MTL - Master of Fist-v2 Chapter 1062 Situation in the imperial capital

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Looking at this rather luxurious house, Jiang Heng is quite satisfied. The house is not too big, but it is definitely a place for decent people in the central imperial capital.

Because the house structure here is very interesting to Jiang Heng. There are not only tall buildings but also gardens and pavilions. It belongs to a combination of technology and classics.

Of course, most of the techniques used here are formation inscription technology. Unlike the southern border and other places in the universe, the application of formation inscription technology here is almost on par with scientific and technological means.

All kinds of street lights and energy equipment here are built by the inscription array, which is said to be an improvement and further utilization of the ancient inscription technology.

Of course, in Jiang Heng's view, the core technology of these technologies is very simple, but they are used very cleverly.

For example, through the high walls of the house, you can find that there are giant virtual projection advertisements above the downtown area full of high-rise buildings in the distance. This is not the use of technology in other areas, but the use of projection arrays.

In fact, the atmosphere here is not different from that in the southern border. Although it is the central imperial capital, the people here are not rigid at all.

After Jiang Heng got to know it in the past few days, he knew that the entire Central Emperor was located in a different plane in the central star field of the Great Zhou Empire. mainland.

Generally, there are four entrances and exits in the central imperial capital, east, west, north, south, and there are respectively assigned personnel from the central army to guard them, and the screening of personnel is very strict.

Secondly, the population of the entire central imperial capital has reached trillions. There are various chaebols, companies, associations, and even various civil organizations and some commercial enterprises.

In fact, this population of trillions is quite normal and reasonable. After all, it has been more than 100 million years since the Great Zhou Empire overthrew the old Great Zhou.

After such a long time, the first batch of meritorious service has naturally multiplied to a terrible level, and new nobles will be born every once in a while, and so on, the population of the imperial capital is only in the trillions, which is actually quite small .

It is said that 50 million years ago, the Great Zhou Emperor ordered a part of the population to be relocated, but even so, it still cannot stop the massive growth of the population.

And the huge population, coupled with the fact that the people in the imperial capital are all high-ranking officials and dignitaries, made this place quickly become the most prosperous economic and political center of the entire Great Zhou Empire.

This is what Jiang Heng heard from the steward of this house in the past few days.

This house is equipped with a full set of waiters and stewards. The whole house covers an area of ​​1,000 mu. Naturally, there are many places to take care of. Therefore, there are nearly twenty waiters and one steward.

Jiang Heng didn't think it was necessary. After all, he was a practitioner, and he was not very interested in the size of the house or the service of the waiters.

However, the steward retorted: "My lord, you don't know something. This is a standard equipment for some dignified people in the imperial capital. You are the person who is valued by the chief executive. You will definitely be able to flourish in the future. Therefore, these necessary decency must be maintained." .”

The steward's name is Cui Fa, but he is a bald middle-aged man with a flattering smile all the time and looks like a philistine.

"Decent? Is this how you enjoy yourself in the imperial capital?" Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, the steward shook his head in disapproval and hurriedly explained: "My lord, this is considered relatively low-key. In fact, this is not an enjoyment. You know, my lord, which one can gain a firm foothold here in the imperial capital?" Imperial nobles?

Don't talk about those marquises and princes, just talk about those star masters and earls, each of them is an existence that rules dozens of galaxies and even super galaxy clusters. It is even more likely to govern the economic lifeline and life and death of nearly dozens of super galaxy clusters. Such a little enjoyment is really nothing. "

"Oh? Are there so many? I remember that even the earl doesn't have so many territories under his jurisdiction, right?" Jiang Heng himself had the title of a star lord before, so he knew the imperial title system.

"This... my lord, you are joking. This is the imperial capital, and the nobles in the imperial capital are not comparable to those mud-legged nobles outside. Although the restrictions on the four kings in the central imperial capital have declined somewhat, the central imperial capital still controls It is the most prosperous and the most extensive territory of the empire.

Which of the nobles below does not need to curry favor with the nobles at the feet of the emperor?

Like my lord, you are still a big man whom the chief executive is optimistic about. As long as you let out a little bit of news, you may have countless assets pouring in under your name the next day. "

This manager is obviously a veteran of the imperial capital who knows the way of it.

"You still have the energy to practice like this? Thinking about how to run your own business all day long is not a small disadvantage for understanding martial arts?" Jiang Heng frowned.

But the steward smiled and said: "Sir, you are joking again, who cares about cultivation these days? The nobles in the imperial capital are a group of nobles, and nobles don't have to think about how to improve their strength all day long like those muddy legs. Respond to the squeeze of all forces.

As long as there is a title here, it is considered a waste, and those demigod-level powerhouses need to be respectful to face it. "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng became even more curious about the nobles in the imperial capital, and thought for a while: "Nowadays, the nobles here in the imperial capital don't need to be trained in the army? They also need strength as a guarantee, right? There is no guarantee of military merit. Isn't it afraid that the title will decrease from generation to generation in the future?"

The steward looked at his new master, he was very sure that the man in front of him was definitely not a native of the imperial capital, otherwise why would he ask so many questions that he knew he knew.

"My lord, you don't know. Most of the nobles in this imperial capital have ways to keep their titles. Generally, they can be divided into three types. One is to borrow the resources provided by the lower forces and forcefully pile up a powerful one for the descendants of the next generation. A decent demigod existence.

The second type is that there are no heirs who are gifted and good friends among the heirs of the next generation. In this way, they will borrow some strong individuals from the lower forces to serve in the army with their help. The nobleman then adopts him as an adopted son, so that the status of nobleman can be continued.

Moreover, most of those strong people are willing, because if they have obtained titles through their own hard work, they may at most be awarded nobles from other places, and such nobles do not have much practical benefit. But if they become the adopted sons of some nobles in the imperial capital, they can even inherit the status of nobles in the imperial capital, which can be described as a win-win situation.

The third is to spend a lot of money and resources to buy off the personnel of the investigation department, and keep the title by forging meritorious deeds. However, this method generally requires an additional investment every thousand years, because the personnel of the investigation department are rotated every thousand years, so It costs a lot. But for the nobles of the imperial capital who have made a lot of money and have accumulated hundreds of millions of years, this is just a drizzle. "

Hearing Cui Fa's narration, Jiang Heng felt that these nobles really showed their talents in order to keep their titles.

"Is His Majesty acquiescing to these things?" Jiang Heng asked after thinking about it.

"This... This small one is not good for judgment."

When it comes to the Emperor of the Great Zhou, Cui Fa seems full of humor.

"Don't worry, there are only you and me here, I'm just curious." Jiang Heng signaled the other party to relax.

Seeing that Jiang Heng's expression was not fake, Cui Fa pondered for a moment or lowered his voice: "His Majesty was actually very dissatisfied with these nobles in the imperial capital who were just eating and waiting to die. It is said that 50 million years ago, he wanted to make some changes. , wanting to cut off the titles of most of the nobles, and at the same time inspire other nobles to be self-motivated.

But this matter was only mentioned in the court, and almost all the courtiers protested, and all the nobles and officials disagreed with it. So it was put on hold at this time. "

"Your Majesty's military fortune is prosperous and his strength is the best in the world. Is it possible that these decisions still need to seek other people's opinions?" Jiang Heng felt a little inconceivable.

"Uh, I don't know the specifics of the small ones, but from my own point of view, even if the ministers agree to this matter, it probably won't be easy to handle."


"It's like this. If most of the nobles are cut off, there will not be many dignitaries left on the side of the imperial capital. The territory ruled by the central imperial capital is too vast, without the rule of these nobles. Yu is afraid that there will be a lot of trouble.

Moreover, the central imperial capital has been in peace for so many years, if the subsequent imperial capital wants to promote some new nobles, there will be no candidates.

After all, there are four kings guarding the central imperial capital, so how can there be any meritorious service? "

Cui Fa's words made Jiang Heng quite agree, guessing that this might be inseparable from the truth.

Indeed, since the central imperial capital was attacked by a few true god-level powerhouses from the temples for millions of years, there seems to be no other wars, and there are not many wars in the high-dimensional world.

The prestige of the empire has long been resounding in the high-dimensional world, and no one dares to make trouble in the high-dimensional territory ruled by the empire. This is why it is enough for the imperial capital to support a main battle army like the Central Army.

But in this way, why did the Great Zhou Emperor ask me to form another legion?

Jiang Heng suddenly became a little confused, but now the situation in the court is not very clear, and Jiang Heng can't think of a reason.

After chatting with the steward for a while, Jiang Heng settled down and continued to recuperate.

Now five days have passed here, and Jiang Heng has completed most of the recuperation of his injuries, and the realm of the physical body has also returned to the fifth-order state.

This is mainly because the law of the Tao of Life is playing a powerful role, which also makes Jiang Heng feel more and more beneficial to understand the Tao of Life.

Not only the previous injuries in the space turbulence have been fully recovered, but even what was consumed before has been recovered, and the space and time channels have almost recovered.

It was just when Jiang Heng gradually perfected his state here.

Many dignitaries here in the imperial capital got some wind.

At this time, there is a block full of large houses not far from the imperial palace. The nobles living here are often the most top-notch existences, whether they are marquises or earls, or high-ranking powerhouses and some powerful officials.

At this moment, in a luxurious house covering an area of ​​over ten thousand mu, a group of people had already filled the entire hall, and there were no less than a hundred people in a dense crowd.

Most of these people are rich and noble, extremely fat, with rosy faces, obviously living a comfortable life on weekdays.

Some of them have laws of light behind them, others don't have them at all, and their aura is even more domain master level and high demigod level.

At this time, an old man sitting in the center looked around and saw that almost everyone had arrived, so he stroked his beard and said, "Have you all heard some rumors recently?"

"Ba Yuehou, what you are talking about is that His Majesty wants to form a new main battle army?" A young man with a fair face and a little fat said quickly.

"That's right! This is the matter. Although the authenticity of this matter is still unknown, the news came from the palace. Therefore, I suspect that this matter may have been deliberately spread by His Majesty." Ba Yuehou stroked it with one hand. The armrest of the seat said solemnly.

"Why does Your Majesty suddenly want to form a new main battle army at this time? Now that the world is at peace, if we talk about wars, there are some wars in the territory of the four kings, but this is what their four kings are worried about anyway. Come to our Central Dynasty?"

Someone frowned in confusion.

They were really used to Taiping for too long, and they were used to pushing some troublesome things to the four kings, thinking that if there was a war on the side of the central dynasty, it must be the responsibility of the four kings.

It’s like hundreds of years ago that the main force of the temples raided the central dynasty. Although the incident was resolved by the sudden appearance of the **** of war with great power, in the end, these dignitaries and dignitaries did not impeach the four kings in the court. I think it must be the weak defense of the four kings!

"That's right! I think this news is 80% nonsense. There are four kings sitting in all directions. How can there be anything on our Central Dynasty?"

"That's right, if a war breaks out, the four kings will have to settle the matter. If things are not done well, then I'm going to ask His Majesty to cut down the feudal clan!"

"Extremely extreme! The four kings ruled the Quartet territory for so many The combined territory is far greater than the territory ruled by our central dynasty. Occupying such a vast territory, each prince is even more Sitting on tens of thousands of elites, in my opinion, this is self-respect!"

"That's right! Recently, the Four Kings have been ignoring the orders of our imperial capital more and more. If I don't want to restrain them, I think they will probably cause some trouble."

For a moment, the entire lobby became extremely noisy, and even criticized the four kings.

cough cough!

Seeing this, Ba Yuehou hurriedly coughed a few times to calm everyone down, he rubbed the armrest slightly and thought for a while, "The news that His Majesty wants to form a new main battle army is probably true to me, otherwise it wouldn't be so sudden Spread the word.

As for what it is used for, the biggest effect may be that His Majesty is used to guard against the increasingly restless actions of the four kings. Of course, it may also be the frequent actions of the temples and super-dimensional kingdoms. This is also suspected that a big war is coming.

Of course, we don't need to think about these for the time being. The main reason why the old man summoned you here today is the issue of the leader of the main battle army. "