MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 213 your wedding is your funeral

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   Chapter 213 Your wedding is your funeral

The first day of the new year is the first day of the new year, and many people are wearing beaming clothes. In order to bring good luck to the new year, everyone try not to be angry with anyone, and keep it happy all day long. A good omen for the new year.

   But there are some that are not like this. On the first day of the new year, what you get may not be good news.

At 12 noon, in the most central room on the second floor of the Quan Mansion, the pink bedspread was tightly covered. The raised point in the center indicated that someone was lying on the bed, and the whole quilt was wrapped with pillows. Such a soft bed , the quilt is fluffy, if you don't look carefully, you can't tell that someone is lying on the bed.

The mobile phone next to her kept vibrating, and the sound in the huge room was very obvious. Soon a slender white arm stretched out from the quilt and grabbed the vibrating mobile phone. She opened her eyes and watched the incoming news. .

   Quan Yulin has the most, and several brothers and sisters in the base sent over to ask her how her current situation is. The bottom message is very eye-catching.

   Escape is useless, your enemy is alive and well, why don't you want to avenge your father?

   She paused for a while, her blue-purple eyes staring at the phone screen, and all the information on the files she had read countless times pointed to IE being related to Daddy's death.

Back then, it was because IE received a commission to assassinate the diamond tycoon Talia Wells in country D. Lian Yue was the one who was tasked with this task at the time. Concubine Wen was the one in charge of it, and they were both at his father's funeral. The admiral took her away.

   After so many years, Naya has never doubted Lian Yue in her heart. The cause of her father's death was also determined by the police. If she committed suicide, then this document is meaningless.

But after thinking about it all night, she still couldn't let go. The sudden death of her father was an unavoidable knot in her heart, but when she was young, she didn't go too deep into the reasons, but now, Many doubts have been linked together, and she has to think about it, she has to think about it.

   Turned over, she glanced at the sky outside the window, and finally stepped on the carpet to change clothes and prepare to go out. For details, she had to see the person who contacted her.

   Since this person can have such a confidential document, it must not be a simple role. No matter what the consideration is, she should go to see this person.

   Staring at her obviously haggard look in the mirror, Naya pursed her lips, reached out and patted water on her face, no wonder everyone saw her face was not good in the morning, she was clearly a ghost in the mirror.

After getting dressed, she pulled her backpack to the door. The door opposite Quan Jingchen was closed. He said that he didn't have to go to work today. Did he go out for New Year's greetings or rest in the room? Naya didn't care too much and went downstairs.

   Passing servants greeted her warmly when they saw her, "Miss Naya, are you going out?"

   "Hmm." She nodded and asked, "Where's Quan Jingchen?"

   This person always has an inexplicable sense of existence, and he suddenly appears at some point.

"The eldest young master went out after breakfast. When he went out, he said he was going to see two friends." The servant replied, looking at the little girl's face, the servant said with concern, "The madam said that you are not feeling well. , are you going to go out now?"

   Your face has turned so bad, it's better not to go out.

   "It's okay, I just went out for a walk, to join in the fun." Naya replied with a smile.

  The servant stood at the door and looked at Naya, who had already gone out. Today, Miss Naya's vigor and liveliness disappeared, and the whole person looked a little sluggish. What's the matter.

   I quarreled with the eldest young master or had a conflict with the young lady.

Naya got out of the Quan Mansion smoothly. She didn't see anyone from Quan's family coming over along the way. She saved a lot of saliva for explanation. She sat in the car and looked at the red lanterns hanging on the trees along the road. Feel the atmosphere of the New Year.

The driver took her to the city center. After she got off the bus, she looked at the square where people came and went. It seemed that there were a lot of people today. There were a family holding hands and celebrating the New Year everywhere. Naya quickly found the address according to the address in her hand. to the tea restaurant.

   Compared with the crowded places in other places, this place is relatively clean. Naya pushed in the door and found the innermost box to sit down and wait for the person who asked her to meet.

   "Miss, what would you like to drink?" The waiter stood beside her and asked to order.

   "A cup of milk tea and a piece of Black Forest cake."

She didn't eat much in the morning, and she didn't eat lunch yet. Even if she didn't have any appetite, she had to eat something now. Sweets can make people feel better, and by the way, they can let her mind empty. Start to recover again.

Looking down at the lace tablecloth on the table, she rubbed the pulp of her fingers little by little, the melodious music can calm the fluctuations in people's hearts, she looked up, and outside the carved fence, she could see that they were joined in groups. Team of men and women.

About five minutes later, a man in a black suit sat opposite Naya with a briefcase. He was wearing black sunglasses, and half of his face was clearly wrinkled. He looked around forty years old. .

  Naya looked at him, and stopped fiddling with the vase on the table, with a solemn expression on her face.

   "Hello Miss Naya, my surname is Luo." Luo Fu raised his head and extended his hand to her.

In the box next door, a woman in a blue and white coat entered. The high-heeled shoes on her feet made a loud noise. The thick brim of her hat covered half of her face. She wore a mask and looked mysterious. The waiter brought her a cup of coffee. , and looked back when he left.

   "Did you call me?" Naya didn't move at all.

  Luofu retracted his hand and took a seat opposite her. After investigating the people under Qingyue's hands in the past few days, he realized that this girl's identity is not simple, and she is also the closest person to Qingyue.

  Strictly speaking, she is not from IE, and naturally she is rarely bound by IE's rules.

   "Yes, I called you. The documents I sent you last night were not very clear, so I came here today to tell Miss Naya what I found."

   "Where did I seem to have seen you?" Naya stared at his face, but she still couldn't remember where she had seen Rover.

"It doesn't matter if we've met, what matters is what I'm going to discuss with Miss Naya next. If there's no problem with the information in my hand, Qingyue is one of IE's commanders, including Now IE's commander Qin Zhong has also arrived at the Imperial Capital, am I right?" Luo Fu smiled, as gentle and rigorous as always.

  The name of IE is probably well known to many people. Among all the mercenary organizations in the world, IE ranks the highest, and some people who understand modern warfare will know that this organization is involved in some operations.

   Commander Qin Zhong's name is naturally never shy.

"What are you trying to say? Are the documents you sent me true? I only want those truths not to come over and talk to you about the car." Naya was very upset, and the man opposite really told the truth. The heap is useless and doesn't get to the point at all.

"Miss Naya, don't worry, since I'm here to find you, I might want to make it clear to you that the document I gave you was cut off, but it clearly states that IE was entrusted to go there. Country D, the purpose is very simple, it is to kill your father, the people from IE must have also sent someone over, and the task was completed very well, but within a week, the news of your father's death came out." Luo Fu told himself All the information brought over is spread out.

"I wasn't sure about this information at first, but when I saw you in Dijing, I checked your information and determined that you are the only daughter of diamond tycoon Talia Wells, but after I found out the true nature of Qingyue After the identity, I was frightened to tell the truth, since IE killed your father, then why is your relationship with Qingyue so intimate?"

Luo Fu has been by Qing Jianye's side all these years, and Mo also has full authority to take care of him. The people of this organization are very weak when they tell the truth about assassination or real guns. They organized and cultivated them. They are all the sharpest information agents. They know how to collect all kinds of intelligence. With those unknown secrets, they can naturally manipulate many people at will. This is very important.

"Later, I kept checking along this line, only to find out that on the day of your father's funeral, Qingyue rescued you from the competition of the collateral clansmen, and she was holding your father's will and diamonds. The only daughter of the tycoon, of course you are the one who will inherit all the property, your father listed her as your guardian in the will, and has the right to supervise all your property, Miss Naya should be very clear about these things now."

  Naya looked at the information that Luo Fu had spread out. He was right. At his father's funeral, because she was underage, those who coveted the wealth of the Wells family wanted to swallow her alive.

  Everyone was fighting for her custody. Although Naya was young at that time, she knew this truth.

Getting her guardianship is equivalent to getting the wealth of the entire Wells family. Just when she was entangled by her relatives, Lian Yue appeared with Talia's will, got her custody, and the funeral was over. After that, also brought her back to IE.

"Since these prerequisites are in place, I think everything is not so difficult to reason. The mercenaries only have interests and no feelings at all. Since they received the commission to assassinate your father at that time, and fulfilled this task perfectly, Naturally, it must be done cleanly, so it is not an exaggeration to create the illusion that your father committed suicide."

Luo Fu has lived for half his life. He has seen many people and encountered many things. Of course, he is the one who knows how to solve a little girl the best. It's easier to convince her than to feed her all the information at once.

   Besides, this little girl has been in a place like IE for so long, there is no guarantee that she will not be brought up to be as cunning as those people.

"According to this analysis, I think whether your father was conscious when he wrote that will, or was he coerced, this is questionable, after all, how great the lure of the wealth of the entire Wells family can be imagined. I know, how can I compare it with such an employment fee." Luo Fu followed suit, looking at the slowly changing face of the girl opposite.

Naya looked at all the data above, she didn't know how much the family's property was at first, and she never asked after Lian Yue to IE, she only knew that Lian Yue and IE's people treated her very well. Haven't thought about this.

   "It won't be true, it's impossible." Naya clenched the paper tightly with her fingers until it was deformed.

The boss treats her so well, and Concubine Wen, Xiong Ni, the commander, Bai Xiong, everyone in the base is not pretending to be kind to her, it's not fake, how could the boss be the murderer of her father, Will not.

"I believe that Miss Naya has her own judgment, but the facts speak louder than words. The simplest question is, your father is so powerful, what do you want? How could such a person commit suicide?" Luo Fu threw the last question. .

  Naya's last reason was all thrown away. Indeed, she has not yet figured out why her father committed suicide. Such a sunny and cheerful person would never choose suicide anyway.

   "That's all I can say. Presumably Miss Naya is so smart, she will definitely be able to find the answer."

  Naya looked up at the person opposite her, with doubts in her blue-purple eyes, "Then why did you tell me this, and why did you bother to track down my affairs?"

   A person who has never met her before, so she will reveal the truth of the matter to her, and she will not believe it unless she has ulterior motives.

"To be honest, IE and I have a bit of a holiday. I found these things when I was investigating Qingyue. It's not easy for you to be a little girl. Naturally, you can't let the bad guys go. Am I right?" Luo floated the desktop. on the cup.

   This little girl is not the kind of person who can be manipulated at will. She looks innocent and innocent, but she is actually very smart, and some words cannot be said.

   "Then it's hard for me not to wonder if you made up this lie to deceive me in order for me to help you deal with them?"

   The girl's blue-purple eyes were full of questions and doubts, and Luo Fu, who was on the opposite side, smiled. He really deserved to be the one who came out of IE.

   But the truth is, no matter how smart she is, she can only face this truth.

"It seems that your relationship with Qingyue is very good, then you should be able to move freely in IE, and you can mobilize the records of IE's missions five years ago and the data of all the commissioned cases accepted to see if it is true. You have accepted this commission case, and in addition, this is the information of the person who commissioned IE to assassinate your father, you should be familiar with this person."

  Luofu pushed a photo over, and a man wearing traditional D country clothes was standing in it, with a pure black beard and a radiant expression.

   "Uncle Bonning." Naya called out the name involuntarily.

"This is your father's cousin, but he passed away last year, and his daughter is still alive. Maybe you can learn the truth from them five years ago. Whether Bunning has commissioned IE, ask the person concerned. already."

  If there is no perfect plan, Luofu will not come to find Naya. Wealth can often make people lose their minds. Brothers can kill each other, let alone cousins.

  Bonning is the most closely related by blood among all of Naya's father's relatives. He and Naya's father are very close, and also owns shares in the company. Bangning has always been very good to her.

   Until now, Naya had never thought that Bonning would hire an agent to kill her father.

"I have given all the information I can give. I believe Miss Naya will judge by herself. We have an old saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. I can tell you without any doubt that I do have some festivals with IE, as long as If you are willing to help me, you are also avenging your father." Luo Fu finally stated his purpose.

Naya's whole body is empty now. Her brain can't carry so many things at all. Uncle Bonning hired IE to kill her father, but in the end, her guardianship fell to Lian Yue's hands. Now the whole company's To tell the truth, the real power is in Lian Yue's hands.

  Why do these things seem like a strange circle.

   "I can remind you that anyone who has commissioned IE will get such a stamp. You can go to Bunning's house to see if there is such a stamp." Luo Fu took out the prepared stamp.

   This is a copy version of the thing. This stamp is a token certificate for IE to accept the entrustment. Everyone who has entrusted it has it. After living in IE for so long, Naya must know this rule.

At Uncle Bonning's funeral last year, she once returned to country D. In Uncle Bonning's study, she saw this stamp by chance. At that time, she didn't do what she thought, because Bonning is a serious businessman, and he should not be able to get along with him. What was involved with IE, at that time she was very playful and didn't think much about it.

   But now it seems that this stamp really needs to be determined whether it is really the stamp of IE.

   "Then what do you want me to do for you?" Naya asked, looking up.

   "It won't be too late for us to cooperate after Miss Naya has confirmed everything. I believe that confirming these things is not very difficult for you, right?" Luo Fu said calmly.

   Now that the fish has been hooked, many things can start slowly.

  Naya got up with the photos and documents in her voice, "I'm leaving first."

   "Miss Naya is better as soon as possible. I hope to get your reply in two days. I believe you will not disappoint me or your father."

  Naya's figure paused, and then she continued to walk forward. Her eyes were red, and she walked outside the cafe with her things in her arms, and then she began to gasp for breath, as if the drowning person was brought up.

  The fact is already in front of her, she can't tolerate rejection, she always needs to face it, no matter how painful it is, she needs to face this fact.

  Luofu was sipping his coffee slowly. He had said some words just now. Naturally, he needed to be hydrated. The woman in the box next door walked in with high heels and sat in the place where Naya was sitting just now.

   "You should have directly stated our conditions just now. You gave her time to think about it. What if she decides not to help us in the end?" Qing Yu stared at Luo Fu opposite.

  Because she was wearing a mask, she couldn't see the situation on her face clearly, but the corners of her exposed eyes rose up, which was extraordinarily attractive.

   "Miss, what are you doing in such a hurry, the prey has already taken the bait, of course you have to take it slow and step by step." Luo Fu put the coffee cup on the table.

   "But her relationship with Qingyue is clearly very good. Can you be sure that she will believe that Qingyue was the one who killed her father and will help us?" Qingyu is still not so sure that this thing can happen.

  Luo Fu chuckled, "No matter how good the relationship is, do you think it will continue to be the same as before with the revenge of killing her father? Besides, if her heart is not shaken at all, she will not come to see me."

Now that the    person has come, it shows that her faith has been shaken. Once the trust is cracked, it is difficult to repair, especially with such hatred, he is almost certain that the girl will definitely come back.

"Well, this time, I will definitely let Qingyue die without a burial place to avenge my revenge. I want to make her face even more terrifying than mine!" Qingyu's eyes were filled with hatred and gleaming. .

Luo Fu glanced at her, knowing that the hatred in her heart was clear, and opened her mouth to remind, "Miss, don't blame me for not reminding you, this time if you make your own decisions like last time and the plan fails, I can't explain it to you sir. what."

   Last time, if she hadn't made Lian Yue fall off the cliff by her own hands, it would have been possible for her to survive. Otherwise, according to Qing Jianye's plan, Lian Yue would have died of a poisonous attack without a sound, and there would be no such thing as today.

   "Don't worry, I won't be impulsive this time."

   Qingyu's eyes are shining brightly, Qingyue, your wedding will become your funeral

Naya was walking down the street with her bag on her back. She had called Bonnie's daughter just now and confirmed that the IE stamp was really in the drawer of Bonning's study. of.

Some things are like this, you most want to pursue the truth, but you are most afraid to know the truth, because you are afraid to see the cruel truth that has been brushed aside by blood, it is so terrible, like a demon that can devour all of you, bites You didn't let go, and in the end, you were swallowed alive, and there were no bones left.

  It was still very cold today, but the festive atmosphere on the street was not so cold here. Naya took two steps and stood by the fountain in the center of the square. The little angel in the center of the pool behind her kept spraying water.

   She stood there, not knowing where she was going.

   "Should I go back to IE and ask them if this is what I thought, everyone." She couldn't say the last words.

   Obviously everyone treats her so well.

   Just because she was able to bring the wealth of the Wells family.

   There are people coming and going around, and the river is constantly flowing. She stood in front of the pool, looking straight ahead, she felt a little cold for no reason, and it was freezing cold. This was a cold she had never felt before.

   "Slow down, don't run!"

   "You guys come and chase me!"


The sound of water sounded, and when Naya reacted, she was already lying down in the pool, and the person who knocked her down accidentally came over in a panic and hurriedly pulled her up. In this weather, falling into such water, back to the problem.

Lian Yue and Quan Jingting strolled outside for an afternoon. They returned to the Quan Mansion at about four o'clock in the afternoon. Quan Jingting was carrying her purchases. Unsurprisingly, there was some food here. , followed her around for an afternoon, and both of them were full.

   If you don’t go shopping, you really won’t know that there are so many snacks in this imperial capital.

   "It looks like you have bought a lot of things." Su Luoying walked over from the tea room and said, looking at the paper bags in Quan Jingting's hand.

   "Yes, I bought a lot of snacks, would you like to try them?"

  Lian Yue took out all the snacks in the paper bag and placed the cakes on the coffee table, "That's all, Auntie, take a look."

Quan Jingting consciously sat on the sofa behind Lian Yue, looking at the sweet and greasy cakes on display, almost nauseated. This girl has to buy something every time she goes to a stall Take him with you.

  If you don't eat, people will puff out and stare at you, making you unable to refuse.

   Quan Jingting didn't like sweets at first, but he was grabbed and fed to his stomach this afternoon. After finding such a little ancestor, there was nothing he could do if he wasn't used to it.

   "That's right, these are all Dijing's snacks, but I just ate the pastries. You can eat together when Naya and Yulin come back." Su Luoying looked at Lian Yue.

   This child has a colder temperament and is smarter. He rarely sees such a cheerful appearance. He has been doing well with Jing Ting at home these days, and it is estimated that Jing Ting has gotten used to it.

   "Naya went out?"

   Didn't this girl say that she would sleep at home if she didn't go out at noon?

   Why did you go out?

   "Yes, I knew this little girl couldn't hold back, so she went out to join in the fun." Su Luoying took it for granted.

Even Yue didn't find it strange. She knew Naya's temperament best. It was rainy and sunny for a long time. She probably figured out that she had nothing to be angry and sad about, so she went out to hang out. On a day like today, let her hold back. Being at home is the hardest thing.

   "I tried this mung bean cake just now, it's delicious, you can try it." Lian Yue said and handed a piece to Quan Jingting's mouth.

   The man's brows were lowered, looking at her white fingers, his beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

  Su Luoying was about to say that he didn't like sweets when she saw that her son had already eaten the mung bean cake that Lian Yue handed over. She smiled and shook her head and walked into the tea room.

   "How is it? Is it delicious?" Lian Yue leaned over and stared at him, her eyes moving.

   The man touched her eyebrows with his fingertips, and the corners of his mouth rose, "It's delicious."

  Lian Yue looked at it and raised her eyebrows, "You don't like sweets, why didn't I see you resisting after I fed you for a day today?"

   She actually did it on purpose, but every time she wanted to share delicious food with him, she forgot that this man didn't like sweets, and after feeding it, she wanted to know when this man would resist.

   The man swallowed what was in his mouth, stuck his fingertips to her face, and hooked his thin lips lightly, "I will do whatever you want me to do, no matter what it is."

   These words were extremely serious, and Lian Yue could see the seriousness and indifference in the depths of his eyes.

   With a bright smile on her face, she twisted his face with both hands, "It is said that good-looking men can deceive people, and you are not far from rhetoric."

  When did you learn these words, the hearts of those who heard it tickled.

   "I'll never lie to you." Quan Jingting hugged her firmly, and didn't care about the woman's hand that made a mess on his face.

  The servant came in from the outside and consciously avoided seeing the two of them being intimate, "Miss Qing, Miss Naya is back."

   But there seems to be something wrong.

  Lian Yue looked up and saw Naya who came in with Quan Jingchen. The little girl was obviously pale, wearing Quan Jingchen's coat, and her hair was dripping with water, which was wet.

   "What's the matter?" Lian Yue walked over and glanced.

   "I fell into the water, I happened to pass by and brought her back." Quan Jingchen's tone was cold and distant.

  Lian Yue stretched out her hand to pull her, Naya's palm was cold, didn't she suffer from falling into the water in such weather.

   "What happened? Why did you fall into the water?" Lian Yue reached out and touched her face with a worried tone.

  Naya had something wrong since the morning, so far, her face is so ugly, and she fell into the water in the afternoon, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't feel right.

   "Go and take a shower, change your clothes, and I'll have someone make some **** soup for you."

  Naya nodded and walked upstairs with a pale face. Quan Jingchen raised her eyebrows and looked at her, followed her head upstairs calmly.

  Lian Yue looked at Naya's back, her delicate brows furrowed, and the man reached out to smooth her brows, "Girls, don't frown."

   "There's something wrong with Naya today."

  It was fine yesterday, how come people are like this today.

   "You can just go up and ask her if she is not. She has always listened to you the most, so you are afraid that you won't be able to ask." Quan Jingting replied.

  Lian Yue shook her head, "You don't know her, Naya's temperament has always been straight-forward. If she was wronged by something, it would have been a mess. It wouldn't be like this."

   It was like that just now, falling into the water. If Naya had followed her previous temperament, she would have been gripping her chatteringly and complaining, and it would not have been this expression.

   "Maybe you're thinking too much." Quan Jingting touched her face.

Lian Yue nodded and went into the kitchen to have someone make **** soup for her. In such weather, she might catch a cold and have a fever. The hand she touched just now was cold. Even in the cold winter, the palms are warm.

   has never been like this.

Go up in a while, you have to ask her carefully. From Naya to Dijing, Lian Yue really cares less about her, and it's not like before. After all, there are really a lot of things in Dijing, and she also Just forget.

   In the past few days, she was only afraid that she had experienced something to become like this.

   You know why Naya took out the diamonds. The daughter of a diamond tycoon has mines at home.



   (end of this chapter)