MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 720 foreknowledge

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  Chapter 720 Precognition

   It was noon at this time, Tianqiong Island was located in the Pacific Ocean, between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer, and it was the most sunny time of the day.

  Just a few minutes ago, Xie Xihe saw the same scene when he looked out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the press conference, but at this moment, on the top floor of the Sky Tower, what he saw was a completely different scene.

  A dark night, with countless bright or dark stars flickering constantly, making people suddenly feel like they have stepped into a brand new world.

   "Crossing this dome will destroy the space. Once you enter, you won't be able to get out easily. Xi'er, have you really thought about it?"

Xie Chujun's voice sounded at this moment, Xie Xihe came back to his senses, and looked over with his fingers, only then did he notice that there was an invisible barrier above their heads, blocking the night sky from the outside .

  Beyond the barrier is the real new world.

   "Think it over." Xie Xihe said, his voice was a little distant.

  After saying that, she looked at Xie Chujun and said, "Father..."

   "Either I go with you, or don't go at all, you choose." Xie Chujun interrupted her directly, and said firmly.

  Xie Xihe pressed the center of his eyebrows, finally gave up the idea of ​​persuasion, looked up at the starry sky above his head and said, "Then let's go."

  Xie Chujun tightened his sword around his waist, exerted force on the soles of his feet, and jumped out like a sharp sword, and disappeared into the barrier above in the blink of an eye.

  Xie Xihe felt tense, and immediately followed along with Sheng Shijing.

  The invisible barrier swayed like water waves, gently brushing past his body, and when he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him changed subtly.

  It is still a dark and bottomless night sky, and it is still flickering stars, but at this moment it gives people a sense of fatal crisis.

  Xie Xihe just felt as if there were countless pairs of bloodthirsty eyes watching their every move, whenever they found an opportunity, they would swarm up and eat them to pieces!

  The next moment, a starlight flashed by!

"Be careful!"

   There was a sound of exclamation, and Xie Chujun stood in front of Xie Xihe in a blink of an eye. The long sword in his hand was unsheathed at the same time, and he slashed fiercely at the shooting starlight!

   Bang bang bang!

  A series of explosions exploded in the void. It was obviously just a very inconspicuous star, but it exploded with extremely powerful power the moment it came into contact with Xie Chujun's attack!

  The hazy starlight dissipated, revealing the dark particles hidden within.

  The obsidian-like particles still shone brightly even in the pitch-black environment, and every time they flickered, they continuously output the energy contained in them, resisting and devouring Xie Chujun's sword power!

   Without waiting for the explosion here to subside completely, the rest of the nearby stars also fell down like meteors in the next moment, rushing towards Xie Xi and the three of them.

  Xie Chujun swung three swords quickly again, and turned his head to remind at the same time: "These dark particles can sense breath, and wherever there are people, they will go there. Try to hold your breath and reduce the sense of existence. Let's go!"

  After speaking, he took the lead and rushed out.

  Xie Xihe followed closely.

With Xie Chujun as the tip and Xie Xihe and Sheng Shijing as the wings, the small formation of three people shuttled through the void like a sharp arrow, the sharp sword light, powerful energy and domineering evil spirit alternately flashed , blocking those dark particles that tried to approach and swallow the three of them outside the small formation.

  The three of them moved forward at an extremely fast speed.

"Be careful!"

  Sheng Shijing violently pulled Xie Xihe to her side, and at the same time punched backhand to disperse the dark particles that had rushed in front of Xie Xihe, and a vacuum suddenly appeared in the area to the left of the three of them.

  Sheng Shijing's eyes were dark, and he simply punched in all directions continuously, clearing out a safe area, and then looked down at Xie Xihe.

Just when he was about to ask, he lowered his head and found that Xie Xihe's smooth forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and his eyelids were lowered. From his angle, he could just clearly see that the two pieces were trembling slightly. Eye feathers.

  Sheng Shijing's heart trembled, and he immediately raised his hands to clasp Xie Xihe's shoulders, and shouted in a tight voice, "Xi'er!"

  Xie Xihe didn't respond.

   Sheng Shijing's heart kept tightening, and he subconsciously wanted to increase the strength in his hands, but was stopped by Xie Chujun.

   "She should have sensed something, so don't interrupt her yet." Xie Chujun said, his eyebrows a little dark.

  Sheng Shijing was anxious, but she reacted when Xie Chujun reminded her, so she could only suppress her impatience and wait.

  While paying attention to Xie Xihe's movement all the time, he threw out a few punches from time to time to drive away the re-condensed dark particles.

   After ten minutes, Sheng Shijing watched Xie Xihe's face turn paler and paler, the beads of sweat on his forehead became finer and finer, and even his body trembled slightly, he finally couldn't wait any longer.


  With his fingers, he clasped Xie Xihe's shoulder firmly, and at the same time raised his voice and shouted.

The voice carrying Gu Wu's strength came to his ears, Xie Xihe's body trembled slightly, and finally regained consciousness slowly, but a pair of eyes that were as clean as glass were tinged with daze, and Sheng Shijing's heart ached when he looked at it. Trembling, he couldn't help but took the girl into his arms.

   "It's okay, I'm here." Sheng Shijing stroked the girl's long hair and said softly.

  Familiar breath permeated the breath, the man's palm was broad and warm, Xie Xihe was stunned, finally came back to his senses, shook his head slightly and said: "I'm fine."

  Sheng Shijing frowned, looked around, and saw that Xie Chujun had blocked the re-gathered dark particles, so she ignored it for the time being, lowered her head and asked Xie Xihe, "What did you see just now?"

  Xie Xihe struggled out of his arms, looked up into his eyes, and said, "A lot."

She turned her head, looked at the dark particles that were still approaching, and said with a coldness in her voice that she didn't even notice: "I saw dark particles that are more vast and endless than here, and I saw those particles appear across the obstacles." Here on Earth, seeing them wreak havoc."

   Those dark, cold, bloody, and evil images once again appeared in his mind, and Xie Xihe's heart felt cold: "It will be next March 21st."

   "Everyone will die." Xie Xihe looked straight into Sheng Shijing's eyes, and said in a low and deep voice, "Including us."

   Sheng Shijing's pupils suddenly constricted: "There is no trace of life?"

  Xie Xihe pinched his fingertips for a long time, then slowly shook his head, and said with great difficulty: "No."

  Sheng Shijing looked at her in a daze.

Good night.

   Recently, I went to the hospital for injections every day.

   Thinking that I ran away from the injections when I was a child, and the doctor and grandma couldn't catch the person, but now I get the injections every day, and I am tied into a sieve.

   Today, I also met a doctor who might be an intern. He took a blood test and poked him for an unknown number of needles, and he was still muttering, why can’t the blood come out?

   Me: You've got your veins tied, but the blood still can't come out. You ask me why the blood can't come out?

   [Big cry.jpg]



  (end of this chapter)