MTL - Marvel Super Extraction-v4 Chapter 334 Strength horror

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"That time was the worst time for my family's loss. The number of people born at that time was only half of what it is now. It can be described as terrible. Look. Wool, Chinese." Hearing here, Jiangyuan can obviously feel the grief of the old man. meaning. Jiang Yuan then said to the old man: "Listening to the jade keel you are talking about is not a holy treasure, but a source of disaster?"

After the patriarch nodded, he said: "The jade keel was buried under the root of the giant tree only after it was lyrical."

Jiang Yuan heard this, although he still wants to get the jade keel, but this thing feeds the source of the disaster, even if it is taken whether he has a name or not, of course, this is only the side of the patriarch, Jiang Yuan is thinking If you can see the other side, maybe you can see something.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan said to the patriarch "3, 5, 7": "Is it possible for me to look at the emerald keel, rest assured, I will not take it away, even if I take it away, I have to get your consent."

Hearing here, the patriarch’s heart is horrible in Jiangyuan’s heart. Since people are not malicious to this place, there is nothing wrong with looking at that evil.

Then the patriarch looked at Jiang Yuan and sighed: "That's okay, but remember, don't touch it." After Jiang Yuan heard the nod, the patriarch said to Ashamu: "Well, what to say." Say, help me get up." Hearing here, Ashamu lifted up the patriarch.

Look at the patriarch to leave. Jiang Yuan got up and looked at the back of the patriarch and asked: "I don't know when to go?"

The patriarch and Ashamu had already reached the Muzha at this time. When they heard Jiang Yuan ask, the patriarch did not turn back and said, "Go tomorrow morning."

Jiang Yuan’s heart is slightly agitated. After all, the jade keel that Long Jiu Su wants to get will be visible tomorrow. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网 But whether it is as sacred as the patriarch said, it has yet to be verified.

When I thought of this, Jiang Yuan’s heart shouted and screamed, and then walked to the village to stroll up. After Jiangyuan came out, many villagers saw Jiangyuan as a look of fear. This made Jiang Yuan somewhat confused, but he thought it would be relieved. After all, he does not need to involve too much with the people here.

In the eyes of Jiang Yuan, the giant tree has the qualification to make it interested. Seeing here, Jiangyuan immediately came to the root of the giant tree.

When I came here, Jiang Yuan also recalled the patriarch's previous affair about the jade keel. "This is probably the place where the emerald keel was buried."

Although Jiangyuan wants to dig it out, the jade keel is a thing of this tribe after all, and Jiangyuan is not so greedy.

At this moment, Ashamu’s voice appeared behind his body: “What are you doing here?” Jiang Yuan stunned and turned to look at Ashamu and said: “You think I am coming. What is going on here?"

"I think you are here to see where the emerald keel is from time to time. What do you see?" Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "I didn't probe. Of course I don't know if I have it. I think you If you have doubts about me at this time, you might as well be optimistic about your tribe."

Ashamu's expression was a bit cold, but then he thought that Jiangyuan was pregnant with horror. If he really wanted to take away the jade keel, would he still use it? Then after watching the eye, Ashamu left here.

And everyone who looked around the two thought that the two would make a big fight, but in the end, they still have nothing to close.

Turning around, Jiang Yuan looked at the top of the giant tree. Perhaps it is too high, the above part has been shrouded in the cloud. Make the above mysterious a little.

“Want to go up?” Jiang Yuan, who had long heard of the patriarch, was not surprised to hear this voice. Then Jiang Yuan smiled and said: “It’s really curious!”

The patriarch slowly came to the side of Jiangyuan with a wooden stick, and then he looked at the moody face of Jiangyuan, and he sighed: "I didn't expect that there was such a city in the young age, but the old man I saw before. Jiang Yuan said indifferently: "I don't want to be here outside, so the world is full of the danger of location. You only have to become stronger and better to protect yourself and the people around you."

The old man stunned and laughed. "Can you tell me about the world outside?" Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I am afraid that you will be disappointed with the outside world."

The old man shook his head and said: "You don't know how much people here want to go outside the world, but unfortunately this screen is a barrier, we will never be able to get out...."

Jiang Yuan suddenly discovered that these people could be pitiful. Then he said: "The outside world has no trust between people at all. It can last for a long time. It is not blood flowing down and corpses all over the body. Common things are sensational."

I saw that Jiangyuan talked so much, but it was all negative news. The old man said unbelievablely: "Is there a little bit of goodness?"

Jiang Yuan sneered; "Beauty? It's all powerful people." For the weak, there is no such thing as a good word. So I told you that life here is stronger than outside. At least not every day to worry about life. ”

I saw the old man being silent. Jiang Yuan turned his head and smiled. "This giant tree is a special screening. I will go and see. You should go back first." After Jiang Yuan, he rushed up.

Although I know the strength of Jiangyuan’s horror, I saw that Jiangyuan’s eyes went up to a few tens of meters, which made him feel terrified.

"Is this really the world outside?" Under the sigh of relief, the old man also sighed and turned and left.

With the rise, Jiangyuan did not take long to come to the cloud. At the beginning of the tree roots, there are still many people here. Perhaps this is covered by the clouds, so these people do not know that it is dangerous. When 0.9 is long, no one is here.

Seeing this, Jiangyuan then fell into the cloud.

And not far from the cloud, some people saw Jiangyuan enter the cloud. Surprised is also called a lot of people to watch.

"Do you think he can be dangerous if he goes in and out?"

"Are you stupid? If he is dangerous, can we still go in? Now look here."

"That's right, look at it now, if you can still come out with shares, it means there is no danger."

Just when these people are talking about the Jiangyuan’s entry into the cloud, Jiangyuan has already penetrated into the cloud.

The sun is not seen all day long. .