MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 649 She is the real eldest daughter of the Xie family! (one

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  Chapter 649 She is the real eldest daughter of the Xie family! (one more)

  The lightning power shot out from Xie Siyun's body, whipping towards Xie Xihe like a whip, seemingly very powerful, but he couldn't even get close to Xie Xihe's body.

  A bronze mirror appeared in Xie Xihe's hands at some point, and when the light flickered, the innumerable lightning powers were submerged into it and completely disappeared.

  Xie Siyun's eyes widened suddenly, his face was full of disbelief: "How is this possible?!"

"How is this possible?!"

  Several exclamations sounded at the same time, the voice was so loud that it directly overwhelmed Xie Siyun's voice.

  Young Master Tantai, Patriarch Xiao, Patriarch Mu, Young Master Yan...all the bigwigs from the ancient martial arts world who were present stood up abruptly, and looked at Xie Xihe in disbelief.

   To be more precise, what she was looking at was the bronze mirror in her hand.

   "This... this is the Brahma mirror? The Brahma clan's most precious Brahma mirror?!" said Young Master Tantai.

"Even the power of thunder and lightning can be devoured. There will be nothing else except the Sanskrit Sanskrit Mirror. But the Sanskrit Sanskrit has always been in the Sanskrit clan and is controlled by the Sanskrit clan elders. How could it appear here?" Yan Yan The young master said.

  Patriarch Xiao seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked over at the old man not far away after being excited, and asked after bowing: "May I ask you, are you the ancestor of Fanshan Hefan?"

  Fan Shanhe smiled lightly: "It's me."

  The scene fell silent.

  The ancestor of the Sanskrit clan, Fan Shanhe, the previous patriarch of the Sanskrit clan, the grandfather of the current patriarch Fan Yao, is also the current number one powerhouse of the Sanskrit clan.

  Through the entire ancient martial arts world, Duan Chengxian is the only one whose cultivation is higher than him.

   It is said that as early as 40 years ago, the ancestor of the Vatican, his granddaughter retired from the position of the Sanskrit patriarch after she became a Sanskrit saint. She only guarded the Sanskrit horoscope and never showed up again.

   I didn't expect to appear here today!


  Thinking of this, many people suddenly shuddered in their hearts, and their eyes fell on Fan Jingyun involuntarily.

  If memory serves me right, Xie Chujun and Yun Jing called grandfather just now.

  If he is the ancestor of Fan, wouldn't Yun Jing be Fan Jingyun, the former saint of the Sanskrit clan? !

  The little girl holding a Buddhist mirror...

  Everyone's eyes were constantly scanning back and forth between Xie Chujun, Fan Jingyun, Xie Xi and Xie Siyun, the guesses in their hearts became clearer and clearer, and finally they couldn't help asking: "This girl..."

   "This is the real daughter of Fan Jingyun and Xie Chujun, Xie Xihe!" Fan Jingyun's voice resounded in the crowd, completely affirming everyone's guess.

  She has clear eyebrows, and her figure is as tall and straight as a sword, but when her eyes fall on Xie Xihe, there is only gentleness left.

Ignoring countless different gazes, Fan Jingyun walked towards Xie Xihe step by step, led her to the front of the crowd, and repeated again very seriously: "This is Xie Chujun's daughter, the real name of the Xie family. My eldest daughter!"

  Xie Chujun has long since ceased to be indifferent and indifferent before, and his peach blossom eyes, which are very similar to Xie Xihe, are flushed with tears.

  He trembled with his fingertips, wanting to touch Xie Xihe, but he raised his hand but didn't dare to stretch it out. In the end, he just shouted in a hoarse voice: "Xi'er..."

  Xie Xihe slightly raised his eyelids, and looked straight into his eyes.

  The images of not long ago flashed through his mind, the crime he had prepared in advance, her name recorded in the Xie family tree, his indifference to Xie Siyun, his forbearance plan...

  Xie Xihe's eyes flickered slightly.

   I have to say that Commissioner Xie Chu is not really a good person in the traditional sense.

  He has no dedication to the family.

  He is good at planning, as long as he can achieve his own goals, he can not care about the lives of others.

  He can face Xie Siyun tenderly and lovingly, but turn around and continue to plan how to send her to die.

  Behind his seemingly gentle appearance, his heart is dark and cold.

  It is exactly the opposite of Fan Jingyun, who is cold outside and hot inside.

  It is also very different from the handsome young master in Xie Bowen's description.

  Secretly, Xie Xihe actually doesn't like dealing with such people.

   Too tired and too strenuous.

  However, this person is her father.

  All his calculations and indifference are for the safety of her and Fan Jingyun.

  He gave all his indifference to others, but held an extremely hot heart in front of them.

  Xie Xihe looked at him quietly, for a long time, a smile slowly appeared on his lips, and called him: "Father."

  The simple and ordinary words made Xie Chujun's pupils tremble, and he could no longer suppress the pity and guilt in his heart, and stretched out his long arms and hugged her into his arms.

  His throat was choked and he couldn't speak, but Xie Xihe could still hear the voice in his ear clearly.

  He said, "Thank you."

  Xie Xihe raised his lips and smiled: "You're welcome."

  Xie Chujun was full of emotion, and couldn't help laughing.

  Although he recognized Xie Chujun as his father, he hadn't met him several times. Xie Xihe was not used to such close contact, so he moved his arms a little.

  Xie Chujun noticed her resistance, and he didn't force it. He withdrew his hand quite naturally, but he didn't let her go. Instead, he took her into the opened ancestral hall, and worshiped the Xie ancestors under everyone's gaze.

  In this way, the ceremony of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan is officially completed.

  Well, Xie Xihe's ancestor recognition ceremony.

  Xie Siyun stood alone at the side. She thought she would receive many laughing and mocking looks, but what she didn't expect was that so many people didn't even look at her!

  Xie Siyun felt that she should be thankful or relieved, but in fact, only humiliation was surging in her heart! embarrassing! envy! Hate!

   Obviously she should be the one who attracts the most attention, obviously she is the protagonist today, and obviously these are all her glory, but in just a short moment, they all belong to others!

   And she turned out to be a total joke!

   But what did she do wrong?

  It was Xie Lingyun who made her pretend to be Xie Xihe, and it was Xie Chujun who recognized her by taking advantage of the situation. She was just following their wishes, so why should she be punished and hurt like this? !

  Why did they treat her like this? !

   Xie Siyun shouted like crazy in her heart, but sadly found that, having lost the identity of Xie Chujun's daughter, she didn't even have the capital to stand up and shout.

   She has nothing left.

The voice of the Xie family's servants singing "The Sanskrit has arrived" came from the ear, and groups of figures in uniform costumes appeared. They knelt down on the ground and paid homage to their saintess with incomparable reverence. .

  People's discussions became more lively, and they all looked at the girl standing beside Xie Chujun with bright eyes.

  And her expression was indifferent, showing no trace of pride because of those praises and honors.

   It was as if in her eyes, everything she was desperately pursuing was nothing more than insignificant things, and it was not worth moving her at all.

  Fact, maybe it is.

  Xie Siyun watched, the anger and unwillingness in his heart suddenly vented, and finally he sat down on the ground dejectedly, laughing wryly.

   It will be over if the ancient martial arts circle ends here.

Then there are not many plots outside. Let me see if there are any gaps that have not been filled in. I will almost start to finish and lean towards the finale. If there is no accident, it will end in early June, but the specifics still have to be written. Look, sometimes I can't control myself when I write [cover my face]

see you later



  (end of this chapter)