MTL - Marvel’s Disassembler-Chapter 586 Emerge

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Summer night and the red dragonfly sit opposite.

Blocked in front of them is a layer of light blue energy field.

The red dragonfly reached out and gently touched the light blue energy, but did not find that this energy showed the slightest attack power, just... indestructible.

It seems that no matter how much power is exerted on it, it makes no sense.

Xia Zhig smiled softly: "It doesn't take a lot of effort, scientists are terrible, isn't it? Many years ago, Dr. Erskine could make you from an ordinary person to a red dragonfly, and now... this A layer of energy field, it is even thinner than paper, but you can't pass it, you can only be imprisoned by it."

"I have always understood the horror of science."

Hung Hom, John Schmidt took back his hand and looked at the summer night outside: "It just seems that we use it differently."

"In fact, there is no difference." Xia Zhi said: "You use it to conquer the world. I use it to protect the world. In the process, whether it is for protection or aggression, it is always murder. From the perspective of murder, there is no difference between us."

"I thought this might be what I wanted to say." Schmidt frowned. Well, in fact, he didn't have eyebrows: "Don't you feel self-satisfied and do not feel ashamed of yourself?" I can say such things for myself, and I feel... uneasy?"

"No." Summer night smiled: "I protect the world, I am proud, I am proud, why should I be ashamed? And you... to conquer the world, realize your ambition, fill your life with countless lives." Throne, don't you feel ashamed?"

Schmidt in the cell fell silent.

Summer night slowly stood up: "You may have endured a long time of loneliness, then why should you bear more?"

"I thought, you have a question to ask me?" Schmidt looked away from the summer night and silently spoke.

"Yes." Summer night looked back at him: "But suddenly I don't want to ask."

Waving a wave, the summer night gradually went away, the darkness came, and the light blue light curtain was not enough to provide a visible light source.

Schmidt simply closed his eyes: "You will come back, you will come back to me."



After returning to the upper level, the summer night was always silent.

By his side, Natasha looked at his side, but there was not much doubt, but only a faint sorrow in his eyes.

This grief does not belong to Natasha, but is simply infected by summer night.

For the individual, I don’t know what summer night is thinking, but Natasha knows... For her, summer night is always a special existence.

Superhero as a child, the hero of the bedtime story.

When the sinus was first opened, I felt distressed for the encounter of the summer night... I once envied the Carter who had worked with the summer night.

In the end, when I really faced it, the man walked into her life so life.

It's not the same as the legend, but... those stories are always in my heart, even in the past few years, they can't be erased.

Therefore, she knows that the night of summer is thinking of a person, a person who has been away for many years, and even someone who has been forgotten in the long history.

"Do you know? Actually, I can always make the super soldier serum that Steve used."

Summer night suddenly opened.

Natasha did not speak, just waiting quietly.

After waiting for a while, I heard the summer night saying: "Just... some people are afraid of such a future, so sometimes I don't know what to do. Serum can be made, it can be mass-produced, but some exist... no meeting."

After a long breath, the summer night speeded up.

Natasha stood in the same place and did not follow. Sometimes, men also need some independent space.



It is still the roof of the Caspian camp. This time, it is still a summer night.

Although the Winter Bakki has returned, it is said that he was called out by Steve today. This pair of good friends once again got together. Baki naturally won't go to the roof of the Caspian camp to sunbathe.

Sitting there in the summer night, looking up at the sky, what emerged in my mind was the image of a bald uncle.

In fact, for the summer night, the time when I first followed the bald uncle was so easy... Unfortunately, if I could really become an ordinary researcher in my life...

He thought of this, but he smiled again: "In that case, I may have died long ago, and I can't meet Li Xiaomi. But the same, there is no such responsibility."

Gently patted his face: "Super soldiers, not all over the world, things are made by you, you are taken away. Schmidt was caught by me, although it may be late Point, um, seventy years late, but... is it finished? Whether you blame me... probably this is the case."

In response to his only breeze, the mountains are silent.

Xia Zhi’s mouth twitched with a smile and licked his head.

Countless memories of the past have begun to emerge in my Some even think he has forgotten, some want to forget, but they don't forget. Some even dare not think about it...

This way, there have been too many things happening to him.

There are happiness and pain, and there is hatred and nature.

A lot of things, even if you don't say it in your mouth, can you really erase it from your memory?

The light on the bracelet flashed, and the night of the night licked his face. Natasha appeared in front of him: "Hanke Pim's newsletter."

Summer night nodded: "Come on."

After Natasha nodded, she asked carefully: "Are you okay?"

"Nothing." Xia Zhixiao smiled: "It is a good thing."

Natasha was unclear. After the communication was cut off, an audio connection came in: "Haha, you are really busy right now. I dialed the phone before and thought I was wrong."

"Sorry." Summer night stood up from the roof: "I didn't deliberately miss your call, but it was really not safe for these two days. But now, is it necessary to let me fulfill my promise?"

After Hank was silent, he said, "Help me, how about a person?"

“Well? Just just look at it?” Xia Zhi said with a smile: “If there is anything you need, even if you open your mouth.”

"No... just look." Hank said: "Or... it's a peg."