MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 153 Meet

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   Chapter 153 Meeting

This is the first time Xiao Lin has been able to see him since his arrest, and the first time he has been granted the right to visit. Zhao Jiao got up early in the morning to work. Although she only had five minutes, she was still There are many things that I want to bring to Xiao Lin.

She didn't know when this case would be dragged on. It was possible for a few months. She thought about bringing Xiao Lin two sets of clothes and cooking something to eat. Although the meeting time was only five minutes, for them , is enough.

   It is the best to be able to determine Xiao Lin's safety.

   "Mom, are you okay?" Xiao Xiao came down from the upstairs.

I haven't slept well these days, and I still have a lot of dark circles on my face. If I want to see Xiao Lin today, it's impossible for both of them to come with a haggard face, so she took the time to change her clothes and put on makeup. A haggard look on his face.

   "Alright, alright." Zhao Jiao came out with the food box.

  Xiao Xiao looked at the table full of things and felt sour in her heart. Zhao Jiao's worries about Xiao Lin had never been shown in front of her, and she was also afraid of her worries.

   "Then I'll take these to the car first." Xiao Xiao walked out with the food box.

   "Be careful, don't spill the soup inside."

"I know."

   Zhao Jiao's current situation is not very good. The inspection agency has prepared to formally file a lawsuit against her. Now she is on bail pending trial, and she cannot leave the imperial capital.

   The life and death of the company was at stake this time. Not only were tax evasion and capital problems detected, but there were even more serious business crimes. She was not worried about Xiao Xiao at all. She knew what kind of person Zhao Jiao was.

   Having been in contact with Xiao Lin for so many years, she will not do such illegal and criminal things, but there will always be some problems during the investigation.

   "Is it alright not to let the secretary follow, don't you have to go to the company later?" Xiao Xiao asked while driving.

   Zhao Jiao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, nodded, "The company is in a mess, and they are all busy, so don't need it, I'll just go over by myself in a while."

   "Mom, is there really no problem with the company? I read that what was written on the news was really messy."

   Zhao Jiao shook her head with her fingertips pressed against her temples, "It's okay, you don't have to worry too much, the company's investigations are always like this, there will be problems if there is no problem, it's just a few fines."

   This is true.

  Because of the investigation, even the company's merger and acquisition plan has been temporarily put on hold, but Zhao Jiao is not so interested in taking care of it. Some external things are gone, and talents are the most important.

   Xiao Xiao drove quickly to the gate of the procuratorate, but today the guards at the gate did not stop them and let them go.

   Director Bai, who came out to pick them up, was a little stunned when he saw the large and small bags of the two of them.

   "Give it to me, you really brought a lot of things." Director Bai extended his hand to the two of them.

   Zhao Jiao handed him the bag containing clothes and some daily necessities, "Excuse me."

   "Old Xiao is already waiting for you, and there is an order from above to give you five more minutes." Director Bai said the good news.

   Zhao Jiao looked happy, "Really?"

   This is really the best news.

   "But you all have to persuade Lao Xiao well. It's already like this, and it's not good for everyone to stand still." Director Bai said worriedly.

   Zhao Jiao and Xiao Xiao had heavy expressions on their faces. They chose to let their family members come to see Xiao Lin at this time, in order to break through Xiao Lin's last psychological defense line. The family's words are often crucial.

   Xiao Lin was already waiting in the reception room, and Director Bai brought the two to the door and stopped moving forward.

   "Go in, and persuade Lao Xiao more."

Zhao Jiao and Xiao Xiao walked in with the things in their hands. This is the most common reception room, with simple sofas, tables and chairs. Xiao Lin sits on the sofa in the center with the clothes he was wearing when he came in last time. of.

   Fortunately, he didn't have handcuffs on his hands. Although he looked a little decadent, he was much better than those prisoners.

  I think it was specially arranged by the people here, so that it would be better for Zhou Zheng to come when he sees his family.

   "Dad!" Xiao Xiao threw the things in his hands on the coffee table, hugging Xiao Lin's neck and didn't let go.

   "Dad, I'm so worried about you." Xiao Xiao hugged him, her eyes reddened.

   Xiao Lin patted her on the shoulder with a soft face, "It's alright, you are such a big person, why are you acting like a spoiled child?"

Zhao Jiao lowered her head and quietly wiped the tears from her eyes and came over, "I have already given them the clothes, please change your clothes. Also, the food here is probably not very good. Watching you lose a lot of weight."

   She said and took out all the pastries in the box, "These are what you like, try them."

   Xiao Xiao let go of his father and sat on the side, looking at the food that Zhao Jiao handed over.

   "What are you doing with these, it's not like I can't eat it here." Xiao Lin sighed.

   "The things at home are always better than those outside. You eat more, and when you go out, I will arrange for the servants at home to make them for you." Zhao Jiao said and put a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her hand.

   "Did you deliver the things?" Xiao Lin asked, looking at the pastry in his hand.

   Zhao Jiao nodded, "Yes, all the materials have been sent, don't worry, they also promised to do what you want to do."

   Xiao Xiao couldn't understand what the two of them were saying, and his face was full of curiosity, but he didn't dare to open his mouth to ask questions.

   "Why, you didn't ask Master Quan to help you when you handed over the information." Zhao Jiao almost cried.

   She knew what Xiao Lin's temperament was. He would not use Qing Jianguo's case information to ask anyone to do anything for him. This was his backbone and his last self-esteem, and he couldn't tolerate being trampled on.

   "This soup is good, the craftsmanship has improved." Xiao Lin drank the soup in the bowl, but was silent for a while, "I haven't tasted your cooking for a long time."

   Zhao Jiao felt sour for a while, "I'll make it for you when you get home."

The nature of his work is always busy, and Zhao Jiao is not free. The time they spend together is very little throughout the year. Every time Zhao Jiao waits for him to come back after finishing the meal, or he suddenly has a task to go out. , or the food is cold.

   The family ate very little together, not to mention the meals cooked by Zhao Jiao.

   "How is Xiaoxiao these two days? You have been wronged because of my affairs." Xiao Lin looked at his daughter with guilt.

   "No, who would dare to bully me, Dad, don't think too much about it, the clearer is self-clearing, I have found the person who wronged you, and I will be able to wash away the wrongs from you soon."

Xiao Lin tightened his hand holding the bowl, looked up at her and said solemnly, "You don't need to worry about my affairs, it's too dangerous, be obedient, stay at home, wait until the limelight has passed, and then come out, hear No?"

   "Dad, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine, in broad daylight, no one dares to do anything to me." Xiao Xiao comforted.

  Thinking of the photos sent by Su Pingbang's secretary, Xiao Lin closed his eyes and sighed, no one could give a thorough conclusion to many things.

  Xiao Xiao's safety is now his top concern.

   "Xiao Xiao, you go out first, your mother and I have something to say." Xiao Lin looked at his daughter and said.

   Xiao Xiao glanced at the two of them, knowing that this was not the time to be hypocritical, so he got up and left the room.

   Zhao Jiao sat opposite him, looking at the man's serious face, feeling a little uncomfortable for no reason.

   "The things have been handed over to Quan Jingting. What I have to do, he will definitely help me do it."

   "What do you want to say?" The woman opposite squinted.

With a smile on his face,    Xiao Lin reached out and grabbed the palm of the woman's body.

   "After marrying me for so many years, you have suffered too many grievances. I am not a good husband. I am sorry for letting you face too many ups and downs by yourself."

   Zhao Jiao was the first to hear him say such kind words, but her nose was sour.

   "No, I'm happy."

   "You don't have to comfort me. Over the years, you have had a husband without a husband. Even when you are pregnant and have children, I can't accompany you by your side, leaving you alone..."

   "Your daughter has been taking care of her affairs since she was a child. We can't have a meal together as a family during New Year's and holidays. This year's engagement anniversary with you is the only thing I do for you..."

   On the wedding anniversary dinner, he only showed up for an hour before returning to the police station non-stop.

   For so many years, although people like them can't be regarded as living in the wind, they are also living a life without a family.

   Zhao Jiao chose to do business in order to allow her daughter to have a better life. The two have been together less and more apart over the years. Now that I think about it, as a husband, he really failed.

"Don't talk about this, if you really feel that you owe me, when this matter is over, we will travel around the world, you will stay with me and make up for the past twenty years." Zhao Jiao leaned against him. On the shoulders, the eyes are red.

   Xiao Lin looked at the closed door, isolated from the outside world.

"In the past 20 years, I have been able to dream of Jianguo, Liu Ye, and the old man Qing every night. I always saw them smiling at me, and they turned into scarlet blood stains. Every night, I couldn't do anything about it. forget."

"I know, but you have already submitted all the evidence of the case to Quan Jingting. I believe he can rehabilitate Jianguo. Don't you believe so too? Let it go, Xiao Lin, you have been guilty for 20 years, you should let it go!"

   He was tortured by nightmares every night. Back then, in order to protect himself, Xiao Lin had to give up Qing Jianguo, but the death of everyone in the Qing family was something they did not expect.

   Besides, the case of Qing Jianguo has been finalized, collaborating with the enemy and treason, for a cadre of the military and political department, this is undoubtedly a capital crime.

   Who would have thought that the founding of the Qing Dynasty would commit suicide in desperation, that Qingfeng would suddenly die after hearing the news of his son's death, and Liu Ye would set himself on fire with his daughter.

   The massacre of the Qing family took them all by surprise, and they never thought it would happen.

   "If I had been braver at the time, I wouldn't have been like this, I've always been a sinner."

   "No, you are not."

   "This time, I don't know if I can make it through. You promise me that if I'm gone, I'll take Xiao Xiao away from the Imperial Capital and live a peaceful life."

   Zhao Jiao shook her head, "You will be fine, as long as you are wronged, you will be fine, Xiao Lin, you can't despair."

What people fear most is despair.

   Qing Jianguo's fate made her still afraid to this day. Xiao Lin couldn't take that step no matter what.

   "I mean in case."

   "There is no case, you have to remember, I don't allow any case, you can't leave me and Xiaoxiao, absolutely not."

   This is not her request, it is an order.

  The mutual support in the first half of her life made it impossible for her to face the separation in the second half of her life.

   "Koukou..." There was a sound from the door, "It's time, Mrs. Xiao, please come out."

   Xiao Xiao pushed open the door and came in and saw her mother's eyes were red, she walked over and took Zhao Jiao's hand.

   "Mom, it's time, we should go."

   Xiao Xiao looked at her father. From the time she came in until now, she realized that in just a few days, he had aged so much that no one dared to recognize him.

   The stubble on his father's lips is so obvious, even if he worked overtime all day and night, he never saw him so haggard.

   The entire human eye lost weight just by looking at it.

   "Dad, you have to take good care of yourself, it will be over soon, don't you believe the law will give you a fair result."

   Therefore, it is even more necessary to take care of your health. People like Xiao Lin have been fascinated by them for so many years, and they only believe that the country will give them an innocence.

   Even if you are used to seeing darkness, you still believe in light.

   "Go back, don't worry." Xiao Lin gave them a reassuring smile.

   Zhao Jiao withdrew her reluctant gaze and walked out the door with Xiao Xiao.

   When the backs of the two disappeared, Xiao Lin's shoulders slumped.

   "Mom, I'll take you to the company." Xiao Xiao said with his arms around Zhao Jiao.

   She shook her head, "I'll just go there alone, you go back and have a good rest."

   "I'll take you there, and I'm not worried about you alone."

   "No need, they will come to pick me up later, don't worry."

  The current situation of the company can be said to be overturned, or it is not suitable for Xiao Xiao to see.

   will only make her more worried.

  The two were talking when the secretary and driver came over.

   "I'm going to the company first, you drive carefully."

"I see."

  Zhao Jiao sat in the car, holding her heart with one hand and didn't move, tears almost fell.

   The secretary and driver in front looked at them and continued driving silently.

   After so many years, when has Mr. Zhao been so weak? He must have seen Director Xiao and felt distressed.

  A lot of things are really good luck.

Night fell, it was already dark at seven o'clock during this time, and guests had arrived at the door of the Qing family one after another. This was the first time the Qing family held such a lively banquet in the past two years. There is an endless stream of people, and naturally no one will be late.

  Qing Jianye and his wife took Qing Yan to stand at the door to greet the guests. Zhang Xue was covered in brown fur and looked extravagant.

Qing Yu was standing in the hall wearing a dress brought by Zhang Xue. She was dressed in lavender and high-end luxury. The old man was resting upstairs. After all, he was too old to deal with too many people. When they arrived, they came downstairs.

She stood in the buffet area with a glass of champagne in her hand. She looked at the guests who walked in one after another. The pair of high-heeled shoes on her feet were indeed not so comfortable. She looked at the champagne in her hand and went to a seat on the sofa. .

   I don’t know how long I have to stand for a while, but I can sit for as long as I can.

Su Pingbang came in together with Su Ye, father and daughter were holding hands, and they were friendly. When they got to the door, they met Su Ke. This kind of occasion is the best occasion for socializing, especially in the Qing family. All of them have the same status as business tycoons, and for career-oriented people like them, of course, they will not give up such an opportunity.

   Zhang Xue saw the Su family's father and daughter coming from a long distance, and counted twice in his heart, this Su family does not have three daughters, why did two people come here this time.

   "President Qing, stay safe." Su Pingbang extended his hand to Qing Jianye.

  The two shook hands and released them. Qing Jianye looked at Su Ke and Su Ye and smiled, "The two daughters of the Su family are getting better and better looking."

  Su Ke and Su Ye nodded politely.

   "Why didn't Su Yun come here?" Zhang Xue asked with his mouth open.

  The people who looked at the Su family's father and daughter also reacted. This Su family's daughter is really missing one.

  Su Pingbang's expression didn't change, "Su Yun didn't come over because she wasn't feeling well. I'll ask her to visit the old man with a gift the other day."

Everyone around here knows that Su Yun and Qing Yan had a blind date. Most people think that this occasion like the second lady of the Su family must definitely come, because in the future, the Qing family will become her husband's family. Unexpectedly, no one came here.

  Qingyan stood to the left of several people to entertain the guests, and squinted at them after hearing Su Pingbang's words.

   The three of the Su family entered the hall. Su Pingbang was quickly stopped and started to chat. Su Ke also found her business partner to start a conversation. The only one who was free was Su Ye.

   She squinted and saw Qingyu sitting in the rest area. There was nothing around her, and there was no trace of the man.

  Su Ye comforted a little in his heart, reached out and took a glass of wine from the passing waiter's tray, holding the glass and heading towards Qingyu.

   Qingyu, who was looking down and thinking about things, noticed that the person opposite was seated. She looked up and saw Su Ye, who had a relaxed face. Today's Qing family's occasion, the Su family was naturally invited.

   "One person?" Su Ye shook the cup in his hand and opened his mouth.

  Qingyi was too lazy to pay attention to her, so she took the cake in front of her and started eating it, but Su Ye wasn't annoyed, it wasn't a day or two that this person didn't like to talk to her, she was used to it.

   "Today is your grandfather's 80th birthday, why can't your boyfriend come over?"

   "Why, on such an occasion, wouldn't he say he's busy and not available?"

There was still a silence on the other side, but Su Ye wasn't annoyed. Seeing the woman who ignored her, she knew it was boring. She got up and walked over with her cup. The matter has become a foregone conclusion. Since Quan Jingting and Qingyu are really in love with each other Yes, then she can't stop anything.

   But, if Qingyu and Quan Jingting really get married, she will give a big gift on the wedding day.

   A very big gift.

   When Qingyan turned around and entered the living room, she saw Qingyu alone in the rest area, which was out of tune with the lively scene around her. She didn't like to lick the noisy environment, so it was okay to let her sit there quietly.

   It's just that, after all, it's the Qing family's place, so she still needs to pay more attention.

   "妤." The man walked up to her and shouted.

  Qingyu put down the cup and looked up, "Huh?"

   "I guess I won't be able to leave in a while, so please take care of me more."


   Seeing her promise, Qing Yan went upstairs to pick up the old man down. When he was at the entrance of the stairs, his phone rang, and when he took it, he saw the beating phone number on it.

   "Hello?" He opened the door of a room and walked in. Qing Yan stood behind the door and answered the phone.

   "Su Yun's location has been found, and people are guarding all around. There are about five or six appearances, not many."

   The one who talked to him was a private detective who he arranged to follow Qing Jianye's secretary. He paid a lot of money to hire the other party to come over, and the purpose was to find Su Yun's location.

  I didn't expect that there would be a response so quickly.

   "I got it, send the location fix to my phone."

   "Understood, are you going to come and take someone away now?" asked the private detective opposite.

   "You don't need to worry about this, you can leave after sending the detailed location, don't let the people over there find out."


   Hanging up the phone, Qing Yan stood in the room thinking about it, Su Yun's location has been found, it is best to bring people out as soon as possible, and then find a way to contact the security company to bring people out.

   It's just that Qing Jianye and Su Pingbang can't hide it. When he knows these things, he will soon be known by Qing Jianye.

   When he put away his phone and was about to go downstairs, he saw the old man come out in a Tang suit.


   "Why are you here?" The old man looked at him.

On occasions like   , Qing Yan should greet the guests downstairs.

   "I'll come up to get something, I'll help you down."

  Qingyan took a step forward and supported the old man to prepare to go down.

   The guests in the hall are almost there.

  The old man is the protagonist tonight. Once he appears, of course, all the stars will be watching. Everyone's eyes will fall on the old man, busy coming over to say hello.

   "The old man wishes you a long life like Donghai and Nanshan."

   "The old man is in good spirits today, happy birthday!"

  Qingyu is now watching from a distance that Qingyan and the old man appear together, and the living room is instantly lively.

   Birthday is the most joyous thing.

   "Come along to greet the guests, you are the master after all, don't be rude." Zhang Xue instructed beside her.

   The Qing family's place, she really shouldn't have smashed it.

   In the distance, Su Ye is now in the corner, the champagne in her hand is constantly shaking.

   She originally thought that she could let go, but she didn't expect that this is really not so easy to do.

  Anyway, she and Qingyu's Liangzi formed a relationship, so she didn't mind.

   (end of this chapter)