MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 238 I will bring him back

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   Chapter 238 I will bring him back

  For three days in a row, after knowing that the border was stable, Lian Yue was unable to contact Quan Jingting. He hadn't given her any news, and her doubts were getting bigger and bigger.

   This is not Quan Jingting's style. In any case, he will not stop calling her for no reason. He clearly knows that she is so worried, so her bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

   She had nightmares for three days in a row. In the dream, she couldn't see what was real and what was real. In a trance, she seemed to see Quan Jingting lying in a pool of blood, staring at her with wide eyes.

   When she woke up, she was covered in sweat. She had heart palpitations for three days, and she had never felt flustered before.

  The weather is good today, the old man is in high spirits, and he takes Naya to teach her to play chess in the yard. Quan Yulin went out to play and was not at home.

  Lian Yue came out and sat next to the two of them, watching Naya fall.

   "Pa..." The old man clapped her hand, "How can you come here, you killed yourself at the beginning of the game."

  Naya rubbed her hands aggrievedly and glanced at Lian Yue, the woman next to her smiled and reached out to touch her head.

   "Study hard, aren't you very interested?"

   "But it's so difficult." She snorted.

   So why did she say that learning these things is simply too difficult, okay? Grandpa is really too much.

   "I've decided to study hard and do what I do with certainty." The old man said with a stern face.

   "After you finish studying with your grandfather, let your elder brother teach you, and you can play chess with them next year." Lian Yue coaxed.

  Naya's temperament is really too noisy. Maybe learning Go can make her not so tossed and cultivate her body, which is a good activity.

   She is also the eldest daughter-in-law of the Quan family. She will represent the face of the Quan family when she goes out. This unreliable temperament still needs to be tempered. It is good to be dignified and generous outside.

   "Okay then." Naya lowered her head, took Baizi and began to think.

  The old man nodded with satisfaction, but his temperament was detached, but he was full of energy to learn things, and he would be successful if he practiced hard.

   "Look here..." The old man took her and started to explain.

  Lian Yue stretched out her hand and started peeling the oranges for herself. She tilted her head and saw that Quan Feng and Quan Jingchen had come back over there, their faces were cold.

   This was the first time she saw the two come back after they settled down from the border. She put down the orange in her hand, wiped her hands and stood up.

   Before they could walk a few steps away, they saw another person following them into the gate, which was brought in by a servant.

  Lian Yue walked over on the flagstone road, the two behind them were busy teaching on the chessboard, and did not notice that she had left.

   When Quan Feng entered the door, Su Luoying was sitting in the living room reading a book. Quan Jingting had no news for the past few days, and she was restless, especially since Quan Feng and Quan Jingchen never came back.

   She was even more worried, as if something was going to happen, she couldn't tell, in short, the situation outside would not be so simple.

   When he looked up and saw the father and son entering the door, Su Luoying hurriedly put down the book and got up to greet him.

   "Come back, have you eaten lunch?" She took the coat that Quan Feng handed over.

   "Don't worry about that." Quan Feng said with a cold face.

   In short, I don't seem to be in a good mood.

  Su Luoying looked at him and asked softly, "What's wrong, your face is so ugly?"

   Quan Jingchen glanced at Su Luoying. For three consecutive days, Quan Jingting was still in the mountains in the east. I wonder if he had come out.

   Just received the wind, several groups of people have gone to the mountain, and now there are probably corpses all over the place.

   Quanfeng also secretly arranged for the people from the north to pass by quietly, but he went out three waves in a row, but there was still no response.

  If the movement is too big, it will really attract the attention of the new faction. It is a mess at the moment, and the public opinion builds up momentum. I am afraid there will be a major crisis and turmoil soon.

  The people over there had held meetings all morning in a row, and they naturally kept silent about the fact that Quan Jingting had not retreated.

   But those little actions behind the scenes are wave after wave.

   "What's the matter? Why are you two looking so bad? Is it... Is there something wrong with Jing Ting?" Su Luoying asked a little scared.

  The hunch in her heart was always right. Jing Ting really had an accident. Otherwise, why didn't she contact her family, and why did the two of them have this expression.

   For so many years, Su Luoying has endured too many things in her status as the first lady, and she definitely can no longer bear the pain of losing her son.

   Quan Feng gave her a deep look, no answer, no explanation, just a long silence.

  Su Luoying understood what he meant, did not stop for a while, and fell on the sofa behind him. The sofa was of good quality and very soft, and it would not hurt anyone if it fell.

   She sat blankly, her eyes looking straight ahead, as if she had been hit by something.

   "Mom, don't worry." Quan Jingchen went over and sat beside her to comfort him.

   No one could have expected this situation.

   "Sir, a Mr. Liu has come to see the young lady." The servant brought Consul Liu into the door.

   His face was extremely bad, very pale and hurried, as if he had escaped from somewhere.

   "Sir, Minister." Staff Liu nodded to the two of them.

   Both Quan Feng and Quan Jingting knew Staff Liu, the people who followed Quan Jingting and Rongye to the east, and he finally returned with the troops.

   He knows best about Rongye and Quan Jingting.

   "Where have you been these three days?" Quan Feng frowned and looked at him.

   After entering the Imperial Capital from the east, Staff Liu seemed to have evaporated from the world and could no longer be found.

   He also knew in his heart that the people who would take Consul Liu away were those people, because he was the only one who knew the intentions of Quan Jingting and Rongye the most.

   And their magnanimous feelings for so many years, they will definitely come back and explain, and they will definitely not disappear for no reason. This is definitely not right.

  But Quan Feng was in a mess, and Quan Jingchen was too, so he didn't have time to look for him.

   "Sir, I was locked up by them, and I finally figured out a way to get out. General Rong asked me to bring a few words to the young marshal's wife." Staff Liu said.

   Quanfeng frowned, Rongye asked him to find Qingyue what to do, could it be...

  Thinking of a possibility, Su Luo, who had not had time to speak, trembled slightly in English, "It's not Jing Ting, but what does Rong Ye want to say to Qing Yue??"

  When did Rongye say something to Qingyue, could it be some bad news?

   "Yes, because of me, I arrived three days late. The situation is urgent, please let Miss Qing come out to see me immediately." Liu said.

   In fact, he himself didn't know why Rongye wanted him to tell Qingyue about this. Qingyue, a woman with no power, knew what was the use of this matter.

   But this is what Rongye explained, and he has to do it. Maybe Rongye has another meaning.

   Quan Jingchen probably also understood what Rong Ye meant, which involved the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and this time the other party deliberately set a trap for Quan Jingting, and they could not go to the rescue.

   But someone can justifiably go to the rescue.

   Before Quan Feng could speak, Lian Yue walked in from the door. She could hear what they said just now.

   Quan Jingting was only afraid that something had really happened, otherwise Rongye would not tell anyone to come to her.

   "I'm Quan Jingting's wife, what do you have to do with me?"

  Staff Liu has never attended Quan Jingting's wedding, and he has heard many rumors about Qingyue. He is very curious about what kind of woman can win a man like Quan Jingting, and today he can be regarded as seeing.

   The beautiful, generous, gentle and clean woman in front of him is really Quan Jingting's wife. He asked him to drink three thousand dollars of weak water and only take a scoop of Qingyue.

   After quickly regaining his senses, he said in a calm tone, "Hello, I am here to tell you something under the order of General Rong."

  Su Luoying and Quan Feng looked at Lian Yue together, Quan Jingchen already knew the purpose of Staff Liu, so he was silent at this time.

  His younger brother was in danger, but his older brother couldn't help. The person who finally came to ask for help was Qingyue.

   "You said." Lian Yue's face was calm.

  Luoluo's generous appearance shows no signs of panic at all, even if she is anxious, it is useless, how to solve the problem is the real thing.

"Master Quan was killed. Now in the Eastern Mountains, we have sent a few groups of people to bring him back. Countless forces are besieging him. I have lost the news that Rong will be able to send. , the only certainty is that they are still in the Eastern Mountains, General Rong said, only you can save them." Staff Liu briefly explained the situation.

   Su Luoying's blood pressure went up, and she almost fainted. I won't say anything bad about the mountain landscape in the eastern region, and there are still people hunting and killing.

   She couldn't stand it just thinking about that scene.

  Lian Yue controlled her emotions and looked at Staff Liu, "Are they still alive?"

   Staff Liu bowed his head, and the atmosphere was strange.

   "I don't know, the position sent by the signal device has never moved."

  The worst plan is that people are already dead.

  Lian Yue looked at Quan Feng and Quan Jingchen, "Do Dad and Big Brother know about this?"

   So they will be too busy to come back these two days.

   "This war is a war between the new faction and the Y country. The purpose is to weaken the power of the Quan family. They are calculating Jing Ting." Quan Feng sighed deeply.

   No one thought it would become like this.

   "After he checked it out, in order to prevent himself from causing more innocent deaths on the battlefield, he took the initiative to fall into their trap." Quan Jingchen said.

  Su Luoying couldn't help shedding tears, this child has always known what righteousness is, he never dragged others down for himself, not to mention that so many people died in this war.

"The peace agreement has been signed. You also know that after the two sides retreat, neither party can leave deterrent personnel on the border. They waited until Jing Ting couldn't return, and they could justly dispose of him." Quan Feng felt guilty.

   He sat in this position, but he still couldn't bring his son back.

   "So, Jing Ting's life and death are unknown now, right?" Su Luoying said these words with a trembling voice.

   Several people did not speak. If the signal from the locator installed on Rongye was correct, they had not moved for several days.

   I'm afraid, there are really no people.

   "Grandpa!" Naya's voice came from the door.

   A few people were startled, and only then did they see the old man at the door holding his heart and holding the door frame with one hand was about to fall down, Naya supported him and screamed.

   Quan Feng and Quan Jingchen hurried over to help the old man in. The heart-saving pills prepared at home were fed by Su Luoying.

   The old man's face gradually eased, and his breathing was slow and steady.

   "Dad, don't worry, this is just a guess." Quan Feng advised.

The old man glanced at the people next to him, and patted the armrest of the sofa heavily, "What kind of world is this, no wonder there were so many rumors outside the past two days, Jing Ting led the army to defend the family and defend the country, but those people were for the purpose of reform. Do whatever you want, insane!"

   The most distressing thing for the old man is how this country has been harmed by these people.

   "Dad, don't be angry, Jing Ting will be fine." Su Luoying followed.

   She didn't know what to do, and she was even ready to welcome the return of her son's bones, but in front of the old man, she couldn't be too pessimistic.

   "Those are all good kids!! Because of their shameless reasons, they were killed, aren't they afraid of the evil ghosts claiming their lives when they dream back at midnight!"

The old man's whole life, the blood in his heart has never disappeared, but now, he is sad because those people are doing shameless things with high-sounding reasons, so that those young, fresh and **** lives disappear. .

   The sins of these people should be trampled on.

   "Grandpa, don't be angry." Naya took his hand and coaxed.

  Although she didn't understand it well, she knew that something had happened to Quan Jingting, and this person was here to tell the boss.

  Lian Yue glanced at Quan Jingchen and Quan Feng, she would not question, as Quan Jingting's wife, she understood what Quan Jingting meant.

   He has already made a decision, and certainly does not want anyone to break it.

   Quan Feng and Quan Jingchen also understand him and understand him, so they can't destroy the opportunity that Quan Jingting exchanged, and they can't let the other side catch it at all.

  Otherwise, if there is another war on the border, wouldn't it be that he sacrificed in vain.

   "These beasts, these beasts!" The old man weighed each other and hit the armrest hard.

   dong dong sound.

  Lian Yue walked over, squatted in front of the old man, raised his head and smiled, "Grandpa, don't worry, I will bring them back, Jing Ting is definitely still alive."

   He didn't know that he had become a father, how could he die.

  Her husband, invincible and invincible, will not fail.

   "Child, you..."

   "Grandpa, you said that no matter what status I was in the past, I am your granddaughter-in-law, so no matter what I do, I am also your granddaughter-in-law, his wife."

   Quan Feng bowed his head, he really had a grudge against Lian Yue's identity, and now only she can mobilize power.

   "Good boy, but you are always a girl. You shouldn't have to bear many things. If you marry Jing Ting, you should think he should protect you, but now..."

   It was a cannibalistic place, how dangerous it was. The old man imagined that no matter how powerful Qingyue was, she was just a girl.

   He can't let her take risks for his grandson, and he can't be so selfish.

  He couldn't help Qingfeng and Jianguo, and he couldn't let Qingyue have an accident again.

   "Child, listen to your grandfather, your father will handle it, don't go." The old man took her hand and said.

  Lian Yue shook her head, with a smile on her lips, "Grandpa, I have to go, I have to bring him back, he is my husband and I can't leave him there anyway."

   Even if he died, she had to go and bring back his bones.

   "Don't worry, I will protect myself. Besides, he is so powerful, maybe he will have escaped safely before I get there." Lian Yue comforted a few words.

  Since the decision has been made, it is natural to hurry up and leave.

  Lian Yue got up and glanced at Su Luoying and Quan Feng, "Mom and Dad, I'll go up and get ready, I'll leave right away, and I hope you can give me an entry permit."

  IE helicopters need to sign a permit statement to fly into the territory of M country.

   "I understand, I'll arrange it right away." Quan Feng opened his mouth and said.

  Lian Yue went upstairs to change clothes and came out. She stood in front of the dressing mirror and put the bullet that Quan Jingting gave her around her neck.

   Concubine Wen's call came very quickly, and the preparations were already done there. They would fly directly from IE to the east and wait for Lian Yue's order.

   The helicopter that Quan Feng arranged for her landed over the Quan Mansion. She tidied up her clothes and stepped downstairs with her boots.

   Staff Liu sorted out all the data and handed it over to Lian Yue, and gave her a straight and respectful salute.

   "Excuse me, be sure to come back safely!"

  Su Luoying was a little stunned when she looked at her dressed in black clothes. She felt as if she had changed. She stepped forward and took Lian Yue's hand.

   "Child, be sure to pay attention to safety, be sure to come back."

   "Don't worry, I will take good care of myself." She smiled.

   Quan Jingchen looked at her with slightly deep eyes, and nodded solemnly, "Be careful in everything."

   Quan Feng said nothing, quietly watching Lian Yue get on the helicopter.

  This child is stubborn and very similar to Jing Ting.

  The helicopter carrying Lian Yue left Quan's house. The old man's eyes were red. These two children were ill-fated, and I hope God can bless them.

   "The boss will definitely be fine. There are Concubine Wen, Xiong Ni, Lan Yin, and so many people. They will definitely come back safe and sound." Naya said as if to comfort herself.

   Quan Jingchen kissed her forehead and coaxed softly, "Well, they will definitely come back."

   Whether it is Quan Jingting or Qingyue, neither is the type that Lord Yama dares to accept. Together, they are fearless.

   "Let's go." Quan Feng said indifferently.

   Their war is not over yet, in any case, when Quan Jingting returns, they have to solve all the problems.

   The reform slogan of the new school, I am afraid it has to change.

   "Dad, let's go in." Su Luoying said while supporting the old man.

  Naya and her helped the old man back into the living room, and they both sighed in unison.

  The things they can do are really too little.

   (end of this chapter)