MTL - Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine-Chapter 3 Pick a great grandson-in-law!

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  Chapter 3 Pick a grandson-in-law you like!

Su Qianrou couldn't buy a platinum bag, but because Ning Lihua couldn't go, she could just carry Ning Lihua's back and put on the little dress specially customized by L's family. She turned around in front of the mirror with a sweet smile. Person: "Mom, do I look good in this way?"

  Ning Lihua sat in front of the vanity mirror, and her well-maintained face was wrinkled today. It was not until she saw her lovely and pure daughter that she showed a knowing smile: "It's beautiful, my daughter looks good in anything."

   Actually, Ning Lihua is quite beautiful. She is in her early 40s and looks like a little girl in her 30s.

   For middle-aged men, women like her are indeed very attractive.

   It's just that his speech and behavior are inexplicably tacky, especially compared with Su Ji's biological mother, he is even less on the stage.

   "I heard that Xiao Song will also be there today?" Ning Lihua said meaningfully: "The movie he directed has already made 50 million at the box office, so he is quite talented."

A blush appeared on Su Qianrou's face, and the girl's thoughts were self-evident, but for a moment, she frowned again in distress: "Mom, brother Song Heng is my sister's ex-boyfriend, I'm getting close to him now... Dad won't be unhappy when he finds out?"

When    mentioned Su Ji, Ning Lihua's teeth itch with anger: "It's all said to be an ex-boyfriend, why is your dad so unhappy? Besides, Xiao Song is so outstanding and has a bright future. Is she worthy of Su Ji?"

Next to   , Su Junye also straightened his suit: "Mom, what's going on with that silly big sister today? Could it be that she took some medicine to become smarter?"

"If you really have that kind of medicine, I'll give you a box first!" Ning Lihua snorted coldly, "She is lucky today, just like her stupid appearance, she will definitely be embarrassed when she goes to Pei's house to perform, you two must record it for Mom! "

  Su Junye sneered: "No problem!"


   In the hot summer, the air is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers.

   A black Maybach runs along the wide boulevard.

  In the co-pilot, Su Ji held his chin diagonally with one hand, looking out the window at the scenery that kept receding.

The original body was originally wearing the most popular bodysuits of the girl group. Although her long legs are white and straight, they are too thin, which makes it even more pitiful to wear. With the heavy makeup of flaming red lips, the shock The force is really big.

   Before going out, Su Ji changed into a light-colored long dress that was generous and decent. Fortunately, the folk customs of Dashang were not too conservative, and she could quite adapt to the clothes of modern people.

   Washed off the heavy makeup, only smeared some lip gloss on her fair little face to brighten her complexion, the mottled sunlight kept beating on the tip of her upturned nose, and the slender and thick eyelashes were occasionally inflamed, and the profile of her face was already beautiful.

   Su Junye in the back row was almost stunned.

   I always feel different, and I can’t tell what the difference is.

  In the past, Su Ji was timid and cowardly, always keeping her head down, and her eyes fluttering and dodging when looking at people, but today's Su Ji is calm and elegant, in a trance, it is like the dust on the pearl has been brushed away, and the light is bright.

   He abducted Su Qianrou: "To tell you the truth, this idiot sister is really beautiful, why can't she become popular?"


   Really pretty?

   Su Qianrou, who was originally proud of the spring breeze, instantly dropped to the bottom: "Mom is right, if there is really a medicine that can make you smarter, I should buy you a box."

   She turned around, and on the other side sat Su Cunyi who was concentrating on reviewing the contract.

  Su Qianrou glanced at him and said cautiously, "Dad, are you still angry with Mom? She was really careless today..."

   "Don't mention her again," Su Cunyi interrupted sharply.

But Su Qianrou didn't stop there, she observed Su Cunyi's micro-expression and saw that he seemed to be loose, she put her arms around him and said coquettishly, "Ah, Dad~ my mother really knows it's wrong, she doesn't want my sister's money. , she just wants to help her sister manage money, my sister is simple, my mother is afraid that she will be deceived."

  Although she is a twin, but Su Qianrou is obviously smarter than Su Junye. Before at home, Su Junye said that her mother was wronged, but she didn't say anything.

  Because she knew that her father was angry at the time, and talking too much backfired. Now that her father has calmed down a bit, she can say something nice to get twice the result with half the effort.

  Su Cunyi snorted, and didn't say whether he believed it or not: "In the future, tell me what you want to buy with your brother, it's not easy for your sister to make some money."

   Who knew that Su Junye was not happy when he heard this: "Dad, you are too partial. Our Su family spent so much money to train her, shouldn't she pay back a little?"

   Before he finished speaking, the co-pilot Su Ji snorted softly: "It seems like it took more money to train you as a scumbag."

   She didn't look back, just looked out the window, nonchalantly.

   so that the three people in the back almost thought they heard it wrong.

   Su Ji in the past never dared to speak in such a tone.

   But she was right. This year, the pair had just finished their college entrance examinations, and Ning Lihua coaxed Su Cunyi to buy a sports car for Su Junye that cost more than 1 million yuan. Su Qianrou also has hundreds of thousands of tuition fees in the class of etiquette for celebrities.

   On the contrary, it is the original body. There is not even a decent dress in the closet. The skirt was picked out by Su Jiqiang.

  Su Junye knew that he was wrong, and his face flushed instantly.

   was about to retort, when the driver suddenly braked suddenly, he didn't sit still and slammed his head against the window.

   "Hush—how can you drive a car..."

  The driver, Uncle Wang, ignored him, smiled and looked in the rearview mirror: "Sir, Pei's house is here."


Most people think that the most expensive land in City A is the prosperous commercial street in the city center, but they don’t know that the quiet area on the west side of the commercial street and south of Dujiang Bridge is the real land and an inch of gold, and you can live in it. Yes, it is by no means as simple as ordinary wealth.

   And Pei's house is located in the position with the best view, surrounded by forests and lakes.

   It is said that this place used to be a grand palace, and it has been renovated several times, but it still maintains the elegant and simple Chinese courtyard style.

   At this moment, the Pei family has become lively. The spacious courtyard is full of luxury cars, and Maybach is instantly inferior in it.

  A dignified old man was receiving congratulations from the guests.

  Today is Pei Qingshen's 79th birthday. As the saying goes, nine is no more than ten, and "nine" is a long time, which means longevity, so Mr. Pei's birthday this year is very grand.

  In his old age, his body is still strong, and he is majestic, and his eyebrows are noble and fierce, but when he heard that the guests of the girl group who were going to perform today have arrived, he suddenly showed a smile.

   He casually ordered a servant: "Call me the third young master!"

  Many people know that the fashionable old man of the Pei family is very fond of chasing stars.

But few people know that he is not chasing stars for anything else, but wants to give himself the third grandson who has outstanding ability and good looks, but has no interest in women, among these energetic little girls. Delightful granddaughter-in-law!


   After a long time to come out, this male protagonist is not simple.

   You can't brush during the day, but you can't hide from the series at night.

   Someday in the future: what? Is this the male protagonist I can see in Pure Penguin? ? ?



   (end of this chapter)