MTL - Master of Fist-v2 Chapter 1172 The core law, the key to unlocking the 4th order

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Chapter 1172 The core law, the key to opening the fourth level

The two sides fight you back and forth, which can be regarded as extremely exciting.

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect Brother Jiang Heng to cultivate the physical body to the second level. This time it's safe." Senior Fuxi smiled, "For this war, the foreign army will come, and I won't need to be alone When the time comes to become a target, Brother Jiang Heng can also rush forward with you to share part of the pressure for you."

Facing the alien army, it needs a person with a strong physical body to resist the pressure.

Fuxi, whose whole body was glowing with dark golden light, sighed and continued: "Brother Jiang Heng's physical supernatural power, combined with the God of War way, the way of strength and the way of destruction, should be the first person below the third level, even if it is in the third level, he can also fight A dozen, especially under the burst of full force, Lu Ya can't hold him down!

Although I have a chance, I am still not as strong as Jiang Heng's brother in terms of physical strength. The vanguard who went to fight hard this time still had to look at brother Jiang Heng. "

"Fuxi, you are a servant. Although you can practice in the physical body, of course you can't compare with others who major in the physical body."

"Haha, Fuxi, you elm lump also knows how to let others stand at the forefront."

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter, Fuxi's personality has always been dull, and he belongs to the type who does things quietly and doesn't talk much.

Fuxi stared at him immediately and said in a bad mood: "It's not that Lu Ya's physical body is not strong enough, and there are not many of you who are physically strong. It's not impossible. Even if I'm half-baked, I can only bite the bullet and reluctantly stand in front .

Now Jiang Heng's physical body is several times stronger than mine, and that is the second turn of the physical supernatural power. The physical body is comparable to ordinary first-level interior treasures. "

"People who can cultivate the physical body to the second level, and have many matching laws of efficacy, are extremely rare existences in the period of the ancient gods. People, why did you enter this place?"

"That's right, this kid has the God of War way, the way of destruction, the way of strength, and the two ways of time and space. It seems that he has the inheritance of the boy God Emperor?"

"For such a character, even if he has not stepped into the third-order level with a law, the strength displayed by the other party is not much different from the third-order power. It is enough to stand on his own in the outside world. There is really no need to come to this extraterritorial dojo. .”

Many people felt that this matter was a bit weird. A person like Jiang Heng can get along wherever he goes, so it is impossible for him to be like them and stray into this place because he was hunted down, right?

How terrifying is the opponent who can let a Tier 3 power be pursued?


Suddenly there was a loud roar, and the aftermath of the vibration caused the earth to tremble and crack. A mountain not far from the Thunder Shrine was trembling violently, and a large amount of gravel splashed and rolled down.

The power of this blow also shocked the seniors watching the battle from a distance. The terrain here is not the tofu **** engineering of the outside world, but is blessed with the power of law, and it is extremely solid.

"So strong!"

Senior Lu Ya stepped back hundreds of meters and looked at Jiang Heng in astonishment.

"Senior blocked it?" Jiang Heng was also surprised.

"What's going on here, did your physical power suddenly increase so much just now?" Senior Lu Ya asked in surprise.

"That's the inner scene and many laws of the God of War way are fused together and instilled in the flesh." Jiang Heng said, "With the addition of the inner scene, the way of the God of War is the main force, and the power will naturally skyrocket. I call this move the God of Heaven!"

Lu Ya was shocked: "Second-level interior scene? You are not only second-level in the Law of God of War, but the interior scene is also a second-level level? And... even if the interior scene is second-order, how can it be integrated into the body? Could it be that your interior scene did not look for a load, but directly Refining and internal body?"

The shaping of the interior scene, in ancient times, many great powers integrated it into some bearing objects

For example, Taoist Wuwei, the master of time and space, integrated the interior scene into the map of the universe and stars.

The same is true for the general, he integrated the interior into the pagoda.

The same is true of the God Emperor.

It can be said that everyone did this in those days.

Without him, it is indeed the safest way. The interior scene is not directly fused with the body, so that even if the body falls, the last hope can be saved by the interior scene.

After all, you can't put everything in one basket, and it can be regarded as precautionary measures.

"What about you, senior?" Jiang Heng was also suspicious, "Just now your saber technique..."

I clearly had the strongest blow, the power of the **** of war, the inner scene and even many magical powers of the law broke out. Although the senior Lu pressed back, the opponent blocked it. On the field, his attack seemed to have fallen into a quagmire, and it was quickly eliminated after sinking in.

"That's a new supernatural power I've figured out, and the combination of laws is quite effective." Senior Lu Ya said with a smile, "My law of lightness and heavyness has reached the third level, allowing them to melt into each other, so it's a bit of a duality of yin and yang. In defense, It is quite effective in dissolving power."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.


Of course he knows those top laws, some of which can be combined with each other, such as time, space...

The two paths of time and space merge into one, and when they intersect, one can become a master of escape and pursuit, and possesses many strange powers.

For example, cooperating with other avenues to achieve the effect of resurrection from the dead is like cooperating with the wave of reincarnation.

And like Lu Ya, after raising the Light and Heavy Dao to an extremely high level, it also has characteristics similar to the God of War Dao, and it is beginning to be compatible with other laws.

At this time, Lu Ya's two ways of severity seem to have begun to evolve towards the two ways of yin and yang.

"Could it be that the two ways of yin and yang evolved from the two ways of light and heavy?

wrong! It shouldn't be like this, Yin and Yang represent two extreme ultimate laws, so they are mysterious and unpredictable.

That is to say, if one masters the two ways of water and fire, the two ways of light and darkness, or the two ways of hardness and softness, when these masters cultivate to a very high level and have a sense of compatibility, then they can also touch the threshold of the two ways of yin and yang. "

This is the metamorphosis of the law, and this metamorphosis is a manifestation of progress.

Just like the God of War Taoism, it also evolved from the relatively basic warfare at the beginning.

So those ordinary avenues are more like branches of some core avenues?

Vaguely, Jiang Heng seemed to have caught something.

"That is to say, the core of the avenues, mastering these core avenues, may be the key to stepping into a higher level. For example, in the old days, maybe they were able to step into this level because the law transformed into the core source law of a certain law. Realm, they themselves represent this authority."

Jiang Heng thought about it.

"The core avenues I know so far include the two ways of yin and yang, the way of the physical body, the way of order, the way of destruction, the way of power, the way of God of War, the two ways of time and space, and the way of life and death."

Jiang Heng thought about it carefully, he hadn't had much contact with many avenues and didn't know much about them, but the avenues he had seen himself, these alone were almost the core avenues.

Among them, power represents various forces in the universe. Once the essence is penetrated, then a force that can control everything in the world at will.

The God of War Dao, once the essence is understood, it can be integrated into various avenues that are good at fighting for your own use.

What he seems to be a road is actually a kind of center.

Secondly, the two ways of time and space represent all kinds of space and time in the world, which exist objectively. Once the essence is understood, the time and space of the world will be used by me.

"However, the second path of time and space is the most difficult. It is almost impossible to penetrate the essence of these two paths and step into the old level."

Jiang Heng shook his head secretly.

If the previous two ways of time and space have already shown their fangs, once they step into the old days and grasp part of their essence, then such an existence almost represents immortality in the true sense.

Even if the strong man kills him at this time point, he can still change time quickly and even reverse time

And it is impossible to kill him, because he can see through the past and the future at a glance, and he will know all the dangers in advance.

There is no secret at all in front of him.

As for the two ways of life and death, Jiang Heng has never seen such great power, but he also understands that this represents life and death in various objective existences in the world.

Once penetrated, the reincarnation of life and death will not be able to control him. It is also a way of immortality, but it is weaker than the old days achieved by the two paths of time and space.

But still scary.

Jiang Heng thought about it carefully, and finally felt that the God of War way and the body way, the power way, the destruction way, were more suitable for him to step into the old days.

"I have the highest degree of fit with the God of War Dao. It seems that the key to stepping into the old days in the future must be on this Dao."

At this time, Lu Ya spoke again.

"That's why I'm relatively stable among all the internal scenes, but my body is too weak. If there are enemies in all directions, I probably won't be able to handle it." Senior Lu Ya looked at Jiang Heng and exclaimed, "However, The ferocity of the attack, you are slightly taller than all of us, powerful, powerful, it looks like you will become one of the main forces in the next big battle!"

Jiang Henglian said: "The interior scene is different from other laws, and it cannot last for too long. I cannot maintain such a high-frequency attack mode for too long."

"So that's how it is..." Senior Lu Ya understood, and immediately shook his head, "It's a pity..."

"However, your strength has greatly exceeded my expectations. It seems that I will make good use of your advantages. As for the next thing you have to do is to wait, it may be a few days, or it may be a few years. The dojo has prepared for us. The alien army is coming." Senior Lu Ya smiled, "At that time, what we have to do is to bear the brunt and maintain the stability of this place for everyone."

Jiang Heng's performance at the Thunder Shrine also made the seven interior-level powers including Senior Fuxi and Taihao very satisfied. Although they all seemed extremely relaxed or even indifferent, they could face the coming huge alien army. .

Inexplicably, in my mind, I thought that every time they appeared, they would make their companions fall. Everyone felt that the pressure was still huge, and the overwhelming feeling was very uncomfortable.

And the impenetrable rhythm of the battle made everyone have to cheer up.

The stronger the newly joined Jiang Heng is, the more at ease they will be!

As time goes by-

A group of internal scene-level powers also secretly began to prepare for war.

In a palace, Jiang Heng, Yan, Zhenwu, and several interior-level powers who were here before were discussing the upcoming war.

"Huh?! Can't use the formation and inscriptions?" Jiang Heng asked in surprise.

"Of course we can't use large formations and inscriptions." Senior Fuxi said calmly, "If you use large formations and inscriptions, then the alien legion will also use large formations and inscriptions. Their number is several times that of ours, so we will only work harder.

This is the lesson left by those fallen people before. If we don't use the large formation and inscriptions, then the alien legion is also the same. "

"Why?" Jiang Heng was puzzled.

We don't need large formations and inscriptions here, nor do alien legions?

"Why is this so?" Jiang Heng was at a loss.

"If you think about yourself as the pioneer of the extraterritorial dojo, you will understand why." Senior Taihao laughed, "The pioneer of the extraterritorial dojo is to hone us and make us stronger. If we use the big Formation and inscriptions, combined attack battle formation, it looks like seven interior-level powers are fighting against one person, but in fact, only one interior-level power is fighting, and the rest are only responsible for supplying laws and energy.

And this goes against the original aspiration of the mighty Daoist outside the territory, so he doesn't want us to rely on external forces such as large formations and inscriptions, but purely rely on ourselves to fight and fight, and enjoy the training given to us by the legion. "

Jiang Heng also understood immediately. He smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I don't know that the great master from the foreign dojo has spent so much time to hone us outsiders. Why does it bother? Could it be that he likes to cultivate juniors? I can't figure it out."

"Well, we are also very confused. It stands to reason that there is such a selfless contribution. Don't all the good things be given to his own descendants? It's fine if he doesn't pass it on to his own people, and trains us outsiders."

"Hey, so what's the purpose of this? Is it just to be idle?"

"Perhaps Hongjun, the only one who left this place, understands why. UU Reading By the way, brother Jiang Heng, and Zhenwu, do you know if senior Hongjun mentioned the situation here outside?"

As Lu Ya spoke, his eyes fell on Jiang Heng and the others.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng could only shake his head: "Senior Hongjun has disappeared since he left this place, and there has been no news of Senior Hongjun from the outside world for a long time."

"What? Missing? It shouldn't be. Could it be that if you leave this place, you won't return directly to this universe, but will be transported to the outer universe?" A group of interior-level powers exclaimed immediately after hearing the words.

"Well! I haven't heard much about Senior Hongjun's deeds since I was born. In fact, my master was active in the third and fourth battles of the gods. In fact, I don't know much about it. According to his old man, he didn't see it either. Passing Senior Hongjun, it seems that Senior Hongjun disappeared in this universe during the first and second battle of the gods." Jiang Heng said honestly.

This is also his current confusion point. Since senior Hongjun can leave this place, at least he is a fourth-order existence close to the old level. Could it be that he has really been transferred to the outer domain?

"Well! Brother Jiang Heng's words are true. Before I came in, Senior Hongjun disappeared. After he passed the position of the leader of the Council of the Elders to Haotian, he probably entered this place. I heard that he went back once later. Just millions of years before the outbreak of the Second War of the Titans.

At that time, I was under the command of the God Emperor, and I was worried whether Hongjun, the number one powerhouse, would help the Council of the Ancients win the battle of the gods at that time.

Facts have proved that Hongjun has never appeared from the beginning to the end. "

Zhenwu also said calmly at this time, he came in later than Yan and the others, knowing the situation back then was clearer. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page