MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 671 Leading the Snake out of the Cave (Second Watch)

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  Chapter 671 Leading the snake out of the hole (second update)

  Tai Shisu was about to invite Xie Xihe in for a visit, but when he looked up, he saw that the other party was looking at a certain place, and after a moment of surprise, he followed him.

"Master Yi? Why is he back?" Tai Shisu raised his eyebrows in surprise. Thinking of something, he turned his head to look at Xie Xihe and said, "By the way, Master Yi is also from Huaguo. In the capital of China, Mr. Xie is also in the capital, but do you know Hall Master Yi?"

  Xie Xihe looked back as if nothing had happened, and said casually, "I've met you a few times, but I'm not familiar with you."

  Paused for a moment, then asked seemingly unintentionally: "Is he the hall master of the guardian hall? I don't know what branch hall it is?"

  This matter is not a secret in the guardian hall, and it can be known by just asking around, so Tai Shisu did not deliberately hide it, and replied: "The eighth branch is in charge of biomedicine."

   After thinking for a while, he said, "Master Xie, have you heard of targeted mutation technology?"

  Pointing in the direction of Yi Shaowen, he said, "It was researched by Hall Master Yi and his team. The test results are good, and it has entered the stage of production."

   Targeted mutations?

  Thinking of something, Xie Xihe's eyes flashed strangeness, but he didn't show it on his face. He nodded and said, "I've heard of it."

  Although they are both hall masters, Yi Shaowen is different from them.

  Most of the time, he stays in the outside world. Only when he finds a new topic, or is summoned by an important project, will he return to the Guardian Hall for in-depth research.

  People outside don't know his identity in guarding the hall, and those guarding the hall don't know his specific actions outside.

Therefore, even Tai Shisu didn't know his specific situation, so he simply said a few words and then skipped over, and said directly: "Since I know someone, if Mr. Xie is fine, you can talk to Hall Master Yi Speak, do you need me to take you there to say hello?"

  Xie Xihe shook his head: "No need."

  Raising his eyes, he said: "Master Taishi is busy on his own. I don't need to take care of it here. I can just ask Fu Yunting if I need anything."

   This is the order to evict the guest.

  Tai Shisu understood, but felt relieved, and left after a few more polite words.

   It wasn't until they entered the room that only a few of them were left. Sheng Shijing, who had been quiet all this time, said, "What happened to the targeted mutation technology?"

Xie Xihe was not surprised that he noticed her abnormality, and replied after a pause: "I saw this technology from a small dream world, and wrote it down in a notebook, which is the one I gave to Yi Shaowen. "

   "I just jotted down a few notes, but I didn't expect it to be researched by him."

   It can be seen that Yi Shaowen is indeed quite talented and capable, not inferior to Mo Huai at all.

  However, he pretended not to be the master of the palace, but went to the National Medical Association to become a vice president. No matter in terms of reputation or prestige, he was far inferior to Mo Huaizhi, who was the president.

  This is quite worth studying.

  If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, either because of his personality, or there is another purpose.

  Based on the past few meetings and the current information, Xie Xihe is more inclined to the latter.

   And if nothing else happens, this purpose is most likely related to her...

  Thinking of this, Xie Xihe felt puzzled and irritated for a while. He didn't understand that he had only met him a few times, so how could he be targeted?

  Mo Huaizhi also thought of this, and frowned tightly.

  While he was thinking about it, Sheng Shijing suddenly looked at him and asked, "Where did you get the red dates and goji berries that you made Xi'er's health tea?"

   "I bought it from the pharmacy of the National Medical Association." Mo Huaizhi replied, his heart jumped violently, "Is there something wrong with those medicinal materials?"

  The words fell but felt impossible.

  Not to mention that he carefully inspected the medicinal materials before brewing them. Even if he didn't find any problems due to his lack of knowledge, it's impossible for Xie Xihe's medical skills to not notice anything wrong until now.

  If someone really tampered with those red dates and goji berries but they didn't find out, how capable would the other party be?

  Mo Huaizhi didn't believe that someone could do this.

  Xie Xihe didn't think that someone could tamper with the things she imported under her nose, but when she was drinking tea today, she did feel a little ominous in it.

   Yes, it's breath.

   So far, Xie Xihe has not found out what is wrong with the red dates and wolfberry tea.

  It was only because of her ability in fortune-telling and mystical arts that she had a very keen sense of danger, which allowed her to capture that ominous aura.

   It was because Sheng Shijing reminded her first, and her fortune-telling ability had been qualitatively improved, that she finally noticed it.

   Speaking of this, she thought of it, turned her head to look at Sheng Shijing, and asked, "How did you find out?"

   "A contract with one heart and one life." Sheng Shijing replied, "It's the contract that reminds me that it seems to have noticed something and is not very happy."

  Xie Xihe: "...Will the contract be unhappy?"

  Sheng Shijing was very sure: "Yes."

"There should be something in those red dates and wolfberries, which can threaten the contract between us to a certain extent, and make the contract of one heart and one fate in my body feel a sense of crisis, so it immediately sent a signal to me." Sheng Shijing He explained, his gaze deepened little by little: "Although this signal is not very strong, it is enough to show that that kind of thing is very unusual."

   Several people were silent for a long time, Fu Yunting said: "So, what do you want to do?"

  Xie Xihe and Sheng Shijing exchanged a look, they both saw the coldness in each other's eyes.

  Xie Xihe's lips curled into an icy arc, and he said slowly, "Of course, it led the snake out of its hole."

She glanced in the direction of the stairs, just in time to see a corner of clothes flashing away from the corner. After a pause, her eyes fell on Fu Yunting: "I remember that one of the functions of the core of the starry sky is to use the special rays to change Brain wave recording, thus having the effect of tampering with memory?"

   "Have you mastered this ability?"

  The corners of Fu Yunting's lips curled into an evil arc, and he raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you think?"

He pulled Mo Huaizhi to stand up, walked up the stairs unhurriedly, and raised his voice slightly while walking: "This environment is much better than the Datong shop where I live, boss, you are so empty There are many rooms, how about sharing one room with Lao Mo?"

   Turned around and entered the nearest room, tsk-tsk admiringly.

   Facing the surprised gaze of the servant who was cleaning the room, he squinted and smiled, beckoning, "Hello~"

  The servant's heart tightened, and he immediately wanted to salute, but the moment he straightened his waist, a large blank space appeared in front of his eyes.

   And then she doesn't know anything...

  The servant's body softened and he fell on the big bed behind him.

Good night



  (end of this chapter)