MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 223 Qing's house was bombed

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   Chapter 223 The Qing family was bombed

Qingyu's attack was like a little episode that no one knew about. Even Yue didn't take it to heart. The rest of the problems were left for tomorrow to solve. Today is not the right time to think about other things. The melodiously dancing guests would definitely not have guessed that what happened in the back garden just now, in just a few minutes, has already brought out a few more ghosts.

Naya and Concubine Wen both returned to the main hall. On the dance floor, Lian Yue and Quan Jingting were already dancing to the music. Naturally, the bride and groom's dance steps should be paid more attention. Everyone's attention fell on the two of them. On the body, do not look sideways.

The two who walked in stood to one side consciously. Concubine Wen took the wine glass and looked at Qin Zhong who was leaning against the Roman column. Naya walked over to the dining area very consciously. It's still empty, I have to eat something to make it up.

   Qingyu's matter has also been resolved. She has nothing to worry about at the moment, so her appetite is exceptionally good, and she can't wait to swallow a cow.

  The old man was also bored sitting here. After socializing for a while, he sent the car back to the Quan Mansion, and went home to have a good rest. When he got old, the years were not forgiving, and he was not as capable of tossing as young people.

   Besides, he couldn’t find anyone here who could talk to him, so he had to go back.

In front of the rectangular table lined up, the table is covered with white lace tablecloths, and some foods that do not smell so bad in the air are placed in this area. Naya took a small silver plate and took a piece The black forest cake started to eat.

She has always felt that only food should not be let down. She was originally a child. In this huge imperial capital, she also went to the snack street several times, but she could never rest. After such a hungry morning, she couldn't stand it .

   "After walking around with them all morning, I just remembered to eat." Quan Jingchen came to her side at some point, watching the girl eating wildly.

   "I'm quite busy when I wake up in the morning." She said vaguely.

  Because I was very excited to attend a wedding, I didn't think about having breakfast, and I have been tossing it until now, and I was so hungry that I only remembered to eat.

  She raised her head, with a little black cream stain on her cheek, Quan Jingchen glanced at it, put down the wine glass in his hand and took a towel, "It's like this, girls eat slowly, it's not good for digestion."

   said, he started to wipe his face clean.

Even Yue and Quan Jingting's dance ended quickly. When the two left the stage, they saw Xiao'er and Darling who had had enough rest. The family of four was sitting in the rest area over there, Darling was blurred. Looking around with big eyes, the princess dress on her body is very cute.

   "Congratulations, I didn't come to talk to you this morning." Yu Ning smiled as he looked at the two approaching.

  Lian Yue let go of the hand that was holding the man's arm, went over to sit next to Beloved, and reached out to touch her face, "Little baby, thank you for coming to be a flower girl."

   She likes both of these two children very much. They are so beautiful that they are born one by one. Many people's eyes are fixed on the two children. They are so delicate at such a young age.

   "Suxixi is inconvenient and can't fly, so she didn't come here. Let me congratulate you." Yu Ning opened his mouth and said.

Lian Yue bowed her head, and the darling took her hand and pulled her fingertips. When she bowed her head, her eyelashes were slender and she played very seriously. Seeing her appearance, Yu Ning said, "If you really like it, hurry up and give birth. One."

   "I don't like it. It's also about picking people. Which girl can be born like yours, and it will break the minds of many young men in the future."

   "You think too much, with Li Mingyi's temperament, it is estimated that the darling will not be able to leave the island before turning twenty-five years old." Yu Ning said something serious.

   "Really." She reached out and touched Beloved's little face.

Yu Ning looked at her face, she was demure and peaceful. When she knew Lian Yue, she never thought that one day this imperial capital would be her final home. A person like her would not match the solemn family like the Quan family. , Quan Jingting still has a long way to go, can she really get rid of her edge, return to calm, and let go of her former **** body.

   "I heard from Su Sixi that there will be large-scale turmoil soon, and I am afraid that all countries will dispatch small-scale troops to station abroad in order to safeguard their own interests. It is estimated that you will be separated after this wedding." Yu Ning sighed.

Quan Jingting and Li Mingyi were never the same person. They had different responsibilities. If Lian Yue and him were destined to be together, there must be someone between the two who gave up their past. Then this person, It won't be Quan Jingting, only Lian Yue.

   "Are you really going to wash your hands and make soup?" Yu Ning stared at Lian Yue.

  The latter smiled, "There's nothing wrong with this, it used to be a hail of bullets, but now that I'm living a stable life, I think it's a way to get back the stable life that I haven't been able to live in the first half of my life."

She looked at this matter calmly. In fact, deep down, she still yearns for a peaceful life. Maybe it will be boring to her, but as long as you find the person you want to spend your whole life with, then you will have it for the rest of your life. significance.

   "Fate is really hard to say." Yu Ning smiled.

When Concubine Wen passed by, Qin Zhong had already drank a lot of wine by himself. This occasion was not one of those casual places. There would not be the kind of women who would come up to chat up easily, so he was quite clean at the moment. , there is only one person around.

   The people here are also very busy, and the wedding banquet can be over by almost the evening. After standing for a day, the high heels are pressed against each other, and the ankles are almost not their own.

   "If you're sad, I'll accompany you to drink, you don't need to drink like this alone." Concubine Wen sat down opposite her.

Qin Zhong put down the wine glass and looked at her, and could vaguely smell the **** smell of perfume on her body. It was not very heavy, but people like them were the most sensitive to the smell of blood, and they could smell it at once. out.

   "Today is her wedding, what are you all doing?" Qin Zhong looked at her firmly.

   Concubine Wen said nothing, took a sip of champagne, "Want to know?"

Qin Zhong narrowed his eyes, Concubine Wen has always been very cautious in her actions, and after following Lian Yue for so many years, their relationship is of course needless to say. Today is Lian Yue's wedding, and Concubine Wen is naturally extremely happy, so no matter what. , she will not give birth to any branches today.

   But what is the **** smell on this body?

   "When do you plan to go back?" Concubine Wen asked.

   Now that even Yue's wedding is over, Qin Zhong and Qin Shanglin probably left the Imperial Capital and went back to IE. They are not there, and IE can't be without the commander all of a sudden.

   Qin Zhong's cell phone rang. He took it out and looked at it. There was a sentence in the text message. The Qing family had just been bombed. Now the Dijing police have arrived at the scene. Whether the Qing family is under the ruins needs further confirmation.

When such a thing happened on Quan Jingting's wedding day, the person in charge of security also wiped away a cold sweat. On a day like today, an accident can happen to the Qing family. At best, their supervision is not strict. If this explosive is at the wedding scene It exploded, isn't this going to happen?

   Everyone knows that this time the Quan family said they were married to the daughter of the Qing family, but the Qing family in Dijing did not receive any invitations. Naturally, many people understood the mystery of cause and effect.

   "Where are the people?" Qin Zhong put down his phone and stared at the person opposite.

   Concubine Wen's mouth moved slightly, "What did you say?"

   "Where are the people from the Qing family?"

  There are many enemies in the Qing family, but there are not many who dare to choose to do it today. It is estimated that this person opposite him cannot get rid of it.

   "I don't understand what you're talking about. I'll go over first. You can drink slowly by yourself." Concubine Wen got up gracefully, and the skirt moved slightly away from Qin Zhong's sight.

Originally, people were staring at the Qing family, but Qin Shanglin also said that he would handle it himself. They would start at seven o'clock tomorrow. They also knew that Lian Yue had Lan Yin and Quan Jingting's people besieging Mo together. With their assistance, the Qing family was here. It's like losing an umbrella.

   But Qin Zhong never expected that Lian Yue would choose to do it today, completely disrupting their plans. The Qing family must now be in Lian Yue's hands.

Because it was the father of the bride and the groom, Qing Shanglin and Quan Feng were both served a lot of wine. When they finally got some free time, they sat down to take a breath. From Qin Shanglin to Quan's house, this was the first time for the two of them. There is an opportunity to speak alone.

  Quan Feng's work is busy, but this Qin Shanglin is also dragged by Mr. Quan to play chess with him every day, or go out, and he is not free for a moment.

In fact, the relationship between Quan Feng and Qin Shanglin is quite delicate. Qin Shanglin's grade is five or six years younger than Quan Feng, and he was also a young child when he was brought back by the Qing master. Feng is a brother in love, and Qin Shanglin is Qing Jianguo's younger brother, so the relationship between the three should naturally be very good.

But that year was then, and now is now. Back then, Qin Shanglin escaped from death and took Qing Yue to other countries. Because he promised Liu Ye, he would never take revenge and would never bring Lian Yue back, so he never set foot in the imperial capital all these years. Land, but his hatred of Qing Jianye is increasing day by day. On the contrary, Quan Feng has been very calm for so many years.

When he left, he originally thought that Qing Jianguo and Quan Feng had a friendship from childhood to adulthood, so Quan Feng would definitely avenge Qing Jianguo, but he did not expect that after so many years, Qing Jianye was intact and the business of the Qing family was still there. Under the commercial support of country M, it is getting better and better, and its status is getting higher and higher.

  Although he understands that Quanfeng's position is somewhat involuntary, Qin Shanglin has been unable to overcome the hurdle in his heart.

   "I haven't had a good chat with you since you came back, and now it's just the two of us. Have a drink." Quan Feng touched the glass with him.

   Qin Shanglin drank his glass of wine. Quanfeng has indeed changed a lot over the years, not only his age, but also his eyesight and the silence after his sailing.

   "I heard Qingyue say that you have traveled around the world for a long time, and have you visited those countries?"

Qin Shanglin smiled and was still very soft, "I'm not sure about this, but it depends on my mood. I have indeed traveled to many countries and experienced different customs, but no matter how much I go, I'm afraid I don't have the right to you, brother. Go more."

   After all, they are still different in nature.

   "My mood is different from yours, so what I see is also different." Quan Feng smiled.

   "Yeah, when I left the Imperial Capital, I never thought that one day I would come back to this place and make people lucky." Qin Shanglin seemed to sigh.

   "I understand Liu Ye's state of mind back then. It was normal for her to make such a decision in desperation. It's not easy for you to take Qingyue outside for so many years." Quan Feng looked at him and pointed.

Qingyue's identity in IE, Quanfeng, still has grudges. As a mercenary, he only sees interests but not family. He can already guess how much blood has been on Lian Yue's hands, but he guides this child on this path. The person was Qin Shanglin.

   was the boy with the bright eyes and eyes, who grew up with him and Qing Jianguo in the army headquarters. This was something he had never imagined.

The disaster of the Qing family ultimately changed the trajectory of everyone's life. Because he witnessed the tragic death of his good brother, Quan Feng, who had never intended to fight for power, finally took this path. In his eyes, only standing at the highest A place where you can keep those who want to hurt you out of reach.

   There can be no second Qing family, so they have all changed and experienced different things. From the aspiring young people at that time, they slowly transformed into what they are today.

   "Brother Quan, I've always wanted to ask you, do you actually regret it?" Qin Shanglin suddenly said, "Regret taking this position."

He wouldn't blindly complain about what Quan Feng did or did. After all, there was no need to rely on others to avenge his own family's revenge. The old man treated him like a mountain and treated him like a parent. He was not capable of doing it. Why do you ask Quan Feng to do it?

   "Because you are sitting in this position, many things can't be done arbitrarily. Every step you take needs to be reconsidered and thought about. Do you regret it?"

  If he was not in this position, Qin Shanglin would like to know whether Quan Feng would attack Qing Jianye.

"There are not so many regret medicines in this world. What you get, you have to give up. There is no best of both worlds, so you need to think about the consequences you may face when you take every step." Quan Feng face As solemn as ever.

   Over the years, what he has trained is to be unsmiling, to completely hide his emotions and not be able to be seen clearly by anyone.

   "Is that so, so you thought about the consequences." Qin Shanglin murmured.

Qin Shanglin also understands how important the role of the Qing family is to the M country. The Qing family has driven the development of the industry, led a lot of foreign investment to a certain extent, and is the leader of the entire economy of the M country. The blow to the market will be huge.

   Besides, the case back then was a sure thing, and all the evidence was completely destroyed. Even if you wanted to overturn the case, there was no way to find any evidence.

   Quanfeng has been stern for so many years, and he knows how to hide all his emotions. When you sit in this position, no matter when and where you do, you can't do it for yourself.

"This is Dijing. You have lived here and know the rules here. I don't need to tell you a lot of things. Shang Lin, we are all at this age, and we must think carefully before doing things." Quan Feng meant something. Open your mouth.

   "I know what you are going to say, but Brother Quan, I have been away from the Imperial Capital for many years." Qin Shanglin opened his mouth to remind.

   "I know, but Shang Lin, I've heard of IE, and I know what kind of organization it is, why does Qingyue meet?"

"I gave her to an ordinary fisherman couple to raise her, hoping that she could live an ordinary life. When she was seven years old, her adoptive parents had an accident, and I took her by my side. She has been with her since she was born. From the beginning, it is destined to be extraordinary.”

   All of this is something they can't choose, whether it's the Qing family or Lian Yue.

   Before the two of them finished speaking, a man came over from behind Quan Feng, lowered his head and muttered a few words in his ear, and then saw Quan Feng's face changed.

   After Qin Zhong finished speaking, Qin Shanglin and Quan Feng looked at each other, and something happened to the Qing family.

  The entire villa was blown up, with amazing power. The rescue team that went there is still searching and rescuing, and I don’t know if anyone is still alive.

   The news came suddenly, Quan Feng stared at Qin Shanglin on the opposite side, today is Qingyue's wedding, Qin Shanglin could not choose to do it today, so who is the hand of the Qing family.

  Impossible, he looked at Lian Yue who was standing with Quan Jingting over there.

Chengdong Research Institute, this is a dedicated scientific research base, and it is also a state-owned place. A large number of excellent scientific researchers are stationed here to engage in research projects. Because of some confidentiality, the security here is in charge of the northern camp, so black Ya will also bring people over from time to time to practice hands or something.

Since being assigned to the eastern side, they have been staring at each other for the past few days. Quan Jingting and Lian Yue's guess is indeed correct. The best chance they chose to do it was on the wedding day. Qing Jianye is determined to win this chip, and will definitely choose it today. They think that the vigilance here is the worst.

Standing on the roof of the building, on the cement floor, Lan Yin was staring at the situation in the distance with a telescope. This Eastern Research Institute was actually placed in the mountain, surrounded by trees on all sides, and only a straight cement road could lead to it. Going here, now there are their people in the woods, and even the remote monitoring has begun to lock.

From the beginning of the search for Mo's base, Lin Feng led people to search for the possible areas of the entire Imperial Capital, and finally found traces in the south. In an inaccessible place, the Qing family has an undeveloped woodland in the south. That place is the most suitable for Tibetans.

   "Lanyin, you said the boss asked us to follow these men, can you do that, even if we find Mo's base, I'm afraid they won't let us take this man away." Vivian said at the foot of the blueprint.

She was lying on the roof with her sniper rifle at the moment, looking at the man in black who slowly came out of the woods and approached the research institute in the scope. How many people came.

"The boss wants us to find something to do. As for people, being caught by the people in the north is equivalent to holding the boss's hands. You didn't see Quan Jingting being pinched by the boss." Lan Yin disagreed. .

"I didn't mean to come to **** the ashes. This task is really timely. It's the first time to cooperate with the people of Quanjun, and you can perform well. Don't lose the boss's people, let the boss carry them in front of them. I can't get up." Wei An said.

The little girls over there don't know what's going on. Although they have received formal training in the base, they have always been the girls who have been carrying out assassination missions and have never cooperated with these people, and their style of play is also I don't know if it will be rigid.

   These people are used to being free and loose, and they always take care of themselves on the battlefield.

  Lan Yin pressed the headset on his ear and opened his mouth to the other side, "Soya, this side has been hooked, and your side is ready at any time."


Suoya, who was guarding the south, followed Lin Feng, looked at the dark cave in the distance, and tightened the trigger. Limo, because he was going to **** chips, most of Momo's organization staff have already arrived in the east, so in this way, there will be very few people left behind in the base.

   As soon as there is firepower over there, this side will attack at the same time. As long as you can capture this place, not only can you deal with the Qing family's forces, but more importantly, you can get a lot of very important information.

  The things that have been collected silently over the years are piled up, and it is no exaggeration to say that it can defeat the intelligence services of any country.

   "Be careful when you go in for a while. For those who have seen the map, Area A is the focus of firepower. You must quickly control them as soon as you enter." Lin Feng, wearing a dark combat uniform, instructed with his back to the inside of the cave.


   The players who were in a line beside him shouted.

   Both areas need to be commanded by very skilled commanders, but the base is more important, so Lin Feng brought people over and left Yan Miao at the research institute.

   "You are in charge of Area D, is there any problem?" Lin Feng turned to look at Suoya behind him.

The girls that   soya brought with them glanced at each other, whether this was a question to them.

   "Don't worry, Captain Lin, we won't have any problems. You don't have to worry about us when the battle begins. On the contrary, we will take down the people in Area D as quickly as possible."

  Sawyer has been following Lian Yue for a long time, and the rest has not been learned, but this is not weak at all, and their IE has never been a role that people will look down on.

   "Can you guys do it?" The soldier following Lin Feng muttered softly.

"Don't worry, IE's speed of action is well-known in the industry. You have also learned from Motortor five years ago. Don't worry about us, but you, don't need us to save people in the end." Soya lowered her head and sorted herself. weapon.

  IE has never tolerated anyone’s doubts, and they don’t need to explain their abilities to anyone. Ability is the most important thing. Too much argument is useless.

   "Okay, since that's the case, let's all check the equipment."

In the Eastern Research Institute, the fluctuations in the woods ahead are getting bigger and bigger, and the telescope in Lanyin's hand has successfully captured the people who are stepping on dead branches and leaves. They are well equipped and seem to be fully prepared. .

   Yan Miao on the second floor was stuck on the window, and the gun was aimed at the person who was about to invade the gate.

   "As soon as they step into this place, they will shoot, remember your location, and don't let anyone go. Those who can be caught alive, and those who can't be caught alive, don't have to keep it." Yan Miao gave the order.


   In such a situation that the battle situation may be very intense, you can only ensure that you will not be hurt. As for the living mouth, Lin Feng will definitely be able to find it, at least to catch the high-level inside, and then you can dig out useful things.

  The breeze floated the surrounding trees, and the man with the black scarf covering his face stopped at the entrance of the research institute and stood blatantly holding a gun. The most advanced security system is used here, and you need to scan your fingerprints to enter.

The people headed by    glanced at the lock at the door and made a gesture. A man came out behind him carrying a black box and put the box on the ground. He pressed close to it and took out the instrument from the inside to open the door.

"There are quite a lot of people here. Twenty or thirty, the weapons and equipment are top-notch. They are all the latest machine guns developed by Guifeng last year. It is estimated that there are also micro explosives on them. The protective clothing on the chest is also the best material, tsk tsk, This is walking dollars." Vivian saw the equipment on the other side through the scope.

   "What's so strange, the Qing family is also the richest man in country M, and one of the best in the world, so I don't care about that little money."

  Lan Ying counted through the binoculars, and there were quite a few people. Not only did they have top-notch weapons and equipment, but they didn't look like anyone to be messed with. I didn't expect that Dijing's first mission would come with tough bones.

   "Ready, when you hear their gunfire."


The people downstairs moved quickly and opened the door after a while. In order to ensure that the drama of Ze Yinjun entering the urn can be authentic, all the scientific research members went to work as usual in the morning, but they were not in their respective positions at the moment, and were kept safe. Protected in the inner chamber.

The people led by    wore red headscarves and were very flamboyant. After making a forward gesture, the people behind them held guns, stepped into the gate, and slowly approached the interior.

   "Bang!" A gunshot pierced the heavy and quiet air.

  Yan Miao started here, Lan Yin and Vivian fired at the same time, she stood on the floor holding the gun, and the firepower in her hand continued to output. A large area was quickly shot down below, and the people who came in fled around to find something to hide.

   "Someone entered at six o'clock in the blue print."

   They jumped in directly from the window on the first floor, and followed one by one, this was their blind spot.

   Once she entered the hall, she was useless.

   "I'm going down, you watch here, don't let go." Lan Yin threw the binoculars and went downstairs with the gun directly.

Wei An maintains her original posture and lies on the ground, looking at the remnants in the woods with the scope. Her marksmanship is also ranked in the top ranks in the entire IE. She is also very experienced in this position as a sniper. The most important thing is , she likes the feeling of a headshot, and she prefers to stay still than those random shocks.

   The movement here came together, and Lin Feng led people along the black karst cave. If it hadn't been arranged for people to inquire in advance, I'm afraid he wouldn't have thought of Mo's location, just under this karst cave.

  Underground base.

   is really like the mouse, the cat is underground, making small movements in the dark.

   Quickly entered the interior along the cave, which was different from the narrow entrance. After entering, it suddenly became clear. There was an open space, and there were several different roads.

  Lin Feng held his gun and made a gesture, and the people behind him quickly made four moves and walked into the hole that they had arranged.

The footsteps are controlled extremely lightly. The people here are also active all over the world. More importantly, it is estimated that a lot of people have gone out to investigate the situation of the Qing family explosion. This is the best opportunity for them. However, in addition to those who are outside, there should be a lot of people left behind at the base.

   The opponent occupies a terrain and needs to pay more attention to safety.

Soya took the people to the divided D area quickly. At the end of the road is a very simple area divided into countless compartments. The people behind Soya stepped forward and destroyed the surveillance cameras that passed along the way one by one. The door to the room opened one by one.

The gun in Soya's hand rang unceremoniously. The people here rarely have the habit of carrying weapons with them when they are in the base. To put it bluntly, it is because they are too conceited. Come and end their lair.

   "Don't move!"

When they came to the end, the muzzles of everyone's hands were facing straight, and the rows of tables were placed neatly. The atmosphere here was very good. The people who were dining in the restaurant all looked up at her, subconsciously. He took out the pistol he carried with him, and before he could fire a shot, he was killed by the people behind Soya.

   "Throw the gun on the ground, otherwise I'll be welcome." Soya said.

   The person on the opposite side threw the weapon in his hand on the ground, staring at the person on the opposite side who came in at an unknown time.

   "I can understand why we are in District D. This place is a restaurant."

   When eating, people are always less vigilant. Is Lin Feng taking care of them or despising them.

   "Put people out."

The people behind   soya did not know where to find a rope, went forward to tie the people together one by one, tied their hands in a string, and rushed out ahead.

   "Why is my heart so uncomfortable." Soya stood on the spot, "Take the people out and have a look."

   She really couldn't bear to be looked down upon in her heart, she had to go over and shoot them twice, she couldn't pick up the easiest job and do it so unclearly.

The movements on both sides are quite fast. Although there is friction between each other, the serious actions can still be run in very well. These girls don't seem to be too restrained, but fortunately, when they are doing business. , will not hold you back.

   After all, he was the one brought out by Mrs. I thought it wouldn't be too bad.

   The Qing family is coming to an end



   (end of this chapter)