MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 163 go home

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   Chapter 163 Homecoming

When I woke up in the morning, Qingyu was the only one on the bed. Quan Jingting became very busy these two days for some unknown reason. Qingyu, who woke up at seven o'clock, didn't see him, and he disappeared together. There are also military uniforms neatly hung by the bed.

   Quan Jingting never avoided her when discussing these matters with Lin Feng, and Qing Yu also knew that her position in this man's heart was actually quite important.

When   Qingyu went out, she glanced at the cat who was squatting at the door and meowing at her. After thinking for a while, she reached out and took the brand new cat carrying case next to her, and put it in her bag.

   It's lonely at home. Quan Jingting is also busy here, and he doesn't know when he will be able to come back.

Qingyu quickly went to the flower shop with her cat on her back. During this period of time, the temperature dropped sharply, and it was cold when she walked on the street, so the sales of flowers were not very good. She saw a cake shop standing a long way away. Concubine Wen is busy inside.

  The woman wears an apron, moves slowly, her hair is simply combed behind her head, and two long strands of hair fall on her forehead. The temperament of her whole body is warm and elegant. Such a woman and the action of taking the cake are extremely elegant.

   The temperament of the two girls in this cake shop seems to be at two extremes, Xiong Ni is more lively, and Concubine Wen is quiet, and it is funny to think that such two are sisters.

After arranging the pastries in the glass cabinet, Concubine Wen looked sideways and saw Qingyu who came with the cat on her back. Seeing her take out the key to open the door of the flower shop, Concubine Wen leaned out and greeted her. .

   "Miss Qing, it's quite early."

  Qingyu nodded, "You guys are earlier, you're all ready by now."

   "We live near here, so it doesn't take long to come here."

   The two briefly exchanged a few words. Qingyu opened the store door and went in to put the cat away. Concubine Wen just said that they live nearby.

Qing Yu pointed at the change in the cash register. The monthly rent of the nearby houses is very expensive and scary. Concubine Wen said that they came to Dijing from other places to start a business. It seems that people who start a business would not choose to live Such an expensive house.

  The temperature in the flower shop is adjusted to a constant temperature, which is suitable for the survival and growth of flowers and leaves. People are also very warm inside. After cleaning the inside of the shop, Qingyu simply changed the sign at the door to "Opening".

  Thinking about what Quan Jingting said some time ago, Qingyu pasted the printed recruitment notice, she plans to find a part-time worker, the kind that she can watch when she has no time to look after the flower shop.

   She really can't handle such a big store by herself, so finding someone else is also a good choice.

   Concubine Wen pushed open the door of the store and walked in with a box of things in her hand. When Qing Yu looked up, she saw her smiling face, put down her work and walked over.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you eaten breakfast yet? This is for you. It's a new product in our store, and it's what Xiong Ni just baked. I want to ask someone to try it and talk about it. If you don't dislike it, can you do me a favor? Concubine Wen opened the box, and there were four egg tarts inside.

   It smells like it was just baked, and the sticky sweetness spreads out, which is very tempting.

   "Then I'm welcome." Qing Yu took it.

   "There is also this, this is your clothes that Xiong Ni wore at your house. It has been washed."

  Qingyu put her clothes on the cashier and tasted the egg tarts they gave. It was sweet but not greasy and very delicious.

   "Thank you, I like the taste very much."

   This is a sincere compliment. I didn’t expect Xiong Ni to look too lively, but the things she made are really delicious.

   Concubine Wen smiled, "If you like it, I can tell Xiong Ni that you like what she makes."

"Meow meow."

   The cat next to him meowed, and Concubine Wen turned her gaze to the squatting cat over there. What happened to the cat with a piece of hair missing from its back.

  How to say it, it's a bit ugly.

   "You raised this cat?"

   "I picked it up, and it's quite nice, I like it." Qing Yu said.

   Concubine Wen nodded and saw the recruitment notice she just posted, "Are you looking for a part-time job?"

   This is a great opportunity.

   "Well, the store is also quite busy, I can't be too busy."

   "Xiao Ni and I are going to go to the hot spring this Saturday, are you interested in going together?" Concubine Wen sent an invitation.

A few years ago, a hot spring pavilion was developed in the southernmost location of Dijing. It is quite good and the price is very reasonable. Many white-collar workers like to go there to soak in hot springs, and such a bubble hot spring is the most suitable. .

  Qingyu thought about it, and it seemed like she had nothing to do on Saturday.

"I happened to see that there is a weekend in your store, so I asked you, we don't have any relatives or friends in Dijing, it seems that you are the one who knows a little bit. I don't know if Miss Qing is willing to show her face. "

  Qingyu nodded in agreement. She usually has a weak temperament, so her social circle is quite small. As a result, she seems to have no friends around since she woke up. She is quite happy to go out with people now.

   "Then I'll go first, you're busy, we'll contact you on Saturday."

  Qingyu put the lid on the unfinished egg tart, but when she turned around, she accidentally bumped into the shelf, making a lot of noise.


   She covered her head and sighed. When did she become so sluggish, she turned around and bumped herself against the cabinet, reached out and rubbed her forehead.

   kill her, wild child, wild child without parents

  Qingyu's pupils slightly diverged, and a picture appeared in her head in a trance.

The blue sky is connected with the blue sea. On the soft golden sand beach, a little girl with braided horns is standing by the sea. She is wearing dirty shorts and shorts, and one of the slippers on her feet has fallen off. Only one is worn on the foot.

There was a little bit of yellow sand on her face and head, her palm-sized face was stubborn, her eyes fixed on the opposite sea level, and behind her, a group of children of the same age as her kept coming towards her. sand.

   "Child without parents, wild child"

   They laughed and mocked, hitting her with a handful of sand.

   "She doesn't cry, no tears." One of the little boys opened his mouth.

   "I won't cry, if you wait any longer, your parents won't come back, a wild child without parents"

   A group of children circled around her, with smiles on their young faces, but they spoke the cruelest but purest words in the world.

  The girl's face was full of stubbornness. Even though she was scarred by being bullied, she did not shed a single tear. Her dirty little face had round and beautiful black eyes, staring straight at the opposite sea.

   "Whatever you are doing, go back to me." A stern scolding came from the opposite side, and it could be heard that it was the voice of an adult.

   When the children heard such a movement, the children surrounding the little girl also ran away, and the man wearing a hat grabbed one of the boys by the ear and carried them to the girl.

   "Let you bully others, you worthless fellow, apologize to Lao Tzu!"

   The little boy was held in the air by his ears. He pursed his small mouth, and his forehead remained silent.

   "You don't say anything, right? Go back and see if I don't take care of you well." The man said and was about to start.

A woman came running across, holding a fishing net shuttle in her hand, and hurriedly protected the boy in her arms, "What are you doing, beating your own children for other people's children, I'm still the first father like you. See you next time!"

   "Mom." The little boy hummed in the woman's arms, sounding pitiful.

   "You let him go, you know how to bully people at a young age, but when you grow up, you can do it!" The man hates that iron is not steel.

  The woman didn't let go, looking at the little girl who didn't have a single tear, the look in her eyes made the person who looked at it horrified.

   "We have done our best to this child. No one is rich enough to feed her for half a year, but this child's eyes are sometimes really scary!"

   The man's face changed, he glanced at the girl next to him, and yelled at the woman, "Go back to me, don't always talk nonsense!"

  The woman was reluctant and walked towards the distant village with her son in her arms.

The girl's parents, like them, are all fishing in this fishing village. They have been fishing for a living for generations, and they lived a quiet life, but a sudden sea storm half a year ago killed the villagers who went out to fish. escape, but there are exceptions.

Her parents were among them. The boat was forcibly cut off from the middle by the wind and waves. The couple also died in the ocean and never came back. They only had such an only daughter under their knees. There were only a dozen families in the village. Neither are rich.

   So no one took over the child, but the conscience of the people in the village is also good. Every day, different people bring her meals. The girl has survived well in the past six months.

But after a long time, everyone found out that this child cried after knowing that his parents died. He was bullied by any child in the past six months, and he did not shed a single tear. Even if he sat here every day and waited, the women in this village also became Gossip started.

   Said that the child's life was hard, and abruptly killed his parents.

The gossip also spread slowly, affecting children like her, but at the age of seven, it is already very pitiful for such a child to suffer the pain of losing a loved one, but they still have to bear the gossip and language sarcasm of these people. .

  After the family left, the little girl turned around and glanced at their backs, a family of three, such backs envy others.

   "Mom, Dad" the little girl whispered with her lips squirming.

   An old lady in a blue-purple floral shirt walked over from a distance, looking about fifty or sixty years old, but with a wrinkled face, she smiled kindly.

"Xiao Yue, look what grandma brought you here. This is your favorite tea cake, how about it?" The old lady smiled and took out a pale yellow cake from her pocket and handed it over .

   "Grandma Li, I don't want to eat it, you can eat it." She raised her head and said, but the voice she shouted was crisp and pleasant.

   "Yo, grandma is old and doesn't like to eat these things, let's give it a try, Xiaoyue."

   Dirty little hand reached out and took the pale yellow tea cake.

   Grandma Li watched her open her mouth and reached out to her to pat the sand on her body distressedly, "These brats are bullying others. I'll tell the people at home tomorrow, these bastards."

   The little girl chewed the contents of her mouth in small mouths, but said nothing, and said it many times, but it was useless, those children would always bully her.

   She's used to it.

   "Our little Yue, she was born really good-looking, and I don't know how many young men I will fascinate when I grow up." Grandma Li took out a handkerchief and wiped her face carefully.

   "Grandma, when will my parents come back?" Xiao Yue opened her mouth and said.

"They, they are watching you from the sky. Grandma taught you to write. Have you remembered the name that I taught you to write last time? Write it again." Grandma Li took a dead branch from the side. hand it to her.

   The little girl took it and wrote two Zhou Zheng characters on the beach, Lian Yue.

   "Lian Yue." Qing Yu held the position of the cashier with one hand and slowly spit out these two words.

  Qingyu shook her head hard, those things that emerged never receded, but slowly surged up like a tide, why did this name become so familiar.

Just when Qingyu was trying to recall, the wind chime at the door rang, and the moment the door opened, a cold wind blew in, blowing away all the memories in her head. She lowered her head and panted, and said nothing. vague.

  The woman who came in was wrapped in cold air, reached out and took the banknotes from her coat pocket and handed them over. Qingyu glanced at her face, reached out and took two irises from the shelf, wrapped them and handed them to her.

   Every week, this woman would come over to buy two irises, and she was unstoppable. She had been with her for a while, and Qingyu also knew her name.


A very nice name, a woman's temperament and self-cultivation are excellent, I know from her interactions with her, she is a doctor in a nearby hospital, her husband has passed away, so she buys back her husband's most beautiful every week. Favorite irises are placed at home.

   is a thought and a motivation.

   "You don't look very well, are you sick?" Tong Li looked at her and asked.

  Qingyu shook her head, "I'm dizzy, I'm fine."

   "You have to pay attention, girls are always precious, it's not good to be tired."

   "Thank you for your concern."

  Tongli walked out of the flower shop with flowers, and when the door was closed, the wind chimes on the door rang crisply.

  Qingyu pressed her eyebrows and sat back down. The scent of flowers filling her nose made her feel at ease. She had doubts about many things now, and her memory should come back slowly.

   She now desperately wants to remember those things, because she always feels that she is not from the Qing family, and she does not have that sense of belonging and identification from the family.

  Qingyu thought so, and tapped her head hard.

Zhao Jiao's company was always sealed up by the auditing agency. The court acted very quickly, and the seal was already attached. After so many years of ups and downs in the market, Zhao Jiao had originally wanted to be a conscientious businessman. Can't stop messing around with the people under your hand.

The company's finance department was found to have evaded tax. It went through the hands of the chief financial officer. All the money that was leaked went into the pocket of the chief financial officer. Zhao Jiao was busy, and many documents could not be seen. All have her signature.

For so many years, she believed in the people under her command, and she would not have too much doubt about them. As a result, many documents were signed before they could be read, which eventually led to this result. It was also because of her poor supervision that the court had to investigate in detail. , she can't choose.

   is also a problem caused by her negligence. Because of Xiao Lin's case, the company's stock has been falling, and it has finally hit the limit. It is almost a state of bankruptcy. There is nothing to say until the financial liquidation.

   After sending off the inspection agency, Zhao Jiao sat on the sofa in the living room in a daze, with a black gauze on her shoulders.

The secretary sat beside her and handed over the rest of the documents, "Mr. Zhao, these are all left over from the company, the debts have almost been settled, and there is no money on the books. You said that the company should be evacuated. People have also liquidated their wages to them."

In just one day, the company has ceased to exist. Who would have thought that Zhao Jiao, who made her own way in the chain industry, could not hold onto her glory when she reached middle age. However, he did not owe the wages of the workers like the others, and he gave him what he should have paid. The rest also sold the real estate under his name to pay off his debts.

   "Now there are only fines left to pay." The secretary looked at her and said.

   Now that the mountains and rivers are exhausted, where is the money to pay the fines? Isn’t this to force people into trouble?

"I see. I'll find a way to fine you. You all go back. You don't have to come here. You've all been tired over the past few years, and I don't have the ability to give you better benefits now." Zhao Jiao looked at herself The driver and secretary in front of him.

The female secretary shook her head, her eyes reddened, and took out the card from her bag, "Mr. Zhao, I know you sold this house, and now you have a lot of money to spend. Although I don't have much money here, but It should be able to help you for a while."

   Looking at the card she handed over, Zhao Jiao stretched out her hand and turned it back, "You don't have to worry about me, I can't handle this matter, don't worry."

  A company filing for bankruptcy could have avoided many risks, and even the repayment of debts would not have become so heavy, but Zhao Jiao is also a conscientious businessman. It was her negligence that caused the current situation, and she should fix it.

   She gritted her teeth and paid all the liquidated damages, and paid enough severance pay to the company's employees, but Mr. Zhao himself had to bear the bitter consequences.

   "But Mr. Zhao, there's no way you can always do this, it's my little intention." The secretary didn't let go.

She has been by Zhao Jiao's side for five years, Zhao Jiao is really good to her, and she has taught her everything she should teach without reservation. ungrateful and ran away.

   "I'm lucky that I didn't get sentenced this time. I'm very happy. Let's go, I'm fine," she said.

Originally, such a tax loophole was not only for the financial director who was full of personal pockets to go to jail, but also Zhao Jiao, who signed the legal person, was unavoidable, at least five years, but for some reason, she was not sentenced, but Just a little fine.

  Actually, Zhao Jiao vaguely knew in her heart that it might be someone from Quan Jingting who did it. Xiao Lin handed over those things for nothing, and Quan Jingting also helped her with some things.

   She was quite satisfied at this point.

   "You made an unintentional mistake, unlike them," the secretary retorted.

"It doesn't matter whether it's the same or not, I'm a legal person, and I'm always responsible for poor supervision." Zhao Jiao opened her mouth to her, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she extended her hand to her, "You go to another company in the future to ask for it. Do it well, you have also worked very hard in the past few years, I have seen that your ability is not small, and you will definitely have a bright future in the future, believe in yourself and have confidence."

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, I will, then what are you going to do in the future?"

"I'm looking for a good place to live a clean life. It's really prosperous here, but it's also tiring. After so many years, I've exhausted all my hard work. It's time to take a good rest." She said calmly. He opened his mouth, as if there was a sense of relief.

   Once the wind and clouds are over, so many years of ups and downs have come, and this time is not bad.

After seeing off the secretary and the driver, Zhao Jiao turned around and went back to the living room. The house was sold this morning. There are still many imprints of family members living together. Zhao Jiao was very reluctant, but there was nothing to do. The company really If it is going to collapse, the employees must be paid enough wages and bonuses, and they cannot be treated badly.

   Zhao Jiao was standing in the living room, vaguely seeing Xiao Lin sitting on the sofa, he looked down at the newspaper in his hand with golden eyes, raised his head when he heard footsteps, and smiled at her.

came back.

   Now that everything is over, the man has gone, the face that he will never see again.

Xiao Xiao came back with the bag, and just went to pay the fine with the people from the company's finance department. After everything was clarified, she came back. Seeing Zhao Jiao standing there and looking up, she felt sour. .

   "Mom, I'm back." She opened her mouth pretending to be relaxed.

   Zhao Jiao turned around and smiled when she saw her coming in, "How is it, have you figured it out?"

   "Well, it's not too much to give, don't worry."

   Xiao Xiao sighed, if it was just taxes and fines, the company wouldn't be able to afford it, but because of Xiao Lin's negative news, the company's image plummeted, resulting in some liquidated damages from the last partner manufacturer, which eventually became like this.

   She originally thought that Zhao Jiao might face the risk of being imprisoned, but in the end, she was able to offset it with a fine, and she was naturally happy. These external things were far less important than her mother being intact.

   "Xiaoxiao, do you remember the first time we moved into this house?" Zhao Jiao asked.

   Xiao Xiao thought for a while, "Of course I remember, that day my father worked overtime, and I came with you and the moving company. After that, my father didn't come back for three consecutive days, and even forgot that we moved and went back to the old house."

   Zhao Jiao pulled out a smile with warmth. This was the first time since Xiao Lin's death that she laughed heartily. Maybe she was thinking of the past.

  The family is reunited, how wonderful.

   "Mom, we should also pack up and get ready to go."

   The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Xiao Xiao also has an apartment in his name. Although the location is not very good in the Fifth Ring Road, it is also a safe place to live. Xiao Xiao can only think about these things for his daughter.

   "The moving company has already delivered everything, and we can leave with Dad's ashes." Xiao Xiao looked at the urn on the chopping board.

Zhao Jiao took her hand and sat back, and said earnestly, "I plan to take you and your father back to the countryside, where is our hometown, and it is much quieter than here, although the city is not prosperous and there are not many people. , but it's always our hometown."

  Xiao Xiao has been staying in Dijing since she was sensible, Zhao Jiao was afraid that she would go back and not be used to such a rural life.

"I discussed with your dad before that when he retires and we finish traveling, we will go back to our hometown to retire. As for you, my mother doesn't want to interfere with your thoughts. You have your own life, and you can choose the path you want to take, so I will respect your decision."

  Xiao Xiao glanced at his father's posthumous photo, Xiao Lin's face on it looked full of energy.

   "Mom, I want to stay."

   Expected but also unexpected answer, Zhao Jiao originally thought that Xiao Xiao would choose to go back to the countryside with her.

After all, the Xiao family was ruined overnight. In a place like Dijing, there is no Xiao family to support Xiao Xiao to do whatever they want. It is a good choice to go back to the countryside, but girls always yearn for prosperity in their bones, so she also in tangled.

"Dad is gone, and our family is gone, but those people are still alive and well. They live a desirable life and walk in every extravagant place, but they step on my father's bones and blood. I want Stay and watch their final fate." Xiao Xiao looked at his father's posthumous photo and opened his mouth.

   "Xiaoxiao, you will have to face a lot of things when you stay, the ridicule of your peers and the feeling of falling from the cloud. Mom doesn't want you to suffer these."

"Don't worry, although you and dad haven't told me a lot of things, but I'm not a fool. I can see and guess that my dad's death is not accidental. I want to watch those who hurt us. What is the final outcome?" Xiao Xiao held her mother's hand and said word for word, "You and Dad have always been fighting and protecting me, but now you are down, so it's me."

"What dangerous things you can't do, I gave up so many things to get peace, you know, your father said, let me watch you get married and have children safely, I can't leave you in this place And watching you take risks."

"Mom, do you think I have no head and no brain and only know to rush forward?" Xiao Xiao smiled, "I won't do stupid things, I know I can't fight those people, but Yishan still Higher than a mountain, there is always someone in this imperial capital who can take care of them, I just want to watch their fate in the imperial capital, I am not stupid, don’t worry.”

   Zhao Jiao looked at her with a sincere look in her eyes. After these things, her daughter has indeed grown up a lot, and she will no longer do impulsive things when she is young.

   In the end, it was born by himself, and many times it can be clearly seen at a glance.

   "But I can't accompany you anymore. You have to take good care of yourself when you go back. I will go back to see you." Xiao Xiao looked at her mother sincerely.

   Zhao Jiao nodded, and finally let her go and stayed.

   Xiao Xiao is a person, not an item. She cannot be taken away by force because of her subjective consciousness. She has the right to choose how she will live her life in the future. Forcing her to go back with her is not a good thing.

  Children always have to go their own way when they grow up. The moment they reach adulthood, the responsibility of parents has been completed. How they will live their lives in the future depends on them.

   In the end, Xiao Xiao sent Zhao Jiao to the station. When she was transferred to Dijing with Xiao Lin, she came by train with Xiao Xiao in her arms. Over the years, her business has grown bigger and bigger, and she has never traveled by train again.

   She was holding Xiao Lin's urn and photos. Originally, Xiao Xiao wanted to send her back to her hometown to settle her down, but Zhao Jiao was unwilling and abruptly rejected her daughter.

   She was afraid that if she went back with Xiao Xiao, she would never let her back.

   "Mom, call me when you arrive, be careful in the car." Xiao Xiao instructed.

The train station is always bustling, screams, children's cries and various smells mixed together. From time to time, people bump into Xiao Xiao's shoulders when they pass by, but there is no disgust on her face, just exhorting Mothers need to pay attention to all kinds of things on the road.

"Don't worry, your cousin will pick me up over there. I'll call you when I'm settled. Be careful yourself. In the future, it's up to you." Zhao Jiao touched her daughter face, reluctantly.

   "Don't worry."

  The matter is over, no one will care about their mother and daughter.

   Zhao Jiao sat beside the bed holding the urn and looked sideways at the scenery passing by outside the window. When she came here, she and Xiao Lin were full of expectations. Later, with Xiao Xiao, a family was settled.

She now more or less understands Liu Ye's original mood, why she chose to take her daughter with her, she is afraid, Dijing is really a place that eats people and doesn't spit bones. It's just smashed bones.

   "Old Xiao, we're going home"

   She lowered her head and carefully touched the urn in her hand. The silver threads in her hair flickered slightly, along with the crow's feet at the corner of the woman's eyes.

   Yesterday's chapter was blocked. I still want to cry without tears. It seems that I can only release it when the editor goes to work on Monday. I'm sorry everyone, uuuuu,



   (end of this chapter)