MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 191 Two Qingyu

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  Chapter 191 Two Qingwomen

Although Quan Jingting was not here in the Quan family, Su Luoying also began to greet each other intensively. According to Qingyu's choice, the largest banquet hall in the imperial capital was set up. Naturally, to marry a daughter-in-law, she had to come more according to the woman's request. , not to mention the largest banquet hall in the imperial capital, even if it is to be held in the power house, they have to think about it, who is the woman their son likes.

Su Luoying couldn't get in touch with Quan Jingting. Although there was no major turmoil at the border at the moment, but after all, he passed by with the gimmick of a joint military exercise. Naturally, he couldn't just come back without doing anything. When training in the forest for a while, it is natural that there is no signal and no one can be contacted.

   But the date is set. Quan Jingting should arrive at the imperial capital the day before the engagement banquet, and then he will enter the venue directly. His son is not here, so naturally Su Luoying, the mother, needs to put a lot of effort into it.

Afterwards, the designer also gave the newly-made dress to her. Qingyu took a look. Su Luoying could see that there was no passion in her eyes. Since people didn't like it, she didn't have to force it, so she believed that Zhang Xue gave it to her. I don't care about the dress.

   Su Luoying didn't care too much about what she was wearing, but she felt that in just a few days, this girl had become too strange, and Quan Yulin even felt like she didn't know her anymore.

   It is said that a girl looks one way in front of the man she likes, and another look in front of others. It is as if she has changed a person, and her temperament has completely changed.

Qing Yu also lived in Qing's house for a few days, so she should almost go to see the flower shop. After all, there is also a waiter in it. She has to go to check the situation, and then deal with the low-level work of selling flowers. , she wouldn't do it even if she was beaten to death, but Zhang Xue also said that she couldn't just close this flower shop for the time being.

   She scolded countless times in her heart, this person is dead and still has such trouble.

   For nine consecutive days, Concubine Wen and Xiong Ni disappeared, and Qingyu never came to the flower shop. Instead, they contacted by text message a few times, but all the messages Xiao Xiao sent in the past were lost, and Qingyu never returned.

  Now Xiao Xiao found out that Concubine Wen and Xiong Ni, she didn't know anything about them. Except for the two phone numbers, they were gone, and there was nowhere to find them.

Xiao Xiao sat in the store and made herself a cup of coffee. I don't know if it was because the three of them suddenly disappeared for no reason. She couldn't do anything, and she always felt empty in her heart, as if there was something wrong with her. Nowhere is the same.

Halfway through the coffee, the glass door was pulled open from the outside, and the wind chimes at the door made a crisp sound when hit. Xiao Xiao looked up and saw Qingyu who came in wearing a limited edition fur woolen coat. The leather boots are over the knee, the upper body is dark blue fur, and the fur collar is pure fox fur.

  Xiao Xiao put down the cup and walked over. When she was still two steps away from Qingyu, she smelled the pungent perfume smell, and the smell of the powder on her face, which was very indescribable.

   "Qingyu?" She looked at the woman, her face was Qingyu's.

   is a human, but it doesn't seem to be.

   "Why, you didn't recognize me even if you haven't been here for a few days? I'm here to see how you've been watching the door these two days?" Qingyu walked over with her high heels and put her bag on the sofa.

   Xiao Xiao's eyelids moved when she saw the woman's movements. The smell and feeling of this person were not the same Qingyu ten days ago. Inexplicably, she thought of another woman she saw at the door of the flower shop.

   "This is the store's account for the past few days. I sent you the electronic version, but you didn't respond to me." Xiao Xiao handed over the account book from the cashier.

Qingyu took it and threw it on the table. It didn't even mean to open it, and it wasn't a lot of money, depending on what it was doing, the things in this store were not as expensive as her bag. Looking at these things hurts your eyes. .

"I will give you another 20,000 yuan for a month during this time. You give me a good look at this flower shop. I don't have time to come here for the time being. If you have nothing to do, don't send me these data. It hurts to look at it." Qing Yu looked at Xiao Xiao.

   She couldn't be more happy in her heart. Xiao Xiao worked as a waiter in a flower shop. It would make a lot of people laugh to death. I didn't expect that Xiao Xiao looked like a proud peacock when she was a child, and she has today.

   If she didn't really hate this kind of place, she would really like to stay and watch Xiao Xiao's jokes, but she didn't like this place, and always felt that she was down a notch when she came in.

   When the counterfeit opened such a store, why didn't the people in the family stop him? It was a joke.

   "Thank you then." Xiao Xiao thanked her.

"Thank you, you're not rich, just use this money to live a good life. If you need anything in the future, just tell me. You're welcome, I will naturally reach out to anyone who can help you." Qingyu sat on the sofa and said to herself With a sense of superiority.

  Xiao Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked up and down, and then walked to the door of the lounge, "I'll make you a cup of coffee."

When she walked to the coffee machine next to the cashier, she raised her hand and opened the door. A black cat rushed out of it. The naked eye could clearly see the shallow scars on its body, which were corroded by sulfuric acid. What remains after that cannot be changed.

  The black cat suddenly jumped to the position at Qingyu's feet, looked down and saw the soft things on her feet, and the woman jumped up suddenly.

   "Ahhh!" Qingyu yelled and got up, jumping on the sofa.

  The cat looked up at her, her golden pupils shrunk, she seemed to feel that her reaction was too extreme at this moment, and Qingyu's expression was a little stiff.

   Xiao Xiao had a worried expression on his face, "I'm sorry, this is the cat I just adopted in the past two days, and I brought it here. I forgot that you have seasonal allergies, sorry."

  Qingyu looked at her and tried to stabilize her mind, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll go first."

She almost ran out with her bag in her hand. She had a serious allergic reaction to animal hair. Coupled with the sequelae after the operation, her face would be ruined if she was a little careless. Quan Jingting will be back soon. , she can't go to see people with a swollen face that she can't see.

   Looking at Qingyu who almost ran away from the flower shop, the expression on Xiao Xiao's face slowly became silent and expressionless.

  Qingyu has never said that she has seasonal allergies. This is a nonsense she made up. However, she remembers that when she was a child, Qingyu was seriously allergic to animal hair.

The cat under her feet barked around her for a few laps, then turned around and jumped onto the sofa. The cat was rescued in the park last time, and she has been adopting it. I wanted to bring it over to have a companion in the store for the past two days, so I just Take it out to the flower shop.

  Qingyu wasn't here, and the other cat in her house didn't come here either. This cat seemed a little lonely.

   I didn't think so, it came in handy like this.

   But Xiao Xiao has now confirmed that she saw two Qing women, this is the other one.

   The Qing woman in front of her is the woman she has hated since she was a child. That's right, Xiao Xiao can even see the shadow of her childhood in her expression and gestures. More importantly, her fear is not fake.

  As a child, Qingyu was allergic to cat hair, so she was particularly afraid of furry animals. As soon as she saw animals approaching, she was in such a state.

   In fact, from the time she spent with Lian Yue, Xiao Xiao had an idea in her heart. She even guessed that she was not the daughter of the Qing family, not the Qing Yu that she hated, but there was never any evidence to prove it.

   The two Qing women I saw at the door of the flower shop that day really exist. This is the real daughter of the Qing family.

   But another one, where did this fake in the flower shop go?

   Xiao Xiao's head was a little dizzy when she didn't come. She stepped back and sat on the sofa. The mess in her head was like a paste.

  The Qing family has only one daughter. This is a recognized fact. It is impossible for Qingyu to have an extra twin sister for no reason. There must be some hidden secrets.

   "Hello, I want a carnation."

   "Sorry, it's closed today." Xiao Xiao sent the guests who walked in and hung up the resting sign.

Sitting back in his seat, Xiao Xiao's whole body fell into silence, which is simply unbelievable. I'm afraid that other people will never encounter such a thing in a few lifetimes. It's true that the Qing family gave birth to Qingyu. what happened.

  If this one is the real Qingyu now, then where did that one go, there is no sign of disappearing, if only one of the two can appear, then the other is hidden.

Qingyu suddenly gave me a message yesterday, saying that she would not come to the flower shop for a while, and let me take care of the door, so I wondered if something happened to the Qing family, or she was too busy to deal with the engagement. , she had never been so without reason before.

   Can't she tell?

   Xiao Xiao remembered that when Qing Yu didn't come to the store on the first day, Qing Yan was abnormal. He is a member of the Qing family. Could it be that he knows something.

She got up and went under the cashier counter, and took out a small box in the cabinet that contained business cards. She remembered that Qingyan had given her a business card with Qingyan's phone number on it. If you want to know what happened, you should meet Qingyan once. .

   Then ask what happened.

   Soon Xiao Xiao turned to Qingyan's business card and came out, called the people over there, and arranged to meet at noon.

She already had a guess in her mind, what the **** was going on, in short, this Qingyu was not the one she used to get along with day and night, who was not so domineering, and now looking at her, Xiao Xiao remembered the waywardness when he was a child, Unbridled insolence.

   is back.

The place where Qingyan made an appointment with her was in a coffee shop near the flower shop. 'Qingyu' was not there, and there was no one else in the flower shop. It was impossible for no one to look at the shop. to be frank.

Originally, Qing Yan didn't want to see anyone. There were too many things in the Qing family in the past two days, and he was caught off guard. The person who arranged to go out still couldn't find where the girl was. Xiao Xiao called and he just thought it was Xiao Xiao ran into some trouble, so naturally he wanted to meet people.

When Qing Yan went to the restaurant, she saw Xiao Xiao sitting and waiting. Even though the Xiao family was in ruins, the temperament she cultivated at a young age was still there, even if she didn't have expensive clothes and a good education. Make women look extraordinarily noble.

   "Sorry, I'm late." Qing Yan took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair.

   Xiao Xiao put down the cup, "It's okay, I just arrived."

   The waiter came over and said politely to Qingyan, "Sir, what would you like to drink."

   "A cup of black coffee."

Xiao Xiao does not have the nature of detours. The reason why she dares to find Qing Yan directly is because among the people in the Qing family, she can see that Qing Yan is different. Xiao Lin once said when he was alive that the Qing family also came out. Qing Yan is such a conscientious child.

   Can get Xiao Lin's appreciation, she is willing to believe that Qing Yan is not involved in the dirty activities of the Qing family, and she is also willing to believe that his conscience is different from others.

   "I don't have much time, so no one can look at the flower shop. I asked Mr. Qing to come out to ask you about Qingyu." She asked straight to the point.

  Qingyan looked up at her suddenly, with inquiry in his eyes, but did not open his mouth easily.

"Look at you, do you know?" Xiao Xiao could see the shock in his eyes, "My dad is the director of the police department, and the most books in his room are nothing but criminal psychology, and I have read them since I was a child. There are quite a few of these books, so you don't lie, and the expression on your face also represents your thoughts, Mr. Qing, I want to know why there are two Qingyu?"

  Two virgins?

   Qingyan's face changed, his eyes looked around, and finally he was sure that no one was following him, so he whispered, "You know, how did you find out?"

"It's true that the faces are exactly the same, and it's not surprising that unfamiliar people can recognize the two of them as one person, but Qingyu and I have been getting along for a while, her gestures, the tone of her speech, and the way she does things. I can see it clearly, plus I have seen it clearly, another one appeared outside the flower shop."

After all, she was a child of the police chief, Xiao Xiao often visited the police station when she was young, and she could see how the police handled cases and connected all the phenomena. She quickly confirmed that now this Qingyu, Not the one she got along with before, or the one from the flower shop.

   And now this is the real Qingyu, the domineering arrogance on her body can't be pretended, and the sense of superiority radiating from her bones is exactly the same as Mrs. Qing, what the **** is the Qing family tossing about.

   "Leave this matter alone, Miss Xiao, I know you are very curious now, but knowing too much will be dangerous. You know that."

He knew Qing Jianye's way of doing things. He was extremely ruthless. Xiao Lin was defeated by him. Qing Yu's affairs were a secret of the Qing family and could not be known by outsiders. Son, Qing Jianye will naturally not do anything to him, but Xiao Xiao is different.

   Her safety cannot be guaranteed. Knowing too much these days is not a good thing.

   "Okay, let me ask another question. The real Qingyu is back, so what about the fake one?" Xiao Xiao stared at Qingyan, this was the truth she wanted to ask.

  The Qing family took the fake one there. She was still alive, she always had a bad premonition in her heart, and it was best that her guess was fake.

   Qingyan fell silent. Up to now, the chance of the girl's death has reached 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​is due to his obsession. The Qing family has one more life.

   "No?" Xiao Xiao gritted his teeth and spat out these two words clearly.

   She couldn't believe the fact, how could something happen to a girl like her, and what the Qing family wanted to do.

  Qingyan closed his eyes, his voice was very calm, "I'm sorry I have nothing to say, but Miss Xiao, don't tell anyone but me these words today, you can't tell anyone."

He left without taking a sip of the black coffee. Xiao Xiao sat on the spot, she could already know from Qing Yan's body language and movements, where did the fake one go, the two Qing Yu, what Quan Jingting really liked was The fake one is also the fake one who is treated with heart and lungs, not the real Qingyu.

Now that the marriage contract between Quan Qing and Qing Yu has been decided, everyone knows that after Quan Jingting returns, the engagement banquet of the two will be held in the largest hotel in Dijing. The engagement banquet of Quan Jingting and Qingyu is now the whole city As we all know, the **** of war myth, which is not close to women, finally fell under the pomegranate skirt of a woman.

Xiao Xiaozai knew exactly what kind of person Qingyu was from childhood to adulthood, but how could she let go of what she wanted. The one who was engaged was Qingyu, so she could only be the one from the Qing family. As for the fake one, she The existence of Qingyu is undoubtedly a time bomb for the real Qingyu, and it may explode at any time and destroy everything in Qingyu.

   Such an incredible thing turned out to be a real existence. The Qing family had tossed around for so long, and Zuo was just a marriage contract. Now that the goal has been achieved, the obstacles to Qing Yu must be cleared.

Lian Yue is now, it is estimated that there is a lot of bad luck. Outside the cafe, you can see the falling snow, Xiao Xiao's eyes are red, as if she is in a dream. In fact, she is reluctant to believe it. Not that it's really gone.

   Xiao Xiao didn't even know what her name was.

On the border between country T and country H, in the verdant woods, Quan Jingting's army was wearing muddy combat uniforms. During the Duan Joint Military Exercise, their 50th man fought against more than 1,000 ordinary soldiers without even being caught by their tails.

Although General Willie was unhappy, he was convinced that he lost. Quan Jingting was not a **** of war in name only, nor did he get this title by luck. His ability to lead troops was naturally outstanding, otherwise he would have an overwhelming numerical advantage. People won't lose so badly.

   Seeing them coming out on the edge of the eastern forest, the people behind him applauded in unison, and Quan Jingting led the people to stand beside him.

   "Master Quan, you really live up to your reputation. It is my honor to be able to spend these days with you." Willie gave the man a military salute, full of admiration.

   The young man in front of him never lived up to his glory.

   "General Willy's words are serious, and your soldiers are also very powerful." Quan Jingting said without gasping for breath.

   Even after these few days of training and staying in the jungle for these days, the aura on his body is still incomparable, he is still in a low state, and his mental outlook is excellent.

"Tomorrow, you will return to the Imperial Capital. Tonight, our soldiers will prepare wine and food to see you off. I hope you will all be able to join in." Willie looked at the neat and straight soldiers standing behind Quan Jingting. .

   "General Willie is in the game, we are going to go, but we have to go back to take a shower and change clothes first." Rong Ye spoke from the side.

   The clothes have been wet and dry these days. This smell is not ordinary. If you wear this dress to go back to the banquet at night, you may be able to vomit the other party.

   "Of course you are free, but there is news just now that there are reporters in the barracks, from Dijing, do you want to meet."

   Quan Jingting didn't say much, but Rongye nodded.

After returning to the barracks and cleaning his body, the man sat naked at the end of the bed, with his mobile phone in his hand, flipping through the information. He wore military trousers on the lower half of his body, and his waist was thin. With the man's movements, his smooth and tight muscles appeared slightly. , the water droplets slid down the lines of his skin, and finally disappeared on the bottom of his trousers. He put a towel around his neck and watched three or four messages per day for the week on his mobile phone.

There are dozens of    unread, an astonishing number. This is his personal mobile phone, and only a few people know the number.

  The signal in the jungle is not good, so he didn't turn on his phone even after he concentrated on training. Now that he has come back, he will have time to look at it. The word "wife" can be marked on the top of every message.

   However, these frequencies are too high.

  According to her previous temperament, it is not bad to be able to send him a message two days a week. The wording and sentences in it are copied quite like hers.

   However, this is not her, even through the screen of the mobile phone, Quan Jingting can know.

   This was not sent by his baby.

  Tikyo is probably a problem.

   After taking a shower, Rongye put on his neat military uniform and went to the reception room to meet the war reporters from the imperial capital. Just as he stepped into the hall, he saw Su Yun sitting in the hall drinking water.

   He smiled and walked in, "I should have known that the press conference from Dijing was you."

   Hearing his voice, Su Yun put down the cup and raised his head, "Brother."

   Along with Su Yun, there is also the accompanying photography assistant. Naturally, it is not allowed to take pictures in the barracks, so we have to record a background at the entrance of the barracks.

   "I should have known that there was a war on the T country side, and you came from Dijing, but it's better that less girls come here." Rong Ye took a seat opposite her.

There is no movement in country T. It is naturally the best for the war to subside. This is fortunate for the citizens of country T. It happens that Su Yun is on the border side, and he knows that the people with Quan Jingting are in country H and Weiwei. When General Lee's people started the military exercise, she thought of coming over for an interview, which was also big news.

   "Have you finished your practice now, when do you plan to return to the Imperial Capital?" Su Yun asked with a small notebook and a video recorder in his hand.

   "Leave here tomorrow, do you want to come with us?"

   He felt that Su Yun should be brought back. After all, he was his sister. Rong Ye had become more and more like him since he joined the army with Quan Jingting. His temperament was somewhat cold, but his family was still there.

   In such a dangerous place, Su Yun is really not suitable for a girl to stay here. She has reached her age. Although Rongye is not qualified to say that, she should go back and get married or something.

   "I won't go back to Tejing for a while. I still prefer living here compared to my life there."

   Seeing that he did not answer his intention to interview, Su Yun took the tape recorder.

   "Have you decided?"


Here, at most, flying bullets and shells hurt people, and they suffer from flesh and blood, but in Dijing, every minute and every second is like being torn from the heart. That place is really not suitable for her. survived.

   "After the interview, I will arrange for someone to take you to the border. There will be a farewell party here in the evening, and we will leave after the interview." Rong Ye looked at her and said.

  Su Yun is naturally very happy, this is an excellent material.

   Actually, the person she really wanted to interview this time was Quan Jingting, but Quan Jingting never accepted any interviews, so she took the next step to find Rongye, but the effect was not bad.

  General Willy's farewell party was quite lively. After Rongye sent Su Yun away, he went to Quan Jingting's room. After knocking on the door, no one agreed. Rongye looked at Lin Feng at the door.

   The latter shook his head, Quan Shao's mood was really bad at this moment.

  Rongye thought for a while, then pushed the door and entered.

It was pitch black, and the air was filled with the smell of smoky grass. The man sat on the single sofa with his legs folded. The lights were not turned on in the room. In the dimness, the blurred outline of the man's face could be seen. The flames flickered.

Rong Ye reached out and turned on the light, the light of the incandescent lamp shone down from above, illuminating the surroundings, and he saw Quan Jingting sitting on the sofa with his upper body naked. Scar, where the nearest wound is close to the heart.

   He seemed to be shrouded in black mist at the moment, hazy, and he couldn't see clearly, but his anger suddenly appeared, and the surrounding was icy cold, bone-chilling.

   Rongye shook suddenly, "What happened?"

Since getting along with Qingyu, this man has gradually developed from the dark and gloomy to the direction of the sunny boy. Rongye has the feeling that his daughter-in-law has become a mother-in-law. Over time, he almost forgot, this devil is That demon has only restrained, but not changed. The bloodthirsty essence in his bones still exists.

   But Rongye is also used to his normal appearance during this period of time, it will be fine, and suddenly he is abnormal again.

   Quan Jingting moved his fingertips, and the cigarette **** fell into the ashtray beside him. He lowered his head, and his low-set eyebrows closed the darkness in his eyes, but the coldness of three feet was frozen at all.

   Seeing that he didn't intend to tell himself, Rong Ye shrugged and shouted, "It's already started outside, get dressed and come out."

   The soldiers in the yard have already started dancing. This man is sitting here angry and will leave tomorrow. If there is anything else, we will talk about it tomorrow.

   closed the door, Rongye dragged Lin Feng past him, "Did something happen to Qingyu?"

   There is no one who can make this person suddenly pervert, except for the Dijing one.

  Lin Feng thought for a while, "I don't know, the young master and Hei Ya didn't speak again after talking on the phone."

  After hanging up the phone, the dark clouds of anger began to gather behind the young master, just like the signs before the coming of the storm, Lin Feng was startled, and automatically moved back five meters away from the door of the room, for fear of harming Chiyu.

   Heiya was assigned to protect Qingyu in Dijing, but there should be no problem with Qingyu at the moment. If something happened to Madam, Heiya would definitely tell him.

   He didn't hear a single word of what was said on the phone just now, and the wind didn't come, so he should not talk too much. The details will be discussed after returning tomorrow.

   "Yes, there is probably an accident, let's go first, don't worry about him." Rong Ye raised his eyebrows.

   Keep away from him at this time, otherwise, something will really happen. The last time Quan Jingting lost control was when he was a teenager. At that time, he dragged Rong Ye to practice boxing all day and night to suppress the anger.

   I hope that the girl in Dijing will not have any major incident, otherwise he will destroy the world.

   I'm sorry everyone, it's late today, Xiaoxiang will always have problems in the past two days, don't worry if the chapters can't be flashed, the system must be broken, it will be fixed soon, okay, love you guys



   (end of this chapter)

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