MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 189

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In this situation, Yang Chan did not use her Taoism and supernatural powers to maximize her strengths and avoid her weaknesses. Instead, she used Yang Chan's weakest weakness, her physique and strength, to confront this powerful black fish spirit head-on.

It turned out to be a 50-50 split, and the black fish spirit is also proficient in actual combat, and indeed has two brushes.

As soon as she came up, she had already gained a firm foothold in terms of momentum, but Yang Chan was caught off guard by the black fish spirit.

As a result, Yang Chan, who was the strongest on paper, fell into a slight disadvantage.

Fortunately, Yang Chan is quite smart, and quickly found the shortcoming of the black fish essence, and used Taoism to make use of the fact that the black fish essence is afraid of fire.

Change the combat from melee to combat.

As a result, the black fish spirit couldn't bear it for a moment, and even when the situation was not bad, Yang Chan's ultimate move forced out his natal fish ball.

Only then did the black fish spirit deal a heavy blow.

Rhodes, who was watching the battle, nodded.

Although Rhodes was a little dissatisfied with Yang Chan's battle at the beginning, but the subsequent adjustments were fairly quick.

Quickly caught the opponent's weakness in the battle.

The biggest difference between actual combat and competition is that competition is to test what you have learned, and the opponent will at least let you use it, but in actual combat, the opponent hopes that you will be careless and end the battle when you have not displayed your strength at all.

No one will let the opponent show his full strength, even if his own strength is stronger than the opponent.

Fighting with life, as long as you can win, no one will care about the process, how well the moves are performed, and so on.

If the timing is right, it is also very easy to defeat the strong with the weak, and only need a little chance.

"'〃It's not bad, it's so-so, barely a pass¨‖."

Rhodes made an evaluation of Yang Chan's first battle. From the perspective of the master, Yang Chan's first battle was indeed not perfect, and even a little stumbled.

Still, it ended in victory.

And at this moment, Yang Chan panted heavily, walked to the river bank, looked at the pitch-black land that had been eroded by the energy of the black fish essence and fish beads, and said.

"Is it dead?"

"Why didn't you see the body?"

Rhodes came over at this time and said things.

"Hmph, although his fish **** were smashed by you and his hundreds of years of cultivation were ruined, he still has breath. He just turned into his own body and ran away. He should have returned to his lair. gone."

"What? This can make him escape? This..."

Yang Chan originally thought that with the power of her sword, she could completely kill the black fish spirit, but she didn't expect that the opponent would run away.

"Damn it...this guy is too cunning to even have this trick."

Rhodes laughed.

"It's normal. This is actual combat. It's not so easy to kill an opponent in actual combat, even if they are weaker than you. Everyone has something to save their lives more or less.".

Chapter 355: To predict the enemy's prediction

"To survive in this crisis-ridden world, everyone has more or less their own cards."

"If you judge the outcome of any situation based on your strength on paper, what's the point of fighting?"

"The other party sees that his cultivation level is not as good as his own, so he just commits suicide."

"Why bother to fight? Fighting is nothing more than two parties looking for each other's flaws, taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, severely injuring or killing the other party, it depends on a surprise."

"Whether it is a war between human beings or a battle between practitioners in history, it is not absolutely impossible for the weak to defeat the strong, and the few to win the many."

"There are many factors that affect the relationship between the two sides. The lion fights the rabbit and goes all out. This is the reason. Even if you are stronger than the opponent, you may not be able to kill the opponent."

"In case the other party uses a trick or something, it can kill you."

"So the strength on paper is the first level, and the hole cards of both sides are the second level. In this 930 battle, under the influence of your ego, you think you can win him, but you don't know that most of the spirits are The body is cultivated to become fine."

"This hand-to-hand combat is not inferior to ordinary monks. Although your cultivation base is higher than his, you may not be able to defeat him. No, you will suffer."

"Fortunately, you later changed your style of play and used Taoism to deal with him. Although the black fish spirit has Taoism, compared with you, it is completely different in terms of spiritual power and cultivation."

"As a result, in the follow-up battle, he competed with you in Taoism, and he was about to collapse at the first touch. If you caught him by surprise and severely injured him, he might not have the opportunity to display his natal fish ball and escaped for his life."

"And Jingguai's hole card is naturally his natal fish ball, this natal fish ball can resist a fatal injury, unless your strength is far higher (afcj) than his, but your cultivation level has not yet reached that level. "

"And you didn't expect him to have the move of natal fish ball at all, but you used your ultimate move to deal with him. After using that move of sword energy, your spiritual power has been consumed a lot, even if it is He is already at the end of his strength, and you can't kill him."

"So in this case, your fighting thinking has gained the third level, which is to use a trick to trick out his natal fish balls, and after severely injuring his natal fish balls, you can use a killer move to kill him. "

"He has no choice but to die tragically by your sword."

Yang Chan was taken aback.

"Huh? There are so many tricks in this battle?"

"Of course, actual combat and cultivation are two different things. No one will be easily killed by the opponent, and they will all prepare for the next move. And these ordinary spirits and monks will more or less have a hole card. You have to count the opponent's hole card into it. OK."

"If you want to kill the opponent, you must be on the third floor. Fortunately, this guy is much weaker than you this time, and will not pose a fatal threat to you. Otherwise, you don't even have a hole card, and you will die. "

"And like those masters, there are many layouts besides the hole cards, which are interlocking, such as using a housekeeping method to trick you into a fatal blow, or consuming your spiritual energy, and then looking for opportunities to go far away. Run away or sneak attack you."

"If you want to become a strong person, you must reach the fifth level or even a higher level in terms of combat thinking, and you must be able to clearly calculate the opponent's calculations. It is best to be an old mille-feuille cake, so that you can stand in the world when you walk in the rivers and lakes." Do you know the invincible place?"

"Wow... These people are too shady, so the so-called masters are not all old yin..."

"You can also understand it in this way, but if you are a master, you will be deadly. You don't know which move the opponent is trying to set you up. Under no circumstances should you let the opponent know your true intentions. You can attack, retreat, or defend. If the situation is not right, you have to leave yourself a way out, you know?"

"A single-minded person like you has long been spotted by others, that's why the black fish spirit ran away."

Yang Chan sighed.

"It turns out that these guys are not simple."

"Those who can live for so long and practice for so long are not simple things. Remember this, Susu, you should also remember."

"You have to predict the opponent's prediction."

Susu nodded.

"Although Susu was a little confused, she got a general understanding."

"Master, what should I do if the black fish spirit escapes?"

"That's not easy. He's been badly injured now, just chase him to the lake and kill him."

"When you cut the grass, you must get rid of the roots, especially the kind that you almost killed him. You must not keep it, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

"Okay, then let's go."

"This time we're going to go into the water, so remember to prepare in advance."

"Yes, master."

With a wave of Rhode's hand, the group of people instantly escaped to the lake where the black fish spirit was, and saw a clear lake with no boundary at a glance appeared in front of everyone.

Chapter 356: The old man by the lake

This piece of lake is rippling with blue waves, looking from a distance, it seems to be a huge sapphire inlaid on the earth.

The scenery is quite beautiful and magnificent.

When Susu and Yang Chan saw the beautiful lake, they were immediately refreshed.

"Wow, this lake is so beautiful. I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful lake here. It's a pity to leave it to that black fish spirit."

"It's just ruining the lake."

Rhode nodded.

"Yes, it's a pity to leave this lake to that guy. I didn't expect that guy to have some skills, and to occupy such a good place."

"With this black fish spirit at work, I'm afraid that the villagers who rely on the lake water for their livelihood will have a hard time."

"I'm afraid this guy has bullied those common people a lot on weekdays."

Yang Chan clenched her small fist and said.

"Hmph, killing this guy completely this time is considered a merit."

"Just where is that guy?"

Rhodes pointed to the bottom and said.

"Hey, where else is that guy other than under the water?"


Yang Chan touched her head helplessly.

"Master, my strength in the water has to be compromised a lot. I'm not very good at water combat. If I get into this water, I will need to use a lot of spiritual energy to drive away the nearby water. It's really uncomfortable. "

Rhodes snorted twice.

"Now I know that your strength is still far behind. You are usually asked to practice all kinds of supernatural powers. If you don't practice well, you still call yourself a genius. Now it's better. Let me see how you deal with it."

"Cleaning up this black fish spirit this time is a test for your three years of cultivation. After the battle just now, you can only get 60 points, barely passing."

"Now it's up to you how to get rid of this black fish spirit. If you can't get rid of him, points will be deducted. You can figure it out yourself."


Yang Chan had a bitter face.

"Master, I know I was wrong. I haven't experienced it before, and I don't know my own strengths and weaknesses. I will definitely practice hard in the future. Please help me this time, master."


Yang Chan pulled Rhode's hand, coquettishly.

At this time, an old man dressed as a fisherman not far away, who looked about fifty or sixty years old, said.

"The young man over there..."

Rhodes and Yang Chan heard the sound and looked over.

The old man came over.

Rhodes asked.

"This old man, what's the matter?"

said the old man.

"Young master, there are monsters in this lake, and there is a black fish spirit that has become a climate. You must not go there. If you don't offer tribute to the black fish spirit, just board a boat or go near the water. That's going to be eaten."

"You must not ruin your life."

Rhodes did not expect that the black fish spirit would have such a great reputation in this lake, scaring the common people into such a state.

However, Rhodes also had a good impression of this old man, after all, he also kindly came to remind them.

Prevent them from being harmed by that black fish spirit.

"Don't worry about the old man."

Yang Chan patted her chest and said.

"Don't worry, the black fish spirit has already been beaten up by me and almost killed him. We are here to kill him now."


When Yang Chan said this, the old man was surprised.

"The black fish spirit is powerful. We invited many experts to capture the black fish spirit, but none of them came back alive. You are a young girl, why don't you keep your mouth open? How can you be so bragging? It’s blowing, you should leave here quickly, or something big will happen.”


Yang Chan saw that the old man didn't believe what she said.

Immediately unconvinced.

"Where am I bragging, you ask them if I beat that black fish spirit to serious injury just now?"

Yang Chan took out a piece of meat cut from the black fish essence and threw it on the ground.