MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 576 Mutation (one more)

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  Chapter 576 Mutation (a change)

  The sun is scorching, and the sky is cloudless.

  Although Bailu has passed for several days, the temperature in Kyoto still hasn’t dropped.

  Especially at noon at this time, the sun shines on people's bodies, making people's skin feel hot.

  Xie Xihe and his party came out of the subway station, and the suddenly brighter light made her narrow her eyes slightly.

   "Phew, the subway in Kyoto is still as crowded as ever. There are so many people at noon. If you catch up with the morning and evening rush hour, it won't be crowded."

  Wu Wei said, couldn't help but look at Xie Xihe, and joked: "I heard that the brokerage company will provide nanny cars for celebrities, Xihe, didn't your company provide you with a car?"

   It was a bit embarrassing to ask this question, Yu Jianing couldn't help but tugged at the corner of Wu Wei's clothes, and at the same time took up the conversation: "The five of us can't fit in a car, isn't Xi He here to accompany us?"

   "Besides, it's not very good to take the subway. It's energy-saving, environmentally friendly, convenient, and has a lot of space. How about a transportation tool worth hundreds of millions, isn't it better than a private car?" Yu Jianing said with a smile.

   Zhong Yuxiu, who was closely following Xie Xihe, withdrew her gaze from observing the subway station, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, taking the subway is very good."

   Wu Wei was speechless.

   Xie Xihe ignored her small thoughts, and after leaving the subway station, he scanned around and found the direction of Xiguang Group: "Let's go."

   Before taking a step, there was a rumbling muffled sound suddenly.

  The next moment, the originally bright sky suddenly darkened, thick dark clouds condensed and rolled, but the sky was covered in the blink of an eye.

   Heavy rain poured down.

   "Didn't the weather forecast say that it would be sunny this week? Why did it suddenly rain?"

   "When will the weather forecast be accurate? Damn, it's fine if it's a little off. It's too much to report sunny weather even though it's raining?"

   "What's the situation, why is it raining so hard suddenly, it looks like the sky is about to collapse!"

   Just as they were talking, another extremely loud and muffled thunder sounded, followed by dense lightning like a spider web. Some timid people screamed directly and subconsciously stepped back.

  Xie Xihe and his party had also been forced to retreat into the subway station. In the six or seven steps from the subway entrance to the platform, their clothes were already half wet, and even the ends of their hair were dripping with water.

  Wu Wei's face was ugly, and while twisting the hem of the rain-soaked long skirt, she also cursed twice.

Even Yu Jianing couldn't hold back a few words, and when he turned his head, he saw Xie Xihe looking up at the sky, his red lips pursed into a straight line, he couldn't help but followed his probe to look, but he didn't see anything except the rainstorm and lightning He came out and asked in confusion, "Xi He, what are you looking at?"

  Xie Xihe came back to his senses, and replied casually: "It's nothing, I just feel like I haven't encountered such a heavy rain for a long time."

  Yu Jianing nodded sympathetically: "No, it's not just that I haven't seen it for a long time, I've never seen it before."

   said to himself: "With the way it's raining, if it rains for a longer time, it may catch up with the rainstorm that my mother always mentioned when I was still in her stomach."

  The rain when she was still in her mother's womb?

  A flash of spiritual light flashed through Xie Xihe's mind, causing her pupils to shrink severely.

  Yes, the last time she encountered such extreme weather was nineteen years ago, the day she died in her previous life.

  Then this time...

  Xie Xihe's fingertips tightened, and a strong uneasiness suddenly surged in his heart.

at the same time.

  With a loud bang, the man's slender figure flew upside down, and he didn't stop until he knocked down several stone pillars.

   But before he could recover, a shadow fell on top of his head, followed by an overly white hand, which slowly fell on his neck.

  Hypnos raised his head and looked into a pair of eyes that were so dark that no light could be seen at a glance, in which there was a faintly familiar yet unfamiliar aura.

  Even though he had already guessed something, Hypnos was still faintly shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

   His expression was still as empty and calm as ever, and he sat up with his elbows, raised his eyes and said, "Aren't you going to do it?"

  There was an undisguised killing intent in Emperor Hao's eyes, but the hand that fell on Hypnos' neck never tightened.

After a long time, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he regained his usual warmth. He swung his hands behind his back, and ordered in a cold voice: "The ancient **** Hypnos destroys the gate of the realm, and sees the ancient **** realm." There are no rules, and we will confine him in the Night Temple starting today, and we will punish him when Lord Godhead returns someday!"

   "Where is the ancient guard!"

   There was a uniform sound of fighting, and ancient guards in black dragon armor appeared out of nowhere behind.

   Emperor Hao: "Send Lord Ye Shen back to the palace!"

  Hypnos had already stood up, he looked at the man in front of him, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, even the six-pointed star between his brows lit up a bit, and asked him: "Hao, is it worth it?

  Di Hao's hands behind his back suddenly clenched into fists, and he looked directly at him: "I only know that she belongs to the Ancient God Realm, and she must come back!"

  Hupnos chuckled lightly: "A gamble?"

  Haodi frowned: "What do you want to bet?"

   "Just bet on whether you can beat her."

   "How to bet?"

"There is still half a year until the next March 21st. During this half year, no matter what happens, everyone in the Ancient God Realm will not be allowed to interfere with the affairs of the earth. After half a year..." Hypnos said straightly Looking straight into his eyes, he said word by word, "I'll bring her to you."

   Emperor Hao's pupils trembled: "You really know her whereabouts!"

  Hypnos didn't answer: "Gambling?"

  Emperor Hao's eyes were full of undercurrents, and after a long time, he said slowly: "Gambling."

  After finishing the sentence, I didn't want to say another word to him, so I turned around and left the place.


  The heavy rain came and went faster, but within ten minutes, the rain slowed down, the thick black clouds dispersed, and the light poured down again.

  Xie Xihe's heart relaxed, he took a look at the sky that was still under drizzle, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

  Before the call was connected, a familiar figure appeared in sight. It was Lu Tingqian's chief secretary.

  Secretary Yang also happened to see Xie Xihe in the crowd, with a happy face, he immediately stepped up to meet him, and said with a sigh of relief: "Miss Xie, I finally found you."

Quickly distributed the spare umbrellas in Xie Xihe's hands to Zhong Yuxiu, Yu Jianing and the others beside her, and explained: "Mr. Lu sees that it's raining too hard outside. I'm afraid you will be trapped here, so let me come over here." Pick you up, you see..."

  Xie Xihe had already cut off the phone, nodded and said, "Let's go."

  Secretary Yang heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately took the lead in the direction of the car.

  (end of this chapter)