mouth and swallowed his refusal.

  He didn't think Ruan Qi could have much medical skills, after all, his age was there.

  But the other party is kind, and if he refuses, it would be cruel.

  That’s all, let’s get a needle for a needle, it won’t die anyway.


  Ten minutes later, Ruan Qi brought breakfast to the table.

  Huang Chengcheng millet porridge, small and exquisite flower rolls, and light side dishes.

   "You did all this?" Shen Wenqian asked in surprise.

  It’s so rare that young people now know how to cook!

   "No." Ruan Qi smiled and broke his illusion, "I bought it a few days ago. Put it in the refrigerator and warm it up when you eat it."

  Shen Wenqian: "..." Okay, you look good, you do everything right.

  Two people sit face to face at the table.

  Ruan Qi was not a talkative person at first, and Shen Wenqian was embarrassed to take the initiative to approach it.

  For a time, silence and embarrassment filled the room.

Ruan Qi may be aware of Shen Wenqian's uncomfortableness. She thought for a while, walked to the coffee table, picked up the remote control, and turned on the TV.

   "Watching TV." She said to Shen Wenqian.

  Shen Wenqian nodded awkwardly, and his gaze swept across the TV for a while.

  At this time, a piece of news attracted his attention.

  "At five o'clock this morning, the myq team, which just won the Glory League Asian Championship, returned to the Shanghai Stock Exchange smoothly.

  Unfortunately, the strongest mvp dragon **** has yet to show up.

  As the veteran of the myq club, there have been rumors that the Dragon God is not in harmony with the inside. This time, the Dragon God did not return to the country with the team members. I wonder if it was because of the bad relationship..."

  Ruan Qi's chopsticks flicked, and the Hanamaki'Gurulu' fell into the porridge bowl.

  "Pure nonsense!" Shen Wenqian stood up abruptly, rushed up with a sprint, and fiercely pressed the shutdown button of the remote control.

  The host’s noisy voice stopped abruptly.

  Shen Wenqian snorted coldly and threw the remote control back onto the coffee table.

   turned his head and found that Ruan Qi was looking at him thoughtfully.

  Shen Wenqian then remembered that he was in someone else's house.

  He quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I was a little excited and rude."

  Ruan Qi glanced at him, and picked up the rolls in the porridge bowl.

  "Do you like team myq?" she asked.

"I like it!" Shen Wenqian's eyes lit up, he sat back in his chair and said to Ruan Qi, "I have been playing Rong Yao League since college and I am an iron fan of team myq! Among them, I like Dragon God the most, he is mine. Male god!"

  Ruan Qi glanced at him obscurely: "...Dragon God...male?"

   "Yes, Miss Ruan, do you usually play games?"

   Ruan Qi: "...not much fun."

"No wonder." Shen Wenqian, who was embarrassed just now, completely opened the chatterbox and offered a treasure, "Dragon God is a legend! He is the veteran of myq. Four years ago, a group of e-sports enthusiasts established the myq club, and Dragon God initiated it. people."

   "At the time, no one was optimistic about myq, after all, there was no money and no background.

  But who could have imagined that, but in one year, under the leadership of Dragon God, myq actually crushed a group of local tyrant teams and won the first place in the Rong Yao League Hua Guo Spring Championship! "

   Ruan Qi: "...oh."

"More powerful ones are yet to come!" Shen Wenqian slapped the table excitedly, "That match, myq exploded. In a playoffs half a year later, two old players in the team were under too much pressure and played on the final day. Vomiting and diarrhea."

   "The team has no choice but to use two newcomers as substitutes. Those two newcomers have just been training for less than two months, and they can't cooperate with the team at all. In the end, do you know what's wrong?"

  Ruan Qi: "..."

  "Finally myq won!!" Shen Wenqian stunned himself to the high c, "Dragon God took the team members and two newcomers all the way through five levels and cut six generals, turned against the wind, and won!

  Do you know how fast his hands are? Do you know how awesome his tricks are!

  He is simply not human! He is not human! ! "

  Ruan Qi, the bun on the chopsticks shivered into the bowl again.

  She looked at Shen Wenqian with a hard word, feeling very complicated.

   Myq team: no money team. 【Smile】



  (End of this chapter)