MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 184 "dinner"

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  Chapter 184 "Treatment"

   Bang, bang, bang.

   "You, what are you doing!"

  Baki watched the card player Remy LeBeau take off his maroon trench coat, dismantling the blue armor that Apocalypse had cast for him piece by piece, looking up at himself from time to time, smiling awkwardly to please him.

There is no clothes under the full-coverage armor of Gambling, only the skirt armor between the waist and crotch is left behind him. He is nearly 1.9 meters tall, with a burly and strong figure, twisted into a windbreaker, wrapped his body and said to Bucky :

   "Then what, am I still your prisoner? When are we going back, Mr. Prisoner? This is not considered a prison escape! I, I was kidnapped by an organization that invaded our 'Wolf Tower'!"


  Baki looked at Gambit with a half-smile, and saw that the vibrating gold stick in his hand was thrown on the ground without looking at it, and with his hands in his pockets, he approached resentfully

  The dark red pupils glanced at the central hall of the collapsed pyramid from time to time, looking carefully at the giant stone throne.

   "Isn't that right? Lord Death Knight, our battle is not over yet, let me tell you, don't look at your imposing manner just now, let's talk about who will stand and who will lie down in the end."

   "Oops! Don't say that, isn't this the old rule, hey I will practice with you, I know your iron fist is not yet strong!"

   Remy Lebo saw that the warden ignored him and turned around to leave, feeling even more flustered.

  He was wrapped in a windbreaker and followed quickly with bare feet, pleading with Bucky all the way.

"...Look, I was sentenced to seven years. Should I continue to serve the rest of my sentence? I promise you sir! What the woman named Rasputin did with the 'big-headed doll', I Not at all involved, not at all, sir!"

  Bucky strode towards the throne where teacher James Howlett was sitting, picked up a gray cloak that was left behind by someone, and put it on, covering his naked upper body.

  He pointed to a giant sculpture next to the throne, and pouted his lips to Gambit:

   "Hey, do you see that, the statue of the death knight is standing there, your master has high expectations for you! Hehe, the strongest knight, I want to pretend that I don't exist now—"

The closer Le Bo got to the central hall, the slower his pace. He looked at the ten-meter-high statue, with long hair hanging down, holding a long stick and wearing heavy armor. It was cold to the bottom of the valley.

  Pakiton stepped down and glanced back at him, and finally added a knife: "—It's late."

   After finishing speaking, Warden Barnes took a deep breath, his face suddenly indifferent, without any expression, he stepped under the throne and smashed the stone slab with one knee, lowered his head, and roared hoarsely:

"'Wolf Tower', one hundred and eighty-three brothers. There is not a single body of the cold guards who died in battle. Barnes has lived as a warden to this day, but he still has not been able to take revenge! Please punish me, teacher. At the bottom of the tower!"

   "It's over, it's over, it's over, it's just talking about this, it's over for Fake!"

  Gambling sneaked behind the pillar beside the main hall, looked at the warden Barnes kneeling under the throne to plead guilty, and knocked his head on the pillar in grief.

He watched that Mr. Howlett violently chopped off Tianqi's head all the way, and even turned into the devil king of purgatory in the end. He stepped on that head and sat on the towering throne. Settle accounts after autumn.

   "Thank you so much. 'Which table is almost unlucky to sit on'! Is it necessary, is this necessary?"

   Remy Lebow, who was muttering in a low voice, heard another pair of footsteps coming from the front of the hall. Steve Rogers, the chief executive of the "Whip of Order", also knelt on one knee like Bucky and said solemnly:

"There is also the 'Whip of Order' operation. I did not make a thorough plan, and my ability to deal with the enemy was insufficient. Under the impact of the large-scale mutant people, seven executives and team members died in battle, as well as dozens of people. wounded, please teacher—”

   "And me, Dad, I was the one who was conceited that I could defeat the apocalypse, and encouraged Steve to take the executive army to attack."

  Eric Lanshere walked out of the space portal opened by Azazor, and he had already detoxified his body.

   In order to be able to "reincarnate" his body and obtain the power of "Magneto", Apocalypse intentionally controlled the toxicity, but only made him lose his ability to move.

   Judging from a large-scale strategic strike, Eric is indeed stronger than Apocalypse, but whether it is the spirit and soul, or the pure physical gap, it is not a shame to lose to this "perfect" mutant who has almost no shortcomings.

   "Get up, all of you."

  James lowered his brows and showed no expression. He patted his daughter Laura on the head, got up and volleyed down the stone throne.

  “.This family is named after me, and I can only be responsible for these children.”

  He walked up to the few people kneeling on one knee, looked at the two students and Eric Lanshere, who had grown up with him since he was a teenager, and continued in a deep voice:

"I always keep my eyes on a crisis that hasn't come yet, but I think I have cleaned the house, especially the children from the 'Wolf Pack', I watched them grow up, this is my fault. so-"

  James suddenly raised his head and looked around the hall, especially when he paused for a moment on the giant stone statues of Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen, and said with a firm expression:

   "This time I'm going to turn the whole world upside down! Let all the supernatural beings or secret organizations be in my hands, let them follow the order and abide by the rules, and completely prevent such things from happening again!"

   "My good guy, if this thing is really done. What is it? The emperor of the world's supernatural power field? No. I have to take the initiative!"

  Gambit was muttering something behind the stone pillar. While he was calculating, "Jason Stryker" and the "War" knight Rasputin who was bound again were brought to the center of the hall by Asazzo.

The eyes of the young "Master of Illusion" froze for a moment. Professor Charles finally let go of his control, and Jason's consciousness returned to his body. Although he still couldn't control his actions and abilities, he seemed to be able to see all of this The change.

   He couldn't say that he was resentful or remorseful, but he changed back to the look of not being interested in anything, lowering his huge head and staring blankly at the ground.

   "Father, except for one who died, the remaining two knights of the apocalypse are here. The brothers killed and injured in 'Wolf Tower' and 'Whip of Order' were mainly caused by them, and there is another—"

   Chi slip!

  Gambit hurriedly jumped out from behind the stone pillar, ran two steps in a row, slid on his knees, and jumped in front of James, squeezed his handsome face, and smiled awkwardly.

  “.The other one is him.”

  Azazzo shrugged helplessly. He glanced at Bucky and didn't expect there to be such a guy in the "Wolf Tower".

   "How, Mr. Howlett, I'm Remy LeBeau, you can call me little Remy, that's what my adoptive father called me. I have a deep connection with the Howlett family!"

  James glanced at Gambit indifferently, and the latter immediately shut his mouth and stopped talking, and began to wink at Eric instead.

   "For the Germanic nation, whether Adolf Hitler is good or bad is still unknown, winner and loser, you killed my people, think-"

   "Let me give birth to the child! After giving birth to this child, you kill me immediately!"

  Rasputin's high-pitched screams interrupted James' words. She stuck her neck, knelt on the stone slab with her slightly protruding belly in one hand, and looked straight at the man who cut off the head of her master Apocalypse without fear.

   "Is it painful to die? Close your eyes and everything will pass, it's too easy"

  James shook his head slightly without any expression, walked up to Bucky who was still kneeling on one knee, reached out and grabbed his shoulder and lifted it up, looking at his bloodshot eyes and whispered:

   "Put them back into the 'Wolf Tower' and permanently imprison them deep underground until they die. The child she gave birth can be taken out, and this"

Laura was holding Tianqi's head on the throne, and was fiddling with it curiously. Seeing her father hooking his fingers to her, she jumped down from the stone platform tens of meters high with understanding, and pierced the diamond claws into the stone pillar. , cut two deep dents and slide all the way down.

  She ran up and down to her father's side, and handed over her blue-gray head with her closed eyes.

   "Put this at the bottom of the tower."

  Baki took Tianqi's head solemnly, covered it with a gray cloak, nodded heavily, and followed James' gaze to the card player Remy Lebow who was kneeling beside him.

   "As for him, no matter what the original sentence is, the sentence will be doubled."

"is teacher."

   Hearing this, Gambling King was so startled that he almost jumped up, his face changed from red to white several times, looking at Mr. Howlett, who turned his back and flew to the stone throne again, finally he still didn't have the courage to speak out.

   "It's right not to say anything."

   Eric Lanshere got up and kicked the King of Cards lightly. Seeing his dead mother's face, he couldn't help chuckling and said:

   "If you dare to argue just now, it will be tripled or quadrupled. It is possible to accompany those two to death. How many years have you been sentenced? I have been in retreat for the past two years. When I meet again, you are a fool."

".Seven years, oh~ don't talk about it, I want to be quiet, Lord Warden, take me back quickly, let's discuss, can you arrange for me to return to the original cell, and I will cover that den warmly gone."

Eric looked at Remy Lebow, who was following Bucky, who was honest and honest without any control measures, remembering that when he first met him, he was still very impressed, and couldn't help being dazed for a while, until he heard his father's deep voice again. road:

"Go ahead, Professor Charles will search the world with a brain wave device, and the governments of many countries will also provide assistance, as well as the mysterious historical files kept by Kama Taj. Once you have the exact news, it will be up to you to get the guests, 'Please' come one by one."

   Magneto, Steve, Asazzo, all the core members of the Howlett family, and even his wife Emma all bowed their heads.

  James sank his consciousness into the spiritual world like a boundless sea of ​​flames again, and continued to clean up the remnants of the will of the spirit of revenge and the elemental demon Zatanos. His voice became hoarse and thunderous again, and finally he groaned:

   "If you meet someone that you can't invite, then come."

"-wake me up."

  (end of this chapter)