MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 805 Paradise Island(

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Chapter 850, Paradise Island (the second is to ask for flowers)

"I don't know why you came, but now it is the best chance for Hades to resurrect. Look at the ┏ ┏ ┏ ┏ ┏ ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 夏 夏 夏 夏 夏. "What else do you have to ask?"

"Do you know what this is?"

With the hand of the Soviet War, a virtual image appeared in the air.

The content of the image is exactly the debris that Diana looked for before.

Eve looked at it seriously and said with uncertainty: "In the ancient times, the queen of Amazon fell in love with Hades. She used to help Hades during the war, so after Hades became the king of hell, Amazon. The Queen is punished forever guarding the gates of Hell. The location of the Gate of Hell is on Paradise Island, in order to ensure that the door will never be opened, the only key is smashed and scattered throughout the world. One of the pieces, the God of Paradise Island In the temple, remind her not to forget the shame. From the question you asked Faust and this picture, it should be the key to open the door to hell."

Eve finished seriously, but found that the Soviet war was in a daze, which made her a bit boring.

"It's really messy."

It seems that I feel the depressed mood of Eve, and the Soviet War faintly said.

"What is chaotic?" Eve asked subconsciously.

The Soviet Union shook his head: "Nothing. I have already asked what I have asked, and I will not bother you to rest."

When the voice fell, the Soviet war had disappeared.

Eve hammered the hammer pillow!

Who is Amazon Queen? Hippolyte. Hippolyte is the mother of Wonder Woman Diana, and Diana's father is also an old acquaintance Zeus! Just now Eve said that Hippolyte fell in love with Hades, and this love triangle is indeed chaotic.

The origins of myths in different worlds are somewhat different. The Soviet war estimated that Zeus also liked Hippolytus, but Hippolytus liked Hades, so Zeus made Hades really in **** and destroyed his rivals.

Knowing that Faust colluded with Hades, and that Paradise Island is the key to the resurrection of Hades, it is no wonder that he will first find Paradise Island. Even if Diana handed over the key to the gates of Hell to Faust, I am afraid that Paradise Island will not be able to end.

The previous separation from Diana simply does not mean that the Soviet War is really ready to let go, otherwise he will not specifically come to Eve to inquire about the situation, knowing that this matter is related to Hades, Diana certainly can not solve, the Soviet war will be prepared Go to Paradise Island.

Speaking of Paradise Island, for men, it does not bear the name of heaven.

No man, all women like Diana, this place of the daughter country, as long as it is a man, there is no desire, the Soviet war is no exception. The only difference is that other men can only yearn for it, but the Soviet War can pay for it.

With the contact with Diana, the location of Paradise Island is not a secret to the Soviet War.

Not long after, the Soviet War has appeared near Paradise Island.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing here, but the Soviet War can feel the magical fluctuations that have been realized around the world. It should be that there is an enchantment to hide the paradise island, so as not to be disturbed by people.

This enchantment is similar to the enchantment of the mixed-race camp. It is less targeted, but the defensive type is stronger, and I don't know how Faust sneaked in.

The Soviet Union stretched out and stepped forward, and the body seemed to be transparent. It easily passed through the enchantment, and did not even cause a slight fluctuation. From the outside, the Soviet War was just a step forward and then disappeared. In fact, the Soviet War has come to the interior of Paradise Island.

The green is beautiful and the scenery is good.

The buildings that are everywhere can be similar to the architectural styles on Mount Olympus. It is a combination of style and style. Along the way, I saw countless statues. It is obvious that these statues are Amazon female warriors who are banned by Faust.

Long sword, shield, spear.

Most of the weapons have been the mainstays. Although they have become statues, they can still see their armor styles and body shapes.

Although not comparable to Diana, but very good!

Not long after the journey, the Soviet War has come to the most central building, the temple!

It is also the political center of Amazon, the temple or the palace.

Before I entered the Soviet War, I heard the sound of fighting in the air. In addition, there was a very strong and gloomy atmosphere coming from inside. This breath is very familiar.

Pluto, Hades!

"It seems that the door to **** has been opened and Hades has been resurrected."

Su war muttered a sentence, not too surprised.

Can kill a Hades, naturally kill another Hades, what can be worried?

Walking into the hall like a walk, the hall is a mess, and a pair of wars have been seen. Not far away, Diana is being surrounded by a group of undeaded forces. In the distance, a man in a black robe is holding a middle-aged woman wearing a crown and saying something, it seems to be venting the depression that has been sealed for many years. Next to the two, there was a piece of clothing on the ground, but no one.

"The Lord of Hell is the Lord of Hell. To resurrect one's benefactors is to kill and kill." At this point, the Soviet War knows what is going on, the owner of the dress is mostly Faust, as for the Faust Where is the German, the answer is obvious.


Hades's reaction was very sensitive. He felt it when he entered the Soviet War, and immediately shouted.

He shouted like this, and Hippolyte and Diana also looked over.

It was okay for Hippoly, she did not know the Soviet War, and she did not leave Paradise Island. Diana is different, first accident, then surprise.

"Don't worry, I will help you."

The Soviet Union smiled at Diana and slowly walked over.

"Hey, no matter who you are, you must die!" Hadis apparently did not put the Soviet war in his eyes, and snorted, commanding the undead army to rush to the Soviet war.

The Soviet war is unreasonable, as if they did not see these undead.

One step, one step toward Diana's direction.

It is strange to say that the undead army that rushed over suddenly stopped when it was about two meters away from the Soviet War. The action was called a simple one. It was called a neat one. It was a surprise! \')

Chapter 806