MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 219 Injustice of the year

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   Chapter 219 Injustice of the Year

On the fifth day of the new year, Lian Yue received a call from Xiao Xiao. She went back to the countryside a week before Chinese New Year to accompany Zhao Jiao for the New Year. On New Year's Eve, she sent Lian Yue two New Year's greeting messages, but the two did not contact each other during the New Year's Eve. , Xiao Xiao made such an appearance, she thought of one thing.

Because Rongye is the best man, Lian Yue thought of letting Concubine Wen come over to be the bridesmaid, but the other party refused seemingly righteously, and recommended her a very pertinent candidate, Xiao Xiao, according to Concubine Wen's idea, Xiao Xiao and Rong Ye are really a good match.

Because of the situation of the wedding, Su Luoying also talked about it last night, saying that Qin Zhong should also go over to gather the number of best man for Quan Jingting. There are a lot of serious girls, but when she thinks of matching Rongye, she still has to drag Xiao Xiao over.

Su Luoying got up very early in the morning, because the wedding was coming soon, so the Feng Shui master that the Quan family specially asked for said that during the Chinese New Year, the family should have no less etiquette, and on the fifth day of the new year, it must be done This is a small feng shui ritual of transshipment, of course, it is the marriage of the three children of the Quan family.

   It is best for these children to solve their lifelong affairs within the new year.

   It happened to greet the God of Wealth today, so she took the servants to work early in the morning.

Because of the lessons from the previous few times, Su Luoying is extra pious this time. She is satisfied with the daughter-in-law here, and her son likes it very much. All the days have been settled. If there is another problem, she really going crazy.

Even Yue and Naya were outsiders, and they were very curious about this custom, so they stood by Su Luoying's side and watched this series of actions curiously. Yawning.

  Naya stood beside Lian Yue and asked, "Boss, do you really want Mr. Qin to be your best man?"

   If this is passed back to the base, I am afraid that most of the brothers and sisters will be shocked. It is not what she said. The woman she likes gets married and he is the best man. It sounds miserable.

  Lian Yue reached out and touched her earlobe, silently looking at the man beside her, "This is not my decision."

In fact, the old man had already made a final decision last night. Qin Zhong on the side was stunned when he heard what the old man said. Before he had time to refuse, Qin Shanglin agreed to it, so now he is rushing the ducks to the shelves. Don't go.

   But it seems that Quan Jingting doesn't care that much, she didn't say anything when she heard the old man's proposal, and finally settled down, she herself has a mysterious feeling.

   "How about I be your bridesmaid?" Naya said happily.

   She has never been a bridesmaid at a wedding, so it must be fun.

   "Don't make trouble, let you do almost everything you do?" Lian Yue did not expressly refuse.

   But in fact, she has already refused. Naya is a bridesmaid, and she must not make the scene riot. At that time, you have to ask Concubine Wen and Xiong Ni who are willing to come over to join Qin Zhong, and come over to make up the number of people first.

   "Don't worry, they asked me to meet today." Naya said with a smile.

  She had already obtained Quan Jingting's document in the morning, and sent the document to the Qing family according to their regulations. By the way, I would like to hear what plans these people have for the wedding.

   Now she is a spy who has penetrated into the enemy's interior.

   "What are you two talking about?" Quan Yulin came over curiously.

   "Nothing, Sister Yulin, you'd better worship a little more religiously, otherwise you won't be able to marry next year." Naya reminded.

   If this doesn't work, Mother Quan is probably going crazy.

   "This thing is to give yourself psychological comfort. You really think that you can find a lifelong partner by kowtowing and lighting incense ashes." Quan Yulin disagreed.

   This is just a psychological comfort Su Luoying gave herself, but she is really not busy getting married. There is a saying that she would rather have a high-quality single than a low-quality marriage. She is that kind of person.

   "Look at how good our little brother Quan is to Qingyue. In the future, we have to look for a husband like this. If you can't find it, you might as well not marry." She snorted.

   Standing in front of the master, Su Luoying turned around, squinted at Quan Yulin, noticed her mother's gaze, she silently lowered her head and did not speak, the look in her eyes just now really felt like she was going to strangle her.

Lian Yue chuckled softly, this is why Quan Yulin didn't get married for so many years, she didn't know the reason, she didn't even talk about her boyfriend. For a while, due to rumors that Quan Jingting didn't do anything about it, even Su Luoying even took Su Luoying with her. I wonder if this Quan Yulin doesn't like men.

   Therefore, Su Luoying had nightmares for several months in the past few years. If it wasn't for Quan Feng's enlightenment for a few days, she would have been depressed by now.

   These three children made her worry a lot. Right now, Quan Jingting's marriage is set, but the Quan family still has two nail households that have not been settled. The master of Feng Shui was also invited by the old man.

   No matter how you do a ritual for these two children, it's a good thing to be able to attract their marriage.

   "It's over, you two please bring this, I believe you can find your other half next year." The master in front took out two yellow talismans from his wide sleeves and handed them over.

   "Thank you, Master."

  Su Luoying took one and handed it to Quan Yulin and the other to Quan Jingchen.

The master's eyes fell on the two people who were standing diagonally opposite him, and he stepped forward to stand in front of them, "The marriage between the two is on the upper edge, and it has twists and turns with the road ahead, but the most rare thing about happiness in the later period is that you have a good understanding of each other. Undoubtedly."

  Lian Yue raised her eyebrows and looked up at Quan Jingting, whose expression was still on the side. The man lowered his head and smiled at her.

   "So, when will Master, my eldest son and daughter find the other half?" Su Luoying asked.

   She was still worried about the marriage of Quan Jingchen and Quan Yulin. One was thirty-five, and the other was almost thirty, and it was still out of tune. She was really dying.

Master    glanced at Quan Jingchen, who had a cold face. A little girl stood beside him at some point, staring curiously at the talisman in his hand.

   "The eldest son's marriage luck is a little weak, but good things come and go, and it's finally here."

  Su Luoying's face was overjoyed, "Really?"

  Naya listened to Master's words, and tugged at Quan Jingchen's shirt, "Did you hear, Master said that you are getting married soon."

  Then it seems strange that this talisman can be borrowed to play with her.

   Quan Jingchen looked down at the girl beside him, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and she still took away the bright yellow triangular talisman with her fingers.

Lian Yue saw the scene of the two of them in her eyes, the girl in the big brother's heart was really Naya. Although she was very curious about the two two days ago, but now, the facts are clearly in front of her eyes. , seems to be the case.

   "What about my daughter?" Su Luoying didn't forget that there was another big trouble.

   "Miss's marriage is indeed a little weak, so you need to intervene in many ways. Otherwise, it is easy to be lonely all your life. Madam Quan can interfere more, and after the year, you can find more objects for the young lady to choose from."

   So in the end, everyone can get married, which is true, but Quan Yulin needs to go through some ups and downs.

   "Thank you, Master." Su Luoying said.

   Quan Yulin's face turned into a pig's liver when she heard the master's words. This doesn't mean that Su Luoying will start frantically arranging blind dates for her after the year. Isn't this a toss up.

  Su Luoying sent the master out of the door full of piety, and before leaving, he handed the master a red envelope, which looked quite thick.

After taking two steps, Master    turned back and stood in front of Quan Jingting and Lian Yue.

   "The two should cherish this marriage, work together to overcome the hardships, and be reborn after the catastrophe. Only then will there be light."

   Listening to such meaningful words for a while, she pulled Quan Jingting's sleeve, "What do you mean?"

   She grew up in country T, so she naturally didn't understand the unfathomable words she said.

   The man lowered his head, leaned into her ear and said, "It means you have to love me more."

   She tugged at the flesh of his palm. It didn't sound like that, how could it be made up?

After Master    left, the tortured people on the side can also be liberated. Quan Yulin happily turned around and prepared to go out. The servants cleaned up the yard.

Lian Yue looked at the way Naya and Quan Jingchen were still talking. The man lowered his head and looked at the noisy little girl beside him with a slight smile on his face. The talisman has been dismantled by Naya, and the incense ashes have been seen inside.

   She flipped through the things in her hands, and there was nothing special about it. With this, she could find the other half, and there was dust in it.

   "Yeah!" Su Luoying's exclamation came, and she followed her to Naya's side, holding the girl's hand, "Why did you take it apart?"

This is for Quan Jingchen to put on. When you take it, you should take it off without covering your hands. This girl's hands and feet are too fast. Just now, the master said that he would wear this to Quan Jingchen's marriage. Fortunately, but this girl was taken apart alive.

   What can I do now, go to the master and ask for one, will it not work?

   "Naya, you asked Quan's mother to tell you what to say about you. This is for Jingchen to get married, and you have to tear it down. Now tell me what to do." Su Luoying looked at her with regret.

  Naya also seemed to realize what was wrong with her. She poked her fingertips and blinked her eyes to apologize, "I'm sorry, Mother Quan, I'm just curious."

   Her country has never seen anything like this before, so she thought of taking it over and looking at it. Looking at the folded and blocking part of the text, she thought about opening it to see what it was.

   "Tell me, how could it be demolished if it was good?" Su Luoying bowed her head and rebuked.

Quan Jingchen stood aside, couldn't bear to see the little girl being blamed, opened his mouth to Su Luoying and said flatly, "It's just a useless thing, I gave it to her, take it apart as soon as you take it down. "

  Naya nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and it was really given to her by Quan Jingchen.

   "You kid, you can't look at it this way, this is"

This thing is said to be transported, even if she is desperately ill and goes to the doctor, it may be that the feng shui of the family is not right, which has caused the three children to be so old, and none of them are married. .

   "Mom, aren't you worrying about it, it's really impossible to let Naya be my brother's daughter-in-law, isn't it much smarter than this thing." Quan Yulin over there said something.

   Don't leave such a good girl, and pin her hopes on a dead thing. When did Su Luoying become so ink-stained.

   "What nonsense are you talking about, you child." Su Luoying glared at her.

After listening to Su Luoying's words, Naya felt like she had done something wrong. She looked down at the talisman in her hand, what would she do if Quan Jingchen really couldn't get married because of this.

   Inexplicable feeling of being a sinner, what should I do?

In the end, in front of so many people, the little girl stood on tiptoe, her claws barely hooked on Quan Jingchen's shoulder, and she said angrily, "Don't worry, if you really can't find my wife, I will compensate you."

  Su Luoying stared blankly at her smooth movements, reached out and tapped the seeds on her small head, "Don't talk nonsense."

The little girl's family's words are so unrestrained, what should I do if Jing Chen is serious? Does she really want to pay Jing Chen as his wife? The two of them are fifteen years apart. Can't marry such a small ancestor to come back to make offerings.

   This is similar to a daughter.

   Quan Yulin was overjoyed, turned her head and pulled the old man at the door, "Grandpa, are you satisfied?"

  Naya is her sister-in-law, although she is not so worthy, but she is also a little girl who can jump and dance with full of energy. Besides, grandpa really likes this lively little girl, and she will not have any opinions if she thinks about it.

   The old man raised his brows, "I think it looks good."

Jing Chen's cold temper, doesn't he have to match such a lively little girl? If he really finds a boring gourd, he may not know what to do in the future. He seems to be more suitable than the Su family. At least this girl doesn't have so many hearts, and she doesn't count people.

pretty good.

  Naya winked at Quan Jingchen with a smile, "Look, grandpa agrees."

   So, if this talisman is torn, it will be torn, so don’t be too sad.

  Quan Jingting lowered his head, touched the smooth and delicate chin of the little girl with his fingertips, his eyes darkened, and he opened his mouth to say clearly, "This is what you said, I didn't force you."

   So in the end, when he wants someone, he can't talk nonsense.

  The little girl patted her chest, "That's right, I said, don't worry, if you really can't find a wife, I'll marry you."

   Quan Jingchen raised his hand and landed his five fingers on her furry head. She said it herself, and he never forced him to say every word.

Su Luoying sighed, this little girl understands in her head, what does the word "marry" mean? .

  Besides, does this girl know what love is? Every day is like crazy. Seeing a girl who doesn't understand emotions that well, does she really like Jing Chen?

"I see Naya, it has to be broken here." Lian Yue's eyes fell on Quan Jingchen's face. She didn't find out that the two of them had this tendency two days ago, but she found that Naya seemed to be very busy during this time. I like to pester Quan Jingchen.

  According to Quan Yulin's words, this girl has changed from being forced to taking the initiative, and I don't know if it is a good thing.

   Quan Jingting put his arm around her shoulder, "The boss has the boss's consideration. If you really don't like it, it's useless for this girl to pay him ten."

  So, it depends on fate and what Quan Jingchen thinks. If she really doesn't like it, she probably won't let her be so presumptuous.

   But it seems that this time, it was really in the hands of this little girl. Quan Jingchen's temperament has never seen him so interested in a girl.

Qin Shanglin looked at the situation here in the distance, with a smile on his face, "Naya, this child has not yet been determined, such words can be nonsense. I said a few times that I would marry a white bear, but now it has changed. "

  There are many possibilities in this world, the fate between Naya and Quan Jingchen is no more strange than that between Lian Yue and Quan Jingting.

Following the address sent by Xiao Xiao, Lian Yue went out to the community where she lived. In the Fifth Ring Road, a half-old place, she stood in the community and looked at the towering buildings. Xiao Xiao had been working there for so long. Time, she has never been to Xiao Xiao's house.

   I came here this time because she said that someone wanted to see her, and she couldn't talk outside, so I asked her to come over to the house and talk in detail.

  Lian Yue went upstairs with doubts. After comparing the house numbers, she pressed the doorbell. The door was pasted with a red festive couplet, with the word "Fu" in the middle upside down, which had a unique atmosphere of Chinese New Year.

   There was movement inside quickly, the footsteps stopped at the door, and the door was pulled open from the inside. Xiao Xiao was standing at the entrance in home clothes, with fluffy snow-white slippers on his feet.

   When he saw Lian Yue, his face was full of smiles, "Come on, come in."

   said that, she took a pair of slippers from the drawer and put them on the ground. Lian Yue changed her shoes and handed her the gift box she brought.

   "When did you know manners so well, and come here to bring something?" Xiao Xiao looked at the things in her hand with a little amusement.

   "This was prepared for me by the elders in the family. They said that I had to bring gifts to other people's houses during the Chinese New Year." Lian Yue answered honestly.

She really didn't buy it herself, but Su Luoying gave it to her when she went out. She said that she couldn't go to other people's houses empty-handed during Chinese New Year, because Xiao Xiao said she wanted her to come alone, so she didn't let it go. Quan Jingting followed.

  The man is also busy, he is probably in the northern camp by now.

   Xiao Xiao smiled and walked in with the gift box, "Mom, Qingyue is here."

Lian Yue looked curiously at the furnishings in the room. Although this place is small, it has a very homey feel to it. At this moment, the heating is fully on and it is very warm. There is a red plait hanging on the wall, hanging down. The tassel swayed slightly, and the tablecloth on the dining table was also red. I wonder if it was to set off the atmosphere of this New Year.

  The glass coffee table is full of fresh fruits and melon seed snacks, and there are piles of melon seed shells on the coffee table, and the replay of the gala is played on the TV.

   Xiao Xiao put the gift box on the coffee table, led her to sit down, and even looked around. Although the sparrow is small, it is quite suitable for Xiao Xiao to live in such a place alone.

Zhao Jiao came out of the room, wearing a dark blue sweater and a home outfit. She looked very soft, not like the powerful woman in the shopping malls in the past. The glitz of the past has faded, and her heart is peaceful now. It's not bad to be in the countryside, and it's very peaceful.

   "Auntie." Lian Yue called out.

   Zhao Jiao looked at her blankly. After Xiao Xiao returned home, she told her what happened in Dijing. Only then did she know that this girl was the daughter of Qing Jianguo. She thought she was dead. Qing Jianguo's daughter.

  Although she didn't quite understand what Xiao Xiao said, she remembered one sentence and Qingyue came back.

   She covered her mouth with a smile. Xiao Lin saw that Qing Jianguo's bloodline was still alive in the sky. He didn't know how happy he was. It would be nice if he could see it with his own eyes.

  Lian Yue was a little stunned when she looked at her surprised and joyful look. She saw the joyful look on her face when she saw her like this. She had seen from the eyes of many people that the Quan family members and Su Pingyao had such expressions on their faces.

   She knew that Xiao Lin and Qing Jianguo had friendship, and she also knew from Rongye's mother Su Pingyao that the relationship between Xiao Lin and Qing Jianguo was no less than the relationship between Quanfeng and Qing Jianguo back then, so was the relationship so deep?

   Zhao Jiao was really happy to see her.

   "I'm sorry, I'm so happy." Zhao Jiao restrained her emotions, walked over and sat opposite Lian Yue, looked at her and asked carefully, "Are you really Qing Yue?"

  Lian Yue nodded, "I am."

   Zhao Jiao let out a long sigh, "Old Xiao, did you see that Qingyue is back, she is still alive."

  You don't have to feel so guilty anymore, and you don't have to blame yourself too much when facing Qing Jianguo over there.

The case in the Qing Dynasty was a lifelong pain for Xiao Lin, none of the Qing family survived, and the April-old child died together. Xiao Lin felt guilty all his life, and blamed himself for not being able to help his friends, but now .

   Qingyue is still alive, she is still alive.

   "Mom, don't get excited, didn't you say that you have something to tell Qingyue? If you are so excited, it will scare her." Xiao Xiao poured two glasses of juice from there.

   A cup was placed in front of Qingyue, and a cup was given to Zhao Jiao.

  Although she didn't quite know why Zhao Jiao was so happy when she knew that Qingyue was alive, she knew that why Xiao Lin was framed and died was nothing more than the evidence in his hands.

   Zhao Jiao wants to see Qingyue, she suspects it is for Xiao Lin left.

   "Auntie, are you trying to tell me something?" Lian Yue looked at Zhao Jiao.

   The documents left by Xiao Lin are indeed evidence of the crime of Qing Jianye, but they did not involve the events of the year. She once asked Su Pingyao, and Su Pingyao did not know the details of the Qing Jianguo case.

   Even Quan Feng and Su Luoying didn't know, and Mr. Quan was even more defeated by the evidence, and he had to believe that Qing Jianguo really did such a thing.

"You are very smart, I knew from the first sight of you that you are a child who can bear a lot of things. The perseverance in your eyes is exactly the same as that of Qing Jianguo, but I thought you belonged to Qing Jianye. Daughter, now it seems that things like Qing Jianye can't give birth to a child like you." Zhao Jiao praised.

  Qing Yue remembered that Qing Jianye and Zhao Jiao had more or less business dealings, and Zhao Jiao and Xiao Lin once invited the Qing family on their wedding anniversary.

   So the appearance of peace that has been maintained for so many years is also false.

   "Son, I heard Xiao Xiao said that you were brought back to the Imperial Capital by Qing Jianye, so now can you tell me what your opinion of Qing Jianye is?" Zhao Jiao asked.

What Xiao Xiao said at the time that Qingyu was dying, Qing Jianye brought back Qingyue from nowhere, and then Qingyue took Qingyu's place, and finally got together with Quan Jingting. Qingyu, who was Qingyue, appeared again.

   Her head hurt a lot as she listened to it in a mess, but Zhao Jiao was only curious about one thing, why Qing Jianye could bring Qing Yue back.

Could it be that Qing Jianye was the one who hid Qingyue for so many years. Although she had refuted this view countless times in her heart, how could someone like Qingjianye be cruel and ruthless, how could she leave Qingyue with such a calamity, and it was too late to cut the grass and eradicate the roots. How to raise her up.

But the doubts in her heart could not let her think about that, so when she told Qingyue all the truth, she had to think carefully, whether this child was raised by someone in the Qing family who had been hiding all these years. place.

  Have to be cautious.

   "Xu and Wei She, he is not a good person." Lian Yue gave a very pertinent opinion.

People like Qing Jianye have hidden their true colors for so many years. The outside world wears a fake mask of hypocrisy, and they have done waves of public welfare, but they have done all the dirty things behind their backs. Such people are disgusting. pole.

   "Then who took you away back then?"

  Lian Yue thought for a while, "Qing Shanglin."

   Zhao Jiao remembered this name. The child Qingfeng adopted back then was a brother to Qing Jianguo. When the Qing family had an accident, there was a car accident. Many people said that he was dead, but no one really went to find his whereabouts.

  Unexpectedly, he took Qingyue away.

   "Auntie, just tell me what you want to say to me. I have read the documents left to Quan Jingting by Bureau Xiao. I don't know much about many of them, so I just wanted to ask you."

   Zhao Jiao is now clear, this child's mind is the same as hers, Quan Jingting protects her, naturally no one can hurt her.

   "My child, I want to tell you that your father was wronged back then, and the person who framed him was Qing Jianye!"

Lian Yue thought of the possibility of the Qing Jianguo case from the Flying Fish Project, and also thought about Qing Jianye, but she never found evidence to support this view, and the Quan family did not know at all. never talked.

   This is the first elder who directly told her that her father was wronged.

   "You said." Lian Yue moved and sat up straight.

Xiao Xiao on the side of    was also confused by what his mother said. She blinked her eyes and continued to listen. She was also very curious about this matter.

"My husband Xiao Lin and your father used to be colleagues who went to the grassroots together. They hit it off. Xiao Lin is a little stubborn. Speaking of which, your father is also very stubborn. The two met in our hometown. At that time, your father was transferred and stayed in our hometown for three years." Zhao Jiao explained.

Qing Jianguo, the son of Qingfeng, is one of the best in the capital, not to mention that the Qing family was the richest man in the entire M country at that time, the status of Qingfeng's father is also first-class, business and government are integrated, Qing Jianguo and Xiao Lin are full of blood. age.

Many people thought that Qing Jianguo was just a second-generation ancestor who used his family's power to go out. Many people in the unit looked down on him, but no one thought that a young master who went to the imperial capital could really follow them. Eating buns and squatting to catch thieves, being able to follow them to work overtime without rest day and night and only eat instant noodles, everyone has changed his mind.

Xiao Lin's prejudice against Qing Jianguo also gradually disappeared, and then slowly, they became good friends, until Qing Jianguo returned to the imperial capital, they still kept in touch, and then Xiao Lin was transferred to the imperial capital not long after the Qing family had an accident .

"Before the Jianguo accident, he told Lao Xiao more than once. He said that Jianye had a problem. Although he was doing business well, he was secretly not at all. Intelligence does espionage."

  Lian Yue thought of Mo under Qing Jianye. It should have been formed since then. It turned out that his father knew at that time that Qing Jianye was wrong.

   "It is absolutely not allowed to form forces in Dijing privately. Your father is also a member of the National Security Department. He has persuaded Qing Jianye several times, but it seems that they all ended without a problem." Zhao Jiao fell into memory.

"It seems that three days before your Jianguo accident, Lao Xiao was on the night shift in the middle of the night. I was waiting for him to come back in the bedroom. When he came in, he was on the phone with Jianguo, and they were very fierce on the phone. I know about It means that your father found out that Qing Jianye sold a lot of state secrets to country H in private in order to gain the opportunity to develop in country H, and I heard your father was very angry on the phone."

It was also the phone call. Zhao Jiao could hear it clearly. Qing Jianguo was holding the evidence that Qing Jianye had access to foreign countries. Naturally, he reached out to the National Security Department for the sake of the country. Regardless of blood relationship, this traitor must be punished. .

  Lian Yue frowned and her eyes were extremely dark, "So, my father didn't betray the country."

   The charges against Jianguo in the Qing Dynasty were all false.

Zhao Jiao nodded, "After that, the evidence your father held became evidence that he had access to foreign countries, and all the spearheads were directed at him, and I don't ask that there was a problem in that link until your father was arrested. Xiao Lin was very anxious about being detained, but he couldn't speak out."

   "Why?" Lian Yue stared at her.

The watch on Zhao Jiao's wrist was taken off, and her wrist was spread out in front of her, "Because those people know the relationship between the two of them, I also know what Jianguo knows, so they caught me, this scar is the one who was wearing it. After they left, they cut it and used me to threaten Lao Xiao, so that he could not help Jianguo."

But Zhao Jiao was not an insider at that time, so she could see clearly that Qing Jianguo's case involved too much. If it was only Qing Jianye's report, how could someone from the National Security Department be brought along so smoothly. If you go to detention, there must be a lot of people involved.

   Xiao Lin was just an ordinary police officer at that time. Even if he went, he would only sacrifice one more person.

Lian Yue looked at the clear scar on Zhao Jiao's wrist and was shocked. The case at that time really involved a lot of people. Xiao Lin didn't have any substantive evidence. It was very difficult to save Qing Jianguo. thing.

   Xiao Xiao knew about the scar on Zhao Jiao's wrist, but he had never heard of the origin of the scar, so it was for this reason.

"Qing Jianye's move is extremely vicious. He knows how many people your father has offended in those years, and how many people want to put him to death. In those days, what is justice? In the end, he didn't spend a single soldier and went well. You got rid of your father. I didn’t know until I was sent back that Jianguo committed suicide in prison. The night he committed suicide, because he couldn’t accept the news, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the hospital and went like that.”

   There were no two people at home in a row one night. Of course, you can imagine the pressure in Liu Ye's heart. After Liu Ye sent Mr. Qing to the funeral home, he dismissed all the servants and set the villa on fire.

   She poured a lot of oil inside and out. The villa in the middle of the mountain was not discovered until it burned down, but it was too late, and there was no way to save it.

"This matter is a pain in Xiao Lin's heart for a lifetime. He clearly knows the reason for Jianguo's death, but for more than 20 years, he has been unable to bring Qing Jianye to justice. When he died, , still with guilt, and can't sleep." Zhao Jiao pressed the scar on her hand, tears streaming down her face.

   She wished that Xiao Lin could see Qingyue alive, so he might feel less guilty, but now there is nothing he can do. After so many years, how difficult it is to restart the case to search for evidence.

  Qingyue curled up with her five fingers and pinched the skirt tightly. Originally, she could guess the truth, but she really heard it, but she really couldn't bear it.

  My father died because of wrongdoing, and my mother set herself on fire in despair. For so many years, she has been displaced, and the culprit is Qing Jianye, her father's cousin and the blood of her direct relatives.

   "I actually feel guilty too. If it wasn't for me, maybe Xiao Lin could delay for a while, your father might not commit suicide, and you wouldn't have left the imperial capital for so many years." Zhao Jiao looked at Lian Yue.

When Liu Ye took her daughter to self-immolation, Zhao Jiao never doubted the news. Liu Ye was desperate and heartbroken. She wanted to follow her husband, but she couldn't let go of her infant daughter, so she took Qing Yue and lit the torch together. She is also a mother and can understand this feeling.

   But God opened his eyes, Liu Ye was not willing to take his only daughter away in the end, but let her live.

   After so many years, Qingyue and Quan Jingting came together, which also gave Zhao Jiao hope. Qing Jianguo's hatred was finally handed over to Qingyue.

   "You don't have to blame yourself, you did what you should have done. My father must be very proud to have a friend like Xiao Ju." Lian Yue's fingertips stroked the scar on Zhao Jiao's hand.

   "Mom, you don't have to be sad, now that the wedding of Qingyue and Quan Shao is three days later, no one in this imperial capital dares to bully her." Xiao Xiao hugged her mother's shoulder and comforted her.

   This incident was too powerful for her shocking power. I didn't expect that the case back then would still have such a past, which also involved Xiao Lin and Zhao Jiao.

"Old Xiao gave Quan Jingting what he was holding before he died. He believed that Quan Jingting could bring those people to justice. Now I tell you this because I heard that you got the equity of the Qing family. I want to remind you to be careful with Qing Jianye, and secondly, I hope you can use Quan Jingting's power to avenge your father's revenge."

In fact, Quan Jingting is not a fool. He clearly knows that the Qing family is tricky, and even he is very doubtful about the case back then. Xiao Lin once praised how excellent the son-in-law that Qing Jianguo chose for himself was. If Quan Jingting protects her, nothing will happen to Qingyue.

  These things, if you don't tell Qingyue, Zhao Jiao will always feel guilty, and she can't bring these secrets into the ground.

   "Qingyue, if this case is to be retried, there will be many procedures to go through, and all the evidence from that year has been wiped clean. Even if you get your father's file, I'm afraid the contents are not true."

Zhao Jiao is a person from that era. She clearly knows the unspoken rules of many things. Qing Jianguo's death was defined as suicide due to fear of crime, so everything in his case file must be something that can convict him, nothing. substantial usefulness.

This is also the reason why Xiao Lin has worked hard for so many years, but he has no way to bring up the review again. He can only find out the evidence of Jianye from other aspects. Although it is slower, Xiao Lin at that time believed that one day, he would be able to Send Qing Jianye to prison.

"Child, I can still see you after so many years, which can be regarded as a wish for Lao Xiao. You have the right to rely on less now, and he will definitely do his best to help you. No matter how difficult it is, I believe that you can stand it. The past." Zhao Jiao held her hand with a relieved smile on her face.

This is the release of the pressure accumulated over the years. In fact, Zhao Jiao also knows that Xiao Lin's death is more or less related to Qing Jianye, but she has no ability to defeat Qing Jianye now. I chose to keep this secret in my heart.

   But Qingyue is different. Behind her, she has a powerful family and her husband, so she can definitely do what they can't do.

Lian Yue looked at her, her brows and eyes were loose, and the strength of her fingers holding her hand involuntarily increased, "Auntie, you are wrong, I don't have to rely on anyone, they owe my father a debt, I will pay it back, blood debt Blood compensation, my father, mother, grandfather, they are all watching me, watching how I put these people into hell."

   Looking at the woman's resolute face, Zhao Jiao and Xiao Xiaoyuan felt a chill behind them, as if they were frozen by thousands of miles of ice.

   I was wrong, there was an accident, the wedding was postponed for two days,,,,,,



   (end of this chapter)