MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 34

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The passing vehicles were forced to stop on the road, and some even failed to brake, resulting in a series of rear-end collisions.

"Hahaha... So this is power, so this is freedom!"

This kind of unscrupulous shot, this kind of pleasure that deviates from morality and ethics, made Andrew's heart violent.

He lived too depressed, and under the bewitched by the killing stone, his mind was twisted to the extreme!

He will release, he will destroy.

He wants absolute-freedom!


In the middle of the bridge, Andrew stepped forward, and the vehicle in front rolled and hit the guardrails on both sides, making a way for him.

It was like a wolf with murderous intent, driving away the screaming sheep on the bridge.

He laughed loudly, smearing his lips with blood-stained fingers, with bright red, like a lunatic from hell, using his mind power to drive the crowd away and sweep away the vehicles.

"Hahaha...Why should I run? It should be them!"

"Brooklyn Bridge, Surprise Superpowers! 》

"The devil is in the world, why choose America? 》

"The Dongguo government expresses its concern and strongly condemns it, and calls for human rights issues in the United States..."

"Dongying Internet is boiling, forming a Kamisama support group..."


What happened on the Brooklyn Bridge, this kind of unbridled image of superpowers, was spread across the Internet at the same time.

Then, it was quickly spread to the whole world.

Military, S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra.

Almost in no particular order, they grasped the latest situation on the scene.

They ordered their men to move forward with all their might towards the Brooklyn Bridge.

A reporter from the "New York Daily" drove a helicopter at a speed far exceeding Hong Kong feet and arrived at the battlefield first.

They stopped high in the sky and focused their cameras on the crowd of fleeing people.

"This is the New York Daily News, I'm your host Ai..."

Impatiently reaching out, Andrew's eyes turned red.

With the dazzling red light of the killing stone, it was like a huge palm grabbing the tail of the helicopter.

With Andrew pulling down.


With a shriek unique to women, the New York Daily News plane tumbled out of the sky into the sea.

stab -

The car made an arc on the bridge, and Coulson and Clint Barton finally reached the battlefield.

They had already received an order from Nick Fury, and they had to take the lead in suppressing what happened here before the military arrived.

As for Andrew, the culprit behind all this, Fury's answer was short and cruel.

"Death or life."

The two didn't say anything nonsense, and they ran forward with a gun in one hand and a bow in the other.

Going backwards with the screaming civilians, it took a while to come to Andrew.

"Andrew, can you stop? We S.H.I.E.L.D. have no malicious intent!"

At a distance of 15 meters from him, Colson raised his hands and stepped forward.

Behind a car on the right rear, Hawkeye Barton raised his bow and quietly reminded him with black lines.

"Colson, what are you doing? Andrew is over there!"

Seeing that it was Coulson, Andrew was obviously stunned, remembering what the other party looked like.

However, why did he face the sea and not speak to himself?


"Yes, that's right."

Andrew, do you remember me? "

Turning around naturally, Coulson found that Andrew's appearance was obviously wrong at this time. Especially the red crystal on his forehead shone really strangely.

The madness on his face suddenly calmed down, Andrew said lightly.

"Colson, I remember you."

We only met in the hospital not long ago.

But it wasn't until the end that I found out that you guys are totally untrustworthy. "

"Andrew, what happened? I think there may be some misunderstanding between us."

Facing the sea on the other side, Coulson spread his palms. He really didn't know what happened. In his opinion, there should be no problem with the previous conversation.

If there is, then it must have happened during the period after he left.

But at that time, the situation was urgent. In order to chase Andrew, he could only hurriedly order Crossbones on the road to investigate.

The other party's investigation results showed that Andrew's temperament changed greatly after they left, and he suddenly killed the guard and fled.

In this regard, Coulson is skeptical.

But now there is no evidence, he can only temporarily believe the statement of his colleagues.

"Andrew, I don't know why you are doing this?"

But trust me, it won't do you any good! "

As he spoke, he tentatively walked forward cautiously. Barton, who was hidden, squinted, always paying attention to Andrew's movements.

As long as conditions permit, he will not let go of any means of attack.

But at the same time, he kept complaining in his heart.

"Colson, stop, don't go, you will fall into the sea if you go further!"

"Haha... Now, I'm still telling these fake lies!"

In the end, you and Yingluo are nothing but raccoon dogs! "

"Andrew, you definitely misunderstood us."

We have no ill will towards you! "

Somehow, Coulson felt a guardrail in front of him, and he considered turning over as he spoke.

"Shut up! I won't trust you guys anymore!"

He waved his right hand at will, like a wind blade on the bridge deck a few meters away, leaving a deep crack.

Coulson was shocked when he saw it, and stopped quickly. Barton at the back seized the opportunity to shoot an arrow, but was blocked by Andrew's psychic shield.

Although the power shield is strong, it still underestimates the power from high technology.

Bart's bow and arrow were not simple. With two drops and a roar, the entire arrow exploded and Andrew's body was blown away.

The smoke that was lifted could not see what was inside, and only a loud laughter could be heard from inside.

"Hum hum... ah ha ha ha!"

"What's wrong? It hit your sore spot, so this is to get rid of me?!"

Putting down the last trace of kindness in his heart, Andrew's body slowly rose to the top of the bridge.

"You guys, all of you want to arrest me, now..."

He decided.

Or use the power of the killing stone regardless of the cost, and use the increased psychic power to pull out all the ropes fixed on the Brooklyn Bridge, causing the entire bridge to collapse.

"I want to turn this bridge into dust!"

Chapter 42 Barton was stunned as he held his bow.

"You can't do that, Andrew!"

Seeing his motives clearly, Coulson raised his gun and fired.

But the direction of the shooting was really wrong. Barton looked at it with a black line and shook his head silently.

I don't know what Andrew was thinking. With a wave of his hand, the bullets bounced back.

Coulson has gone through hundreds of battles, and at the moment when he tactically rolled to avoid bullets, he straightened his waist, raised his gun and fired again.

boom! boom! boom!

Andrew was very cooperative, and for a while, the two of them fought back and forth, so anxious.

In the rear, the eagle-eyed Clint Barton held his bow and stared blankly.

He had never seen such a bizarre fight in his long career as a professional agent.

Coulson raised his gun to shoot, and the angle was 108,000 miles away from the target.

Obviously he couldn't shoot himself, but Andrew manipulated the bullets with unusual cooperation, and bounced back one by one.

The two have come and gone, and they are as tacit and skilled as they are in a fake match.


The military vehicle was finally long overdue.

An Apache gunship quickly took off from the position and approached and fired.

Annoyance flashed in his eyes.

The high-speed missile turned a corner in the air, and hit the gunship with an unbelievable expression on the driver's face.

It's not over yet.

The exploding helicopter, like a huge fireball, was temporarily changed by Andrew and threw back to the military's position.

Then, there was another violent explosion, and the military suffered heavy casualties.


A cable on the bridge broke, and the deck shook violently.

The crowd who hadn't left exclaimed, crying fathers and mothers everywhere.

Some drivers were so frightened that they didn't even dare to ask for a car.

Barton finally waited for the opportunity, he jumped high, straightened his body, and shot an arrow upward.

With the psychic shield on his body, Andrew did not block it safely. It was not until the arrow hit the shield and a net burst out that he realized that the bow and arrow were unusual.

Just as he was about to take off the net, two arrows shot at his shield in no particular order, causing a violent explosion.

The impact of the gunpowder rolled up his body and knocked him down from the sky.


The psychic shield on his body resisted the impact of the explosion for him, but the interaction force from the ground damaged his internal organs.

The psychic shield was completely shattered, and the killing stone quickly poured out more power to infect Andrew's body. His pupils became more and more crimson, and his raised right foot stepped forward.



With a gunshot, Andrew's head exploded like a watermelon.

Like a joke, he died.

The blasted pieces of the killing stone fell into the river under the bridge and disappeared.