MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 208 Osborne Group

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  Chapter 208 The Osborne Group

   "Hee hee, let's wait until you really win everyone, and I have participated in the team battle, we can fight side by side."

  Qin Gray put her arms up with a smile, levitated her body with telekinesis and flew to the octagonal ring No. 7 at the other end. She greeted the referees on the field and stood at the position of the field security officer.

  The "Extraordinary Elite Competition" is not only the Howlett Extraordinary Academy in the United States, but also provides certain quotas for academies that are gradually emerging in various countries and regions to train mutants, as well as organizations with extraordinary powers.

  Each college organizes its own internal selection to determine the participants, and send them to the Super League Academy in New York State to compete.

  Considering the special strength of the superhumans, the age of participation is limited to under 20 years old and over 12 years old. There are individual competitions and four-person team competitions, both of which are one-on-one elimination.

  In addition to a series of combat rules and standards, the energy protective clothing of the Howlett Group provides the most powerful security guarantee for this group of teenagers with unpredictable abilities.

  At the same time, there will be mutant teachers who are good at controlling abilities or executives invited from the order team to act as security officers for certain competitions to prevent the occurrence of dangers that are too special or even unexpected.

   "White Queen" Emma, ​​as the principal of the competition organizer, laid down her spiritual power to lead the overall situation, while Jean Gray, who did not participate in the personal battle, became one of the security guards.

  Her telekinetic power of invisible matter and powerful and unpredictable energy intensity made her the best candidate for this job.


An Asian guy with a short cut is twisting his neck and warming up. He is only wearing a thin black vest. His arms, chest, scalp and face are pierced with black long dense spikes, like a human-shaped " Porcupine", looking tingling.

   "Are you sure you don't want to wear it? Your data shows that you don't have special self-healing regeneration ability and defensive physique. It is recommended to wear an energy protective suit."

  The "Porcupine" boy glanced at the combat safety suit that the referee needed to wear all over his body, and shook his head firmly. His ability can only be exerted to the maximum extent without the cover of the clothes.

  Relying on vibrating gold, a magical metal with energy storage and molecular editing, it only needs to inlay a certain amount of energy storage vibrating gold on special clothing, and a faint energy protective film can be placed on the whole body with almost no dead ends.

   Even if a technology like this is used on a blanket, it can form an energy shield in front of you.

  The protective clothing used in the Extraordinary Elite Contest has a limited energy charge. After a certain degree of attack, the energy of the protective clothing will decrease accordingly, and the side whose shield is completely broken will be judged as a failure, and the game will end.

  It is equivalent to providing a safe and visible "blood bar" for each contestant.

  Contestants who choose not to wear protective clothing often have super-tough body tissues or some kind of ability to avoid blows, or personal ability needs, and they accept defeat or lose the ability to fight back as the standard.

   "I don't need it, this level, hmph, no need!"

  A girl holding a long competition knife raised her head and said proudly. She was dressed in a tight purple dress and had a strong figure. She was a beautiful mixed-race girl.

  The referee shrugged helplessly, nodded to Qin, and signaled her to pay attention to safety.


  The octagonal arenas were flashing with circles of blue light nets one after another, and the competitions started one by one.

  Lara's first opponent in field 1 was a black boy from Chicago's Extraordinary Academy. He looked like a muscular stick, but his ability was to fold light to create multiple phantoms.

She watched seven or eight vague shadows flashing out of the other party, and yawned, she just sniffed without even releasing the diamond claws, the blood-red energy torrent all over her body flashed away, rushed to her body, whipped her legs, and flew away A phantom on the front right.

When the young man crashed into the defensive net of the ring, he slid down high. The energy protection suit on his body flickered, showing less than 10% of the remaining energy from his chest and back. Seeing the blue protective film It can be broken.

   "Hey! Still playing?"

  Laura raised her chin and asked in a loud voice. The young man got up and scratched the back of his head foolishly. After hesitating for a moment, he finally shook his head slightly.

   "Laura Howlett wins!"

  The referee on the field announced loudly that the light curtain above displayed the result of the game, which was the first to end among the several games that started at the same time.

   "My God, Howlett? Father, that girl is."

  The young man in a well-fitting suit with his hair combed back looked at the girl who nearly shattered the energy shield with one kick. What was more shocking than her strength was the surname behind her name.

  Amberson Osborne couldn't help trembling slightly with the deep lines at the corners of his eyes. As the helm of the technology group, one of the very few qualified to watch this competition, he wished that he could watch the competition on every venue at the same time.

"Yes, it's that gentleman's daughter, the only biological daughter. It is said that she has inherited the strength of both him and Mrs. 'White Queen' Norman. Let's not set our sights too high in this competition. I think this black boy is not bad. , His family conditions are very ordinary, you can get in touch with him later.”

  Osborne Group, apart from Howlett Group, Stark Industries, Roxon Industries, etc., is one of the very few super companies in the world that can step into the threshold of the field of extraordinary power.

  In the early years, Amberson Osborne had harvested some super soldier serum formula materials. Through years of research, he had Osborne's industrial-characteristic body enhancement technology, coupled with continuous investment in the research and development of high-tech weapons, he had a certain strength.

Norman Osborn should be very young, but with his mature face and deep forehead lines, he looks like he is in his thirties. Watching his father staring at the field for a moment, he also recorded some information from time to time, muttering Finally couldn't bear it and said:

"Father, do we really need to spend such a high price to recruit mutants? The board of directors has exerted more and more pressure in the past two years, and the funds invested in the field of extraordinary power will never end. There is... There is an 'order', these Mutants can't be used for our research—"


  Old Osborne suppressed his voice and roared, interrupting his son's dangerous words. He let out a long breath, like a dying old lion, and said solemnly:

  “The board of directors is like the plantations and farmers of the last century. They gave up the hope of moving forward to the future, and only want to earn some more dollars to live their own rich life, but the world has become so wonderful!”

".In such a new world where the strong are respected, it is no longer possible to operate capital, manipulate money and climb to the top of power as before. No matter how difficult it is, we must grit our teeth and hold on! We must not be squeezed go out."

  (end of this chapter)