MTL - Master Quan Pets the Mysterious Wife-Chapter 150 Xiao Lin

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   Chapter 150 Xiao Lin

Su Yun disappeared just like that. Zhao Jiao arranged for the secretary to step up the search. Su Yun would not disappear for no reason. There must be some reason. The shopping mall has been ups and downs for so many years. I can guess it, so I am really worried about Su Yun's safety.

This child does not look like her father, nor does she look like a man who is greedy for profit, so Zhao Jiao still prefers to believe that Su Yun is really willing to help Xiao Lin, but the safety of this child at the moment, this will There is no way to guarantee it.

   She only hoped that the people who took Su Yun away would not hurt her. I hope the people who took Su Yun away were sent by Su Pingbang. In this case, at least the child would not suffer any grievances.

   "Mr. Zhao, today there is news from the procuratorate that your relatives will have five minutes of surveillance meeting time tomorrow." The secretary looked at Zhao Jiao and said.

   The latter is a little unbelievable, "Really?"

   "It's true, go back and have a good rest after you've been busy. You'd better dress up when you go to see Xiao Bureau tomorrow." The secretary responded.

   Zhao Jiao had a sincere smile on her face. She hadn't seen Xiao Lin for so many days, and she didn't know if he was doing well at the detention center.

   "Make arrangements. I will go over to see Li Wei's parents in person in the evening and discuss anything in person in person."

   After so long, if the old couple’s purpose was really just to seek money, they would have been moved long ago, and there was no sign of a large amount of cash at their residence.

   She couldn't wait any longer.

   Teijing Procuratorate.

Su Pingbang came to this place for the second time. It has only been a day and a half since he came to see Xiao Lin. Qing Jianye didn't want to wait anymore. He was naturally the same. It makes people angry, since it will still be the same result if they wait any longer, it is better for them to take the initiative to attack.

   Luo Fu met with Su Pingbang outside the procuratorate. Luo Fu handed Su Pingbang the things in his hand with a respectful attitude.

   "Mayor Su, this is the information. According to your request, it has been sorted out. The boss said that I hope to see the results tomorrow night."

Even if they can't get the things in Xiao Lin's hands in the end, Qing Jianye's meaning is very simple, so no one should want to get it. If you see this, it will be regarded as a secret. Xiao Lin will be sentenced by then. After that, as long as he's still alive, he won't worry about not being able to pry anything out of his mouth.

   "I understand Secretary Luo." Su Pingbang nodded and said.

Luo Fu looked at him and opened his mouth, "There is something I need to tell you, Ling Ai has been controlled by us now, and you know what her latest movements are, I am afraid it will be unfavorable if it continues like this, so I I started, and I hope Mayor Su can understand me."

  Su Pingbang nodded, "I understand, I will trouble Secretary Luo too."

  Luo Fu said a simple goodbye to him and got into the car. Now that he has explained it clearly, he should retreat. The next step is their home court, and it has nothing to do with him.

Under the tree in the distance, Qing Yan started the car and followed Luo Fu's car. At first, he thought to follow Luo Fu, maybe he could find the place where they imprisoned Su Yun, but he didn't expect to see Luo Fu and Su Pingbang here. The place to meet.

What they want to do is almost finalized, but why Xiao Lin deserves so much fanfare from Su Pingbang and Qing Jianye, he still has no way of knowing, but as long as Qing Jianye has not found the monitor, he will still chance to know.

The most urgent task now is to find Su Yun first. According to Qing Jianye's actions towards Su Yun, it is estimated that Su Yun has found something that can make Xiao Lin clear his grievances. Otherwise, they will not be directly imprisoned by them so much .

   If a big living person disappears alive for a few days, it will attract the attention of others.

   "Mayor, please."

   was still the person who came here last time, and was greeted by Su Pingbang from the side door.

Now Xiao Lin's detention is not as tense as it was a few days ago, and the window for visiting has also been opened, but only 30 minutes a day, and he is not allowed to see his close relatives, such as Zhao Jiao and Xiao Xiao. see.

   So even if Su Pingbang swaggered in from the front door, no one would say anything more.

   The person in charge of guarding Xiao Lin opened the door for Su Pingbang, he walked in straightly, and saw the haggard, bearded face on the opposite side, very embarrassed.

   It seems to be more haggard than when I came here the day before yesterday. This place is really hurting people's hearts and it is an indescribable mental pressure.

   "You can only visit for ten minutes, please."

  Su Pingbang looked at the person next to him and smiled kindly, "I know, sorry to trouble you."

   Xiao Lin lowered his head and was unwilling to look at the man walking in from the opposite side. He knew what Su Pingbang was here for, and he didn't have any good intentions.

   "I'm here again, have you considered what I told you last time?" Su Pingbang asked straight to the point.

   The person on the opposite side did not answer, and was silent for a while.

   "Look at this, if you do this again, we will run out of patience, but we will really do it."

  Su Pingbang said and passed the things in his hand. The man opposite looked up and widened his eyes when he saw the people in the three photos.


  "Shh" Su Pingbang booed and pointed to the door, "Tap, Xiaoxiao has been really beautiful recently, it's a pity."

   This is a blatant threat. Using Xiao Xiao to carry out a threat activity, Xiao Lin stared at the person opposite, "Su Pingbang, don't touch my daughter!"

   "Afraid? Xiao Lin, don't you always think that you are righteous and dignified? Who would know that you were not the same **** hands back then. You are the same person as us, so you don't have to pretend to be serious."

"Su Pingbang, you and Qing Jianye are so afraid of what I have in my hands. Indeed, if you hand it over to your husband, in terms of his temper and the "friendship" between the two Quan Qing families, it is natural to investigate thoroughly. , and you are the same." Xiao Lin said unceremoniously.

  Su Pingbang's face changed, but he moved his hand, "You don't have to twist with me, you won't see Mr.

   Xiao Lin's face was getting worse and worse. These people were all devils and demons.

"Tomorrow night, if we can't get those documents, I can't guarantee that Miss Xiao Xiao, who is like a flower like a jade, can continue to be like a flower like a jade. Those of us who are elders always have a kind of care for the younger generation. But you also know that when he gets angry, he doesn't care about the elders and the younger generation."

  Su Pingbang looked at Xiao Lin's gradually pale face, and sneered in his heart. Since he has decided to pursue a career, he can't have any worries. Things like family affection are the most important in the eyes of people like them.

   has also become the most terrifying shackle. People who are unwilling to use it will be used by others, but they will never be soft-hearted.

"You still have the last night, Xiao Lin, our relationship of more than 30 years is the last time I advise you, don't think about the fish and the net, don't forget that you still have a wife and daughter, always think for them. Don't you think about it?"

   After Su Pingbang finished saying this, he put away the three photos in his pocket, pushed away the chair with a sneer, and got up.

   For more than 30 years, Xiao Lin is still as vulnerable as before, like paper, fragile and speechless, such a person is not suitable for ups and downs in the officialdom, it is better to come down early.

  Xiao Lin sat in the same position with his head lowered, and in front of his mind was just what Su Pingbang looked like when he threw the photo.

After   , he reached out and pressed the call bell in the room. When the movement rang, the person outside quickly pushed the door and walked in, looking at him through the glass panel.

   "I want to see Quan Jingting."

   The person opposite looked at him and nodded as if he had been waiting for his words, "I'll tell Rong Shao to come here."

  The only person who can help him now is Quan Jingting. What he has in his hands is the evidence that Su Pingbang and Qing Jianye have done evil for so many years, and the most important evidence that they manipulated the entire political department of the imperial capital to stir up the situation in the imperial capital.

  Since he was dying both horizontally and vertically, he might as well submit the evidence to Quan Jingting before he died, a man who can truly do what he has never done for more than 20 years.

   Rongye rushed over when he received the news. Quan Jingting and he had originally had a meeting together, so they naturally followed Rongye when they heard the news.

He was not surprised at all about Xiao Lin wanting to see him, but it was only expected. The matter had reached a white-hot stage. Naturally, Xiao Lin needed someone who could compete with the dark forces. It is impossible to really die with this evidence.

   He went to Xiao Lin a long time ago, hoping that he could give him all the evidence he had collected, but Xiao Lin refused, and he wanted to do that by himself.

   But in the current situation, he can't allow him to think any more.

  Xiao Lin saw Rong Ye and Quan Jingting who came in, "Young Master Quan, Master Rong."

The location of this meeting has been changed from the detention room just now to the office outside. Lin Feng and Hei Ya stood at the door, staring at the other side with serious expressions. The people in the inspection hospital could not help shrinking when they saw the posture of the two. neck down.

  This person in Quan Jingting's army is different when he comes out. Just a glance at you can make you feel like being cut by a knife.

   Quan Jingting leaned back and sat on the sofa, Rong Ye stood next to him, tapped on the wall with one hand, and looked at Xiao Lin, who was somewhat restrained.

   "Officer Xiao, you're welcome, just say what you want." Rongye opened his mouth and said.

  Xiao Lin glanced at the man opposite him and opened his mouth, "Young Master Quan knows what I'm going to do. All the documents I have are with my wife, and I want to give them all to you."

   "Conditions?" The man on the sofa opened his mouth, his tone indifferent but full of oppression.

   Xiao Lin closed his eyes and said what he wanted to exchange with Quan Jingting, "My life is not a pity, I hope you can keep my wife and daughter safe."

  Rongye raised his eyebrows, this Xiao Lin was able to carry it up to now, under the dual pressure of psychology and physiology, and finally collapsed, it is estimated that the other party made a big move.

   "I thought you would want to ask me to let me out." Quan Jingting looked at the man opposite, his black eyes were as bottomless as lake water that had been silent for many years.

   Xiao Lin lowered his head, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "The debt I owe for more than 20 years should now be repaid. I am not completely innocent, so I am willing to bear all the punishments I should have received so far."

   Rongye chuckled, "Mr. Xiao, you yourself know that you have been wronged. Li Wei's case has nothing to do with you, so what is the atonement."

Xiao Lin looked at Quan Jingting and wiped his face with his handcuffed hands, "Young Master Quan, if you can bring the cases of more than 20 years to light and clear their injustices, everything I have done so far will be worth it. It's time."

   "Ask for psychological comfort?" Quan Jingting looked at him with a cold expression.

   "No, it's atonement."

In this life, Xiao Lin is afraid that the only mistake and the only thing he owes is his close friend, Qing Jianguo. His ignorance at the time led to Qing Jianguo's final suicide in prison, and he also let Qing Jianguo's wife Liu Ye take his daughter to commit suicide. Burning, this is the nightmare of his life.

   Later, he still thinks that if he had ignored Qing Jianguo's request for help in order to protect himself, maybe Qing Jianguo would not have died, and the Qing family would not have died.

   After so many years, he still has debts and guilt.

   "You and the Qing family are related by marriage. Although in the end, you and Jianguo's daughter have no fate, but I hope that for this sake, and for the friendship between the old man and Qingfeng, Jianguo can wash away the grievances he bears."

   "Don't worry, I will do it." Quan Jingting opened his mouth as a promise to him.

Xiao Lin's heart was relieved, and he continued, "What Su Pingbang and Qing Jianye have been looking for is the interest collusion between them and the officials of the Imperial Capital that I have collected over the years, as well as the Mingxiang Tea Garden under the name of Qing Jianye. The surveillance equipment is installed inside to spy on the privacy of some executives to threaten the evidence that they can work for them, and I hope I can help you.”

   It is impossible to overthrow Qing Jianye. He doesn't have that ability. The forces behind the Qing family are intricate. The dark industry chain for so many years has spread all over the world. He doesn't have that much ability.

   But Quan Jingting is different, Quan Jingting has this ability.

   But Quan Jingting and Qing Jianye's daughter, that relationship made him afraid all the time, so he has been hesitating since the beginning, should he give Quan Jingting the evidence of Qing Jianye's crime.

   He was afraid that after Quan Jingting got the information on the Qing Jianguo case in his hand, he would find an excuse to let Qing Jianye go and cover up what Qing Jianye and Su Pingbang did.

  Qingyu, after all, is the daughter of Qing Jianye.

The man opposite    chuckled softly, as if mocking what he was thinking, "Don't worry, I won't give up on what I should do, but Mr. Xiao, you really don't need me to pull you?"

   Just because of an unwarranted case, I am afraid it is really wronged.

   Xiao Lin shook his head, "I hope you can live up to your trust, I have only one wish left in my life."

   "In this case, I'll go first, and I will guarantee the safety of your wife and daughter." The man got up, his black trench coat swayed slightly, and opened the office door.

   Xiao Lin bowed behind the two of them, full of sincerity, but with relief.

Rong Ye was sitting behind Quan Jingting's car seat. He originally drove the car by himself, but because he was curious about some things, he chased after him and got into Quan Jingting's car, thinking that he had to ask some things. clearly.

  Lin Feng and Hei Ya took soldiers to guard around the military vehicle to protect Quan Jingting's safety.

"You said, this Xiao Lin will give you the case information at the moment, why not let you reach out and help him. If you want to add a crime, there is no need to take the blame." Rong Ye looked at the car while driving. the man asked.

The man tapped his fingertips on the steering wheel, looking at the line ahead thoughtfully, "Xiao Lin has been an upright and upright person in his life, this is from the fact that he has been in charge of the Imperial Police Department for so many years, but he has never been fair. It can be seen that he was seeking personal gain, or formed a party with other officials for personal gain, and he was reluctant to give me things at first, because the documents in his hand also included Qing Jianye."

   "Oh, because you are afraid that you will have no conscience for Hongyan, and cover up all the guilt for Qing Jianye, right?" Rongye responded seriously.

After all, Qing Yu was Qing Jianye's daughter. According to Quan Jingting's favor, maybe he would destroy all Qing Jianye materials for Qing Yu's sake, but Xiao Lin knew very well that the entire In Dijing, I am afraid that Quan Jingting is the only one who has the ability to thoroughly investigate the Qing Jianguo case.

   So this person is in an indefinite entanglement.

  However, Xiao Lin's temperament is very strong, and he can't see those things that collude with each other, so he would rather bear it himself than Quan Jingting pulls him. Maybe he still believes that the law of the imperial capital will give him justice.

"This person really can't be too hard-headed, he still has to learn to turn a corner." Rong Ye sighed, "I say hello to the people below, and pay more attention to Xiao Lin's case, he is also wronged, It's not too difficult to give him his innocence."

   Quan Jingting did not speak any more, and continued to drive the car in his hand.

   Xiao Lin's refusal to let them help is not just because of his stubborn temper. He wants to atone for his sins.

   In order to prevent the night from dreaming too much, Lin Feng and Heiya went to Xiao's house to pick up Zhao Jiao, Xiao Lin kept all these things for Zhao Jiao, obviously from the beginning he had made plans for himself if something happened.

   It has been like this for so many years. If it wasn't for a clean girl, these things would have been delivered to Quan Jingting's table on the first day Xiao Lin was arrested.

  The ups and downs of the officialdom for so many years, they actually see it very thoroughly.

Quan Jingting handed over the matter of going to get the information to Rong Ye. He didn't know where he was going by driving, but Rong Ye hurried to Zhao Jiao's side. This matter could be big or small. Pay attention to.

When Zhao Jiao saw Rong Ye, her face was very haggard. At the beginning, Xiao Lin told him that if something happened to him, he would send all these documents to Quan Jingting. She was not willing to accept it at that time, but it was safe protection is a must.

"This is all the case materials and files collected by Lao Xiao. This one is from the Qing Jianguo case, and the other box is from Qing Jianye and Su Pingbang over the years, as well as the number of official names involved. It's all inside." Zhao Jiao put the things on the ground.

  Lin Feng and Hei Ya stepped forward and squatted on the ground, opened them one by one and began to check the past.

  Rongye looked at the documents on the ground. He didn't expect that Xiao Lin had never been idle all these years. Such a person should not be in the police station, but should be thrown to the Supervision Office, what a powerful helper.

   Zhao Jiao looked down at Lin Feng and Hei Ya who were sorting out the information, and smiled bitterly. Only Quan Jingting was able to overturn the case in Dijing more than 20 years ago.

  If Xiao Lin just focused on the Qing Jianguo case at first, and didn't touch Qing Jianye and Su Pingbang, maybe by now, such a thing would never happen.

   "Then thank Mrs. Xiao, we won't bother you any more." Rong Ye nodded.

   "Wait." Zhao Jiao stopped the group of people who were about to leave and watched them turn around, "I have something to ask Young Master Rong, please, save Xiao Lin."

She said and bowed straight to Rong Ye, "I know Xiao Lin's temperament will not ask you for help, he believes that the country he loves and the law he loves will give him a clean slate, but, that too Difficult."

   All the disadvantages point to Xiao Lin, this is really too difficult.

   She was already exhausted, but she couldn't help begging for help. Rong Ye was someone by Quan Jingting's side. As long as Quan Jingting was willing to take a hand, Xiao Lin had more hope of getting out.

"Mrs. Xiao, don't worry, we will do everything we need to do. Since you are wronged, we will naturally contribute. In addition, we will ensure the safety of you and your daughter during this time, so I hope you can cooperate with us. "Rongye opened his mouth and said.

   "I thank you for Xiao Lin." Zhao Jiao nodded.

   However, Quan Jingting and Rongye are also people in the army after all. Although they are sometimes arrogant and domineering, they still understand that they should follow procedures, obey the rules, and go beyond their authority. Quan Jingting rarely does things.

So if you want to help Xiao Lin, you have to follow the rules and laws step by step. This is also the best way for Xiao Lin to accept their help with peace of mind. Otherwise, they will be released in the end. Xiao Lin knows that these people use them to help him. If you use the means, I am afraid that such an upright temperament will really be so angry that you can't say it.

   "Mr. Zhao, the court has just received a subpoena. I'm afraid this time, things will be real and difficult." The secretary hurried over and said.

Misfortunes are brought to the east, something happened to Xiao Lin, and naturally she will not live in peace. The company has now been found to have a problem with the book value, and it also involves tax evasion. Once it is determined that there is a problem with the audited finances, Zhao Jiao will not only face the company. Bankruptcy, and more serious jail time.

Often walking by the river, there is no one who does not wet shoes. No matter how rigorous the company is, I am afraid it will inevitably make mistakes. I am afraid that any company is most afraid of large-scale accounting inspections. If there is no problem, it must be found. Come.

   "I see, contact the Legal Department for a meeting later." Zhao Jiao closed her eyes.

"I know."

   The secretary looked at the woman and moved in her heart. After so many years of ups and downs, this time, the strong woman in the business world is really going to fall.

   (end of this chapter)