MTL - Master of Fist-v2 Chapter 1090 the beginning of the war

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Being able to follow Jiang Heng to the legion's garrison for reuse is a great opportunity for Blood War Hou.

He has climbed to the current status, which is actually the ultimate performance of his realm. He is not from a famous family, but now he has mixed up to the point of military merit, which is already something that many people from a famous family can only hold a candle to. The presence.

But this is a kind of torture for the **** warrior who advocates fighting on the battlefield, because after he became a marquis, he played more of the role of the younger generation in the central imperial capital, and he didn't have much real power.

Rather than following Jiang Heng like this, it seems to him the best choice.

In the follow-up, there were still successive dignitaries who wanted to stuff their children into Jiang Heng's army, and Jiang Heng almost never refused anyone who came, as long as the benefits were large, anyone could be stuffed in.

It's just that if this group of people think that following him is to gain military exploits, then Jiang Heng can only disappoint them.

After all, why not do it if you can have more cannon fodder? Of course, if there are some enterprising people among these people, Jiang Heng will not deliberately suppress them.

Jiang Heng was delayed for another half a year in the central imperial capital before slowly returning to the legion's garrison.

As Jiang Heng left the central imperial capital and returned to the army garrison, everything seemed to be calm again. Apart from preparing the military affairs, Jiang Heng was practicing.

Time flies, and soon nearly 100,000 years have passed, and within these 100,000 years, the entire legion has gradually expanded to the level of 500,000 people.

This is definitely comparable to a prince-level warlord in the empire, but the outside world doesn't care much about it and doesn't feel much panic.

Following the almost militaristic decision of the Great Zhou Emperor Yitong, the entire empire is expanding its army, and each of the four kings has gradually expanded to 500,000 or even 800,000.

If you count some demigod-level reserve troops, I am afraid that their per capita military strength will exceed one million. Although the central imperial capital has only expanded to 100,000 people in the central army, but counting the number of demigod-level standing army and the forbidden army demigod Level, I'm afraid it's not less than a million.

And this is not counting the dignitaries in the imperial capital. It is estimated that once the war breaks out, the central imperial capital can gather around two million demigod-level powerful troops in a short period of time.

Such an exaggerated military expansion speed of the Great Zhou Empire regardless of cost is definitely something that has never happened in the past hundreds of millions of years. You must know that the last time there was such a militaristic behavior was during the Old Great Weekend, when the God of War set off a rebel army.

At that time, the situation was special, almost all demigods were on the battlefield, so the number of soldiers at that time was slightly exaggerated.

But that's also the reason why all the powerful people in the universe have been gathered. At present, the Great Zhou Empire still has a lot of war potential that has not fully exploded, and there are still many casual cultivators sticking to their own one-acre three-point land.


"How is everyone doing in actual combat recently? How about the casualties?"

Nearly fifty light-years away from the legion's garrison, a huge space fortress has been built here, and a long space defense line extends around the fortress. This is the fifth outermost line of defense newly built in the last ten thousand years.

Standing in the command room of the fortress at this time, Jiang Heng could see the scene of dense and continuous fighting through the vision of the monitoring station in the distance, all of which were divided into battle groups of different sizes.

On one side are legionnaires uniformly dressed in crimson red suits, low-ranking third-tier demigods, and on the other side are a group of hideous and distorted monsters. These monsters look like those vassals of the Outer Gods, with distorted and different appearances.

"Master Legion, the first batch of soldiers sent to the front line are the first batch of soldiers of the Legion. Nearly 100,000 people have been fighting with these **** for ten thousand years, and they already have the nine transformations of the Shenxiao Nine Transformation Formation and the Hundred Thousand Formation Formation. You must understand that if necessary, they can display the power of ten breaths and nine transformations in a short period of time.

But right now, the six transformations are used to deal with the enemy. Tens of millions of enemies will be killed in ten thousand years, and nearly one hundred thousand high-level foreign enemies will be killed. No one on our side fell, and occasionally someone was injured, but he was healed soon after retreating. "

Ling Hai made the report very neatly. He has been the most diligent deputy of the legion these years.

It's just that he doesn't have much military exploits after all, and he doesn't have enough titles, so he can only work for Jiang Heng with the false title of temporarily leading the deputy army.

Jiang Heng just felt wronged by the other party, but Ba Yuehou is a pure useless person. His political fighting skills may be a little bit, but his ability to lead people to fight is really not that good. Hexue Zhanhou has the ability to lead soldiers to fight, but Will not manage.

Jiang Heng tried to let these two people manage a team of 100,000 people respectively. In the end, these two people were completely hands-off shopkeepers, and all the work was left to the deputy.

As for these two people, one is thinking about contacting friends in the DPRK and China all day long to work back, and the other is obsessed with cultivation all day long, which is completely unreliable.

It's better to fight **** battles, at least he can fight, and he can fight really well.

Once Jiang Heng asked him to lead an army of 10,000 people to fight against these foreign tribes. The result was crushing on the one hand.

"Recently, these old soldiers temporarily let them rest for a while, and let the newcomers go up to practice and practice. Although the foreign races are constantly invading, they have not yet reached the point of full-scale invasion. We must train as much as possible while the true gods are not finished. The army of war."

Jiang Heng pondered for a moment and ordered.

"Yes! Back to the army commander, I plan to let the newcomers rotate in the next rotation. Now most of our army's overall cultivation is at the middle level. And almost all of the 100,000 old soldiers have stepped into the high-level realm, but except for the old In addition to pawns, the actual combat level of newcomers is really not enough, it is time to let them practice and practice."

Ling Hai also agrees with Jiang Heng's determination. If you don't train your troops now, you won't have to train at all later.

After all, when a true god-level powerhouse made a move, the sky would collapse, and tens of thousands of people would be gone in an instant.

After ordering these, the legion once again fell into day-to-day war.

But it's strange that the outside world doesn't seem to know much about this place, because every time Jiang Heng only reported the number of enemies killed, and the DPRK and China paid attention to this at the beginning, but after seeing the list of casualties, it should be considered a joke.

As time passed, the war became more and more urgent for existences like Jiang Heng. But he is still practicing as if nothing else matters, a strong sense of urgency is urging him.

Fortunately, all relatives in the family have stepped into the demigod level, Lin Yanwei is the most difficult, her martial arts talent is actually not weak at the upper level.

But it is only limited to the domain master level, but because of the wearing down of martial arts will, it is almost hopeless for her to break through the demigod level, but in recent years, under the influence of Jiang Heng and Xiao Ke, she has gradually picked up the heart of martial arts. And after tens of thousands of years of experience on the front line of the legion, he can finally step into the demigod level.

In other words,,,..version. 】

As for the two sons, needless to say, their aptitudes are all acceptable. Jiang Heng doesn’t expect them to be able to break through to the true gods, but the demigods passed by with ease. Now they are also practicing in the army, and they have reached the second and third ranks of demigods respectively. level.

The only one who is more worried is the girl Jiang Yanwei. Fortunately, she has a strong desire to pursue the mechanical avenue. According to her words, how can she pursue a higher level of mechanical avenue if she doesn't have a long lifespan?

Jiang Heng doesn't care about this, anyway, as long as his children and relatives can accompany him for a longer time, he will be very satisfied. The only regret is that the parents have already died early, and most of the former collaterals and even some grandchildren have also exhausted their lifespan.

After all, there are very few people who can become demigods. Jiang Heng’s closest friends are the only ones who have become demigods in the Jiang family. few.

Another 50,000 years passed in a flash, and during these 50,000 years, Jiang Heng felt that his cultivation had reached a critical point, and he was about to step into the ninth level.

The reason why it is the ninth level is that he broke through the seventh level before and broke through the eighth level one after another. It is a kind of accumulation. According to Jiang Heng's calculation and Wuwei Taoist's statement, he could break through as early as 50,000 years ago, but he has been suppressed. To further polish.

Not only to polish one's own physical martial arts will, but also one's own divine realm!

Jiang Heng always felt that he still lacked something in the Xing Tianzhu war, it was a real **** battle!



At this moment, a series of harsh sirens broke the peaceful army garrison.

In an instant, it doesn't matter whether it is a mortal serving in the legion, a domain master, a demigod, or a general or even the head of the legion.

Everyone heard the piercing voice.

This sound resounded throughout the entire legion's garrison, and also within the long defense line of the sprawling legion, which represented that the real war had begun!

The central imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, inside the main hall.

At this time, the Emperor of the Great Zhou and the officials in the palace also received the latest warning from the front line at the same time, because this warning meant the start of a full-scale war, and a huge hole appeared in the boundary barriers, and everyone's expressions changed in an instant.

"Is it finally coming?" The Great Zhou Emperor also said silently in his heart.

"Huh?" The Great Zhou Emperor raised his head and frowned, looking straight up, as if seeing the stars of the universe through the sky.

"Luck is like a rainbow, but the red smoke is shrouded, this is a sign of the imminent catastrophe!" The Great Zhou Emperor whispered to himself.

At this time, an incomparably grand voice, like the voice of the Nine Heavens, descended on every corner of the Great Zhou Empire.

"The great catastrophe is approaching, and the outer gods invade, but the outer gods and savages, if they want to invade, they will definitely lose their souls, without exception! From today on, we will fight against the Great Zhou Empire!" The voice of the Great Zhou Emperor, full of domineering and invincible, seemed to be aloof. The God of God, overbearing and peerless momentum.

With the sound of Da Zhou resounding throughout the empire. His words have the natural domineering aura of an emperor, which makes people feel at ease and calm instinctively.

"Is this the voice of His Majesty the Great Zhou Empire?"

"Is it the voice of us, the Lord of the Great Zhou, the Lord of this vast territory?"

"I heard that His Majesty is the son of the Martial God, and now there are even signs of stepping into the Real God Realm!"

At this moment, countless people only felt their blood boiling. The Great Zhou Emperor had never advertised it so widely in public. For the first time, many people felt that they had truly worshiped God. This is the co-lord of everyone in the empire. If you want to fight, then fight!

"Let's go." The Great Zhou Emperor ordered, "It's time to fight this group of foreign gods."


All the ministers, nobles, and generals of all parties got up and followed the Great Zhou Emperor out of the main hall. Immediately, they all turned into streamers and soared into the sky.

On the Imperial Capital Square, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Central Army Corps, countless dignitaries, and generals of all parties have long been divided into different square formations, waiting quietly. A war of the power of the whole country and even the power of the whole world!

"The Outer Gods have already fought unannounced, and we will give them a head-on blow!" The Emperor of Zhou looked down, his voice was loud, and it was useless to fool these powerful generals, so he said bluntly, "This battle, There can be no peace talks without a draw, either we will knock them out, or we will cease to exist completely, not only us and all our descendants and all clansmen, but even the whole world will be in desperation.

The emperor only asks you, do you dare to fight? "



"Kill them all!"

Immediately, there was a voice like a mountain roaring and a tsunami shouting.


Millions of demigods shouted in unison, each of them possessed powerful thoughts, and when they yelled in unison, it seemed as if the sky was collapsing for a moment, and the sound waves that swept through more than half of the Zhou Empire made every demigod fall into a trap. Incomparably frenzied. Who said that the long-shouyuan demigods have already settled their minds and cannot lift their minds? And that's just not enough conditions to make them boil and fanatical.

I saw the Emperor Zhou flipped his wrist, and a small and exquisite ark appeared in his The ark was not big but was thrown out, and the next moment it rose against the wind, and it turned into a huge ark in the blink of an eye , tens of light-years long, countless light-years wide, and its mast no less than tens of light-years, a surge of divine power swept away.

The full precious light and the terrifying coercion all show that this is a powerful and true artifact!

This is the core of the barracks where the emperor and others are going to conquer this time, everyone please enter quickly!


Hearing this, a dense crowd of demigod-level powerhouses immediately took off, and millions of demigod-level powerhouses flew upwards.

There are densely packed cities and large-scale offensive and defensive equipment on this giant boat. With everyone and a half-god in place, the giant boat is slowly paddling, and soon the surrounding space is rippling, and a space crack appears right in front of it. The terrifying golden boat turned into a stream of light and quickly slipped into the crack and disappeared.

In the golden giant boat.

Millions of demigods are on the deck of the huge boat, surrounded by a colorful light curtain, and they can't see the outside when they travel through space, apparently separated by a large formation.

"This is Fangtian's giant boat. There are cities inside the huge boat, and there are many houses. Everyone can choose their own houses and are not allowed to go out without orders. Anyone who violates the order will be punished!" Huge boat.


Millions of demigods responded in unison.

In the next moment, millions of demigods are all looking for houses on their own, and they behave themselves and dare not go beyond the orders of the Great Zhou Emperor. At this moment, everyone understands that this is a big battle, and they are about to enter the real military control , Anyone who refuses to obey the military order will be executed!

And this is still led by the Great Zhou Emperor himself... Naturally, the military regulations are strict, if the demigods act indiscriminately and keep dispatching orders, then the army may have a big problem, and they are even slapping the Great Zhou Emperor in the face!

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