MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 716 9-head snake laboratory

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A roar of helicopters headed towards the stern. A woman came out of the yacht. She looked up and knew that it was a combat helicopter, typical military equipment, equipped with two 20-mm caliber 6-tube Vulcan cannons and two 40-mm machine guns. She smiled and watched the helicopter hovering slowly over the apron of the stern, and then a burly man in a black trench coat with a skull came out of the cabin, then jumped down and floated after a few flips in the air. Landing, clean and neat, extremely chic.

"Punisher, you are finally here." The woman greeted her with a smile on her face. "Like you're waiting for me in person, I'll be here anyway." The punisher said lightly, seeming to want to do something else. "I have asked my two assistants to arrange it, and I believe we will be able to start our plan soon!"

"Very well, I think it's time to show the effect. But I don't think it will be that simple. I don't know who deliberately spread the news and brought the superheroes together. But it became very lively."

"Did you say this on purpose? In fact, you should know that superheroes have been doing things for the self-righteous guys in the United States. Now that this is the point, is it a perfect opportunity for you? Do n’t you need my support? "I have to talk to SHIELD and ask what they think? "

"You still don't believe my sincerity in working with you? The world doesn't know our name yet, but it will soon have to accept it. Do you not want to join me in this great moment?" "Hum, No matter what your purpose is, in short, I cannot have any friendship with an organization built on the ruins of Hydra. I hate being used as a tool. "

Some of the dim aisles in the Hydra base are silent. Many fragments were found during the period, and some were not at all ... no matter how terrible, these were caused by human hearts. As long as ambitions and conspiracies exist, these nightmares and The tragedy will never end.

In fact, the benefits of virus manufacturing are not high. As long as there are centrifugal separator materials, anyone can make biological weapons. What's more, using fast-fused mature virions in their genetic re-pairing process like them is expensive anyway. And like research using nuclear waste, it is very harmful to the human body. No, it's even worse.

It was a huge shelter underground, with funnel-like pillars standing coldly around it. There are many control panels between these pillars, which seem to be able to control the elevator system in each pillar, but Marcus is not interested in these, and he is paying attention to the huge enclosed cabins buried deep in the walls and through the closed Multi-layered virus test tube rack with looming blinds outside the cabin. At the same time, closed tanks similar to B.O.W. and some unknown experimental items were moved in this area like cargo. A large fuel tank is suspended from a large crane on the left side. It seems to have stopped operating due to some changes here. The large fuel tank is suspended in the air, and it feels that it may fall at any time. Directly in front of it is a large semi-opening isolation door. Inside the door seems to be a hall. From this side, you can vaguely see the vaccine incubator in the center of the hall.

How could Marcus not find those superheroes up to now, but he didn't want to do anything. He thought about it for a long time and found that what he was doing was meaningless. Such a Hydra organization has lost its full value and is almost ready to be destroyed.

"I finally understand why superheroes and super criminals want to catch you," Red Skull shrugged. "You are indeed a reason, no less valuable than the top scientists of the original Ambrella company."

"My experiment is almost complete, thank you for your help," Marcus said, raising his hand to press the monitor switch. "They seem to be in trouble, don't you go and see?"

With a "drop", the screen on the upper right turned on, and Marcus saw the figure of the squad, and at the same time a figure of a man in black fighting, and intuitively told her that it must be something else.

"Looks like I have to go." Red Skull looked at Marcus with a complex look, but his body was stiff.

"It's best to bring this." Marcus lowered the handle on the left hand side, so the sample reservoir behind the red skull opened, and a sealed can filled with dark blue liquid popped out of it. "This is you Samples of other viruses you want, as for the advanced parasite sample, you may have to take it from a hidden place, but I can't guarantee that it will be strong. "

"Why do you trust me so much? We are not enemies, how could it possibly help me so much." The Red Skull said to Marcus in disbelief, and seemed to want to know something.

"Because we are the same kind of person, and we used to want to destroy the Umbrella company, but the Umbrella company no longer exists and is of little value." Marcus sighed, his original idea has been It's almost done, and now it seems that there is nothing worth noting. That's the situation now, if you don't deal with it, it will be very troublesome, so he must be killed by other superheroes.

"I'm leaving ~ ~ I'm going to the last battle with Captain America, and that's what I need to do." Red Skull was about to leave when he finished, at least there was nothing worthwhile He paid attention.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, maybe you still have a chance to see the start of a big show." Marcus smiled and felt that the superheroes around him came slowly, he didn't want to say anything, he only Want to fight.

"This is not the United States, nor are we fighting independently ..." Captain America said with a shield and watching Iron Man. Iron Man also talked with him and argued. Only a roar came from the sky. When he looked up, about three or four combat helicopters were flying here. The two looked surprised.

"Great, the captain asked us to lead these guys to a bit more open space in the Hydra organization ..." Iron Man had too little time to think about it, he made a gesture to Captain America and then retreated.

The combat helicopter fired in perfect coordination. After a shuttle 40mm machine gun bullet was fired, the reconstructed zombies were swept down a large area, and the much-followed "hangman" several bullets finally fell slowly.
