MTL - Marvel Super Extraction-v4 Chapter 296 Identity

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Hearing this, Jiang Yuan’s mind is almost clear. Finally, he said with a sigh of relief: "Do you know the identity of this child?" Liji sneaked, then looked at Jiang Yuan and asked: "What identity?"

"Devil!" With the two words that Jiangyuan blurted out, Liji was in the same place. When the reaction came, Xiaoxiao took the food and walked up.

Put the food on the table, and then look at the two people laughing: "Please use it slowly!" After the small cockroach, it was pushed down.

Seeing this, Li Ji quickly looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "You mean this child is a demon person?" Jiang Yuan shrugged, saying that you don't believe me, there is no way.

Li Ji lowered her face with a sullen face and didn't know what she was thinking about, but from her expression, Jiang Yuan was able to guess that this life was not the Mozu people.

After understanding all this, the mustards in Jiang Yuan’s heart have disappeared a lot. After all, if it is not a person of the Mozu, Jiang Yuan also does not have to guard him for such a day.

"I didn't expect it to be a demon person. It's really clever~~~" Jiang Yuan saw that Li Ji's face was ugly. He was afraid that she couldn't think of it for a while. Jiang Yuan then smiled and said: "I said, Now that this child is a Mozu, but don't worry, I still have some of the child's character. After all, such a small child does not have much of the demon of the Mozu. It is just a little temper."

I saw that Jiang Yuan said it was very easy. Li Ji looked at Jiang Yuan and frowned and asked: "Do you know why the Mozu was jointly sealed by other ethnic groups in the land of Kowloon?"

After being asked, Jiang Yuan stunned, and then the expression was weird: "I said, hey! You can see if I can know this age? Knowing it, you know. Look. Wool, Chinese."

Li Ji gave him a blank look and then said: "Thousands of years, or thousands of years ago, the Mozu did not have anything to be considered dangerous by other races. But somehow, in a tribal ratio, the devil The horror that the family suddenly showed was forced to pay attention to it."

Jiang Yuan listened and listened, and suddenly felt that the amount of information inside was a bit huge.

Then I ignored the hot meals on the table. Continue to listen to what Li Ji said.

"After a period of attention, our Terran and Orc found that the Mozu actually secretly took the people of my two families as food, and some of the people caught there are still very talented or bloody. They said that these people are the best materials to improve their strength. Knowing these, the two families are angry, but they can't think of ways to eliminate the Mozu. For a while, the two communities are also early calm, and there is no What action to take."

After that, Li Ji sullenly clenched his fist and said: "And that time, when I took people to rescue those who had not been eaten as ingredients, the accident happened."

Jiang Yuan frowned and asked Liqian: "Is that accident that made you look like this now?" Liji nodded undecidedly and then said: "I was an elder in the Emperor. The reason why I went to rescue those people was to get the order of the lord. What I didn't think was that we are not rescue teams, but abandoners who are considered victims!"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan glanced, and then Li Ji sneered: "The seal must be seen before the blood can be started. The victim must also be a few powerful people. After the secret discussion between the two groups, we are so stupid. When I walked in and went to know that the big array of the moon-covered moons started, we understood that it was over, and at night, my body, and all the people of the two ethnic groups were sealed in the land of Kowloon!"

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s heart was also bloody, because the people of the Mozu could be sealed in the land of Kowloon, and naturally the strength would not be weak.

Thinking of this, the war of Jiang Yuan’s heart is also bursting out.

Seeing the thoughts of Jiang Yuan’s heart, Li Ji’s merciless sarcasm: “Now you are not the opponents of those people, but they are standing at the peak of this world, if you really want to reach them. If you are in the realm, then work hard."

Then Jiang Yuan looked at Li Ji and said: "I still have to eat first, and I have wasted enough time." The feeling was much better than Jiang Yuan’s tone. Li Ji curiously asked: "Your tone of this time." How is it so good?” Jiang Yuan said with a smile: “What? Still want me to be like you before?”

Li Ji shook her head quickly, and then Jiang Yuan lowered his head and said, "Hurry to eat, after dinner, there is something to do."

Hearing here, Li Ji oh oh, he lowered his head and began to eat.

Just when the two of them bowed their heads, there were two or three villagers outside Shengping City Gate. At this time, the three were holding a slender Dongxi West wrapped in cloth. Looks like a weapon from the shape.

Just when the three-way walkway gate was directly blocked by the defending city officers and soldiers.

Pointing at the East and West, the three people were squatting, and then asked: "What is the East? West! Open!" The three people heard this, some embarrassed said: "I still can't see it, we are preparing Want to go back to the East West to pay back?" Then the other two also argued for the person who spoke.

347 When the officers and men frowned and wanted to go forward forcibly searching, another officer looked at him and said: "I said that people from three villages can find something to search for. Don't waste time there. I can't come over in a while, check it out for me."

Hearing this, the officers and men snorted a little uncomfortable, then said to the three people: "Hurry up." The three men glared at Dong Xixi and smiled at the officers and men. I quickly approached the city.

"My God, fortunately, I have not been investigated. If I have been investigated, then I have to get it?" After a short-stricken person wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, he said with horror.

Then one of the more robust people said: "Well, there is this East West, I think that the money in our life may be enough. After getting the money later, the hands and feet of the Mali store, if this is too much Money can't be exposed, otherwise it might be provoked to kill! Do you know?"

The other two nodded, and then began to pick up this guy quickly rushed to the place they want to sell: Dragon Club.

Patted the belly, Jiang Yuan looked at Li Ji's mouth full of mouth, still laughing and laughing. The source of Jiang Yuan is so powerful that I couldn’t think of this guy. .