MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 736 Raging

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Chapter 736 is raging (the third is to ask for flowers)

The hot man's breath made Anna Beth forget all the thoughts in a moment, although she had expected what would happen, but when she really experienced it, she felt what it was like and what it was. Looking at the ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ ▽ 苏 苏 苏 苏 苏

The hand of the Soviet War has already climbed on her body. The feeling of tension made his emotions more and more raging. Annabes couldn't help but scream out, but the voice became inaudible in the gasp.

Unconsciously, the two men were already lying on the sofa, and the clothes of Anna Beth were faded by one piece of the Soviet War. The body full of youthful and sultry body was exposed in front of him.

The hands of the Soviet War are doing their best to show their abilities. For Anna Bess, a child who has never seen anything, just like the sacred deity of God, it is completely irresistible, and there is a strange feeling in that. Under the impact, Anna Beth has been completely unable to think.


Anna Beth suddenly felt as if she was going to be torn, and hugged the Soviet battle.

Feeling that the warm blood flowed out, the Soviet War was extremely arrogant, but it was also somewhat unbearable. Slowly and tenderly eased her pain. When her brow stretched and her body shook slightly, the Soviet War was very happy.

An insatiable battle, Clarly stayed outside for more than an hour before returning. According to his own time, he should be almost the same! However, Clarity ignored a very important issue.

For more than an hour, this is the limit of Claret, but it is not the Soviet War. The Soviet War can converge with her, all of them are intermittent, and finally released.

When she entered, she just saw Anna Beth being hit by a Soviet war like a dead dog. She said that the dead dog was a little unpleasant, but soon... she also became like this.

Originally, Clarity saw that they didn't end and wanted to go, but the Soviet War, which was not satisfied on Annabeth but didn't want to suppress, saw Clarice come in, and she pulled her directly. When the person just arrived, Clarity couldn't help but find that the clothes on her body had been removed.

She can see the instigation in the eyes of the Soviet Union, inexplicable... She has some heart.

This man, this powerful man, can't satisfy himself clearly, but he feels distressed and suppresses himself. As a woman, shouldn't he let him do his best?

Originally with Anna Beth, Clarice was somewhat resistant. On the other hand, Anna Bess was different from Julia.

They are just magicians, and Anna Beth is a half god! It is also a small inferiority in Clarly's heart. Just like when Julia is with her, Clarity can feel the difference in identity, the feeling of inferiority.

But when she saw the heat in the eyes of the Soviet War, she suddenly did not care.

People or God, there may be differences in identity in the eyes of others, but in the Soviet War, no matter what you are, everyone is the same, even... God may not be as good as people, how is identity determined? The battle of the Soviets depends on this man!

Clarity, who figured it out, quickly showed the temperament of the little goblin, and after many ecstas, finally unknowingly fell asleep with Anna Beth.

Looking at the two women who were sleeping, Su Shi was satisfied with two.

Although these days are happy with Claret, they are always depressed. This is interesting to Anna Beth, she took the initiative to stay, and Clarly just came in, just to satisfy myself.

Get dressed and walk out of the palace slowly.

Looking at the scene of **** outside, the Soviet War felt that someone appeared behind him.

Without turning his head, the Soviet War also knows who it is.

In the palace of Pluto, except for him and Clarity, there is only Beth Fanny.

"How about my comparison with Hades?" Su war suddenly asked with a smile.

Silence for a long time behind him, Beth Fanny said slowly: "Is this supposed to be asked when I am as soft as you are under them?"

Su war smiled: "Don't test me, even if you are a god, I am not interested in you."

"Why? Because I am a woman of Hades?" Beth Fanny asked.

The Soviet War slowly said: "For women, sometimes I am very picky and sometimes I don't want to come. Beautiful and beautiful, I stay with my eyes, not beautiful but special, I will stay with me." Your own collection."

"You have this strength!" Beth Fanny said slowly.

Su war smiled: "But there is a prerequisite, I think I don't say you know."

Beth Fanny said with a wry smile: "I suddenly felt that if the person who robbed me was you instead of Hades, perhaps the underworld is not a prison for me. Even if it is... I am a prison that I am willing to be imprisoned. ”

Seeing that the Soviet War was indifferent, Beth Fanny smiled: "The two of them can't satisfy you. Most people can't satisfy you. The most likely... It should be God. But now I am afraid no one wants to be close to you. After all... you killed Hades, occupied the underworld, and took the thunder of Zeus. Obviously, you can't switch to Zeus, you don't worry about Zeus starting a war?"

"He has already lost, otherwise the person who talks to me should be him, not you." The Soviet war said faintly.

Beth Fanny thought for a moment and said: "In fact, the so-called gods are a group of selfish people who care for themselves. As long as they don't threaten themselves, they will not risk you as an enemy. If you don't go to Zeus. Trouble, even if you kill all the gods, he may be indifferent."

"Do you know what I want to do?" Su war suddenly turned and asked.

Beth Fanny shook her head: "I don't know, but I know that what you have to do is enough to make the world discolored."

"Smart woman!"

Su war smiled. "I want to kill all the gods of the men. All the goddesses of the gods lean over and worship at my feet. It is a very interesting thing to let the goddess of the high gods fall down under their feet." ')

Chapter 737