MTL - Master of Fist-Chapter 27 Intend

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"Martial arts?!"

Jiang Heng opened his eyes instantly, and asked again with some certainty.

"Yes, young master." Xiao Rou replied quickly.

Jiang Heng pondered for a while, Dayan valued culture over martial arts, scholars had a relatively high status in Dayan, but warriors were not too low. Especially with the recent unfavorable years of the Great Yan Dynasty, the constant rebellion in various places, and even the suspicion of instability on the border, the status of the warriors has gradually increased at this time.

"Xiaorou, what month does this martial arts usually start?"

What Jiang Heng is most concerned about is the reward. In fact, he is also full of interest in this martial arts, after knowing the existence of monsters in this world. The idea of ​​being a part-time official became more and more intense. As the saying goes, there are people in the imperial court who are easy to handle. What's more, people who are born in martial arts are all military officers, and military officers have military power!

This is the only thing Jiang Heng is really interested in, and there is a system of martial arts in this world, maybe the imperial court also has a lot of martial arts cheats, so if you become a member of the imperial court, you may not get any benefits.

"Well, young master, it's usually around mid-July." Xiaorou frowned and thought carefully before confirming.


There's plenty of time left!

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, of course this martial arts is a way to seek an official career, but he secretly decided to discuss it with his father later to see what he thinks.

Jiang Heng's thinking has changed now, he used to think that the Jiang family's business as a dart was very good. After knowing that there are many demons and ghosts in this world. Jiang Heng yearns for strength very much, and he is eager to obtain everything that can improve his strength. In his opinion, the official position of the imperial court is nothing more than a help.

If there is a better way, of course he would prefer it!

Jiang Heng believed that his father would ask him to go over and talk about it in detail soon.

As expected, almost a quarter of an hour later, a person came outside the door and talked to Laifu for a while, and Laifu came in directly to report.

"Master, the master asked you to go there."

Jiang Heng nodded without any surprise. It is estimated that the old man of his family is thinking about the future of the Jiang family.

After passing through the long corridor and winding around several small courtyards, I came to the study.

At this time, only Jiang Erhai was looking at the ledger alone. Now that the uncle is dead, all these tedious things at home fall on him.

"Father! You called me?"

"Heng'er, you're here, come and sit!"

Jiang Heng took advantage of the situation and sat opposite Jiang Erhai, wondering what Jiang Erhai would plan.

Jiang Erhai was not in a hurry to say anything, but poured freshly boiled tea for himself and Jiang Heng on his own, and then said in a deep thought, "Heng'er, your recent changes really impress me. !"

"You used to hide your clumsiness too deeply, and your aptitude is far inferior to yours!" Jiang Erhai sighed deeply.

"Where, my son, these achievements are all under the influence of father and the masters in the house." Jiang Heng is now unaware of his old man's plan and hastily prevaricated.

"You don't need to be humble. I can't see through your strength now. Since you have such talent, Heng'er, being a father can't delay you. I originally wanted you to inherit the foundation of our Jiang family, even if you don't end up as an escort. Business can also lead to a lifetime of wealth. But now you have seen it too. The world is becoming more and more uneven..."

Jiang Erhai's face was very helpless, and also a little lonely. He had been working as an **** agency all his life. Unexpectedly, the current world is really difficult.

In just a few months, the Escort had suffered a huge loss. In addition to this shocking change in the mansion, it had already lost nearly a hundred people.

With such a huge loss, the stroking of the beards of the dead brothers directly used up the profits of the past two years. If this continues, the entire family will have to accompany them in a few years.

People at Jiang Erhai's level can't understand why the frequency of sneaky appearances has been so frequent since this year, which has increased several times compared to previous years.

Although I have encountered such weird and evil things in previous years, it is not bad to encounter them once a year.

"Father, what are you going to do next?" Jiang Heng asked.

Jiang Erhai looked at Jiang Heng, took a sip of tea, and thought for a moment before saying, "I originally wanted you to participate in martial arts, but with your martial arts aptitude, even if you don't get the champion in martial arts, you can win the first prize." One official and one half job. When you come out, you will be a military officer with real power, and our Jiang family will also benefit a lot by then."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also nodded secretly, it seems that his cheap father also thought of going with him.


Jiang Erhai paused for a moment, then sighed.

"For the martial arts exam, according to our Dayan's rules, auditions must be held in Fucheng, which is not a problem. But after being selected, you have to go to the state city, and then you have to go to the capital. It's a long journey, and the world is not right now Taiping, I’m afraid it’s not uncommon to encounter sneaky and weird things on the road. If it’s in previous years, of course you don’t need to be careful, but…”

Jiang Erhai shook his head and smiled wryly as he spoke.

Jiang Heng also suddenly realized now, indeed such a small place as Hengjiang County can have strange things happen frequently, not to mention the rest of the entire Great Yan Land, I am afraid that it is not much better than Hengjiang County.

"But this is not a solution. Now the Hengjiang County government is too busy to take care of itself. If such strange things happen again, our Jiangfu will probably..." Jiang Heng frowned and expressed his thoughts.

In fact, Jiang Heng has been worried about this all the time. After all, the Hengjiang County government does not have enough control and does not have enough ability to protect one party. It's not even as strong as the Jiang family's. If this kind of thing happens again, I'm afraid the Jiang family will have to solve it themselves.

Although Jiang Heng still has a little confidence in his own strength now, he doesn't really think that it is enough to deal with all the difficulties right now. Ordinary sneaks are so difficult to deal with, if you really encounter something more powerful than sneaks, it will be a disaster.

Mainly because of the problem of vision, now Jiang Heng is eager to get in touch with the large group of warriors and understand the general real situation of the world, instead of sitting in the corner of Hengjiang County and watching the sky.

"Well, Heng'er, your thinking is not unreasonable. So I discussed with your third uncle for a while. We still have a foundation in Fucheng, and we are thinking about whether to move to Fucheng to settle down. And the Fucheng side Martial arts are naturally more prosperous than our Hengjiang County. Henger, you can also get in touch with higher-level martial arts cheats."

A faint smile appeared on Jiang Erhai's face after he finished speaking, he sipped his tea and said with a light smile, "Besides, I have already inquired about it. It’s more convenient to take refuge in one side or continue to work as an **** agency over there.”

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded slightly. Although the martial arts are good, he also knows his own situation. Maybe it is good to gain a firm foothold in Fucheng first, and then wait and see.