MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 237

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But to say that the strongest is naturally Donghai Guangde Wang Aoguang.

But Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, is a kind man.

But since the Dragon King of the Four Seas is unwilling to hand over the artifact of the Four Seas.

Since Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, is a good man, Rhodes also wants to deal with them.

Although the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas feel a little lying on their guns for no reason, they have official positions in the heaven after all.

And Rhodes also used this little incident to beat the Dragon King of the Four Seas, especially to calm down the restless Dragon King of Jinghe.

However, compared with the dragons of the four seas, the strength of the Jinghe dragons is by no means weak.

The strength of the Jinghe Dragon King is naturally negligible.

If Rhodes used any AOE attack casually, the Jinghe Dragon King would not be able to find the north, so there was no need to worry about it.

As for the ability of the second-rate Taoist priest, it would be good if he didn't die, and Rhodes didn't expect that guy to be able to play any role.

With Mingyue's strength, dealing with the two dragon kings is actually not a problem at all.

But Rhodes didn't want to put too much pressure on them, he just wanted to let Yang Chan practice his hands, and Mingyue could also fight against people from the Heavenly Court to warm his hands and overcome the psychological shadow of fear for the Heavenly Court.

Rhodes has already shown mercy with this move. Rhodes' original intention of this move is to deter the Dragon King of the Four Seas and the Heavenly Court. If Rhodes really wants to kill the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Afterwards, Yang Chan and the others would have no chance to make a move.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas have turned into four dragon corpses.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas was blasted out by Rhodes in the sky over the West Sea in such a shameless manner, so he was naturally furious.


Then the West Sea was overturned.

Four five-clawed dragons with different colors and a length of about a hundred feet rushed out of the water one after another.

Each of them used their housekeeping skills to directly blast towards Rhodes and the others.

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, spit out a huge bolt of lightning and struck towards Rhodes.

At the same time, the other three energies, such as storm, flame, and frost, also spewed out from the mouths of the other three dragon kings.

Except for the scorched black dragon scales on Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, the other three dragon kings were even scorched black by the dragon scales hit by Rhodes' ray of light.

There are even broken flesh and blood in some places.

Fortunately, the vitality of the dragons is strong, and the defense of the dragon scales is not too weak. Otherwise, Rhodes alone would have cut off the slender bodies of the dragon kings.

Aoqin, Dragon King of the South China Sea, has the most violent temper. He is also a red dragon with fire attributes. He was so terribly beaten by Rhodes so abruptly, he was so angry that he was about to explode.

"'〃 You dare to come to our West Sea to act wildly, I will definitely not forgive you today, let's see if I don't burn you to ashes."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said.

"Ao (Nuo Qianhao) Qin, don't be careless, that Rhode's strength is unfathomable, we work together, don't act rashly."

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, is respected among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas. Naturally, this status is not comparable to that of the other three Dragon Kings. Although Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea, is a good man, he can still make the other three Dragon Kings obey.

At this time, Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, was also calm.

Said to Ao Qin, Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"Yes, Ao Qin, listen to Ao Guang."

Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, heard that both of them were trying to persuade him, and Rhodes' attack had really hurt him, so Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, had to calm down.

"Okay, I see, let's deal with him together."

Chapter 454: The Dragon King is also a little imaginary

However, when Rhodes saw the attack of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas attacking him, it seemed that the power of electricity, wind, fire, and frost was very powerful.

But in the eyes of Rhodes, it is still quite unsatisfactory.

Rhodes waved out a golden barrier casually, understating the power exerted by the Dragon King of the Four Seas and blocking it three to four feet in front of Rhodes and his party.

But the Dragon King of the Four Seas was still not to be outdone. Seeing that Rhodes used defensive Taoism to resist their joint attack, they transferred the extremely powerful dragon power in their bodies to increase their strength, and they burst out quickly.

These four forces continuously attacked the golden barrier in front of Rhodes.

They believed that Rhodes' power was still limited. If they used their powerful dragon power to carry out continuous attacks, they could defeat Rhodes as long as they smashed Rhodes' golden barrier.

But what they don't know is that with the power of their Dragon King of the Four Seas, even if it lasts a year, even their own 983 power is endless and unlimited.

Rhodes stood here and let them bombard them, and they couldn't shake Rhodes' strength at all.

Although the lifespan of the dragon clan is long, its strength is also extremely powerful.

But with Rhodes' age and the power absorbed from the sun, the four dragons of the Dragon King of the Four Seas are nothing more than a small loach compared to Rhodes.

There is no comparison at all.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas tried his best to attack Rhodes.

But Rhodes still responded lightly.

Although the Dragon King of the Four Seas is close to the West Sea and can extract power from the West Sea, such terrifying power has already been blasted for a long time.

Rhode didn't even have a change in expression or energy fluctuations.

This combat power is not generally strong.

This made the Dragon King of the Four Seas a little dumbfounded, and he didn't know what the situation was at all (afcj).

It's just that they were really tired after fighting this round.

The energy in this body has been consumed by more than half, and this is still in the case of constantly recovering spiritual power, which makes the Dragon King of the Four Seas very helpless.

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, said this time.

"What the **** is going on? We gathered the strength of the four of us and fought for a long time. Why is there no effect at all?"

"You didn't try your best, did you?"

As soon as these words came out, Ao Qin, Dragon King of the South China Sea, couldn't sit still.

Ao Qin, Dragon King of the South China Sea, cursed angrily.

"Fart, I'm desperately trying to release the flames, but don't you feel it? This Rhodes' power is unfathomable. Under our attack, we didn't achieve half the effect. This is simply killing people gone."

"This side uses all its strength to attack, but it's like a mud cow sinking into the sea, with no effect at all. What do you think about it?"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, said.

"Indeed, this Rhode's power is indeed unfathomable. If we continue to persevere, maybe our strength has been completely exhausted, and this Rhode may not have any movement."

"Hey, let's take a step back. We know that Rhodes is powerful, so why provoke him? Isn't it just looking for trouble?"

"damn it."

At this time, the hands of the dragon kings of the four seas were shaking, apparently a little overwhelmed.

Said Ao Shun, Dragon King of the North Sea.

"Otherwise, we'd better withdraw our skills and find another way."

After the other dragon kings broke out for a while, their weak legs were shaking, and naturally they couldn't hold on one by one.

So they all agreed.

"That's right, let's all withdraw together."

"One, two, three, withdraw!"

Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, gave an order, and all the dragon kings of the four seas withdrew their power back.

But at this time, Jinghe Dragon King couldn't sit still.

The Jinghe Dragon King was the worst before, after being swung by Rhodes like that.

He was beaten for a long distance, and he suffered very serious injuries. Many dragon scales on his body were knocked off, and there were many open wounds.

This made Jinghe Dragon King calm down for a while before he barely recovered.

Seeing the four dragon kings of the four seas attacking at the same time, they couldn't do anything to Rhodes for such a long time.

So the Jinghe Dragon King was eager to save his son. In order to cause harm to Rhodes, the Jinghe Dragon King managed to gather a force and rushed towards Rhodes.

Wanting to take advantage of the opportunity of the Dragon King of the Four Seas to contain Rhodes, sneak attack Rhodes.

It didn't work out, Jinghe Dragon King turned into a beam of light, which finally rushed to Rhodes.

I didn't communicate well with the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, or there was no communication at all.

Just when the Jinghe Dragon King rushed to Rhodes, the Four Seas Dragon King received his power at the same time.

As a result, the Jinghe Dragon King rushed over in great momentum, but without any help at all, this left the Jinghe Dragon King in front of Rhodes.

Jinghe Dragon King looked at Rhodes and the others looking at him.

The old face of the Dragon King of Jinghe was lost.

The Dragon King of Jinghe turned his head to look at the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas was also stunned.

Jinghe Dragon King looked at Rhodes again.

Chapter 455: Yang and Yue vs. Dragon King of the Four Seas

At this moment, everyone present was a little embarrassed.

The Dragon King of Jinghe was awkward in place, should he fight or not?

This is a problem.

At this moment, both Jinghe Dragon King and Four Seas Dragon King fell into deep thought.

Just rely on the Dragon King of Jinghe, let's fight, if you can't beat it, don't fight, where will the old face of the Dragon King of Jinghe be put?

Just as the atmosphere on the battlefield quickly became delicate, Rhodes was the only one in the audience who was not embarrassed or hesitated.

When Rhodes saw the Jinghe Dragon King, he dared to come up and compete with him alone, so can Rhodes indulge him?

Rhode stepped up, shot a golden brilliance, and imprinted fiercely on the face of Dragon King Jinghe.

The Jinghe Dragon King didn't even have the slightest chance to resist, so he flew backwards at an extremely terrifying speed, and flew a long distance before he slammed into the sea.

There was even an earth-shattering sound.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas have good eyesight.

They even clearly saw that the Jinghe Dragon King's face was obviously distorted and deformed as he continued to gallop, and there was almost no room for retaliation, so he just flew out.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas suddenly took a deep breath.


Everyone's faces were twitching, Jinghe Dragon're going through a miserable time.

It's a pity that we have no way to avenge you.

Rhodes said.

"Why are you being polite? Hurry up and say hello, a quick fix."

When Yang Chan and Ming Yue heard Rhode's words, they rushed up quickly.

Only the **** Taoist priest was still standing there, waiting in embarrassment.

I don't know if it's good or not, it's not good, it seems a bit out of place, but it's good, this strength is really not allowed.

Fighting with the gods is not like fighting in the street, you can also get together to mess around and make up for each other a few times.

This energy fluctuation, any random AOE damage, this **** Taoist will die and can't die anymore.

So after some deliberation, the **** Taoist decided not to go.

But this time Rhodes didn't make a move.